thanks :3claudio rolna wrote:
Nice map!
thanks :3claudio rolna wrote:
Nice map!
thanks ^0^Akiba007 wrote:
Great Map
heh? I don't get ;w;tokainitomarou wrote:
sound big
my heat bad///
omg may I give you kds for this? LOL so kawaii ♥♥♥BeatofIke wrote:
thanks so much!Kodora wrote:
yo, as requested
- All clean~
*Consider reduse Stack Leniency to 0.4 for more neat stacked I think let it be XD
- 00:05:273 (3,4) - Feels better if you will stack them perfectly the spacing to 00:05:835 (2) will decrease down and not balance so i will keep this one ;w;
- 00:10:523 (2,3,1) - Kinda weird to play, try something like this for smoother flow: ok
- 00:15:773 (3,4) - This stack feels here kinda random and does not express feelings of strong and powerful part like this. I'd suggest slighty redo this stuck to little jump for better playability, something like this: hmm I think stack is more playable than some note that have low spacing, I think it's weird to play when spacing is not balance but stacking is just stop then jump to the next note in equal spacing.
Code (would work for 00:15:398 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -192,277,15398,5,2,0:0:0:0:
192,277,16710,1,2,0:0:0:0:- 00:28:898 (1,2) - That's works kinda tricky and it may be hard to tell rhythm what these notes represents, especially with hidden on; i'd recommend unstack it and make a little blanket with 00:29:648 (4) - looks better, and will be easier to catch: The hidden player should remember it since they want to hd
and I try that, I think the flow is a bit weird.
- 00:32:366 (6,7,8) - Circular flow doesn't looks here smooth & natural, perhaps try something like this? It will not flow to 8 well imo.
- 00:34:898 (11,1) - Swap NCs follow lyrics sure
- 00:39:398 (1,2,3,4,5) - I was expecting here same spacing as at 00:37:898 (1,2,3,4,5) - , such sudden decreace plays bad. Thought i personally prefer if you'd decrease spacing at 00:37:898 (1,2,3,4,5) - ok change a bit since the play field has a limit
- 00:40:898 (1,2,3,4) - I personally prefer if you'd simple copy and rotate 00:40:898 (1) - for more smooth flow hmm I like the current one, can't tell the reason DX
- 00:42:960 (2,3,4) - Linear pattern doesn't looks smooth here compare to the rest of map. Try this? I plan to player move their cursor to a straight line through so..
- 00:44:085 (2,3,4) - This part will feels better if you would stack them perfectly same as above, it's continue the above pattern.
- 00:51:398 (1,2) - This rhythm feels kinda weird since you have continiued section of vocals... try something like this instead? hmm it want to but It will ruin my pattern ;w; if you have a idea to make pattern, it's ok
- 00:52:898 (1,2) - After 1/2 intense jump section two 1/1 sliders feels kinda boring and doesn't represents song's tempo well, either not plays good. Consider using 1/2 rhythm here too? hmm I follow vocal there and I can't here sound on 00:53:085 either so I prefer 1/1 but I will keep this
- 00:55:898 (1,2) - Same here same as above, can't here sound on 00:56:085 and I want to follow the vocal too but I will keep this too.
- 01:04:898 (1,2) - It is very not recommended to have strong beats on slidertails since they are passive hitobjects and does not require hitting, which feels weird while playing. Try to re-arrange your rhythm to something like this to improve playability: ok I'm shorter the slider and add note instead bacause 01:05:460 (3) is a long vocal sound too so I prefer it to head of slider.
- 01:09:210 (6,1,2,3) - - Heh, i was expecting jump here more than spacing decrease. Try something like this? lol that's is your style XD and I prefer this one since it has a pattern and the jump not that big.
- 01:14:648 (4,5,6,7) - Pretty strange that this is onliest symmetrial pattern what was used at the whole diff.
*Same about Stack Leniency
*Suggesting AR8 for better difficulty spread and to improve readability k
*I kinda afraid of diff spread, your Insane is quite challenging while Hard is kinda too easy :< Try to make it at least a bit harder. :([Normal]
- 00:14:648 (2) - Curved slider doesn't flows well, try this: try different thing, I make it harder too.
- 00:18:398 (1,3) - overlap :< aw please
- 00:22:898 (1,2) - Suggesting check spacing for all similiar patterns if you are going to keep stacked slider heads like this - usually it may looks cool in editor but you will have pretty huge antijump while playing which may beels very weird.ok
- 00:35:648 (2,3) - I'd keep them with same snape for smoother pattern I just want to make them various :'(
- 00:51:398 (1) - Flows bad, try this: how bad ;A; just slide your cursor continue the first slider until arrive the second
- 00:59:741 (4) - Mute this slidertick since it goes off-beat here ok
- 01:16:523 (4,5,1) - Pretty strange that this is only one stack like this for a whole diff, suggesting unstack a bit ok a bit.
*Suggesting use ticksounds to keep consistent clap-patterns I will think about it since I think it's already fine now, you can hear clap sound obviously even don't have a hitsound but if BAT mention it, I will do.[Easy]
- 00:11:648 (2) - short multiple-repeat sliders are highly not recommended to use since they simple goest too fast to let beginners react - thought, if you really want to keep it for the sake of proper rhythm i's suggest to separate it to two 1/2 sliders. Same goes to all sliders like that.OKKK!! every people say about this but I see some map has map it, but some I use 1 repeat + one note instead, hope that's ok
- 00:13:148 (2) - I'd make it linear. Also suggesting make blanket with 00:12:398 (1) - hmm I want to keep (3)'s tail perfect stack so not for this.
- 01:05:460 (2) - looks bad, try this? sure
*Suggesting use ticksounds to keep consistent clap-patterns as I tell on normalnah let them be XD
- 01:03:023 - Feels empty without note here I will keep this, I know where should I put a note but I want to follow the vocal now.
- 01:09:023 - ^ same as above
- 01:19:898 (1,2,3) - Eeh, only one linear pattern for a whole diff feels kinda out of place
Well, that's it, cute song & nice map. Good luck!
Ah, maybe something like this would work? Kinda similiar with your previous pattern.P A N wrote:
hmm it want to but It will ruin my pattern ;w; if you have a idea to make pattern, it's ok
thanks :3Quenser wrote:
cool map!!
not mention = fix, thank you10crystalmask01 wrote:
Hey, mod from queue
00:09:398 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Is this cluster international? I think a curved flow would look more neater for this stream. I think it's fine since many people can play it will
01:19:898 (1,3) - Curved sliders would look better, because those can actually create nice blankets. That's really up to you though, since there's nothing wrong with using these straight sliders really. It's just that they look really....dull. I want to make it as simple as much for easiest diff so I will keep this
Nice mapsetGood luck!
thanks for mod :3 all fix on easy some fix on other.ids wrote:
for M4M
- 00:59:648 (2,3) - one suggestion
- 01:04:898 (1,2,3,4) - ↑
- 01:12:398 (3) - to fit the vocal better
- 00:22:898 (1) - 建议分开
- 00:25:523 - 添一个Note
- 00:58:898 (1,2) - 建议配合乐声,使用滑条
- 01:22:898 (1,2,3,4,5) - suggestion
- 00:59:648 (3,4) - 不建议
- 音效需要调整
love you♥ thank you!Zero__wind wrote:
No Dap wrote:
gratz P A N ~ con queso
Oyatsu wrote:
Moe map! =o=
Congratz! PAN-chan