
Automatic Forum Thread Locking

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +10
Topic Starter
To prevent necroposting in certain forums (ex: anything in the Other Category and General Questions), should have the thread automatically lock after a set amount of inactivity like 6 months.
Myke B

blissfulyoshi wrote:

To prevent necroposting in certain forums (ex: anything in the Other Category and General Questions), should have the thread automatically lock after a set amount of inactivity like 6 months.
Good idea. I hate to see someone reply to a two year old thread, and bring it to the front. Support.
Trash Boat
i am Trash Boat and i approve this idea. why i cant write support?
Support of this. Makes a lot of sense against necroing
Just like the Introductions. Supporting.
What if a topic needs to be bumped because it was a feature request/similar topic? Wouldn't it be more of a hassle asking a moderator to unlock it lol

Maybe a better idea is to prune topics of an older age and store them somewhere if they need to be brought back for whatever reason

Lust wrote:

What if a topic needs to be bumped because it was a feature request/similar topic? Wouldn't it be more of a hassle asking a moderator to unlock it lol
True. But it may be better since these kind of issues doesn't seem to always happen around.

Lust wrote:

Maybe a better idea is to prune topics of an older age and store them somewhere if they need to be brought back for whatever reason
Its better to leave them locked on their current forums than being scattered imo.
These may be informative or not, its possible that these are linked on other threads.
It won't be good to store them somewhere else (specially on hidden forums).
Topic Starter
@Lust, I specifically wanted it for certain forums that had necroing issues, feature requests, graved maps, and stuff of the like do sometimes have reasons to be bumped, but for the rest of the forums, topics rarely needed to be necroed. I rather have locked and deal with unlocks on a case by case basis than deal with a bunch of necros on random threads (or storing them for that matter).
I totally agree with you. Having to lock the thread and wasteland posts shouldn't happen nearly as often as it does.
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