
Fever Dream Drawing Thread

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Post any drawings of some kind of lucid dream that you suddenly imagined, it could be anything!

My little lucid dreaming story!
Guys I want to actually tell you about something...

I have been always lucid dreaming since I was a child!

I don't know and I don't know why, but I think I just got so curious about trying to think of any crazy dreams while sleeping!!!

The most memorable ones that lay into my heart were of course..

The Mietz webcomic that I'm officially posting, because of me playing this beatmap: beatmapsets/7205#osu/31692

That one Green Bit thingy that I made an osu! skin about,

And about a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon TV Show with Totodile being the main character, even though I unfortunately haven't drawn anything about it yet, because that was really when I was like 14-16 years old, then it slowly faded out, but then I still now somehow vividly remember this somehow..

All of them were about me like literally writing these things and like they get sucessful on TV, which yeah, is very bizarre of course. O_O

But now

I want to introduce you to another one of my characters that appeared from my fever dreams very recently!

Unfortunately because it's literally 1 a.m. I couldn't add any more cool details into this drawing and kinda rushed it lol, because I always need to get up early from work yade yade yade!

(Also I think I kinda screwed up the drawing a bit, because he was supposed to look thinner lol, but that's fine, the rest of it still seems there!)

Anyways it's Oddy!

Length: 1,3m
Weight: 40kg
Age: 9


strict, brave, fearsome, serious, harsh, nice, supportive, protective, reassuring

Loves punishing the evil with nothing but joy and laughter!

"You are only evil if you act like a devil!"

(And yeah it clearly looks similar to the OddOnesOut and that's because I always get entrigued when James draws a mean looking face with a laughter that shows no signs of any mercy. O_O
At least in his older vids..)

Backstory (warning story is long and contains some obscure topics that the children should never truly know)
Oddy was a very lighthearted and sympathetic kid and always felt happy living with his parents.
But then all of a sudden when he was 7 and had to go the 2nd grade.
There were three new students.
They were all very mean bullies that end up bullying a lot of children in the class including Oddy himself.
During that horrifying period of these bullies bullying children, Oddy felt rather sad, embarassed and even angry in some occasions.
One night Oddy was trying to sleep. But then he suddenly got a nightmare of these bullies.
Oddy unfortunately couldn't sleep at all, so what's the next best thing he could do?
Watch TV of course!
So Oddy tries to sneak into the living room where his parents sleep and sits down near the sofa on the floor watching TV.
However something about the TV was off.
It was showing a whole documentary about the various kinds of military strategics!
While he was watching TV, he started to come up with very terrifying ideas on how to stop these three idiots.
And so he started writing about his plan, all alone by himself, trying to keep his secrets as secret as possible! Even the parents were given with no info about his secret plan to ruin these three bullies.
And just 3 days after his ultimate has finally come out, he finally started to begin this mission!
His mission was to store as many tomatos, right when the school ends, then at the next day he would start to tie up all of the three bullies into a wooden chair each with some long ropes. Then finally he would start to get all of the tomatos that were stored in this box and calls as many students as possible to throw as many tomatoes to these bad bullies at their faces.

Right as the lunch break started, he would start to easily get to tie up these bullies with these long ropes one by one. It didn't even last half hour until every bully got tied up into a wooden chair each. Then the tomato throwing finally started! >:D
Oddy unfortunately got exiled from this school and his parents were of course very upset, although they were aware of Oddy's suddal behaviour changes in the 2nd grade.

As Oddy got more interested into military he started to hate his parents more and more, mostly because he thinks that his parents act immature and overprotective.

He went into another primary school, where there were thankfully no bullies around.
He wanted to try to convince his parents that he can go to the military, but his parents immediately denied it no matter what, they said that he was way too young to ever go into a military.
And rightfully so, because he was still 8 years old!

His dad however would later allow him to try to practice his military skills in a shooting practice location with heavy restrictions.
But all that Oddy got was a disappointment.
Oddy wanted to do more than that!
So he tried to go into the military without the parents knowing.
It all went well, until mom tried to make a joke about Oddy being on military, his mom and dad laughed, but Oddy despite his best efforts at hiding his emotions felt noticeably nervous and angry.
His parents got very mad about it when finally he said that he wanted to go to the military, but shortly after, mom was arguing with dad of why he ever actually trained his son to practice for the military. It got into an argument that made Oddy feel sad and guilty.
The mailman would thankfully immediately interrupted the argument, however they got a letter from military service that he could join into a youth military club for 2 hours that adds another 2 hours increasing the timeline gap from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. to 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

A week after that, dad again tries to have a conversation with mom, trying to convince his son to go to this club.
His mom would start to deny about it, but then would also try to let Oddy allow to practice for the military shortly after the conversation has ended.
Oddy at first felt too guilty to ever to something like this to his parents, but then accepted it once his parents started comforting him and went more lenient on him.
Oddy felt very happy to his parents and finally decided to go to this club after weeks of debating.

It was rough at the first few days and Oddy didn't like it at first, due to how rude most of the people were that he met, but as he grew with it, he started feeling like as if this is his own "heaven", even though it clearly looks like "hell".

Unfortunately one day, his parents started realizing that this kid got missed and got mysteriously sent into an actual military base. (Apparently due to this kid performing extremly well at it)

It unfortunately went all downhill for the parents, meanwhile Oddy on an other location that he doesn't know about, has to actively fight against opponents and dangerous monsters.

But somehow...

That doesn't stop him from bringing a smile to his face whenever he kills these predators with no remorse.

Wow it literally took me like 3 hours to edit this lol and now I have to sleep jesus christ what am I doing with my life O_O
Oddy looks like a feisty little 9yo 😭

I think I'll post my dream tomorrow! It was pretty interesting (In my opinion lol)
Oddy is your average annoying little brother
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