
Does anyone know this skin or have it?

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Hello everyone I would like to ask for help I switched pc and I don't have my old skins ofc I found most of them again but I cant find the one i really liked I can only describe how it looked from memory. It was black and white and I remember you could download a version with white circles or black ones wich I think was the original you would download. It wasn't minimal it had a character (anime ofc) at the top corner where the bar is the characters are also black and white and if I remember correctly the characters had like a glitch effect it was one character where the eyes were like hidden with a black bar (I hope you all understand what I mean) and in the menu I think you would see all the character sitting somewhere or something like that and there was a building behind them if I remember correctly. My memory of that skin isn't that good I don't remember the name either im not sure if the name was in Japanese but I have a slight feeling it was. I hope someone knows wich skin Im talking about or if someone has a similar skin. I appreciate any help! I never done this before. I gladly give more details about if I can. I don't think the characters are from a specific anime.

Have a nice day everyone!

edit: I think im not sure It was on reddit (im rlly not sure)
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