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Hi KantoKun :D


Bold = Unrankable/must be fixed
Red = consider to fix it
Black = Suggestion
Blue = Personal Taste

  • Mochi's Normal
  1. 00:01:892 (1) - drum whistle on head? totally empty imo. also the vocal is louder than previous. become a little weird w/o hitsound imo ;-;
  2. 00:05:448 (1,2) - add whistle for both repeats. consistency with 00:02:226 - =w=
  3. 00:06:337 (2) - i'm not really like with opposite flow on this slider. i prefer to make natural flow with move the tail to 400,120
  4. 00:09:003 (1) - make the distance between spin and slider closer pls. CS 4 Normal and you did like this.. a little hard to catch by newbie imo respon newbie lambat gan
  5. 00:09:670 (2) - pretty disagree with this. the slider's head should be on red tick to emphasize more the music. change it like and remove 00:10:559 (4) - . better rhythm to follow imo
  6. 00:10:781 (1) - same as above. disagree if you skip the sound of 00:11:448 - but you're following that sound on previous one. maybe like this
  7. 00:13:226 (2,3) - same as i mention in 00:09:670 (2) -
  8. 00:17:892 (1) - how about change the whistle become finish here? whistle is too loud for the music imo.
  9. 00:19:670 (1) - i feel empty when hear this music 00:20:559 - w/o any hitsound here.. remove the sampleset Normal and add whistle instead? (also vocal seems more energetic)
  10. 00:28:559 (1) - i prefer to start the slider in 00:29:003 - to emphasize the start of vocal. more better to follow imo so use instead? Mod style ala AnreFM disini
  11. 00:31:003 (2,3) - swap the rhythm for better following vocal. its mean 00:31:003 - slider in here. 00:31:670 - circle here
  12. 00:32:781 (2,3) - ugu same as above
  13. 00:46:781 (1,2) - move the (1). i doubt newbie can read anti jump here :\
  14. 01:20:559 (1) - closer to center pls

  • Hard
  1. 00:01:003 (3) - nazi, try to move the tail to 277,169 so we can make a better flow here?
  2. 00:03:670 (1) - hmm try to rotate around 34 degree clockwise here to follow the flow of previous objects? should be like
  3. 00:09:003 (1) - hmm increase the volume of finish around 70%? i'm totally can't hear the finish with well when it have 50% here
  4. 00:17:003 (3) - hmm make this slider a little bit curved down?
  5. 00:15:114 (5) - add default finish on head? it have a cymbal sound o.o
  6. 00:19:448 (5,1) - i felt a little bit uncomfortable flow between them >< , hmm maybe like ?
  7. 00:20:559 (3,4) - hmm maybe this rhythm could make the sound better and more fun to play.
  8. 00:23:226 (2,3) - hmm imo flow of straight slider here too plain >< , i would like to curving that slider become like
  9. 00:25:892 (5,6,7) - how about changing them become like to make little jumps and easier flow to read?
  10. 00:33:781 - add note here? mostly you're mapping a sound similar like this time example : 00:24:892 - ,00:26:670 -
  11. 00:40:781 (1) - maybe avoid this overlap? just not really nice to see also the head of slider (1) hidden with (3)'s body. a little bit hard to see with Player who from Normal try to play Hard diff
  12. 00:51:448 (5,1) - a little bit uncomfortable flow between them again. because suddenly become a diagonal line flow. hmm try to move the circle (5) to 20,340 instead?
  13. 01:22:670 (5) - same as 00:15:114 (5) -
  14. no much to say, Nice diff >w<

  • Insane
  1. 00:00:115 - hmm i feel the volume too low for this part. try to use 40% instead?
  2. 00:14:781 (1) - i guess no need NC for this circle as long it isn't jump and readable with clearly
  3. 00:14:892 (2,3) - since the cymbal appear in 00:15:114 - i think you should map that time with slider's head to emphasize the sound. try use this rhythm instead? (p.s: that SS started in 00:15:003 - ). If you don't want to change, at least give NC in 00:15:226 (3) - . can't readable for 1/4 jump here ;-;
  4. 00:22:337 (3,4) - flow from (3) to (4) a little bit weird to follow since from 00:22:114 (2,3) - is curving up with sharply and then from (3) to (4) because curve right like diagonal line ><
  5. 00:27:226 (2) - NC it. can't readable for 1/4 jump here
  6. 00:27:670 (3) - and ctrl+G it for better flow to play
  7. 00:30:337 (1) - remove whistle on tail. sounds bad while hear a whistle again after this slider. also keep consistency with 00:29:003 -
  8. 00:33:892 (1) - not follow the vocal here? quite weird for me because you're following it 00:32:114 (1) - .
  9. 00:37:337 (1) - errr i don't think 1/4 jump circle like this will be work as well to play.. too hard even we can read it since there is a NC
  10. 00:46:892 - overmapped here. vocal is appear in 1/8, 00:46:948 - here
  11. 00:59:448 (4) - imo the flow is too sharply here. feel a little uncomfortable. move the circle to 12,128 instead to make a smoother flow?
  12. 01:00:003 (6) - here too. move to 188,260 instead to easier read by player
  13. 01:03:892 (5,6,1) - the flow too sharp again. move them to 232,192 instead
  14. 01:05:337 (4) - i want to cry see this circle. distance 1,0x pls ;___;
  15. 01:05:892 (1) - make this rhythm instead. totally better to follow vocal and music
  16. 01:10:670 (4) - same as 01:05:337 (4) -
  17. 01:11:670 (2) - ^
  18. 01:18:226 (1) - ^ (if you do with slider is still acceptable. but with circle ;-;. lazy to mention it again but there is still have one issue same as this)
  19. 01:22:670 (1) - finish on head instead whistle since it's a cymbal

  • Regou
    Since this Insane is harder than Kantokun's version. OD+1?
  1. 00:00:115 (1) - i guess should be whistle here since there is piano sound only
  2. 00:05:448 (1) - whistle on head instead finish because there isn't any cymbal sound here
  3. 00:13:281 (6) - should be on 00:13:337 - . i know you're following 1/8 here but 1/8 with clicked. this is become the big black tbh ;_; (if 1/8 slider repeat is fine here)
  4. 00:15:114 (7) - finish instead whistle since this sound is cymbal
  5. 00:16:114 - increase the volume? i can't hear it with clearly as finish sound. maybe increase this around 60%
  6. 00:27:670 (4,5,6) - not really nice to see here. too closer,altho for consistency spacing. move them to 52,152 instead
  7. 00:49:003 (3,4) - not really nice to hear/follow imo. remove the circle and move the slider to 00:49:003 - better imo
  8. 01:03:226 (3,4) - same as ^ should be like
  9. 01:06:781 (2) - NC here for SV change. we can't think it the increasing of SV since the NC on the circle.
  10. 01:12:003 (3) - are you sure? x_x too far.. deadly jump !@!)$!)$*!)#
  11. 01:14:670 (10) - this part was trapped me. move to 376,176 instead. so we can read it as 1/4 jump with clearly
  12. 01:20:837 (6) - same as 00:13:281 (6) - . should be on 01:20:892 -

Good Luck ~
Audio Volume changed!! Thanks for modding~ Xinely :D

Xinely wrote:

Hi KantoKun :D

  • Regou
    Since this Insane is harder than Kantokun's version. OD+1? nope,OD7 should be enough for this song ;)
  1. 00:00:115 (1) - i guess should be whistle here since there is piano sound only okay
  2. 00:05:448 (1) - whistle on head instead finish because there isn't any cymbal sound here I removed the finish here instead :P
  3. 00:13:281 (6) - should be on 00:13:337 - . i know you're following 1/8 here but 1/8 with clicked. this is become the big black tbh ;_; (if 1/8 slider repeat is fine here) the delay is way too obvious idk
  4. 00:15:114 (7) - finish instead whistle since this sound is cymbal it isn't that necessary for me ;w;
  5. 00:16:114 - increase the volume? i can't hear it with clearly as finish sound. maybe increase this around 60% alright
  6. 00:27:670 (4,5,6) - not really nice to see here. too closer,altho for consistency spacing. move them to 52,152 instead im not sure but...lets keep this for now
  7. 00:49:003 (3,4) - not really nice to hear/follow imo. remove the circle and move the slider to 00:49:003 - better imo I think it follows the vocal well :(
  8. 01:03:226 (3,4) - same as ^ should be like ^
  9. 01:06:781 (2) - NC here for SV change. we can't think it the increasing of SV since the NC on the circle. k
  10. 01:12:003 (3) - are you sure? x_x too far.. deadly jump !@!)$!)$*!)# huehuehue
  11. 01:14:670 (10) - this part was trapped me. move to 376,176 instead. so we can read it as 1/4 jump with clearly
  12. 01:20:837 (6) - same as 00:13:281 (6) - . should be on 01:20:892 - same as above ;w;
sorry for being late ;w;
Good Luck ~
as your request :-)

[Xinely's Easy]
  1. 01:25:114 make this spinner end on 01:27:170
[Mochi's Normal]
  1. 00:00:115 (1,2) slider's tail unsnapped
  2. 01:25:114 make this spinner end on 01:27:170
[iyasine's Hard]
  1. Tags comflict with other diffs
  2. 00:19:226 (4,5) try this?
  3. 01:25:114 make this spinner end on 01:27:170
  1. 00:47:226 (3) change this to two 1/4 slider?
  2. 00:52:781 (3,4,5) move to x392 y12 will be better?
  3. 01:14:337 (4) ctrl+G
  4. 01:25:114 make this spinner end on 01:27:170
[Regou's Insane]
  1. 我打著這張圖的時候感覺很陌名...原來是很多地方你1/2跟1/4的距離是一樣的,不過應該是沒甚麼問題啦,只是打得很火大
  2. 00:08:559 (1,2,3) 感覺換成1/6短slider更痛快
  3. 00:54:781 (1,2,3,4,1) 這..乾脆把4的notes的間距拉大
  4. 01:25:114 這個spinner結束在 01:27:170 1/8不是更好嗎(1/8)
that's it, Good Luck :D

to Kanto >> remember to check tags with every diffs by yourself
Topic Starter

Azure wrote:

as your request :-)

  1. 00:47:226 (3) change this to two 1/4 slider? fixed
  2. 00:52:781 (3,4,5) move to x392 y12 will be better? what??
  3. 01:14:337 (4) ctrl+G fixed
  4. 01:25:114 make this spinner end on 01:27:170 someone said that isn't good so , no fixed
that's it, Good Luck :D

to Kanto >> remember to check tags with every diffs by yourself ok!
sorry for late :(
request by KantoKun :D

uncheck widescreen?

[Regou's Insane]
00:11:559 (5) - remove.i don't think it needs
00:12:892 (4,5,6) - i think this rhythm not fit.this rhythm is natural
00:25:003 (3) - 00:25:337 is the end of the slider imo
00:28:337 (8) - x152 y284?
00:32:892 - i think this rhythm is better
00:44:559 - spinner start
00:57:448 - add note and stack on 00:57:003 (3)'s tail
01:00:114 (6) - how about this?
01:09:892 (2) - x116 y364?
01:20:448 (4,5,6) - same as 00:12:892 (4,5,6)

00:28:114 (3) - ctrl + G?
00:29:448 (3) - add note?
00:41:892 (4) - ctrl + G?
00:44:448 (1) - end of the spinner don'y match.00:46:337 is correct as you know
i recommend 00:45:892 or remove if you think current situationis is good

[iyasine's Hard]
正直微妙なので頭の片隅にでも :D

00:54:337 (3) - このリズムのが自然かと思いましたが配置的に再現できなさそう・・・

綺麗すぎてかくことなかった nice diffです!

[Mochi's Normal]
00:03:448 (3) - add note x170 y93?
00:05:226 (3) - add note ?


[Xinely's Easy]
so nice

good luck ~ :D
Hai :3 m4m as requested ;; sorry can't mod much ;; I don't like claris ww

well umm.. for easy ;; its not like its bad, but its still a soso ;; I mean ;; its so 2012 style.. more trailing position then centered position. still rankable though ;; fix more symmetric stuff pls
00:00:115 (1,2,3) - doesn't look good ;; (1,3)'s symmetric looks so bad hnggggg
00:10:337 (2) - would prefer/flow better if you move it to x232 y192
00:14:337 (2,1) - this too
00:40:114 (1,2) - symmetric more?

Is this even a normal? :OO it looks more like a hard to me
and umm.. its pretty good :O ;; try HP AR +1 ;; it looks too slow for me

Looks.. more like a semi insane to me :|
00:11:226 (4,5) - curve them?
00:18:559 (2) - consider to delete this? its a bit tricky ;; for a hard size ._. some notes that similar to this too ;;
01:18:337 (3) - curve this too

For insane, you can still improve the beat :O like 3/4 - 1/2 sliders
00:05:448 (1) - move farther away from 00:05:781 (2) -
00:20:114 (2) - (nazi) move 1 grid down ._.
00:26:337 (4,6,1) - this looks ugly ._. ;; 00:26:781 (6) - you should loosen this curve ;; it'll look better hngg
00:44:114 (7) - ctrl+g? 00:41:448 (3,4) - because you make this not flipped ;; would flow better that way I guess
00:51:670 (1,2) - it cant touch ;; so don't force it :| change to another pattern meh this looks good to :O just simply delete the 2nd slider point :3
00:58:670 (1,2) - it would be nice if you don't stack this ;; change other similar stuff
01:13:003 (1,2) - like above ;; but if this one is 2nd's slider point deleted ;; looks bad hnggg ;; try make other pattern
00:54:226 (5) -delete? I don't hear any beat here

nice :OOOO
00:33:892 (3) - 1 grid down (nazi) ;; to make same spacing as this 00:33:670 (1,2) -
00:39:892 (3) - 1 grid to the right (nazi) second slider point move 1 grid right too ;; ^
01:19:892 (1,2,3) - don't stack this? @A@;;

Topic Starter
Fixed some , Thanks!!

Azure wrote:

as your request :-)

[iyasine's Hard]
  1. Tags comflict with other diffs fixed!
  2. 00:19:226 (4,5) try this? hmm...keep it
  3. 01:25:114 make this spinner end on 01:27:170 ^
to Kanto >> remember to check tags with every diffs by yourself
Thanks for modding~Azure :D

Pandiar wrote:

sorry for late :(
request by KantoKun :D

[iyasine's Hard]
OD-1? Hard diffの全体的な難しさの底上げに挑戦してみようと思うので一旦保留です!BATに厳しく言われたら変えますね ;)
正直微妙なので頭の片隅にでも :D

00:54:337 (3) - このリズムのが自然かと思いましたが配置的に再現できなさそう・・・ う~んPlayback Rate50%で聴いたら今の取り方が合うと思うのでkeepで!

綺麗すぎてかくことなかった nice diffです!

good luck ~ :D
Pandiarさんいつもお世話になってます!moddingありがとうございました :oops:

Teru21 wrote:

Hai :3 m4m as requested ;; sorry can't mod much ;; I don't like claris ww

Looks.. more like a semi insane to me :|
00:11:226 (4,5) - curve them? sorry...keep it!
00:18:559 (2) - consider to delete this? its a bit tricky ;; for a hard size ._. some notes that similar to this too ;; some fixed!
01:18:337 (3) - curve this too hmm...keep it!

Thanks for modding~Teru!
Request frome KantoKun

[Xinely's Easy]

00:41:892 (2) - The shape is a bit strange. How about this?↓
00:53:448 (3) - 1 grid down?

[Mochi's Normal]
00:04:559 (2) - Try this blanket pattern.
00:57:892 (3) - Try this blanket pattern.
00:30:337 (1,2,3) - I think this sounds better, try this~

[iyasine's Hard]
01:04:114 (1) - こんなふうにしてみたり・・・。 でも最初のkiai timeのところと区別するということで、今の音取りでもすごくいいと思います!

[Regou's Insane]
Nothing~. so fun!

00:23:892 (2,3) - I consider that it is better not to stack.
00:27:670 (2) - Ctrl +G?

Overall,this is pretty good!! :)
ganbatte! good luck!!
Topic Starter

CakiP wrote:

Request frome KantoKun

00:23:892 (2,3) - I consider that it is better not to stack. OK
00:27:670 (2) - Ctrl +G? nope

Overall,this is pretty good!! :)
ganbatte! good luck!! thanks :v

CakiP wrote:


[iyasine's Hard]
01:04:114 (1) - こんなふうにしてみたり・・・。 でも最初のkiai timeのところと区別するということで、今の音取りでもすごくいいと思います!very nice!!統一感がでて、おまけにclapもつけれたので違和感なくなりました!

Overall,this is pretty good!! :)
ganbatte! good luck!!
ちょっとだけスライダーの角度が違いますけどfixedです!かきぴーさんmoddingありがとうございます ;)
Hi! from your request :3

Red : You must be fix.
Blue : You should be fix.
Black : Just suggestion.

  1. Suddenly started this map. so add Audio Lead-in about 2000?
  2. Please uncheck Widescreen support (Except insane diff, it is checked.)

[Regou's Insane]
  1. 00:05:448 (1) - Add whistle to slider head. fitting the song.
  2. 00:07:337 (1) - Add clap to slider end.
  3. 00:13:226 (5) - Add whistle? high-piched sound is ringing here. (00:13:281 - same sound)
  4. 00:15:448 (8,1) - Changing the NC. 00:15:114 (7,8) - that spacing is a nearly 00:14:892 (6,7) - in comparison.
  5. 01:20:781 (5) - same above 00:13:226 (5) -
  6. 01:22:448 (6) - make a curve? looks better than current for me.
  7. 01:24:781 (2) - hmmm not found some sound here in tha song. so like this rhythm?

  8. 01:27:226 - Unused green line. remove it.

  1. 00:44:114 (7) - 00:44:337 - have big sound, so I want to put the note and make a jump placement here (not slider) like this?

  2. 01:16:559 (1,2) - This rhythm a bit weird. What you can try to rhythm similar to 01:18:337 (2) - here?

  3. 01:22:226 (3,4) - hmm I think that is not fit the song. 1/4 sliders move to 01:22:114 - here. more fitting the song much.
[iyasine's Hard]
  1. Looks fine. nice diff o3o

[Mochi's Normal]
  1. 00:04:559 (2) - a bit ugly blanket. Try slider 2nd point move to x:200 y:132.
  2. 00:18:337 - Why you put the drum whistle here..? is it mistake?
  3. 00:48:114 (2) - I recommend add NC this note. cuz spacing is too nearly and Kiai start.
  4. 00:55:226 (1) - Add finish? like a 01:09:448 (1) - here.
  5. 00:57:892 (3) - You can make more good blanket here.
  6. 01:24:670 - Unused green line.

[Xinely's Easy]
  1. Looks fine.
Good luck! :)
Topic Starter
thanks >.<!!~~
Thanks guy ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
[Regou's Insane]
00:13:226 (5,6) - why 1/8? (if you're following something... it has 4 notes and not exactly 1/8 anyway)
00:27:226 (3,4) - this spacing is quite misleading, other parts like this is usually 1/4 (compared to 00:26:781 (1,2) -
00:29:448 (1,2,3) - a bit nazi, spacing should be equal
00:36:448 (5,6,7) - nothing wrong, but just saying players have to click at blue lines for such a group of note...

00:29:448 (2) - just suggestions, woundn't this be better?
00:36:114 (3) - i think shorten the slider by 1/4 and add a circle at the current end could be a good idea

[iyasine's Hard]
01:00:559 (1) - a bit confusing.. the reverse arrow is not really hided but people still can't see it in the first time, so i won't recommend such use in a Hard diff.
personally i don't really like 1/4 slider+ 1/4 note but as you used a lot, i just assume you like it a lot lol...

[Mochi's Normal]
00:14:337 (1,2) - beats like this may represent the music better (the current one is too common...
01:21:892 (1,2,3) - similar

[Xinely's Easy]
00:14:337 (2) - i could understand you're trying to follow the beat, but as it's just a easy diff and the note density is... i guess just use 2/1 is enough.
01:21:892 (2) - similar orz.... it's quite fun that Easy diff use a way which i think should appear in the Normal, and Normal did the opposite.
Topic Starter

NatsumeRin wrote:

[Regou's Insane]
00:13:226 (5,6) - why 1/8? (if you're following something... it has 4 notes and not exactly 1/8 anyway) fix
00:27:226 (3,4) - this spacing is quite misleading, other parts like this is usually 1/4 (compared to 00:26:781 (1,2) - fix
00:29:448 (1,2,3) - a bit nazi, spacing should be equal fix
00:36:448 (5,6,7) - nothing wrong, but just saying players have to click at blue lines for such a group of note... fix

00:29:448 (2) - just suggestions, woundn't this be better? nope
00:36:114 (3) - i think shorten the slider by 1/4 and add a circle at the current end could be a good idea fix

[iyasine's Hard]
01:00:559 (1) - a bit confusing.. the reverse arrow is not really hided but people still can't see it in the first time, so i won't recommend such use in a Hard diff.fix
personally i don't really like 1/4 slider+ 1/4 note but as you used a lot, i just assume you like it a lot lol... haha iyasine is very good mapper

[Mochi's Normal]
00:14:337 (1,2) - beats like this may represent the music better (the current one is too common... fix
01:21:892 (1,2,3) - similar fix

[Xinely's Easy]
00:14:337 (2) - i could understand you're trying to follow the beat, but as it's just a easy diff and the note density is... i guess just use 2/1 is enough.fix
01:21:892 (2) - similar orz.... it's quite fun that Easy diff use a way which i think should appear in the Normal, and Normal did the opposite.fix
almost fix!! , thanks >.<
Topic Starter

NatsumeRin wrote:

thanks >.<!!~ NatsumeRin~ <3
Congrtaz!! Pro :D
NatsumeRin!! Plz carefull! Where is bubble?
why not bubbled?????
It can happen sometime !?

Unranked because a bubble was never in place?

Frostmourne wrote:

It can happen sometime !?
Nyquill is the best unranker.

Frostmourne wrote:

Nyquill is the best unranker.
lol :D
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

Nyquill is the best unranker.
so real , haha
Sorry for the trouble guys, i thought this was a bubbled map orz....

As it's a purely accident, i guess i should be allowed to bubble the map instead. (Please tell me if i'm wrong since such things seldom happen before...)
Topic Starter

NatsumeRin wrote:

Sorry for the trouble guys, i thought this was a bubbled map orz....

As it's a purely accident, i guess i should be allowed to bubble the map instead. (Please tell me if i'm wrong since such things seldom happen before...)
thanks >.<!!~

Frostmourne wrote:

Nyquill is the best unranker.
yea, so real orz.
IRC Modded.

15:07 KantoKun: T__T
15:09 *Andrea pats Kanto
15:09 KantoKun: ;w;
15:09 KantoKun: rank my map pls!! , it will graveyard in 4 day orz
15:13 Andrea: bubbled maps doesn't grave ><
15:13 Andrea: but since it's old I can give it a quick look maybe
15:13 KantoKun: really 0.0?
15:15 Andrea: quick irc mod I guess :o
15:15 Andrea: is it okay? :>
15:15 KantoKun: OK!
15:16 KantoKun: yes , i can fix all diff
15:16 Andrea: on Easy
15:16 Andrea: 01:22:781 (3) - spacing is wrong here
15:16 Andrea: it should be 1,0x like the rest
15:16 Andrea: fix the spacing afterwards as well :>
15:16 Andrea: on Normal
15:17 Andrea: I'd increase HP, OD and AR by 1 tick, they're low for a Normal imo
15:17 Andrea: 00:14:337 (1,2,3) - the spacing of this pattern isn't consistent, please use distance snap and make it all the same (Normal again)
15:18 Andrea: 00:31:003 (2) - this circle is not stacked properly, please replace it properly (Normal)
15:18 Andrea: on Hard
15:19 Andrea: 01:01:892 - end kiai here, like the other difficulties
15:20 Andrea: on Regou's Insane
15:20 Andrea: 01:25:114 (1) - this spinner should end on the white tick, like the other difficulties
15:21 Andrea: Insane is fine and that's it o3o/
Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:

IRC Modded.

15:07 KantoKun: T__T
15:09 *Andrea pats Kanto
15:09 KantoKun: ;w;
15:09 KantoKun: rank my map pls!! , it will graveyard in 4 day orz
15:13 Andrea: bubbled maps doesn't grave ><
15:13 Andrea: but since it's old I can give it a quick look maybe
15:13 KantoKun: really 0.0?
15:15 Andrea: quick irc mod I guess :o
15:15 Andrea: is it okay? :>
15:15 KantoKun: OK!
15:16 KantoKun: yes , i can fix all diff
15:16 Andrea: on Easy
15:16 Andrea: 01:22:781 (3) - spacing is wrong here
15:16 Andrea: it should be 1,0x like the rest
15:16 Andrea: fix the spacing afterwards as well :>
15:16 Andrea: on Normal
15:17 Andrea: I'd increase HP, OD and AR by 1 tick, they're low for a Normal imo
15:17 Andrea: 00:14:337 (1,2,3) - the spacing of this pattern isn't consistent, please use distance snap and make it all the same (Normal again)
15:18 Andrea: 00:31:003 (2) - this circle is not stacked properly, please replace it properly (Normal)
15:18 Andrea: on Hard
15:19 Andrea: 01:01:892 - end kiai here, like the other difficulties
15:20 Andrea: on Regou's Insane
15:20 Andrea: 01:25:114 (1) - this spinner should end on the white tick, like the other difficulties
15:21 Andrea: Insane is fine and that's it o3o/
thanks >.<!!
moe andrea
After a small recheck on IRC this is good to go!

Yuji Tokaji
Nice! Congratulations!!
nice~love it
oh, gratz xD/ ~ <3
No Dap

congrats ~ \o/
/me hugs moe kantokun


Kodora wrote:

/me hugs moe kantokun

Gratz :D
Congrats :D
grats \:D/
Natsuki Nanaka
congratz :3
ปล. ช้าไปตั้ง 1 อาทิตย์ orz
Topic Starter

- N a n a k a - wrote:

congratz :3
ปล. ช้าไปตั้ง 1 อาทิตย์ orz
นายมาร่วมยินดีกราก็น้ำตาจิไหล ขอแชร์นะค่ะ(ผิด) และ ;w;
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