Welcome to oszu!
Welcome to the oszu!Supporters, otherwise known as the .osz.
We know that many people may find it extremely hard to map, especially with beginners who are just getting into mapping. This is also true for people who find just one important part of mapping to be extremely daunting, such as timing.
.osz is here to help! We want to make sure that everybody has an equal and safe chance of learning any aspect of mapping, whether you are a beginner or not! Don't worry about what gamemode you play or map, we are a free-for-all for all the free hybrids. We are a community who will strive to help and mentor you as much as possible. There are always going to be people to interact with, mappers that you are always able to meet, and the best of all, a community that you can always depend on to guide you through the right ways, tips and tricks, and whatnot of mapping any song, genre, or style you choose.
We want to assist as many people as we can through multiple community-run entities. Remember that anyone is welcome to join, you can simply call yourself a .osz or OSZU member! As long as you help the people who need the resources to get better at mapping, you are a part of us; we want to assist anyone and everyone to be able to create any circle-clicking level you want, no matter the learning circumstances.
We are also proud to announce that this community is in partnership with sursum! We will be working together to create a safe place that is fun and knowledgeable for everyone!
Join our Discord and our Twitter!