
oszu!Supporters: Turn your osu into .osz!

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Welcome to oszu!

Welcome to the oszu!Supporters, otherwise known as the .osz.

We know that many people may find it extremely hard to map, especially with beginners who are just getting into mapping. This is also true for people who find just one important part of mapping to be extremely daunting, such as timing.

.osz is here to help! We want to make sure that everybody has an equal and safe chance of learning any aspect of mapping, whether you are a beginner or not! Don't worry about what gamemode you play or map, we are a free-for-all for all the free hybrids. We are a community who will strive to help and mentor you as much as possible. There are always going to be people to interact with, mappers that you are always able to meet, and the best of all, a community that you can always depend on to guide you through the right ways, tips and tricks, and whatnot of mapping any song, genre, or style you choose.

We want to assist as many people as we can through multiple community-run entities. Remember that anyone is welcome to join, you can simply call yourself a .osz or OSZU member! As long as you help the people who need the resources to get better at mapping, you are a part of us; we want to assist anyone and everyone to be able to create any circle-clicking level you want, no matter the learning circumstances.

We are also proud to announce that this community is in partnership with sursum! We will be working together to create a safe place that is fun and knowledgeable for everyone!

Join our Discord and our Twitter!
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Announcement - "Remember that Difficulty Bomb will take place in about a week. Click the interested button at to register. Remember that the event is first come first serve."
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Announcement - “Hello. I’m going to try and run the Difficulty Bomb earlier in the day tomorrow due to reasons. If not then I am going to have to delay difficulty bomb until after I get back. The new time is 2:15 PM CST.

Remember that mod form will be open for the weekend at
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"hello, im back from vegas and into texas! nothing much to say, but i will be more active. Here a a couple of events that are happening:
Moderator form:
Difficulty Bomb (Tourney 0): "
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"hello, havent done an announcement in a while but i do have some info

first, updating categorization. discord has finally released ⁠Server Guide for everybody which the server is going to migrate to. categories and channels will be moved around, as well as making the server a little more visually appealing. this includes the archive category being condensed to shit with many of the channels most likely to be deleted as the history is not useful anymore.

second, remember that feedback lobbies are taking place and diff bomb is still being rescheduled. I have decided to switch future Difficulty Bombs to lazer to provide a more relevant and smoother experience for everybody that wants to take place in it. The links to the upcoming feedback lobbies are and "
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"next feedback lobby is this saturday 7-29-23 from 2:30-3:30 PM. Event is at - if you are interested, click the "Interested" button.

I am currently organizing the next difficulty bomb at (which is going to be held on osu!lazer) and the first speed mapping contest at - No details for these events are currently set in stone."
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Speed Mapping 1 contest has been announced at with the prize being osu!supporter for one month. For this reason, there will be simple registration at . Contest details are subject to change and delay is likely.

With this, the next Feedback Lobby at has also been announced, subject to delay as well.
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hello! just got done with the Feedback Lobby #3! Here is the twitch stream for the first half: | Some things happened so the stream ended early.

Remember that difficulty bomb is going on next week at
Sign up at

Also expect a contest that will last about of week very soon.
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The first Partnership Mapping Contest is going to take place, linked at ! More info will be released very shortly. A description has been attached to the event, giving basic information on what the event is. Register at ! Follow our Twitter as well for more information.
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pmc results hopefully come out on nov 1st!

Halloween Difficulty Bomb this Saturday! :)
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Hello! Welcome to the first Holiday Mapping Contest in collaboration with Whithard and his server Numerus! He is mainly going to be hosting the event you must be in both Numerus and the .osz to participate. Following the twitters are optional.

1st Place - 3 months osu!supporter, general chat named to your user for 30 days, & Contest Winner role.
2nd Place - 2 months osu!supporter, chat of your choice named to your user for 14 days.
3rd Place - 1 month osu!supporter.

General Rules:
Collaborating is strictly not allowed; your map must be an original creation by you.
Song selection includes any song that is Winter Themed (Any Genre)
Song can be cut or shortened If its more then >2Mins

Join the Numerus Discord Server and submit you map in ⁠contest-submissions
Maps will be judged on Creativity(1-10), Song Representation(1-10), Quality(1-10), Theme(1-5), Judge Impressions(1-3), Audience Impression(1-3)

Maps are due by 12/25/23 and will be anonymously judged live in the .osz server in the stage.

When the Event is Over The Maps will be uploaded onto a Single Set on Supportive's Page so anyone can play! (If mapper doesn’t want to be on the set please dm on osu to be taken off)

Go oszu!
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Bump! There may be a New Year's Difficulty Bomb!
Bump. Keep this server going for all our sakes, Chidodou! I'm proud of you.
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Today I announce that feedback lobbies return this Saturday! Partnering with sursum who were doing the Eurasian lobbies (which is dormant atm), me and a few chosen others will join to play and give general feedback to any map in a multiplayer lobby. Currently this is on stable but may switch to lazer in the future as migration continues. This gives an opportunity for newer mappers to know in more insight about what was done well, and what can be improved on. This also gives the power to an average player on criticizing an individual's map. Maps must be sent live for feedback. Recording in the future may become possible.

Difficulty bomb is also returning! Next week, more info on this event will be released.
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"you have ~24 hours to submit your BMC map! Good luck! Get those last maps in before they close as there are minimal exceptions if you miss the submission date."
This server better be revived for another year!
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"Today starts registrations for Kyoku, the Song and Mapping contest, with a prize pool of $100 to the winning team! Get together with a friend, or open your favorite daw, and make some original music to be mapped! Details in the forum post below!

Here is the respective discord as well!
Further info such as the sheet and the schedule are shown in the forum post as well. Registration will last approximately

You must be in the discord server to join the Kyoku mapping contest!


Forum post: community/forums/topics/1906442?n=1 "
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Hello .osz! welcome back to the first contest in months, the Mania Shortmap Contest (MSC)! The Mania Shortmap Contest is a mapping contest which will compose of shorter and faster songs with the reward being one month of osu!supporter! Moving forward, there will be many more contests outside of the standard mode!

The Mania Shortmap Contest is a mania mapping contest of 4k-10k with faster songs that mostly short in time. The main guidelines are as follows:
Song & Draintime must be 30-120 seconds long
Submissions must be one difficulty of a 4k-10k mania map
Solo contest, no collaboration is allowed
Songs must be 120 beats per minute & up
Maps must adhere to the ranking criteria
No limit on difficulty of map

Join the server to be able to register.
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