
Sum 41 - Over My Head (Better Off Dead)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 10:11:22 PM

Artist: Sum 41
Title: Over My Head (Better Off Dead)
Tags: frey p_o mosebye Does This Look Infected? Alternative Indie Rock English Lime717 Lime
BPM: 184.12
Filesize: 7386kb
Play Time: 02:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Frey's Expert (5.41 stars, 653 notes)
  2. Mosebye's Hard (3.76 stars, 512 notes)
  3. Normal (2.7 stars, 376 notes)
  4. P_O's Insane (5.05 stars, 575 notes)
  5. What happened to you? (5.86 stars, 674 notes)
Download: Sum 41 - Over My Head (Better Off Dead)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
going for first standard ranked!
Thanks to:
[profile=13646997]Le Mirai[/profile] for mentoring me and teaching the basics of standard mapping
[profile=11825206]Mosebye[/profile] for the hard diff
[profile=831979]P_O[/profile] for the insane diff
[profile=695678]Frey[/profile] for the expert diff
any potential nominators 😏
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