I think it's time to make a proposition to add the rule about puting the preview point to be sounded like it should represent the song which u play after downloading the map to understand how it sounds and imagine how it plays before downloading. The preview point must be not silent despite the concept of the title of song!
F.e. HERE mapper wanted to put the preview point where there's no sound to fit the title of the song. So I agree with rosario wknd. The game has called rhythm-game, so u play the music. And having preview audio has a feature to give the player how it sounds so player can be interested in downloading the map. Having completely silent preview audio makes itself completely useless at all, so there the question became a problem: why the preview ever exist?
Need I put more details on this problem?
Ah right...
F.e. HERE mapper wanted to put the preview point where there's no sound to fit the title of the song. So I agree with rosario wknd. The game has called rhythm-game, so u play the music. And having preview audio has a feature to give the player how it sounds so player can be interested in downloading the map. Having completely silent preview audio makes itself completely useless at all, so there the question became a problem: why the preview ever exist?
Need I put more details on this problem?
Ah right...
The preview audio must be audible and can't be empty.Glossarium:
Preview audio — the audio of the map played at osu!site. Contains 10 seconds of the track.