So there's that one particular german Let's Player (also the most well known when it comes to the german LP scene) who had uploaded over1200 Minecraft LPs and each and every one of them sacks in an average of 500k views.
He started doing that Minecraft LP beginning from the 19th October 2010 until 25th January 2014 (i think he's having a hiatus)
I'm so glad i never watched any of his videos, i sometimes peek in the search query to see how far he went BUT MAN HE ALREADY PASSED ONE THOUSAND VIDEOS AND FOOTAGE OF THE SAME FUCKING GAME.
Can somebody please do a rough calculation how much each and every person that had subscribed to him, wasted on time watching all of his Minecraft Let's Plays?! The videos are around 25~40 minutes long, so maybe finding a middle point to have a even number at the end of the equation would make it easier, it also be very much appreciated if someone would do that.
But i'm very sure it's too much for one to actually spend on watching something THAT YOU COULD PLAY YOURSELF.