
Monthly Goals

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Wimpy Cursed
Share your monthly goals here or make them on the spot!
It can be anything, even in osu!

Monthly goal:
Date: (mm/dd)
Comments: Can be anything about your goal.


I'll start with mine.

Monthly goal: Passing Galaxy Collapse in mania without the need of the HT mod
Date: 06/13
Comments: I feel like I can really obtain this pass within a month time period. I just need to get faster to beat the faster jack patterns. I almost did it twice, so I believe in myself on this as long as I keep going at my current pace.
Monthly goal: 30 hours of JP immersion
Date: 6/13
Comments: Starting off small since I'm currently in the middle of building the habit itself. 30 hours might look hard but since part of my immersion comes from my wife's streams it's probably gonna be easier than I thought.
Monthly goal: Actually finishing my beatmapset

Date: 06/14

Comments: Maybe the WIP beatmapset about Omori can be my first ranked map? I also want the Creator's Gambit medal as soon as possible because I'm a medal farmer you know.
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