
First Note Before First Beat

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I can't find it in the ranking criteria - is it allowed to put notes before the first red timing point? Some songs start on the 4, instead of the 1. Must I put a red timing point on the 4, and then another one for the 1?
you don't have to. the rc only says,

If you wish to alter hitsounds or slider velocities before the first uninherited timing point, it must be moved back one full measure so that inherited timing points may be used.
if it's right at the start of the mp3, you can use a timing point with negative millesecond value as well
Jason X

Xelasto wrote:

is it allowed to put notes before the first red timing point?
Ranking Criteria does indeed not have a statement about this, but it is discouraged to put notes before the first timing point. (I remember being told not to do that by a BN about a year ago)

Putting the timing point earlier like quilla suggested is the best solution I suppose.

If you're unsure how to do that, have a look in this box.
In the map editor, enter the design tab and then scroll back to your main beat, into the negative.
(design editor allows that)
Note: The position marker will be off, but you are still on the same snapping.
You can now note the timing point and change your offset accordingly.

Since you're mapping std you can just use the next white tick, if you were mapping taiko/mania I'd suggest putting the offset as far back as the next big white tick, so that the scroll line during the gameplay doesn't look weird.

Jason X wrote:

but it is discouraged to put notes before the first timing point.
it's not, only green lines will cause issues if they're before the first timing point, objects are completely fine there

thus, if you need to have green lines before the first downbeat (for example if you want to mess with the volume or have sliders with an sv other than 1.0x), you need to move your timing point

and if you don't need green lines before the downbeat (for example if you just have circles or 1.0x sliders), you don't need to change anything

also a side note

Xelasto wrote:

Must I put a red timing point on the 4, and then another one for the 1?

quila wrote:

you can use a timing point with negative millesecond value as well
the latter way is the only acceptable way to deal with needing green lines before the first downbeat as per RC > Timing > Rules:

Ranking Criteria wrote:

Uninherited timing points should only be used when required for timing purposes. Unnecessary timing points may unintentionally affect main-menu pulsing, add unwanted sounds to the Nightcore mod, or cause timing to shift. Acceptable uses include:
  1. Aligning beats of the Nightcore mod with the start of musical sections.
  2. Accommodating for objects in musical sections requiring unsupported beat snap divisors (e.g. 1/11).

oh also

Jason X wrote:

Since you're mapping std you can just use the next white tick, if you were mapping taiko/mania I'd suggest putting the offset as far back as the next big white tick, so that the scroll line during the gameplay doesn't look weird.
this is false, std requires correct timing just as much as mania and taiko do, having your big white ticks off by a beat is never acceptable
had the same problem too when modding
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