(ended June 25th)
Welcome to the 2023 iteration of 6 Digit World Cup!
- 6 Digit World Cup (6WC) is a country-based, OWC inspired tournament.
- Rank range: 100k - 999k (during the entire registration phase)
- Mode: 4v4, Teamsize 8 (minimum 6 players)
- ScoreV2 + NoFail will be enforced all the time.
- All registrants are required to be on the Discord Server until their tryouts are over or if they qualified for their country, players stay until their team is eliminated!
- After Qualifiers, the Top 40 Teams will qualify for the Group Stage.
- The teams are sorted via Serpentine Seeding into 8 groups.
- Top 2 teams of each group (16 in total) will qualify for the Double Elimination Bracket.
>> _ Registration
- The signup form can be found at the top of the forum post or in the Discord server
- Players sign up as individuals
- Staff are not allowed to participate, except for Commentators, Streamers, GFX Artist
- If you want to change your registration info (eg. to change your Discord name) or unregister from the tournament, please use the #︱registration-change channel on the Discord server
>> _ Tryouts
- A tryout is a period of time, where a country hosts a qualifier-like competition to determine the players who will play for their country in 6WC
- Each country hosts a self-organized tryout Discord server, where their tryout will take place
- These tryouts are also self-organized with little intervention from 6WC staff
- The 6WC 2023 Discord server contains a channel with information about all existing tryout servers
- If your country does not have a server, feel free to create one. Alternatively, 6WC staff can provide channels on the official server
- Tryouts are only necessary, if a country has more than 8 signups
- Players have the opportunity to message 6WC Admins / Hosts to nominate a player for their countries Captain position
- If players do not nominate anyone, or there is no clear winner amongst the nominees, 6WC Admins will decide who'll be the Captain
If you believe the tryouts are having issues or are unfair, please contact the 6WC Admins
- At the end of the Tryout Phase, captains will submit their qualified rosters.
- Captains will also submit additional 8 players (16 in total) in case one or more of the 8 players get screened.
- Only these submitted players are part of the screening procedure.
- Please refer to the section below, to get more information on screening criteria.
>> _ Screening
Players might be screened out of 6WC 2023 for the following:
- Being outside of the 6 digit rank range at any point in the registration period.
- Abuse of rank range
- Suspicious behaviour
- Suspicious profile statistics
- Having been restricted in the past 6 months prior to registration end
- Having been part of the Top 3 rosters of 6WC1 (Indonesia, Canada, and the Russian Federation)
- Having been part of the Top 3 rosters of 6WC2 (Italy, Canada, and Germany)
A list of all players who are pre-screened due to the last 2 points can be found in the rules doc
>> _ Mappools
Mappools are generally released Sunday - Tuesday before the weekend.
>> _ Qualifiers
>> _ Group Stage
>> _ Match Procedure
- The first stage of the tournament is the Qualifier.
- Teams sign up for any one of the lobbies shown on the Mainsheet.
- Should a team miss their lobby, they may choose a different lobby that still has space.
- If none of the lobbies work for your team, you may schedule an extra lobby at a time that suits you. Please be aware that this option depends entirely on staff availability.
- During these lobbies, each team will play through all maps in order from NM1 to DT2.
- After the pool has been played, the teams will get a second chance to play maps they feel like they can improve on.
Team captains will tell the ref what maps they want to replay. These maps have to be in the same order as before. (eg. NM1, NM2, DT1 - is fine, but NM1, DT2, HR2 is NOT) The 2nd playthrough must be directly after the first one.
- If a player disconnects during the first 30 seconds of a map, the score is counted as is and should be played again during the 2nd try. There will be no 3rd try, in case of another disconnect.
- If one or more teams in the lobby do not want to replay a certain map, they will just wait outside the lobby for the other teams to finish.
>> _ Group Stage
- The top 40 teams of the qualifier will be sorted into 8 groups, based on Serpentine Seeding
- Each team will play 4 matches over the course of 2 weeks. ((2 matches per week, 1 match against every other team)
- The standings of each group are sorted like this:
- Match wins (eg. 3 wins > 2 wins)
- Map win/loss difference (eg. +3 maps > -2 maps)
- Direct comparison (eg. Italy | 5 - 4 | Canada => Italy > Canada)
- Should two teams draw in match wins, the map win/loss difference will decide who places higher
- In the rare case of map win/loss difference being a draw as well, who ever won the match between the two teams, will place higher.
- The Top 2 teams of each group will advance to the Double Elimination Bracket
>> _ Match Procedure
- In the discord, the referee will ping both teams 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled match start.
Should this not happen until 5 minutes before match start, please message the Admins/Host asap!
- Match invites will be send 5 - 10 minutes prior to match start.
- Player have up to 10 minutes past scheduled time to join the lobby. Does either team have less than 4 players after warmups, they will lose by default. Should both teams fail to have 4 players in by then, both teams will lose by default.
- The first team in the lobby name is Team Red and plays in Slot 1 - 4. The other team is Team Blue, playing in Slot 5 - 8.
- NoFail will be enforced for every map.
- Each team has the option of 1 warmup map. This map shall not be longer than 4:00 minutes and cannot be a map from the pool. Warmups are played with Freemod ON.
- If your matchup is streamed, please send your warmup to the referee, 30 minutes prior to match start.
- After warmups are completed, both captains will !roll for Protect/Ban/Pick phase. - FORMAT BELOW!
- The time for protecting, banning or picking a map is 90 seconds. After a pick was called, there will be a 120 second timer to get ready.
- Due to the format, Double Picking and Double Banning are allowed!
- Should a player disconnect within the first 30 seconds of a map, the map will be aborted. Should a player disconnect after 30 seconds, their score will count as 0 unless the score is provided.
Aborts only happen once per team, per match!
- Each team has an optional 120-second timeout, once per match. This timeout may be called at any stage in the match after the first map has been played.
- FreeMod Rules: The following are the mod options/restrictions for each player
- Player 1: HD
- Player 2: HR
- Player 3: HD/HR/HDHR/EZ/EZHD/FL (basically any mod combination except NM)
- Player 4: NM or any mod / mod combination
- EZ modifier: x1.8
This DOES NOT apply for TieBreaker! NoMod or any mod combination is allowed!
The Match Format
Credits to Corsace Open- Like in the usual tournament format, each team will pick maps in alternation.
- This format introduces Protects and split Ban Phases.
- This allows teams to secure a strong pick and choose bans alongside the match.
- Team captains will !roll after warmups. The winner of said roll will Protect Second, Ban Second and Pick First.
- Protects can be picked at any point of the match, but are not limited to the team that protected it. Both teams can pick either protect whenever they see fit.
- After 4 maps have been played, teams will be able to ban again, with the losing team banning second.
In case of a tie, the loser of the 4th map will ban second.
- In Finals and Grand Finals, there will be a 3rd banning phase after an additional 4 maps have been played (8 total). Same rule as in the 2nd banning phase applies.
🥈 SECOND PLACE: 2 months osu! supporter + Animated Team Banner
🥉 THIRD PLACE: 1 month osu! supporter + Animated Team Banner
If you want to support 6WC 2023, you can donate to our Ko-fi and claim your Supporter Banner!
All donations go directly into the prize pool, either by lowering our expenses or adding directly onto the prize pool.
Host:We are still actively searching for streamers. So if you want to help out, don't hesitate to join the discord and tell us.
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