
Why is mapping so ultra-serious to the point where the entire thing feels like I'm in college?

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Isn't that unnecessary for some form of level design? I mean imagine if other games took 2-3 years per level to create said levels. Does that even make sense?
If you consider osu mapping is a thing that already exists for 15 years, yes. Mapping has been developed for so long that it has so many aspects to consider whenever you place something down. Yet it might feel overwhelming for new mappers, but when you really try to do it many times, it becomes something like a habit, a thing that you just automatically do it yourself without thinking (eg: you have some patterns that you like so you just place it in any of your maps,…). When that moment comes, mapping become less and less stressful. So just map more, let your brain do the work.

Frankly speaking, complaining about why mapping takes a lot of time and effort to create something decent sounds like you are just simply impatient, just want to rank something to satisfy yourself. Unfortunately that’s not the case for this game. So, instead of complaining, hop in the editor and do some mapping. Good things will come when you stop complaining and just simply try your best. If you can’t then just give up. It’s just a game and you can’t go anywhere if you’re not enjoying it.
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No, I'm just thinking that it's ridiculous to spend 2-3 years on ONE level. But that makes sense.
nah people usually dont spend that long on a single map
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Zelzatter Zero

Gsun wrote:

No, I'm just thinking that it's ridiculous to spend 2-3 years on ONE level.
Me who just steamroll a difficulty in just a day:
some people just take mapping wayyyy too seriously, you can definitely make a good map in less than a few days as long as you're experienced enough
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do you have an example of a level that took that long? i'm genuinely curious
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No, I don't, but I was saying that because people take 2-3 years on average to rank ONE level, which didn't make sense to me initially.
Nao Tomori
standards are generally high because the playerbase expects maps to be good on average. the ranking system reflects those standards (though some may argue that the ranking system has higher standards or different standards from players). anyway - i would say the average improvement oriented mapper would be able to make rankable "safe" maps within a few months if they had good direction.
im a real thug
who said people take 2-3 years to rank a map bruh
Zelzatter Zero
it feels like you misunderstood what ppl really mean by the 2-3 year interval. It represents your overall progression time, not the average time took to rank a map.

Assuming we start counting when the map is uploaded, ranking a map can took either very short time of even a few days ("speedrank" is a term for such) or a very long time of even a decade, as long as you're still passionate about mapping.

Meanwhile you have to learn for at least a few months, and at average maybe a year, to really master the basics and be able to consistently make "safe for ranking" maps.
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sayucat_ wrote:

who said people take 2-3 years to rank a map bruh
Anxient took 2 years to rank his first map, for example.
in regards to std, took me 5 xd
Zelzatter Zero

Ixcors wrote:

in regards to std, took me 5 xd
5 years before ranking first std map gang
Just going to say that it depends on the complexity of the melody, the length of the beatmapset and your motivation in general.

Gsun wrote:

Isn't that unnecessary for some form of level design? I mean imagine if other games took 2-3 years per level to create said levels. Does that even make sense?
my longest i have ever put on a map was 2 weeks and it was on a ii-L song (hitsounds as well),so no its doesnt take 2 whole years to make a map,it just take a LONG time to learn how to do it correctly.

Nao Tomori wrote:

standards are generally high because the playerbase expects maps to be good on average. the ranking system reflects those standards (though some may argue that the ranking system has higher standards or different standards from players). anyway - i would say the average improvement oriented mapper would be able to make rankable "safe" maps within a few months if they had good direction.
by good direction do you mean connections/social cercle?? because i have been mapping for a long time with barely any help except some mods here and there and very few mappers help (excluding one hitsounder which teached me how to do it),where does someone who learned how to make ''good and fun maps'' by himself stands into this equation? i did try going 2 mentorship cycles (i think in 2021 and 2022) and nobody picked me nor i could ''contact'' anyone for that matter,i did try joining contests which you can take a good geuss who won in each one of them,i have mutiple maps on the Mappers guild modding queue (which was removed for some reason?),5 maps in which 1 set which i consider ''safe'' for ranking,i asked every BN in the whole list for it,all declined or said not intrested,i m not trying to sound negative nor milicious in any sort but seeing the type of maps that gets ranked these past 2 years (which had good maps that could be counted in one hand),i dont feel so encouraged to make ''high quality and perfect maps'' which will sit in the graveyard for nobody to play.

tldr;mapping for ranked is pointless for me,so only map for fun.
college and work is less stressful than osu.

in real life ppl care about efficiency

in osu the ideal and perfect world, people only care about highest quality, ur effort and time is not their concern

Drum-Hitnormal wrote:

people only care about highest quality
if this was true the average map wouldnt be so mediocre
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lewski wrote:

Drum-Hitnormal wrote:

people only care about highest quality
if this was true the average map wouldnt be so mediocre
Yeah, good point.
Well I've also had this issue of me struggling to get some mods or something most likely because my mapping looks basically a lot more different, despite of my mapping style actually being pretty simple to do. (Ok not really, but like it's not that hard...)

How to copy my *ahem* mapstyle:

Step 1: map without any spacing changes, except when it's absolutely necessary.
Step 2: learn how to use distance snap and the objects and sliders etc. in a clean way.
Step 3: uhhh avoid overlaps I guess.
Step 4: play way too many 2009 maps. (2007-2012 maps may also count aswell...)
Step 5: learn about spacing changes. (In a mostly old fashioned way I think... ._.)
Step 6: play CDFA maps. *_*
Step 7: play Pasonia beatmaps. *~*
Step 8: get multiple complaints about your mapping style being called "limited" and possibly even "impossible to rank"
Step 9: get hypes!
Step 10: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............. Try out your luck to see if the beatmap nominators have nominated your beatmap.
Step 11: cry
Step 12: map again and again and again and again an-
Step 13: master your hitsound abilities (actually helps out a lot, because that stupid hitsounding grid would finally get blown away like the birthday candles.)
Step 14: cry again, because your map still sucks ;_;
Step 15: try to find your perfect favorite song to map (your personal favorites, not necessaringly boring anime...)
Step 16: compose music?? O_O
Step 17: find friends
Step 18: make your own backgrounds, because finding backgrounds suck ass.
Step 19: learn how to ignore mods if they annoy you so that your map won't get ruined by mod fixing
Step 20: feel happy when you get happy from happy30's happy feedback or else
Step 21: when you get a good enough feedback and when you actually can't get any mods from it, because the map is gud, then uhhh get more hypes..
Step 22: get beatmap nominators by directly pinging at them.
(I actually thought doing that would be actual sin to the whole mapping community and that the nominator would immediately block me or something, but no lol. I am so shy... ;_;)

Step 23: ??? (idk I never ever got any beatmap nominators ever before, but that's like because I've experimented too much on mapping weird stuff lol)

lewski wrote:

Drum-Hitnormal wrote:

people only care about highest quality
if this was true the average map wouldnt be so mediocre
by quality i meant metadata and audio quality, map quality is subjective and cant be measured

its not BN job to only rank the most unique maps, nor is bn job to remap the whole thing to make it unique.

only adds 1-10% as last finishing touch

most people would be surprised how much time is wasted on things thats not related to gameplay
Topic Starter

Drum-Hitnormal wrote:

lewski wrote:

Drum-Hitnormal wrote:

people only care about highest quality
if this was true the average map wouldnt be so mediocre
by quality i meant metadata and audio quality, map quality is subjective and cant be measured

its not BN job to only rank the most unique maps, nor is bn job to remap the whole thing to make it unique.

only adds 1-10% as last finishing touch

most people would be surprised how much time is wasted on things thats not related to gameplay
Oh I see.

Drum-Hitnormal wrote:

lewski wrote:

Drum-Hitnormal wrote:

people only care about highest quality
if this was true the average map wouldnt be so mediocre
by quality i meant metadata and audio quality, map quality is subjective and cant be measured

its not BN job to only rank the most unique maps, nor is bn job to remap the whole thing to make it unique.

only adds 1-10% as last finishing touch

most people would be surprised how much time is wasted on things thats not related to gameplay
yeah like 5 ms delays on hitsound samples

Randomness64 wrote:

Drum-Hitnormal wrote:

lewski wrote:

Drum-Hitnormal wrote:

people only care about highest quality
if this was true the average map wouldnt be so mediocre
by quality i meant metadata and audio quality, map quality is subjective and cant be measured

its not BN job to only rank the most unique maps, nor is bn job to remap the whole thing to make it unique.

only adds 1-10% as last finishing touch

most people would be surprised how much time is wasted on things thats not related to gameplay
yeah like 5 ms delays on hitsound samples
and bloated audio files
Sophie Twilight
I would say osu! is pretty hardcore in mapping (I took 3 years to try ranking my UNION! but ended up super demotivated)

but at least not on par with Geometry Dash levels, multiples of megacollabs with each part taking more than months, most extreme example is the recent Apocalyptic Trilogy that took 7 yeats to reach the current finalised version.
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