
[STD] Conyoh Cup 4 | 4v4 | #1-20K BWS | International “Regional” | Finished

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Yeong Yuseong

  1. This is a 4v4 draft tournament with a team size of 8 players consisting of 2 divisions in 2 regions.
    - Players will register individually
    - Lower divisions shall consist of players who are left over from the drafts of previous ones
  2. There are two regions: West and East
    - West Region: North America, South America, Western Europe
    - East Region: Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, The Middle East, Oceania
  3. Europe will be divided by the following criteria
    - All timezones below are defined as non-summer timezones
    - West: UTC+0 AND UTC+1 Northern/Western/Southern Europe according to EuroVoc
    - East: UTC+2/UTC+3/UTC+4 AND UTC+1 Central/Eastern Europe according to EuroVoc
    Rudimentary Region Split Image

    1. The red line represents the official split
    2. Green highlights represent UTC+1 countries
    3. Yellow highlights represent UTC+2 countries
  4. Matches will have default schedules between these times
    - West Region: 17 UTC - 20 UTC
    - East Region: 9 UTC - 12 UTC
  5. Players will be automatically put into a region based on their profile flag
    - If a player wishes to change to a different region due to discrepancies between their current location/flag or their timezone/region, they must contact a host and provide evidence for their region change
    - These region changes will only be granted in cases of long-term/permanent location discrepancies (eg. school in a different region, permanent home in a different region, etc.)
  6. Players must be between a rank range of #1 - 20,000 BWS.
    - BWS Formula: BWS = rank^(0.9937^(badges^2))
  7. All matches will be played using Team VS, ScoreV2.
  8. All players must join the Discord server before the end of registration or else their registration shall be considered void.
  9. All scheduling will be done in UTC. Find your timezone along with conversions here.
  10. Reschedules must be submitted by Friday, 23:59 UTC the week a round is due to happen. Reschedules beyond that point shall be reviewed and judged upon by administration.
  11. Staff are prohibited from participating in the tournament with the exception of streamers, commentators, and GFX artists.
    - Eliminated players are permitted to become referees, playtesters, and/or replayers.

  1. All players are expected to treat staff and other participants with a high level of respect. Any mistreatment or abuse in match, through Discord, or other social media platforms (this includes, but is not limited to: harassment, extreme toxicity, racism, ableism, sexism, homophobia, etc.) WILL NOT be tolerated. Sufficient punishment will be given accordingly.
  2. Administration reserves the right to deny your registration if you have had extenuating misdemeanors in other tournaments which includes, but is not limited to, the osu! Tournament Community Behavior Database.
  3. Forfeiting out of the tournament after being drafted because “you didn’t want to play anymore" or for any other non-emergency reason, will have you added to the watchlist and prohibited from entering the next iteration. Players who register are agreeing to be potentially picked as captain or as a player.
  4. Where rules do not prevail, common sense shall. Administration has explicit discretion to apply their judgement on issues as they see fit.

Draft Procedures:

  1. 8 captains shall be picked by administration after the end of registration. Each captain shall be randomly assigned a number from 1 - 8.
  2. Administration takes into account previous tournament presence, tournament performance, and player knowledge when selecting captains.
  3. Each captain shall be given 90 seconds to pick a single player during the draft phase, taking turns in numerical order.
  4. The draft phase will follow a serpentine format:
    - Round 1: 1, 2, 3, . . . , 6, 7, 8
    - Round 2: 8, 7, 6, . . . , 3, 2, 1
    - Round 3: 1, 2, 3, . . . , 6, 7, 8
  5. This shall continue until every team has 8 players.

Group Stage Procedures (Division I):

  1. After the 8 teams in a division are drafted, they will be put into a 2 week group stage
  2. There will be 2 groups of 4 teams in each group
  3. Initial seeding will be done through average BWS rank for the whole team
  4. Groups will be used to determine seeding for bracket stages.
  5. Seed 1, 3, 5, and 7 will be in Group 1, and Seed 2, 4, 6, and 8 will be in Group 2
  6. Group Stage matches will follow the same match procedure as the Bracket Stage
  7. Each team will play against each other once
  8. Group ranking will be determined in the following order of precedence
    - Match Wins
    - Points Difference
    - Points Scored
    - Wins vs Tied Participants
  9. Following the Group Stage, teams will then move onto a double-elimination bracket stage utilizing power seeding (#1 vs #8, #2 vs #7, etc.).
  10. The Top 2 of each group will advance into the Winners Bracket and the Bottom 2 of each group will advance into the Losers Bracket
  11. Bracket Stage will start from Semifinals and will follow a traditional Double Elimination Bracket.

Bracket Stage Procedures (Division II):

  1. There will be no Group Stages for Division II
  2. Instead, all teams from both West and East will be put into their respective separate QF double-elimination brackets
  3. The winner of the West Region will play against the winner of the East Region in a Super Grand Finals
  4. Super Grand Finals is Best of 3, spanning 2 weekends (may be subject to change depending on the teams' preferences)
  5. A 3rd place match will be held between 2nd place of West Region and 2nd place of East Region
  6. The winner of the Super Grand Finals will receive the Division II badge
  7. The winner of the 3rd Place Super Grand Finals will receive the Division II 3rd place banner

General Match Procedures:

  1. A referee will create a lobby and invite the captains. Captains are responsible for inviting their team into the lobby.
  2. Teams are expected to show up to matches on time.
  3. If a team fails to join the match 5 minutes from the scheduled match time, they will lose their roll and their ban(s).
  4. If a team fails to join the match 10 minutes from the scheduled match time, they will forfeit.
  5. It is a player's responsibility to come prepared for the match. If a player comes unprepared, the referee may use their judgment as they see fit.
  6. There are no warmups.
  7. There are no restrictions on picks or bans.
  8. NF will be enforced on all maps.
  9. Captains will roll for picks and bans. The winner of the roll may choose pick order or ban order. The loser will choose the remaining order.
  10. Throughout bracket stage, teams will have 2 bans.
  11. Teams will have 2 minutes for bans, should they fail to choose one within that time, they will lose their ban.
  12. Teams will have 2 minutes for picks, should they fail to choose one within that time, the pick will be rolled by the referee.
  13. Once a map is picked, teams will have 2 minutes to swap teammates and ready up. Once the timer is finished, the referee will force start the map.
  14. FreeMod picks allow HD, HR, and EZ (score multiplier is 1.75x). Teams are required to take at least 3 players with mods: one must be HD only while another must be HR only. Beyond that, there is free reign over mod combinations in order to meet the minimum requirement of 3 players with mods. (EX: HD + HR + HDHR + NM is allowed.)
  15. Tiebreakers are played with Freemod enabled, however, do not require players to use a mod.
  16. In the event of a disconnection, an abort/replay may be called if it occurred within the first 30 seconds of the map. Other than that, common sense will be applied. If proof exists of the disconnected player's score (or a rough estimate of their hypothetical score if they finished the map), it will be used. If it is at all ambiguous, that player’s score shall be considered zero. Each team is granted one replay per match.
  17. Disconnections are considered to be unexpected, game-breaking events out of a player’s control (i.e. keyboard/tablet/mouse malfunction, system failure, internet disconnect, etc). Offset, background dim, etc. ARE NOT considered valid reasons to call for an abort/replay as players may fix these on their own time.

Registration: June 3 - June 18@23:59 UTC
Screening: June 18 - July 1
  1. Since Division I will be running off of a different format than Division II, the schedule for the divisions vary slightly
  2. Depending on circumstances with players, there may be a 1 week delay/extension in the schedule towards the end of each Division
West & East Division I:
Draft: July 8 - July 9
Group Stage: July 15 - July 16 & July 22 - July 23 & July 29 - July 30
(1 week pause for COE: July 31 - August 6)
Semifinals: August 12 - August 13
Finals: August 19 - August 20
Grand Finals: August 26 - August 27

West & East Division II:
Draft: July 15 - July 16
Quarterfinals: July 22 - July 23
Semifinals: July 29 - July 30
(1 week pause for COE: July 31 - August 6)
Finals: August 12 - August 13
Grand Finals: August 19 - August 20
Super Grand Finals: August 26 - August 27 & September 2 - September 3

Round Information:
Group Stage: Best of 9 | 1 ban | 5 NM / 2 HD / 2 HR / 3 DT / 2 FM / 1 TB
Quarterfinals: Best of 11 | 2 bans | 5 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 4 DT / 3 FM / 1 TB
Semifinals: Best of 11 | 2 bans | 5 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 4 DT / 3 FM / 1 TB
Finals: Best of 13 | 2 bans | 6 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 4 DT / 3 FM / 1 TB
Grand Finals: Best of 13 | 2 bans | 6 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 4 DT / 3 FM / 1 TB
Super Grand Finals: Best of 13 | 2 bans | 6 NM / 3 HD / 3 HR / 4 DT / 3 FM / 1 TB

Note: SRs are based on expectations of player skill and are subject to change after the drafts.

*Disclaimer: There are no plans to add any further divisions.

Thank you to Crihs and phox for contributing $864 and $64 respectively to the prize pool!

Division I (West & East):
First Place: 6 months of supporter for each player ($128 total) + Profile badge (pending) + Profile banner

Second Place: 4 months of supporter for each player ($96 total) + Profile banner

Third Place: 2 months of supporter for each player ($64 total) + Profile banner

Division II:
First Place: 8 months of supporter for each player ($160 total) + Profile badge (pending) + Profile banner

Second Place: 4 months of supporter for each player ($96 total) + Profile banner

Third Place: 2 months of supporter for each player ($64 total) + Profile banner

Fourth Place: 1 month of supporter for each player ($32 total)

If you are interested in donating to the prize pool for the tournament or donating to support the staff members, please message Kahli (kahli) through Discord! Any contributions are greatly appreciated!

Hosts: Conyoh, Kahli

Admin: [K]

Spreadsheets: [K]

GFX: Cixia

Mappoolers: chiv, Conyoh, edbones, fooders, Tycani

Mapping Quality Assurance: Conyoh, fooders, nanoya, nautzz, Tycani

Mappers: bakery, chaser01, GRR SNARL GROWL, hanabyte, Ishtiaq, JeZag, Luminiscental, Suicune3, Tycani, Wispy

Playtesters: Kahli

Replayers: Kahli

Streamers: Kahli

Commentators: BlankTap

Referees: Kahli

If you are interested in staffing for the tournament, please message [K] ( if you want to be a referee, and Kahli (kahli) for any other staff roles. Please DM us through Discord. We are looking for referees, streamers, commentators, and playtesters!

** Rules are subject to change for clarifications and/or adjustments.

Official osu! Report Form
Emerald Ages
hi kahli
Shiraya Sayuki
Sadly no staff reg form
Kahlyoh Cup 4
it's backkkkk
oh yeah
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