Keybind: S and D on QWERTZ laptop keyboard..
Mouse player
(uses a 15€ gaming mouse)
I use my mouse to aim and my keyboard to click...
Though my mouse controls can get very slippy and inconsistent for the most part and my mouse might suddenly flicker my cursor around into the 2nd dimension if I don't care about my mouse placement at all, so I am unfortunately one of the mouse players that needs lots and lots of plays to even improve, so that's always bad, but hey I am at least getting more pp than before and I get some pretty high for my standards pp plays too!
Mouse placement: Somewhere near the top left corner, but I often go into some uncomfortable place that makes me struggle at aiming even harder...or I unfortunately hit something with my mouse too lol..
Ok my mods babe:
EZ: Literally the only proper way to get ez pp plays for stamina intensive maps, WTF AM I JUST DOING??? ;W;
NF: Idk I rarely use it now, only stuff that I can't pass...
HT: When I suck at (1/2) 210-250 bpm singletapping or/and at (1/4) 110-130 or >200 streaming...I hate low bpm maps soooooo much! (*/>_<)/ __|__
HR: I use it on lots of very old maps that have like ar6 no mod or lower, because I really like playing with small circle size! .w.
On the other hand I hate any ar above 9, because it feels way too fast! @_@
Also lots of new aswell as old maps have like a high od for hard diffs too so I can't just be able to sightread it all on frikin 9.8 or 10! Why 9.8 tho.. =(
SD: No...plz no jumpscare! ;_;
DT: uhhhh...I only use it for normal diffs I think idk...I have never been truly a fan of it..
NC: owo
HD: I have almost never played hidden, because I always get a fear of missing a bunch of notes everytime or misreading it..Therefore I suck at hidden...
FL: good luck fcing ONE 2* diff. with higher than 200x max. combo (Though I am already starting to learn how to use flashlight..)
It's a PAINFULLY difficult mod, but feels VERY rewarding when you FC one with this mod.
But combining it with hidden is what I call a masochist move, especially when the ar is very low gawwwwdd...That alone makes half of the objects frikin 10% invisible! (200x combo panic ;w;)
Fun Fact: I actually used to play with flashlight when I was a 7 digit, because I thought it was a fun mod!
(oh boy how wrong I was.. ;w;)
Anyways FL still sucks jesus christ.. ;_;
RL: oMg i CaN fC tHiS maP wItH rElAx I JuST neEd tO TaP
AP: "I can stream very well :3"
Auto: I actually use this one quite often when I wanna see how the diff. looks like...
(I often just look on other people's maps including mine too, for like literal hours somehow ;_;)
v2: ???
SO: My prime playstyle! <3
Mod Tier List:
S: No-Mod, EZ
A: HardRock
B: Auto, HalfTime
C: DoubleTime, Nightcore, NoFail
D: Hidden, Sudden Death, SpunOut
F: Relax, Autoplay, Perfect
?: v2