
Any hints?

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Hi, I just started playing and i was wondering if there were some things i should know like.

Is it better to you z/x instead of the left mouse button.
Should mouse precision mode be enabled.
Should i play in any specific res.
Or are there any options i should change.

Im asking because in f.e. stepmania if you dont know about Cmods and how to increase them/create new your pretty much screwed.
Do what you feel comfortable with.

If you notice you're poor in one area, figure out why. Once you know why, you can find a solution to the problem. This may affect how you play.

You play mouse-only, and you're pretty good. However, you have trouble with faster stacks and streams. You may decide to use LMB+X instead of LMB+RMB. This lets you click faster, and perhaps handle your mouse better (as there's less to disturb it).
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