Hello osu! players,
I have been working with a few streams lately trying to develop a cool new system that works to allow streamers to receive and keep track of song requests.
It's called ORB - osu!RequestBot. ORB sits in your twitch chat and, upon receiving a !req command, will add any song requests to the list - which appears on the UI of the program. This list allows you to use access the osu!direct menu inside the game. When you get into the game, the song will be checked off the list.
It's a very simple program that I hope many people are able to utilise. It takes almost no CPU - leaving you with loads for your stream.
The link to the source is: https://github.com/Redback93/OsuRequestBot[1]
And you can download the executable at:
This Link[2]
(Current Version: 1.2.3)
Supports mods:
eg. !req http://osu.ppy.sh/s/141284 HD HR
If you have any questions, ideas or personal issues, feel free to PM me on Reddit or on osu!