
2014, your predictions for osu! and whatnot.

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New year, new predictions, let's see what you guys think will happen for this year ! As for last year (where Mara implicitly accepted my help), the list will be in an external page, but I'll sort them differently. It'll be first by player, then by field. Or the contrary.

Any prediction, whatever it is, will be accepted as long as it doesn't attack anyone, ofc.
Also, it doesn't have to strictly concern osu!, guys. It can be about anything you'd like to share, but please don't mention things that are offensive to anyone who is inside the community.

inb4 cookiezis floating around

>>The prediction list can be found here<<

Let's go guys. I'll post mine later.
freedom dive will have 5 fc's
i wil meet a lot of canadians in real life
a map on a whole different level will get ranked (so difficult that nobody can pass it when it gets ranked)
netherlands will reach final 4 in owc again
#dutch will get another mod
France win TWC
Kyonko Hizara
4mil users
UK will get 3rd in owc
Someone of a high status (or formerly had one) will get banned (like a BAT or GMT)
I will meet ztrot irl

Kyonko Hizara wrote:

4mil users
5mil users
Osu will reach more than 5 million users / 6 million ? :3
France will win against Korea in OWC ( and win TWC )
A new game mode ? :D
I hope a DnB beatmap will be rank !! Sky Dance from Feint

Free supporter tag for all ? <3
Shohei Ohtani
Nobody will pass CDFA in the kudosu rankings, no matter how long he stops modding.
Someone becomes BAT and leaves the team before the next BAT round.
CDFA won't get banned
New modding system doesn't come out.

self-predictions are fun
ill suck my own dick
OT will get nuked, albeit momentarily

ppv2 doesn't get implemented
neither will .osz2

Brian OA wrote:

OT will get nuked, albeit momentarily
that happened last year (2013 huehuehue) already on april fools
Like last year, a total of 2 billion ranked plays!
osu will reach 15k people online regularly
we will get more than 20k viewers on twitch during the next owc (or wherever it gets streamed)
miney will become global mod
Kanye West
I will become chat op in #dutch.
I will become chat op in #filipino.
Taiwan wins OWC.
A mapper will come out of nowhere and get a map ranked that will become most played for the entire year.
Reimu and Shizuru return to osu!
A very popular player will get banned for cheating.
CTB gets removed from the game.
I & KinomiCandy will advance at least to semifinals in osu! Skandinavian Tournament.
I will be presented in "Finland's best players 2013"-video, if one will be made.
I will reach 1000 SS ranks in standard.
I will get kicked out from the staff.
I will be in next OWC and I will have the worst total accucary compared to teammates.
peppy calls me a retard.
Loctav calls me a retard and says that Gone Home is the best game of all time.
Sinistro comes in this thread, calls me a retard and advices me to fix my teeth.
jjrocks comes in this thread, calls me a retard, advices me to fix my teeth, calls to Barack Obama and flies to moon with a rocket.
thelewa does everything peppy, Loctav, Sinistro and jjrocks does - at the same time.
Kitsunemimi spectates me at least 5 times.
I manage to play something that makes people wonder "is this possible with a mouse?".
Someone thinks I am a girl again.
I will pass Eighto on 490 style. (
I will get a heart attack and go to hospital.
Hierophobic manages to FC insane difficulty.
TAG will get an official scoreboard.
Finland won't be in TWC.
Soarezi will be extremely polite for one day or longer.
I will get more than 50 viewers on Twitch.
One of my SBs will get ranked.
Most Played is removed from the forum Index, so is highest user rating
osu!academy is insanely successful and nets +1M views on YouTube
Next OWC sees me commentating in front of 20k people at least
I will, FINALLY, get 5 maps or more ranked in the same year
One of the devs will become inactive and will be replaced or an inactive dev will replace them
Korea wins next OWC, again
France underperforms and doesn't get past group stage next OWC (there's a pattern, trust me)
Massive overhaul in ranking process for Taiko due to its drastic decrease in material
modding system 2.0 will be out around march-ish
osu! as you know it will get a facelift and look more like a korean model than ever before
some cool shit will happen that will make everybody go "wow that's cool"
osu!tablet will sell out so quickly that peppy will be stuck handling logistics for the better part of a month while chitose briefly becomes the supreme overlord
i will become top 200 in pp
Battler will not get banned or have anything happen to him.
There will be a new master shitposter in OT.

Added Stuff: I'll get in a relationship.
My map will be graveyarded.
I will hit 500 in CtB.
I will enjoy SAO2 ggo ftw shinon is the best girl
dudes will remains weaboo for the whole year
I will add 50 new gifs to my userpage.

I will leave unannounced again.
Trash Boat
i may get into the national top 25 of Taiko
Nardoxiribonucleic(that was his name?) will play less often
- - - - - will chat in #osu once
somebody will make something in OT in April fools day
Once again the april fools will be shit
I won't rank more than 5 maps this year
One more big update will make everyone mad
#portuguese will stay without active portuguese speaker moderators
#modhelp will be even more offtopic
vipto stops being butthurt
silmarilen is going to SS scarlet rose
I'm gonna meet more people from osu!
Priti will finally learn how to map/mod
Gezo will make useless predictions again
Blue Dragon will try to quit once again, leaving a depressing message on his userpage and will come back after some hours/days
Something that's not anime/japanese will be most played for a long time
More useless chat filters
Unknown people will turn into BATs
Zarerion won't be a BAT ( :( )
Hula will learn how to make proper jokes
osz2 isn't going to be released
More strict ranking criteria
Scarlet Rose will keep being the hardest map ever
Even if I happen to fail to quit once (or more), I will actually do it at some point of this year, and not come back for at least 5 months
A map from a new famous anime from this season will get most played, something like Guren no Yumiya and that stuff
I will find a job or some way to earn my own money
Someone FCs Big Black with HD
A new "impossible mapper" will come out of nowhere and become (in)famous instantly and people will try to copy their style
Another issue with copyright strikes osu!

Only that I guess
Ranking requirements for approval maps becomes drastically lowered until basically any TV size map can be approved with only one difficulty

8 person easy collab will become reality

I stop shitposting

I learn portuguese
Raging Bull
osu!mania overtakes standard as the main mode.
thelewa gets himself banned

new anti-cheat system implemented
ppv2 comes out 3 months late
there will be one too many approved maps
major bancho crash results in many disgruntled players
the "no custom diff names" rule isn't enforced
i am going to be disappointed with my first osu april fools
thelewa will become a girl
Unexpected people will become BAT
I will become BAT
image material fc
Shohei Ohtani
Expected people won't become BAT.

Andrea will get 200 ranked maps
tp (or a spinoff of it) will be added to osu as the new main map difficulty system
but it wont be used for a ranking system
big_child will pass h4ppyst1ck as the best dutch player on tp
osu!guild maybe or team or club or whatever you like to call it~

Raging Bull wrote:

osu!mania overtakes standard as the main mode.

One of my maps will ranked.
i will be able to quit this retarded game this year.

[Luanny] wrote:

Zarerion won't be a BAT ( :( )
In should predict the opposite just for the sake of it.

Zarerion becomes BAT
Also 3 or more new ranked Zarerion maps
I pass Eighto
I learn how2stream (haha no)
Priti learns how to not be a total asshole <3
My prediction :

be a pro
A new god of osu.
Image material was FCed.
New hardest map after IMAGE -MATERIAL-
have over 5 ranked maps.
Can stream over 270 bpm. (of course syrsa :3)
Indonesia have a BAT.
osu! have a guild/clan :3

nyanyanya :3
FC on Freedom Dive & Big Black
More scores with mods on Airman
"Burai" sliders, Stack Leniency 0, 0.1 rankable
Changing rules about approval
Changing rule about custom diff names
Starrodkirby86 back to BAT
More cool mappers & players
Unexpected comeback from old forgotten BAT
New hardest ranked/approved map (and it will be unranked (or more correctly unqualified?) with a huge drama).
New feature what noone will like
Ciyus Miapah
Fort will have nyancat pillow
Fort will have a nyancat swag
Fort will have Fort
Fort will stalking about 5million people in osu including people who reading this
Fort will be #1 in CTB rankings

some adds
5million peole is /ignore me permanently then

and some bad predictions, Priti will becoming a shit BAT
- Azis will become even more popular (e.g. people start mapping Azis, etc.)
- At least three ranked Azis Maps will exist
- 20+ Difficulty Mapset will be ranked
- Larto's comeback
- Taiko BG will be available again (with an Update)
- Loctav becomes to Community Manager
- I stop shitposting probably won't happen
- Getting five Maps ranked this year
- bomber34 gets another Mapset ranked
- TNG's Bittan Bittan will be ranked
- Changing to o!m, quitting Taiko
- Renaming back to TheNutritiousGuy
- UnderminE becomes to GMT


outside of osu!:
- Start playing MapleStory again wtf
- some pro players with real skills will rise
- ppv2 got delayed for some reason
- tp will be used as a secondary ranking besides pp
- unexpected people will return to the community
  1. Collection Renaming finally happens (officially)
  2. ppv2 comes out, then taken down for overhaul again
  3. TAG gets an official scoreboard of some sort
  4. Mara revives PERKELE Challenge again

Fort wrote:

and some bad predictions, Priti will becoming a shit BAT
Keep talkin' shit, but I have future in CtB!

oh and I predict that Lach will finally submit a map and it will turn out shit and no one will take him seriously anymore.
I will get banned
Trash Boat

GladiOol wrote:

I will get banned
why wouldn't he?
Trash Boat
do you think that banning him will be Piece of cake?
see what i did there?

battler077 wrote:

do you think that banning him will be Piece of cake?
see what i did there?
this is why you are one of my favorite posters. the amount of cringe in every post you make is just amazing
battler keeps amusing us all with his quality posts
Tuxdude quits before June
I get no maps ranked
I will also get banned
if not, I will quit again for 3 weeks (or more)
me and La Cataline will collab on a song (note: not a map)
me and D33d will collab on a song (same note here)
I will make an anime remix and someone makes a map for it (not me)
people will keep thinking that I'm a girl
lewa gets banned
me and NEDM will meet
Andrea will be alumni (and BAT, then again alumni. Maybe even BAT later)
at least 15 Christmas maps get ranked
Spooky Scary Skeletons gets mapped (if it's not yet), and ranked near Halloween
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