
Problem with hands?

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So I have essential tremor - uncontrollable shaking, basically shaky hands. This makes it difficult to play osu! I'm wondering if there's anyone else with the same thing and if there is a way to minimize the shaking.
[ Stellar ]
That might be the case of parkinson's

Maybe your adrenaline is too high. Be sure to take deep slow breaths before you play and calm down.
I don't have your condition, but the best thing I can think of is keep your wrist on your mousepad/surface and see if a lower or higher sensitivity helps.
I'll probably get a rouch screen PC to play osu if I'm in your shoe, since pointing devices will only amplify shaking.
When i get close to S'ing some really hard song or getting a good rank i get nervous. This causes me to shake but idk you need to learn to control it. i play with a tab and after some HR playing with small circles its helping me control the nerves and shaking.
Maybe it have something to do in your dpi D: maybe it's too high? or maybe your too nervous while playing
From what I've read, essential tremor is an uncontrollable condition. The shaking is not caused from being nervous.

toastwithcheese, since you know your case more than anyone else, the best thing may be just to try different things and see how they get along.
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thank you everyone for tips, I tried a lot, changing the sensitivity to lower on osu won't work cuz I have win 8.1 and there is a bug. I'm planing to changing to a tablet soon, hopefully that'll help
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