
Enable cursor smoke

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Problem details: Hello, when I'm in a beatmap, the cursor smoke appears, but in the menu it is no longer there. And I heard that smoke can be in the menu, when choosing a beatmap etc... but how do I enable it ?

Thanks in advance.

PS : I don't speak fluently english so I hope I'm understandable. ^^'
You might be mistaking cursor smoke with cursor trail. The cursor smoke, to my knowledge, is only accessible in game and not outside of it, however, the cursor trail is available as long as it is skinned properly.
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Sorry if my message confused you. But what’s the difference between the cursor smoke and the cursor trail? And how to properly skin the cursor trail?
I’m sorry if my questions look stupid.
Found in the skinning wiki: wiki/en/Skinning/Interface

Main difference is that cursor smoke is activated upon pressing a button/keybind. Cursor tail is a part of the cursor And follows the cursors movement with a slight delay

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