
Cherry Blossom - One Love Story

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La Valse
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2009년 10월 17일 토요일 at 오후 9:02:19

Artist: Cherry Blossom
Title: One Love Story
Tags: hutka
BPM: 110
Filesize: 3252kb
Play Time: 02:34
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.65 stars, 351 notes)
  2. Insane (4.89 stars, 447 notes)
  3. minyeob's Relaxing (3.61 stars, 110 notes)
  4. Normal (4.24 stars, 261 notes)
  5. ykcarrot's Drum (4.43 stars, 288 notes)
Download: Cherry Blossom - One Love Story
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Beatmap by hutka, ykcarrot and minyeob

Thanks star~ minyeob, ykcarrot, Mafiamaster, lrasl, bmin11, MoonFragrance
moth, eee, Hakujitsumu, animask, Card N'ForcE, Armin, dksslqj
panic_on, v2b, arken1015, Lizbeth, EEeee, al2e10, Hujibayasi kyou
askerlate47, sonnyc, blissfulyoshi, Azure_Kyte, Satosid, DeathxShinigami
Zekira, Cookiezi, Gothic, nuzagoo, Yes, Gens, korealien, Behonkiss
orioncomet, JarJarJacob
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: Cherry Blossom - One Love Story (hutka) [ykcarrot's Drum].osu
Well....... I made the easiest difficulty. Don't kick me about that. If you want a longer version, Sure I can make it longer
뭐랄까 난이도 보니까 쉬운거 필요할 것 같아서 더럽게 짧고 쉽게 만들었습니다. 뭐라고 하지 마세염 ㅜㅜ
더 만드시라고 하면 더 만들 수도 있습니다.

스타 하나 뱉겠음 ㅋㅋ

Download: Cherry Blossom - One Love Story (hutka) [minyeob Relaxing].osu
Oh noez! No BG image in mineyob's. D=

mineyob's relaxing~
01:21:36 (1) - Suggestion: Finish
01:25:72 (1) - ^
01:29:54 (8) - ^ at end of slider.
01:40:99 (2) - Remove finishes from this slider.
01:38:81 (1) - Suggestion: Maybe remove some finishes here or just end of the slider.
01:43:17 (2) - Suggestion: Add a finish here.
01:43:72 (3) - Suggestion: Remove finish
01:44:81 (5) - ^

00:11:01 (1) - Move closer to 00:11:28 (1).
00:18:37 (1) - Suggestion: If possible, move closer to 6.
00:26:82 (5) - Suggestion: Add a finish.
00:35:55 (1) - Add a finish at the start of this slider.
01:25:18 (3) - Suggestion: Add a finish on the reverse arrow of this slider.
01:30:63 (5) - New combo.
01:31:99 (1) - Suggestion: Maybe remove new combo since 01:36:36 (3) isn't a new combo?
02:09:35 (4) - Suggestion: Add a finish at the beginning.
02:23:26 (7) - Suggestion: Add a finish at the end?

Topic Starter
La Valse
Mafiamaster//Thank you modding and star :)
오랜만에 모딩글 작성하는군요 ㅋ
우리말 울렁증 있는 외국인들을 위해 영어도 적어 놓겠음.

00:12:51 (4) - 길이 1/4박 줄이시는게 어떰?
00:12:51 (4) - Decrease the length by 1/4 beat, please

00:21:92 (1) - 뉴콤보 사용이 적절하지 않은듯? 00:22:19 (1) - 하고 좀 멀리 떨어뜨리는게 어떻나 싶네요.
00:21:92 (1) - IMO, New combo isn't used properly. How about making this farther from 00:22:19 (1)?

00:35:554(빈 공간) - 뭔가 허전한 느낌이 드는 듯.
00:35:554(Blank) - Feel empty.

00:41:14 (1,2,3) - 간격이 00:40:73 (7) 하고 혼동되네요.
00:41:14 (1,2,3) - Spacing with 00:40:73 (7) is kind of confusing

00:55:05 (5) - (4) 끝나는 곳과 겹치는게 더 좋을 것 같네요.
00:55:05 (5) - Stack this with previous slider's ending point.

00:52:73 (8,9,10) - 간격 이상함 ㄷㄷ
00:52:73 (8,9,10) - Spacing wrong.

이상 無.
Nothing wrong in my sight.

배경 찾아보겠습니다. 오른쪽 마우스 사용 못하게 하는 배경들이 더럽게 많군요.
민엽씨의 쿠도수 스타가...
minyeobs kudosu star..

저도 +Star
me too..+Star
Topic Starter
La Valse
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
La Valse

lRasl wrote:

민엽씨의 쿠도수 스타가...
minyeobs kudosu star..

저도 +Star
me too..+Star
Thank you ~ :)
I'm gonna mod in Korean and no one is gonna stop me

[minyeob Relaxing]
00:23:01 (3) - 여기서 부터 Finish 패턴이 끊기는데 유지해보는게 어떨까요? 맘에 들어서 말이죠
01:33:36 (3) - 호루라기 추가에 (몸통 포함) 다음 빨간 선까지 늘려주세요

호루라기 도배하지 말아주세요;;
00:16:46 (5) - 빨간 선까지 줄여주세요
00:20:82 (1) - 거리 오차
00:18:37 (1) - 여기서부터 노트들이 너무 시끄러운것 같으니 볼륨좀 줄여주세요
00:52:32 (2) - 노말치고는 너무 힘드니 그냥 하얀 선에 노트 놓으시는 걸로 끝내주세요
01:05:27 (1) - 노말에서 점프가? 안될건 없죠...
01:11:27 (1) - 소프트 사운드로 바꿔주세요. 역시 점프가 걸리긴 하지만...
01:18:22 (2) - 이건 뭐 고쳐야할지 말아야할지.... 그냥 1번 슬라이더에 유턴을 넣어보심이?
01:27:63 (5) - 그냥 노트 하나로 끝내죠;; 노말은 입문자를 위한 난이도란걸 잊지 말아주시길...
01:39:36 (4) - 일직선으로 펴주세요 (괜히 트집 잡혀서 버블 터지기 전에...)
02:04:99 (6) - 앞부분에 피니쉬 추가 (그냥 듣기 좋아서...)
02:12:90 (5) - 이 노트를 지우고 앞의 슬라이더를 줄여서 유턴을 3번 넣어주세요
02:16:85 (6) - 지우고 앞의 7번 슬라이더가 이 역할을 하도록 해주세요.

01:11:27 (1) - 노말과 같은 이유

01:11:27 (1) - 같은 이유
Topic Starter
La Valse
bmin11//Thank you modding and star :)
초록색 글씨는 그저 조언입니다. 꼭 고치실 필요는 없어요.
색이 옆어질수록 약한(?) 조언입니다.

00:16:19 (4) - 스페이싱
00:18:10 (Kiai) - 단순한 후렴구인데 벌써부타 Kiai 시작되는건 좀 깨네요, 딱히 클라이막스라고도 하기엔 그렇고 말이죠.
01:05:27 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - 점프가 좀 생뚱맞은 느낌이네요 계속 점프가 되다가 갑자기 스페이싱이 줄어드니 맥이 끊기는 느낌이랄까요.
01:11:27 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - 노말에서 나오는 점프치고는 너무 빠르고 간격이 넓네요. 좀 줄여주시는게 좋을듯 하네요.
01:23:27 - 여기서 Kiai가 왜 끊기나요?
01:39:36 - ^
02:24:08 (1) -간격은 멀리 떨어져 있는데 점프라고도 할수 없는 모호한 노트네요. 수정해주세요

다 좋은데 소리가 바뀔때 타이밍 섹션을 노트 바로 위에 설정해 두지 마세요.
플레이어가 잘못해서 일찍느러거나 할때 이상한 소리가 납니다.

전체적으로 Kiai가 과용된 느낌이 나는군요

00:18:10 (Kiai) - 노말과 동일
00:53:82 (Kiai) - 그다지 클라이막스도 아닌데 Kiai모드는 왜 들어가있나요. 꽤나 쌩뚱맞네요.
01:05:27 (Kiai) - ^

00:18:10 (Kiai) - 노말과 동일
00:53:82 (Kiai) - 하드와 동일
01:05:27 (Kiai) - ^
Topic Starter
La Valse
MoonFragrance//Thank you modding and star :)
Topic Starter
La Valse

ykcarrot wrote:

adjust audio timing points

[attachment=0:af097]Cherry Blossom - One Love Story (hutka) [ykcarrot's Drum].osu[/attachment:af097]

good~ :)
i think this map's sound good
Topic Starter
La Valse

moth wrote:

i think this map's sound good

Thank you :)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
La Valse

eee wrote:

lacks background, other than that, it's quite relaxing

00:53:55 (1) - I don't see why this needs new combo, remove it.
not sure if the map needs a break :|

good, hitsounds are nice

01:05:27 (kiai) - I don't feel this is needed, ya know
01:16:18 (1) - remove new combo
spacing and placement makes it "meh"
don't get me wrong, the map is kinda cool. I had some fun with it

k, here's your star
Thank you!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
La Valse

Hakujitsumu wrote:

This is good.
Good luck to ranked.
Thank you! :)
Sleep Powder
[minyeob's Relaxing]
Add a Background and Full Submit.
Add minyeob to the Tags. And add more tags too.
01:24:63 (1) - Remove New Combo
01:28:18 (5) - Feels out of rhythm...Remove?
01:29:54 (8) - Add a Finish at the end of this slider

01:29:81 (4) - Add a Finish here instead of 3?

02:27:62 (7) - Add a finish at the end of this slider
02:34:16 (1) - Add a finish

00:40:05 (1) - This note sounds a bit weird. Remove it?
02:34:16 (1) - Add a Finish

[ykcarrot's Drum]
Oh I thought this was a taiko-only difficulty.
I like this difficulty~
Drums are my favorite
Topic Starter
La Valse

animask wrote:

[minyeob's Relaxing]
Add a Background and Full Submit.
Add minyeob to the Tags. And add more tags too.
01:24:63 (1) - Remove New Combo
01:28:18 (5) - Feels out of rhythm...Remove?
01:29:54 (8) - Add a Finish at the end of this slider

01:29:81 (4) - Add a Finish here instead of 3?

02:27:62 (7) - Add a finish at the end of this slider
02:34:16 (1) - Add a finish

00:40:05 (1) - This note sounds a bit weird. Remove it?
02:34:16 (1) - Add a Finish

[ykcarrot's Drum]
Oh I thought this was a taiko-only difficulty.
I like this difficulty~
Drums are my favorite

Thank you! :)
Download: Cherry Blossom - One Love Story (hutka) [minyeob Relaxing].osu

배경: 무성의하지만 오른쪽 마우스 뚫기가 귀찮았음 ㅇㅅㅇ

no kudosu plz

Topic Starter
La Valse

minyeob wrote:

[attachment=0:c2bac]Cherry Blossom - One Love Story (hutka) [minyeob Relaxing].osu[/attachment:c2bac]

배경: 무성의하지만 오른쪽 마우스 뚫기가 귀찮았음 ㅇㅅㅇ

no kudosu plz

good~ :)
Card N'FoRcE
Why does every difficulty have different Kiai sections? o.o
Also,i think you overused them a bit D:

- minyeob's:
fine ^^

- Normal:
Did you forget Kiai on? o.o
there's a section going on from 1:34:998 to the end o.o
You can turn it off at 1:49:772, then turn on again at 2:19:171

- Hard:
Wow, very variable spacing, but everything seems ok ^^

- Insane:
Too much Kiai, really.
I think you can at least remove it from 1:21:909 to 1:30:089.

- ykcarrot's:
fine ^^

Star, but please fix kiai in all difficulties once for all xD
minyeob diff is supposed to be "Minyeob's Relaxing"
Topic Starter
La Valse

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Why does every difficulty have different Kiai sections? o.o
Also,i think you overused them a bit D:

- minyeob's:
fine ^^

- Normal:
Did you forget Kiai on? o.o
there's a section going on from 1:34:998 to the end o.o
You can turn it off at 1:49:772, then turn on again at 2:19:171

- Hard:
Wow, very variable spacing, but everything seems ok ^^

- Insane:
Too much Kiai, really.
I think you can at least remove it from 1:21:909 to 1:30:089.

- ykcarrot's:
fine ^^

Star, but please fix kiai in all difficulties once for all xD

Thank you ~ :)
Topic Starter
La Valse

DeathxShinigami wrote:

minyeob diff is supposed to be "Minyeob's Relaxing"
Thank you ~
I give you star.

Good luck~!
Topic Starter
La Valse
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Offset: 1202 ms

-minyeob's Relaxing

01:12:638 Finish at the start?
01:17:546 Finish?
01:29:544 Clap at the start?

02:13:173 Spacing
00:16:194 New combo?
00:43:598 Finish?
02:25:443 Spacing?

ykcarrot's Drum
All fine.

00:44:280 Finish?
01:09:366 Finish?
01:38:542 Finish at the start?

and starred!
Topic Starter
La Valse

Armin wrote:

Offset: 1202 ms

-minyeob's Relaxing

01:12:638 Finish at the start?
01:17:546 Finish?
01:29:544 Clap at the start?

02:13:173 Spacing
00:16:194 New combo?
00:43:598 Finish?
02:25:443 Spacing?

ykcarrot's Drum
All fine.

00:44:280 Finish?
01:09:366 Finish?
01:38:542 Finish at the start?

and starred!

Thank you! :)

hutka wrote:

This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2009년 10월 1일 목요일 at 오후 4:18:31

Artist: Cherry Blossom
Title: One Love Story
Tags: hutka
BPM: 110.02
Filesize: 11481kb
Play Time: 02:34
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.66 stars, 351 notes)
  2. Insane (4.89 stars, 445 notes)
  3. minyeob's Relaxing (3.61 stars, 110 notes)
  4. Normal (4.18 stars, 274 notes)
  5. ykcarrot's Drum (4.43 stars, 288 notes)
아직 플레이하진 않았지만......

역시 리본인가......... 리본인건가!!!!!
그스타포인트 부럽군

Download: Cherry Blossom - One Love Story
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Beatmap by hutka, ykcarrot and minyeob

Thanks minyeob, ykcarrot, Mafiamaster, lrasl, bmin11, MoonFragrance
moth, eee, Hakujitsumu, animask, Card N'ForcE, Armin
Topic Starter
La Valse

ykcarrot wrote:

Adjust timing points again.

Thank you ~ :)
Topic Starter
La Valse

dksslqj wrote:

hutka wrote:

This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2009년 10월 1일 목요일 at 오후 4:18:31

Artist: Cherry Blossom
Title: One Love Story
Tags: hutka
BPM: 110.02
Filesize: 11481kb
Play Time: 02:34
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.66 stars, 351 notes)
  2. Insane (4.89 stars, 445 notes)
  3. minyeob's Relaxing (3.61 stars, 110 notes)
  4. Normal (4.18 stars, 274 notes)
  5. ykcarrot's Drum (4.43 stars, 288 notes)
아직 플레이하진 않았지만......

역시 리본인가......... 리본인건가!!!!!
그스타포인트 부럽군

Download: Cherry Blossom - One Love Story
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Beatmap by hutka, ykcarrot and minyeob

Thanks minyeob, ykcarrot, Mafiamaster, lrasl, bmin11, MoonFragrance
moth, eee, Hakujitsumu, animask, Card N'ForcE, Armin

후후 이것이 능력이란것이다! 안니버!
Thank you~
Topic Starter
La Valse

panic_on wrote:


Thank you ~ ^^ :)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
La Valse

v2b wrote:

green timing lines are not on ticks,please fix them

00:12:65 (4,1) - too far for a normal(but you can keep it if you think it's fine
00:29:96 (5,1) - ^
01:12:37 (5,1) - ^

the BG pic sucks,could you find a better one?
00:17:01 (7,8) - wrong spacing
02:27:62 (7,8,9) - 8 and 9 are invisible(you neednt change it if you don't want to

01:48:09 (1) - the repeat arrow is covered by notes - ykcarrot..

star :)

Thank you ~ :)
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: Cherry Blossom - One Love Story (hutka) [ykcarrot's Drum].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter
La Valse

ykcarrot wrote:

v2b wrote:

01:48:09 (1) - the repeat arrow is covered by notes // fixed

Topic Starter
La Valse
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Cool map
well done

here's my suggestions n_n

01:05:28 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - these inconsistence in spacing could get confusing for a normal diff
01:11:28 (1,2,3,4,5) - same
01:18:23 (2) - move 1/4 beat later and add a repeat
01:46:18 (1,2,3,4) - same of the spacing
i suggest you to add a break...almost 3 min map... no breaks.. is wrong IMO

01:28:59 (3) - replace for a circle
then add a spinner from 01:28:73 to 01:29:27
add break

00:02:29 (3) - remove note? to fits the vocals.. just like here: 00:06:65 n_n
00:18:38 (1) - intencional jump?
01:55:18 (3,4) - only these two stack.. is kinda confusing IMO
01:57:09 (7,8,9,10) - same
there's a few more like this, i wont point it all. but you know my opinion
02:18:35 (1) - if will be nice, if you silence this spinner
add break

ykcarrot's Drum
Cool what u did with the soft-finish °¬°
02:18:35 (1) - oh you did silence it...i suggest this in insane, but maybe make diference

minyeob's Relaxing
no problems n_n

cya good luck
[minyeob's Relaxing]

01:41:00 (2) - finish at 01:42:09


00:42:10 - here . do it like this .
01:11:28 (1,2,3,4,5) - hitsound. plz use 4-5 . dont make it without hitsound .
01:41:68 (2) - i prefer here is a 1/2 beat slider. easy to follow . becuz this is normal.

and . without breaktime ?

[ykcarrot's Drum]

sorry . i dont like this diff . becuz confusing rhythm . hard to follow . and a little boring .


01:11:28 (1,2,3,4,5) - like normal.
01:16:73 (9,1,1) - distance . confuse
02:10:99 (1,1) - ^
all map's distance is strange.if you wanna make some jumps .plz make them obviously

for [insane] . i dont this overall8 is fix this song and this map . 7 is enough .

thanks .
Offset = 1,210( i've never been soo sure, but this i'm really sure is correct) make sure re-snap all notes/fix breaks after add offset

minyeob's Relaxing
well just fix breaks, they are really really little off, but other than that, map is perfect

00:22:74 (4) - new combo here, and remove it at 00:23:28 (1)
well, nothing else wrong, but , , maybe add a break, 2 minute normal song without break (heres a good stop for one 02:17:949)

ykcarrot's Drum
k this diff is perfect, just some suggestions, not needed
01:29:14 (7) - new combo
01:50:68 (1) - remove new combo
02:16:594 - add a note here, place it so this patteri is stacked

perfect, a masterpiece

01:45:36 (11) - new combo, remove from next note
01:46:45 (3) - ^

wow, nice map, really nice
Topic Starter
La Valse

Lizbeth wrote:

Cool map
well done

here's my suggestions n_n

01:05:28 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - these inconsistence in spacing could get confusing for a normal diff
01:11:28 (1,2,3,4,5) - same
01:18:23 (2) - move 1/4 beat later and add a repeat
01:46:18 (1,2,3,4) - same of the spacing
i suggest you to add a break...almost 3 min map... no breaks.. is wrong IMO

01:28:59 (3) - replace for a circle
then add a spinner from 01:28:73 to 01:29:27
add break

00:02:29 (3) - remove note? to fits the vocals.. just like here: 00:06:65 n_n
00:18:38 (1) - intencional jump?
01:55:18 (3,4) - only these two stack.. is kinda confusing IMO
01:57:09 (7,8,9,10) - same
there's a few more like this, i wont point it all. but you know my opinion
02:18:35 (1) - if will be nice, if you silence this spinner
add break

ykcarrot's Drum
Cool what u did with the soft-finish °¬°
02:18:35 (1) - oh you did silence it...i suggest this in insane, but maybe make diference

minyeob's Relaxing
no problems n_n

cya good luck
Thank you ~ :)
Topic Starter
La Valse

osu_CN_yaya wrote:

[minyeob's Relaxing]

01:41:00 (2) - finish at 01:42:09


00:42:10 - here . do it like this .
01:11:28 (1,2,3,4,5) - hitsound. plz use 4-5 . dont make it without hitsound .
01:41:68 (2) - i prefer here is a 1/2 beat slider. easy to follow . becuz this is normal.

and . without breaktime ?

[ykcarrot's Drum]

sorry . i dont like this diff . becuz confusing rhythm . hard to follow . and a little boring .


01:11:28 (1,2,3,4,5) - like normal.[attachment=0:f6057]normal.jpg[/attachment:f6057]
01:16:73 (9,1,1) - distance . confuse
02:10:99 (1,1) - ^
all map's distance is strange.if you wanna make some jumps .plz make them obviously

for [insane] . i dont this overall8 is fix this song and this map . 7 is enough .

thanks .

Thank you ~ :)
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