
frustration & mindset issues.

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I get easily frustrated over things I shouldn't be. Missing on a 6* map? Having below 95% acc on a map in my comfort zone? Not FC'ing? I get soo frustrated over those that I think about bashing my hand and head against a wall and crying myself to sleep.
I've been trying to "think positively" as prescribed by people higher ranked than me, but the hate for my scores grow as I play.

"Oh that miss wasn't really that bad." I say out loud, as I try to deny the growing feeling of frustration within me.
"It's just a bad day." I say, as the bad days have been continuing for 2 weeks now.

All I want is to set cool scores and hit fun patterns man.

But I feel I'm stuck on boring skills that I can confidently do: consistency & streams. Not even finger control, aim control or speed. Those are very exciting skills that has a lot of respect in my heart.
Most of my time playing osu has been on those skills.
I know that I need to train them more in order to set cool scores, but I can't find any maps that would suit what I'm trying to improve. It's so difficult.

This post was written as a rant to alleviate this growing sensation of constant frustration and anger over my skill level. I know it's stupid to feel this much over a circle clicking game, but I've spent an ungodly time into this game. This is the first game that I reached 700+ hours on actually and I don't want to quit. This game feels like it'll get more fun as you improve more since you can hit more fun patterns.

TLDR: my mindset sucks so bad oml >~<

NOTE: I'll probably regret posting this LOLL
Hey man don't forget that it's just a game! You shouldn't be so frustrated over one miss on a 6* map or a low accuracy on a map that you know you can easily SS. However, you seem to be aware of your situation (otherwise the post would not have existed) so I deduce that you can easily manage to calm down and relax if things like these happen in the future.

Always take a step back and ask yourself "Why did I start playing this game?"
Think about it this way. You've come much further than you've ever been before. Ur road wont always be smooth, ur problem might be because u expect the road to always be smooth. I don't usually look at pp much but this is a good time to mention it i think. Look at your rank there, its gone up a whole 7k ranks since 3 months ago, thats pretty good yknow? Compared some other people who gets stuck at around the same rank you're doing nicely yourself. Just keep pushing like you've always had, and if play more doesn't work, play less.

Oh and for the missing part, just play it through. Usually i tell myself "I'll hit it next run" and it usually works itself out, or if it doesn't then i get a better understanding of my own skill which leads to better decisions on how to improve
Here's a cool mindset that I recently adopted:
osu! sucks and nothing we do will be recognised anyway, no point beating ourselves up because we'll never be Number 1, might as well just enjoy the game like any other :D
From what you posted sounds like your goal is to improve and you want to have fun while doing it. However you have hit a roadblock since you are frustrated no matter what you play and cant seem to get out of it, even after 2 weeks.

First of all you are not stupid to feel this way.

Yes it is only a game, but you like this game a lot and have spent a lot of time and effort in it so its only natural to feel frustrated when things are not going the way you want them to. You may feel like you are improving slowly or not at all but every note you hit, you are making progress toward improvement.

Cool scores are great but setting scores isn't what makes you a good player.

The improvement comes before the scores are set. Our brain doesn't recognize this though and when you are going through bad times you will feel terrible since you feel there is no sign of progress. Its especially bad when you play worse because you feel you are playing bad, its an endless negative loop.

If you are aware of this then it might help. You can become aware of the loop and remember that your performance doesn't matter, only your improvement does. You can be ok with playing bad since you are still making progress on achieving your goal even with bad performance. Once you are out of the loop you can take control again with a clear head. You can put your full focus into your performance and improve even faster.

However you cant always be in a positive frame of mind and always snap out of negativity. You have to be able to deal with the situation when you are feeling negative or positive. With all your frustration it might feel like too much but that's ok. You can take a break. You can keep pushing forward. Both are good options.

Just remember that you are improving every day (even when you play bad) and you can work your way through it.

Good luck : )
Sounds like me when I've spent 20+ tries and more than an hour on a single map (usually 3*) that I should have no trouble SS-ing but I'm still. Fucking. Trying. Or it's bullshit like Ikenai Taiyou [Lowest Diff?]

Can't help you, though, as I still feel like that every single goddamn time it happens. Also happens when I'm trying to get a PF mod combo and the game tells me I'm early/late and I CAN'T FUCKING TELL HOW BECAUSE YOU WON'T FUCKING SHOW ME. God, absolute worst part of PF. I know you're supposed to "SS or quit", but you could at least give it a second for the UR bar to show you as late or early.
Looks like you were just like me. Trying to think positively does work, although it'd take a long while for it to take effect since this isn't just mindset in osu, but in all aspects of your life. So it takes time to improve your anger issues and such.

If you experience anger and frustration during play, then I'd suggest you take a break and do things that makes you happy and more relaxed. If you feel like playing again, then go ahead. Rinse and repeat.
Hoping that all these beautiful tips will help you for the future :)

Lilyn wrote:

This game feels like it'll get more fun as you improve more
instead of expecting to have more fun at the game after you improve, try to find a way to have fun right now! don't play for the sake of getting better, and there is absolutely no need to do well (unless if you're either a top player or you're in a tournament), because there's always thousands of players better than you anyways. also as a suggestion try playing multiplayer btw, it's really fun when there's an active lobby
hahaha imagine being frustrated at being bad at the game hahaha...

Me: has been frustrated for 9 months straight...
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