Amusia but Gengar (maybe it's @Gengar9nn singing?) and Buryman sing it (Amusia by Saster)
Blue *Sky-Verse* but the Hypno's Lullaby characters sing it (Blue *Sky-Verse by bb-panzu)
(characters used (in order): 1st is GF, then BF, then Dawn, then Alexsis (Hypno's Trainer), then Steven (who's tuning i couldn't get right), then Mike, then Amusia (Wigglytuff), then Ponyta, then Glitchy!Red, then Strangled!Red (who uses Steven's alt chromatic), then Shinto, then Grey, then Buryman, then Missingno, and finally Gengar!)
(Sky's full week but Mike and Steven sing it, Mike's voice gets deeper during Sky, but eventually swaps to his alt chromatic)
Besties Forever! (Wife Forever but Mike and Steven sing it) (Wife Forever by bb-panzu)
"I'm getting annoyed, Steven..." (Sky but Mike and Steven sing it) (Sky by bb-panzu)
"I'VE HAD ENOUGH! JUST STOP ABOUT YOUR STUPID CHARIZARD!" (Manifest but Mike and Steven sing it) *WARNING! MIKE'S VOICE GETS VERY HIGH IN SOME POINTS OF THE SONG, SO I'D ADVISE TO TURN YOUR VOLUME DOWN, and don't worry, they made up after this* (Manifest by bb-panzu)
2BEEP2MEOW but Red and Amusia (Wigglytuff) decided to annoy Steven 'till he snaps (2BEEP2MEOW by bb-panzu)
"come on now, BF... this can be solved without any violence!" (No Villains *'Villains' is a typo of 'Violence'* from the Tails Gets Trolled FNF Mod but Mike and BF sing it) (No Villains by Hooda The Antagonist)
sorry for the wall of text. please let me know which cover was your favorite, and if you're a fellow fnf cover maker, please tell me how i can improve! hope you enjoy! <3
Blue *Sky-Verse* but the Hypno's Lullaby characters sing it (Blue *Sky-Verse by bb-panzu)
(characters used (in order): 1st is GF, then BF, then Dawn, then Alexsis (Hypno's Trainer), then Steven (who's tuning i couldn't get right), then Mike, then Amusia (Wigglytuff), then Ponyta, then Glitchy!Red, then Strangled!Red (who uses Steven's alt chromatic), then Shinto, then Grey, then Buryman, then Missingno, and finally Gengar!)
(Sky's full week but Mike and Steven sing it, Mike's voice gets deeper during Sky, but eventually swaps to his alt chromatic)
Besties Forever! (Wife Forever but Mike and Steven sing it) (Wife Forever by bb-panzu)
"I'm getting annoyed, Steven..." (Sky but Mike and Steven sing it) (Sky by bb-panzu)
"I'VE HAD ENOUGH! JUST STOP ABOUT YOUR STUPID CHARIZARD!" (Manifest but Mike and Steven sing it) *WARNING! MIKE'S VOICE GETS VERY HIGH IN SOME POINTS OF THE SONG, SO I'D ADVISE TO TURN YOUR VOLUME DOWN, and don't worry, they made up after this* (Manifest by bb-panzu)
2BEEP2MEOW but Red and Amusia (Wigglytuff) decided to annoy Steven 'till he snaps (2BEEP2MEOW by bb-panzu)
"come on now, BF... this can be solved without any violence!" (No Villains *'Villains' is a typo of 'Violence'* from the Tails Gets Trolled FNF Mod but Mike and BF sing it) (No Villains by Hooda The Antagonist)
sorry for the wall of text. please let me know which cover was your favorite, and if you're a fellow fnf cover maker, please tell me how i can improve! hope you enjoy! <3