
Get an advanced stats overview with Advance!

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Since you all have probably noticed some sort of Wrapped or Recap around osu! for 2021 or 2022, i want to introduce the by product that got created by a wrapped project that i made. Let me introduce you to Advance, a stats collector for Bancho.

Once registered for Advance (there's a website coming for it but it needs little bit more time), you can let Advance collect your scores and stats, completely automatically! (this only works if you're not restricted of course)

We currently have over 2000 people who participated on last year's wrapped project testing it out and we already have collected 4 million scores over the past 3-4 months.

Okay now what's the big deal about it?

With the scores collected we are able to create a lot of things that might be enjoyed by the community.

Skill calculation: Let your skill be calculated and rated from 0-1000 with 7 different categories.
Wrapped: By every end of the year get a quick recap of what you have achieved that year.
Profiles: Get your profile with unique tags that describe your playstyle.

and with much more coming!

We also will be having a public api that allowes other developers to create their own little ideas that might also get featured on Advance.

If you find that project as player or developer interesting check out our Github and join us!

Important updates will be posted on this thread.
Happy playing!
sounds good
Sounds cool!!
That's cool. I love data, especially detailed personalized stats.
I would be interested in helping out with the coding, but please be aware that I'm a newbie with JavaScript. Most of my experience is with Java, C++, and BASH.
Really cool project, can't wait to see where it goes :D
Can't wait for this!
That's all the community asked for; I hope the website will come on day. Thanks to people who are already on in this project or want to participate in order to help <3
Topic Starter
I'm happy to announce that our API is now stable and has reached the public stage.
We now use OAuth2 to prevent scripts from abusing our service and for better availability.
People can now use our api to track new users or check users profiles that got added to the service.

Our current routes for release are:

- Main domain:

> /track
- Generates a link for OAuth2 authentication
- use ?discord query to add a discord account (optional)

> /users/:username
- Gets user profile including scores

> /users/:username/migrate
- Migrate old scores from our legacy database (if you have been registered before June 2023)

> /users/:username/scores/:type
- Get best or recent scores from user
- for type use either "best" or "recent" (required)
- use ?mode for the gamemode (default: 0)
- use ?limit for the amount of scores (default: 10)
- use ?offset for the offset of scores (default: 0)

> /users/:username/ranks
- Get recent ranks from user
- use ?mode for the gamemode (default: 0)
- use ?limit for the amount of scores (default: 10)
- use ?offset for the offset of scores (default: 0)

Have fun developing and feel free to share this :)
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