
[STD] Circle With Me

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Two types of sounds to choose from:
  1. Std (old
  2. Argon (old

CWM - Circle With Me
Mod - Modified
Rse - Reverse
c - colored, slider end circle
w - white, slider end circle
d - dark, without "light filter over"
l - light filter over

example: "lcl", l-light: main circle; с-colored: slider end circle; l-light: slider end circle;

Yeah argon's notes definitely look better compared to the default one on stable
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Stomiks wrote:

Yeah argon's notes definitely look better compared to the default one on stable
I don't feel the rhythm with the semblance of a tick-tick "metronome" in music. Drums give a clearer sense of rhythm, that's why they are drums. There are many reasons why this is the case, such as hardware, I have an external sound card and custom made headphones. Also, when I was growing up, I had a classmate and he played drums. That's external, and then there's what I was born with, etc.

So refrain from leaving such comments, they do not reflect reality, but influence the choice of immature minds. How many people mindlessly repeat after the more productive players. Thanks.
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Updated "mod" - 01.08.23

Updated "reverse" - 01.08.23
The slider ends look pretty weird for ArgonPro.
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Added a new skin "reverse", is a prototype.

Some comments for "reverse":
The idea was to change the color of "hitcircleoverlay@2x" as a combo, because of this a contrast was needed, white is suitable, but how this will affect the duration of the game, ie how long can white be perceived, i.e. game session - at the moment I have no such information.

Peripheral vision: I wanted to achieve not only visibility, but at the same time accuracy in peripheral vision, i.e. to see the narrowing of the circle as close as possible to the "hitcircleoverlay@2x". If use white "hitcircleoverlay@2x", there will be contrast, and afterwards fixation of vision on the object. And if change the order between colors in "hitcircleoverlay@2x" and "hitcircle@2x" and fix eye on the central object, and click the periphery.

From here follows the following change: "SliderBorder": 128,128,128 if use white color, i.e. 255,255,255 it will greatly affect the fixation of the view when sliding, so I had to dim it and make it gray. Also I use the end circle on the slider, it is the end point and the eye fixation.
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Added Extra folder to remove/revert some familiar changes.
Changed images.
Changed color of combo, slider.
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