
Cursors behaving differently across skins

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Hi so I've never really done anything skinning wise except swapping a few pictures/cursors, so I'm not sure how all of it works, but I have 2 skins where cursors behave differently in particular. One of them is cookiezi 33(idk if this is the actual name that's just what it was in the google drive I got it from), and I'm trying to use the pink cursor that ekoro uses, but the cursor trail doesn't appear as often as it does in ekoros skin. Instead of it being an actual trail, on the cookiezi skin it's just a couple of dots SUPER spread out from one another which I find incredibly distracting, but I really like the cursor and wanna use it, any ideas would be much appreciated. The other skin is rafis 2018, where whenever I drag, the cursor changes size as if it's registering a click, I like using the blue reedkatt cursor but it's impossible to properly judge the size I should make it when it does that. If I didn't explain it well I can record some examples and put them on yt to link here. Thanks!!!!!
Edit: To clarify, I swapped all of the cursor assets in these skins, I didn't just swap the cursors and nothing else.
CursorExpand is a setting in the skin.ini file, every skin folder has one, and that's where 99% of behavioral setting are stored. Regarding the trail behaving weirdly, check if ekoro's skin has the cursormiddle file and whether the other skin has it, this file forces the different trail behavior if it exists within the skin's folder.
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