
[STD 3v3|1-60K Country Based] East World Parade,ENDED

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Welcome to the East World Parade,a country based 3v3 tournament for Europe and Asia Countries!

  1. The East World Parade(EWP)This is a country-based;tournament for rank 1-60K players where only Europe and Asia Countries are allowed to play(America,Africa and Oceania countries are not eligible).
  2. The goal of this tournament is to give an extra opportuniy to play a country based tournament at open rank level,like a World Cup but at a lower scale.
  3. Score V2+NF enforced on every map
  4. Freemod: every player has to use a mod(either HD HR or HDHR;HDHR is treated like HR)
  5. 16 teams make it past qualifiers and are seeded based on their overall performances.
  6. The whole qualifiers mappool will be played ONCE per team.
  7. Double Elimination Bracket;Grand Finals will have a Bracket Reset if necessary
  8. Round of 16 and Quarterfinals are played THE SAME WEEKEND WITH THE SAME MAPPOOLS!
  9. All schedules are in UTC.
  10. Countries with 9 registrations or more are Eligible for B teams.
  11. Staff members are not allowed to play in the tournament besides streamers/commentators

Schedules might change depending on other factors such as screening etc
  1. Registrations: April 2 - April 16(22 UTC)
  2. Team Submission+Screening: Apr 17 - Apr 24
  3. Qualifiers: Apr 28 - Apr 30
  4. Round of 16+Quarter Finals: May 6 - May 7 | Best of 11
  5. Semi Finals: May 13 - May 14 | Best of 13
  6. Finals: May 20 - May 21 | Best of 13
  7. Grand Finals: May 27 - May 28 | Best of 13
Mappools will range from 7.0* nm1 equivalent to 7.8* and will slightly deviate from the usual meta;only a single ban for each round.


  1. The captain for each country will be selected by the host during Registrations. This will be based on tournament skills+experience,and captain experience.
  2. Teams will feature 3 to 6 members.
  3. Players register individually and will be assigned under the country of their profile’s flag by default.However,you can request to play for another country if you currently live in another country than what your profile's flag says(DM the host during regs). Applies to some other edgecases too(san marino can play for italia,jersey for United Kingdom,etc)
  4. Countries with less than 3 players in the rank range are not allowed to participate.
  5. After registrations end,captains are responsible for creating a team for their country and submit it to the host during the Team Submission phase (see schedule above). Countries with more than 6 players are encouraged to host tryouts
  6. All members of the team MUST be registered for the tournament, which can only be done during the Registration phase (see schedule above).THIS RULE IS ABSOLUTE
  7. The captain may designate another person on the team as captain when they submit their roster. Furthermore they are not required to put their name on the roster.
  8. If applicable,The host will choose a captain for B team once the A team roster have been submitted.
  9. In case some players are screened out after the team submissions,captains may replace them with other players who passed screening ONLY IF THEY DIDNT ALREADY PLAYED QUALIFIERS!
  1. Schedules are mappools will be released around Sunday-Monday 20-22 UTC.
  2. for qualifiers,teams may either play in a default lobby scheduled at a certain time or ask for an extra lobby if none of the default lobbies suit their needs(extra lobbies are not guaranteed though)
  3. Teams must reschedule Before Thursday 22:00 UTC. Past this time,reschedules are very unlikely to be accepted.
  4. Matches will be scheduled between Saturday-Sunday around 6-20 UTC.
  5. Round of 16 and Quarter Finals happen the same weekend,with the same mappools.
  6. RO16+QF Weekend: RO16 matches will happen the Saturday and QF Matches the Sunday. Not recommended to reschedule the ro16 match saturday unless every other part involved agree. The staff reserves the right to reject this reschedule

Match Procedure

  1. No Cheating/multiaccounting.If you cheat,your entire team gets eliminated.The staff reserves the right to deny registrations from suspicious accounts.
  2. Dont be toxic or disrespectful to anyone regardless of "who started it".
  3. Dont waste staff/other teams time
  4. No unsportsmanlike conduct such as stalling,intentionally throwing etc
  5. The match lobby will be created by the referee, and the team captains of both teams will be invited. The captain is then responsible for inviting the rest of their team. If the captain of a team is not online, the referee will invite any other player from that team, and that player will be responsible for inviting their team.
  6. If a team cannot get 3 players in the lobby 10 minutes after the scheduled time they forfeit
  7. There is No Warmups.
  8. Once both teams are in the lobby, both captains will roll. roll winner picks 1st bans second. No warmups
  9. Referees may be strict or lenient with timers.
  10. 90 seconds to pick or ban a map;else the other team gets the pick. This will have no effect on the order of picks afterward.
  11. there is no pick/ban restriction.
  12. Once the map choice is locked in, teams will have 90 seconds to ready up. The referee will start the match when all players are ready. If the 90 second timer ends, the referee will force an !mp start 15 command, and the match will start with whoever is in the lobby.
  13. Freemod: one player must take HD,one player must take HR,the third player may choose between either HD or HR(note: HDHR is treated like HR). Tiebreaker is played with Freemod but doesnt require teams to pick a mod
  14. In the case of a disconnection during the first quarter of the map,the referee will abort the match and grant a replay.In other cases,common sense will be applied: if proof exists of the disconnected player's score (or a rough estimate of their hypothetical score if they finished the map), it will be added to their team's total score; if its unclear, the other team will get the point;the referee has the final say on this matter

Profile Badge (PENDING)

The top 3 teams will be awarded a profile banner

Badge design may change upon request.

Host: jehukm
Mappool Selector: jehukm
Playtester: Flameztear | ampy | Sdot
Referee: DIEWAY0123 | Infinitstart | Peti | RemTouk | jehukm | reforna | Nethna
Streamer: Peti | ToshiroKen | ampy
Commentator: ampy | reforna Teetoos
Graphics: jehukm Kheops (badges+banners)
Spreadsheets: jehukm

This list might use updates in the event more staff apply(lol)

If you would like to help out the tournament,DM me on Discord (allan leblanc#1237). Looking mainly for playtesters,streamers and commentators(refs maybe too).

If you want to report something about this tournament click Here

If you have questions,just ask anywhere.

If Stomiks doesnt say "you lost" I win.
This is big
Stop recognizing me guys!
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rank range has been extended to 60K.
8 eligible teams,8 more to go wow
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12 Eligible teams,4 more to go!
Added B teams btw hehe
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15 Eligible Teams,1 Week Left before registrations close !!!
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More or less 48 hours left!

Thanks the for the 184 regs and the 21 Eligible Teams !!!
Ton of people eh?
jehukm wins.
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