
cygnus - STRIKER+

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, May 14, 2023 at 12:20:13 AM

Artist: cygnus
Tags: heaven punisher the evolution of war electronic instrumental hard rrtyui mithew fanzhen0019 semaphore featured artist fa
BPM: 150
Filesize: 22569kb
Play Time: 01:48
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.69 stars, 90 notes)
  2. fanzhen's Insane (4.15 stars, 397 notes)
  3. Hard (3.41 stars, 293 notes)
  4. mithew's Extra (6.43 stars, 629 notes)
  5. Normal (2.2 stars, 224 notes)
  6. rrtyui's Extra (6.68 stars, 581 notes)
  7. semaphore's Extra (5.77 stars, 421 notes)
  8. SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT (7.96 stars, 671 notes)
Download: cygnus - STRIKER+
Download: cygnus - STRIKER+ (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

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My new album The Evolution of War is out!

If you'd like to buy it in its highest quality and support me you can do so here.

My most intensive and thorough project by quite a lot~ I spent upwards of 150 hours on the song, video animation, and map combined. I hope you can enjoy this set. I'm glad to finally put this project to rest.

Video animation:

For those who are wondering, the chemical compound in the background is caffeine, because I used a lot of it in the middle of this project.

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