
How to improve, stay healthy and enjoy the game!

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Hey there!

In this thread you will find ways to increase your performance, on regeneration & on having a healthy body and mind. Note: I am not a professional, I studied healthcare & am quite experienced with the human body & its health for fitness. (This was originally posted to our discord members)

1. Improving your overall physical health, recovering, focus, pain & cramps

1.1 - How to recover after a session
1.2 - Increasing your focus and concentration
1.3 - Reducing the risk of injuries
1.4 - How to treat pain, cramps and sore forearms

2. Mental Health, why it is important for gaming

2.1 - How does mental health impact your performance
2.2 - How to be in a better overall mindset and shape
2.3 - Individual fixes for your problems
2.4 - Treating addiction and unhealthy rituals

1. Improving your overall physical health, recovering, focus, pain & cramps

1.1 - How to recover after a session

After a hard session that drained all your energy it is very important that you rest all of your body. Let fresh air in, take deep breaths, do stretches (Picture 1), cool down your body temperature, use cream on your hands, wrists & forearms if needed/wanted and most importantly sleep enough. The recommended amount of sleep is 7 to 8 hours. As a gamer most of us only sleep 5 to 6 hours which lowers our recover rate by arround 70-80%. Most important: eat well & healthy!! Having a good nutrition and enough vitamins will turn your ENTIRE life arround. Try your best to stay healthy please!

1.2 - Increasing your focus and concentration

Want to focus more? Take arround 600mg of caffeine before your mania session! (DON'T) This is a common mistakes mania players make. Why? They feel tired and exhausted because they didn't have enough sleep & recovered badly. Getting addicted is one downside, not being able to sleep well or play mania without energy drinks at all the other. Again, key is sleep & rest. Additionally, to increase your focus play in a well lid room. No those game devs are not messing with you when they put that in their game disclaimer. Also take breaks from your screen every 1-2 hours, the bluelight is very straining for your eyes. Last point: Hygiene! Take a shower, brush your teeth, use mouth wash and so on. If you feel uncomfy in your body, you will lose a lot of focus because of that annoying feeling or that random itches every now and then. Feeling sluggish is the last thing you want in your life, not just in gaming!

1.3 - Reducing the risk of injuries

If you experience any pain while playing, STOP! Drop everything, turn off the game and stop. If you continue on and push through the pain you will have to deal with the consequences. A passiv step is perfecting your setup. Adjust your height, use a wrist rest if needed, put a towel on the egde of your table if your arms rest on it & cut your nails. Between maps, don't forget to do a break. One of the most important steps: DO YOUR STRETCHES, I can't point it out more (Picture 1)

1.4 - How to treat pain, cramps and sore forearms

STRETCHES. Really trust me they work wonders. Additionally you could use wax straps for your forearms, lotion or creme for your hands & wrists and overall just regularly take brakes. For your own sake, do not exceed the playtime of 2 hours/max. 3 hours. Your body, especially your fingers, hands & wrists will start up building heat and you'll get an infection/inflammation. If you experience pain over a longer duration of time, take it easy and play easier maps, if it gets too serious take a complete brake and seek a professional. Keyword is carpal tunnel syndrome.

2. Mental Health, why it is important for gaming

2.1 - How does mental health impact your performance

Every gotten angry at the game? Frustrated? Sluggish & unmotivated? I promise you, those sessions turn out horrible and ruin the game for you. Being in an unhappy situation and forcing this same situation onto us will frustrate us more and more and eventually leave "scars". You know those people that hate all ranked maps without even touching them? (literally me) They got frustrated by farming pp while not having success nor having fun. For your own sake, if you are not in the mood to play this game, feeling unhappy, bored, tired or frustrated. STOP RIGHT NOW. You will ruin this game for yourself, forever. However, if you are in good spirits, have a positive mindset and believe in yourself and set goals for yourself while having fun, failing will not matter to you. On a good day, you will have a bad play and still call your session good. This will guarantee better scores aswell as mindset

2.2 - How to be in a better overall mindset and shape

Mental health and physical health go hand in hand. If you feel dirty, feed yourself junk and your hygiene sucks, you will exactly feel like that. Your mental health will be heavily drained, lowering your expectations in life. They make you sad, uncomfy and frustrated. Take care of yourself! Again, this is a passiv tip that will also impact many other aspects of your life. Sleep enough, have fresh air, drink enough, go for walks, meet & talk to friends to push your mood. Distance yourself from everything negative in life. You are the main character in your story, you could archive everything if you wanted. Lastly, it is okay to look up to another player, but do not envy them. If you try to copy their scores or compare yourself to them, you will feel worthless. Looking up to someone should motivate you, not frustrate you. Pay2Win trick: Go to the gym (+ confidence boost), will change many aspects in your life which increases your overall happiness. Doing outdoor activities like swimming, skating etc. will also positively impact your life. Science has proofen that nature & just mentioned activities have a healing "aura" which will increase dopamin and serotonin.

2.3 - Treating addictions and unhealthy rituals.

Playing the game you are having fun with can be addicting. For your own mental & physical health, learn to love other video games or activities. If you have difficulties with it, explore other rhythm games, usually your skill carries over which will bring you the same joy. Seek a professional if needed. Unhealthy rituals are one of the worst and most common things our community does. Cracking fingers, cramping your hands, bad posture, the energy drinks before and in your session, porn, drug & alcohol abuse, smoking etc. All of this will lower your entire life. Try to get rid of them and better yourself.

As you can tell, most of the tips on how to improve, come from having a healthy life & mind. You are more than your username, more than your scores, more than your discord account and your mania skill. Your computer should not be your personality nor your life. If you are ready to take the needed steps, improvement will come by itself in all aspects of life, even VSRG's. I know a lot of you are struggling a lot in life with depression, anxiety and so on.. With much love from me, remind yourself: A bad day is not a bad life. And at the end, if you don't happen to be a top player? Who cares? You did that for yourself and you can be proud of yourself for what you reached!

DR2L_ aka. Tyrfing
Nene Sakura
very useful
This is really useful. I wish you posted this before I fucked up my left middle finger's flexer tendon lmao.
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Hopefully you can recover <3
I really do hope so. Still hurts when I try to play with it in mania.
Really nice, thx
I can confirm that mood is a major factor into how well you play that day. I don't mean just "This map frustrates me" kind of mood, but the "Something kinda crappy happened earlier/yesterday" sort.
Even your most neutral days are not going to be as good as a happy one.

A score from yesterday when in a fairly bad/less-than-neutral mood

The next day in a VERY good mood (despite being less warmed-up comparatively)

It's really hard to play well if you've got something weighing on your mind, or something you're not looking forward to happening soon.
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Pckables wrote:

I can confirm that mood is a major factor into how well you play that day. I don't mean just "This map frustrates me" kind of mood, but the "Something kinda crappy happened earlier/yesterday" sort.
Even your most neutral days are not going to be as good as a happy one.

A score from yesterday when in a fairly bad/less-than-neutral mood

The next day in a VERY good mood (despite being less warmed-up comparatively)

It's really hard to play well if you've got something weighing on your mind, or something you're not looking forward to happening soon.
Exactly! Thank you so much for this example! <3
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