For people who admire the taste of osu! "argon" pro skin in the lazer release, as well want to have other general UI modernized.
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Initially I was just about to do a rough remix for personal usage, but eventually I started to add in missing components and tinker a bit. Thus, now after a few days of work when I think it's more or less done, I decide to make it public. Hope you enjoy it and comments are welcomed!
- "osu!pure" skin by CrispySquirrel (Castin Cramer) from community/forums/topics/1227826
- "osu!lazer" skin by DP05 (DemoPlayer05) from community/forums/topics/730045
- "argon remake" skin from
- hitsounds of osu! "argon" pro (2022) skin from official GitHub repos, with an indication from
- Song selection, ranking, pause and fail screens
- Mod icons adopted from "osu!lazer", with incoherence fixed and missing icons for Mania mode added as new;
- Bottom (mode selection etc.) buttons adopted from "osu!lazer" and redesigned using "osu!pure" assests;
- Strips of beatmap entries redesigned using assests from "osu!lazer" and "osu!pure";
- Ranking screen from "osu!lazer" is enhanced with assests newly created or imported from "osu!pure" to fix font inconsistence and beautify the look;
- Pause and fail menus adopted from "osu!lazer" but now a lot more consistent.
- Std Mode
- Cursors, hitcircles and sliders fully adopted from "argon remake", with minor changes on the slider ball;
- Spinner created from scratch, referencing to the style of the "argon" pro skin in the lazer release, using a few assets from "osu!pure";
- Hitscore assests is from "osu!lazer".
- Other Modes
- Taiko Mode is from "osu!lazer" with hitscore and pippidon assests from "osu!pure";
- Catch Mode is from "osu!pure";
- Mania Mode is from "osu!lazer".
Download link
The skin was made with the size of the .osk file in mind, resulting in the final package as small as less than 6MB!
The skin was made with the size of the .osk file in mind, resulting in the final package as small as less than 6MB!
Initially I was just about to do a rough remix for personal usage, but eventually I started to add in missing components and tinker a bit. Thus, now after a few days of work when I think it's more or less done, I decide to make it public. Hope you enjoy it and comments are welcomed!