If I downloaded every single map how much space would I need?
mrdumpling64 wrote:
133.7 petabytes
the question you should be asking is how many terabytes in a petabyte.lanxmas wrote:
mrdumpling64 wrote:
133.7 petabytes
How many gigs is a petabyte?
what O.olanxmas wrote:
Lucky you and lool have you ever plyed through your whole list in a day?
I've only played about 10% of them over the years, mostly being Touhou maps. I DL'ed via torrent (was only about 50G back then?) and it saved tons of time and frustration in mp games. Once you got the packs from BT, all you need to do is keeping up with new ranked map packs and that's pretty easy to dolanxmas wrote:
Lucky you and lool have you ever plyed through your whole list in a day?