
[1v1] [o!std] UK Community Cup 12 (UKCC 12)

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Welcome to the 12th edition of the UK Community Cup!

  1. This tournament is a 1v1, UK based tournament
  2. Matches will be Head to Head and Score V2
  3. Seeding will be done based on the sum of normalised scores from qualifier maps.
  4. All staff (With the exception of the Hosts, Mappool Selectors and Referees) are allowed to participate in the tournament.
  5. All players are to treat staff and other participants with a high level of respect. Any kind of mistreatment on the discord server or during matches (this includes homophobia, racism and toxicity) will result in a BAN and will be BLACKLISTED from participating from future UKCC tournaments.
  6. Where rules do not prevail, common sense shall. The administration has explicit discretion to apply their judgement on this as they see fit.
  7. Players are REQUIRED to join the public discord so that they are contactable by other teams and staff. If a player can’t be contacted or is not responding to messages, through discord, ingame messages or forum pms, contact the staff.
  8. Mappools are expected to be released the Monday before a stage is due to happen.

  1. Schedules for the next round are released on the Monday before a stage is due to happen and ALL matches will be scheduled for the weekend. You can reschedule for weekdays at the staff’s discretion.
  2. In order to reschedule, you must contact your opponents, agree on a time and be able to provide PROOF (by form of a screenshot/image) of the agreed reschedule to the Hosts.
  3. In effort to ensure as many matches take place as possible, reschedules are allowed up to 2 HOURS BEFORE YOUR MATCH IS DUE TO BE PLAYED. However, your opponent holds the right to refuse a reschedule if asked less than 12 hours from the scheduled time
  4. If it is impossible to find a time to reschedule to that suits both players, players should talk to the Hosts (Damarsh, Yazzehh or oralekin) and they will attempt to sort something out.
  5. Matches that are uncertain to happen (for example, losers’ bracket matches) will still appear on the schedule. They are to be rescheduled if needed in the same way as confirmed matches.
  6. If a match needs rescheduling to a time after a related losers’ bracket match, the matches relying on the outcome of the rescheduled match will be rescheduled by staff and 24 hours will be given for rescheduling them, if needed.

  1. Referees will create the lobby approximately 10 minutes before the match is due to start. (UKCC: (Player 1) vs (Player 2))
  2. Players have a 10 minute grace period after their scheduled match time to join the lobby. If a player fails to join the lobby in this time, then the default win will go to the other player. If both players do not show up, both players will receive losses.
  3. We take no-shows seriously, if you fail to show up to your match without valid reason, you may forfeit your right to future UKCC tournaments.
  4. The referee cannot play during the match.


  5. Players will play 10 maps (4 Nomod, 2 Hidden, 2 Hard Rock, 2 DoubleTime) ONCE.
  6. The top 32/64 scores (depending on signups/screening) from qualifiers will make it through to the bracket stage.


  7. When both players are in the lobby and ready, the referee will ask the players to !roll. The order of picks of bans is decided using the UKCC Roll System.


  8. Players have 2 minutes to ban a map. Failure to ban a map within this time limit results in a lost ban.
  9. Round of 32 - Grand Finals - 2 bans
  10. There are no restrictions on bans and picks.Players are free to ban/pick any map regardless of mod.


  11. Warmup maps must be a submitted beatmap, and have a drain time of 4 minutes or less.


  12. Players have 90 seconds to pick a map. Failure to pick a map within this time limit results in pick choice being passed to the opposing player.
  13. Failed scores WILL count
  14. Tiebreakers are Freemod, however No Mod can be used.

Signups Open:

28th February

Signups Close:

12th March 23:59 UTC+0

Qualifier Mappool Release:

13th March


18th - 19th March

Round of 32

BO9 | 25th - 26th March

Round of 16 + Losers Bracket Round 1

BO9 | 1st - 2nd April

Quarter Finals + Losers Bracket Round 2 + 3

BO11 | 8th - 9th April

Semi Finals + Losers Bracket Rounds 4 + 5

BO11 | 15th - 16th April

Finals + Losers Bracket Rounds 6 + 7

BO13 | 22nd - 23rd April

Losers Finals, Grand Finals + Bracket Reset

BO13 | 29th - 30th April

First Place

Profile badge(pending), £100

Second Place


Third Place



Yazzehh | Damarsh | oralekin


Yazzehh | Damarsh | Teejay | Domblade | ChillierPear | Marzale | TheHunter1 | Geag | Raff | Kezanub | T-Bunda


Doomsday | ChillierPear | SadShiba | Damarsh | Teejay | T-Bunda | TheHunter1 | Lefafel |


ChillierPear | Damarsh | Teejay | T-Bunda | lardon


chiv | M I L E S | Damarsh | ChillierPear | dasdwqdf | YokesPai | Dada





Interested in helping out? Drop us a message via osu!pms or Discord (Damarsh#5402/Yazzehh#6494/oralekin#8321)

Interested in joining the largest community of UK and Ireland osu! players? Come join us on Discord!
Invite Link
Cleveland Brown
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