Kantan RC wrote:
If a 1/2 pattern is used, the patterns must stay simplistic and be followed by a rest moment. Finisher notes must not be used in patterns as such. For songs that follow a swing beat, this limit is 1/3.
for the longest time (multiple years), we've been treating simplistic as no finishers, and no color changes, we modded around that and reset nominations because of that too. feels odd to not have that change reflected in the RC because it's currently causing confusions right now.Futsuu RC wrote:
If a 1/3 pattern is used, the patterns must stay simplistic. Finisher notes must not be used in patterns as such.
The following wording adjustment would solve this issue and reflect our current standards:
Kantan Proposal wrote:
If a 1/2 pattern is used, the patterns must stay simplistic and be followed by a rest moment. Color changes, or finisher notes must not be used in patterns as such. For songs that follow a swing beat, this limit is 1/3.
Futsuu RC wrote:
If a 1/3 pattern is used, the patterns must stay simplistic. Color changes, or finisher notes must not be used in patterns as such.