
nao feat. isui - Summer Lights

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年5月12日 at 上午 05:13:22

Artist: nao feat. isui
Title: Summer Lights
Tags: litoluna Matsuyuki Ame rk657 not your kitty Sanayui Flame Haze 倚水 isui サマーライト Japanese female vocal full size ver Jpop Jrock pop rock samaraito
BPM: 196
Filesize: 43551kb
Play Time: 04:14
Difficulties Available:
  1. Ame's Insane (5.04 stars, 997 notes)
  2. Flame Haze's Extra (6.36 stars, 1183 notes)
  3. litoluna's Extra (5.83 stars, 1056 notes)
  4. Sana's Hard (3.89 stars, 797 notes)
  5. Summer, You and Me (7.2 stars, 1338 notes)
Download: nao feat. isui - Summer Lights
Download: nao feat. isui - Summer Lights (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Produced by 夏央
Lyrics / Music - 夏央
Arrangement / Mix / Mastering -
Vocal - 倚水

Aeril / Saggin
CD / Download / Website / MV / Bg

Hard - by Sanayui
Insane - by Matsuyuki Ame
Extra - by litoluna
Extra2 - by Flame Haze
Summer, You and Me - by me

Hitsound - by me
Banner cut from MV


3/25/23 - remap the top diff.
4/30/23 - change the title and the artist
5/8/23 - add vedio from Sarawatlism's set
9/10/23 - Insane remapped by Ame
10/20/23 - Sanayui reampped Hard (also change diff name)
1/1/24 - remap the top diff again
2/21/24 - submit extra by litoluna
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