
ClariS - Colorful

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年2月4日 at 20:27:23

Artist: ClariS
Title: Colorful
Source: 劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ[新編]叛逆の物語
Tags: gekijouban mahou shoujo madoka magika shinpen hangyaku no monogatari
BPM: 89
Filesize: 9283kb
Play Time: 04:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (4.69 stars, 669 notes)
  2. Insane (4.91 stars, 951 notes)
  3. Normal (3.1 stars, 340 notes)
Download: ClariS - Colorful
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
for ranked
Insane Done
Hard Done
Normal Done
Topic Starter

Lecana wrote:

is this a song for ranked map?
pretty cool tho.
would be better if there's atleast a Normal difficulty :3
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I'll make all diffs >w<
your maps always catch my heart>,<
hi hi Laurier :3 m4m

  1. I think add note on 00:20:652 and 00:20:989 is more fit the song and more playable. you can make it stack with the old two note or new pattern ><
  2. nazi here, move 00:24:866 (3) to 409|183 for perfect stack :3
  3. 00:24:866 (3) - move to 230|267 for ^
  4. what about add clap on 00:39:023 (7) head instead of whis?
  5. 00:45:933 (5) - move to 164|342 perfect stack.
  6. hmm 01:01:607 (3,4,5) is the only part that you not use streams, maybe change it to same with other? the stream is better fit too imo.
  7. 01:11:382 (1) - make it more stack? its too obvious ff you not intentional.
  8. 01:25:034 (2,3) - ^
  9. 02:23:686 (4) - move to 240|252? better blanket.
  10. 03:57:393 (3) - NC?
  11. 04:03:123 (4) - move to 173|182
  12. 04:09:528 (2) - move to 140|257
  1. 00:08:012 (3) - maybe change to thisrhythm? more fit imo :X
  2. 00:50:652 (2) - better blanket?
  3. 02:28:068 (3) - better stack
  4. 02:40:371 (4) - ctrl+g is more flow here :|
  5. 03:42:056 (1,2) - better blanket?
  6. 04:03:292 (3) - move to 124|248 for better blanket
  1. 00:39:360 (1) - move tail to 360|204 for better blanket.
  2. 01:34:641 (1) - maybe remove NC here? beginner see (1) 2 note can get confuse imo.
  3. 03:07:675 (1,2,1) - make them more balance blanket? like this
  4. 03:15:764 (1) - move to 258|311
  5. 04:14:078 (1) - move tail to 232|298?
sorry for have so many nazi >< very nice map
star! :D
konnichiwa laurier san

  1. sourceに"劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ[新編]叛逆の物語"を追加
  1. 00:51:495 (1) - 00:50:821 (2) - をblanketしたほうが綺麗にみえたのでどうでしょうか。
  2. 01:37:675 (1) - 1grid右にずらしてx336に移動すると丁度1.10になると思います。
  3. 03:20:652 (2) - 始端にWhistle付けてもいいと思います。

  • 流れよくて特になかったです。
    nice map!
  1. 02:58:910 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - pianoの音をとっているならここは1/3で置かないとBack音に合わないと思います。
  2. 03:19:135 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ^
  3. 04:04:387 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^

nice map です!
2014期待! :) :)
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01:29:332 (1) - to 01:34:304 (1) - add break? it's kind of stressful without ><.

Also I can only say that, it's so good for me xD
Good job, good luck :)

(No ks, ofc).
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I want to keep non break >.<
El SolarBeam
my mod as promised~
sorry I can't mod hitsound since I'm suck at it :(


  • Nice map as usual Laurier, so maybe I'll just have to throw up a little suggestion XD
  1. Um.. I'm not sure for the source written in japanese (or is it a new rule?), personally I prefer the english source since not many people can read japanese. If you consider this, you could put the japanese source in tags field instead
  2. Please add some tags (mahou shoujo movie opening etc.) I think you know better than me


  1. 00:35:989 (4) Blanket it better with (2)
  2. 00:36:663(1,2,3,4,5) I don't think this consecutive repetition pattern fits here. Well, it's indeed fun to play, but the music doesn't provide it since the music itself is keeping a constant tone and volume
  3. 01:02:028 (4,5) Is it intentional not to put these straight with (3)?
  4. 01:12:731 (1,2) I think it's important to make a 1/4 slider jump to be leaned up to each other, so it would flow better. In addition, I think you should move
  5. 01:11:888 (2) to x:224 y:48 so that it can be stacked well with 01:12:899 (2)
  6. 01:14:416 (1) Why not try to stack it with the shadow of 01:12:394 (5)? I'm sure I heard a rise of tone on the slider tail, so it would be better to make a little jump between this slider and the next circle
  7. 01:18:798 (3) Try to ctrl+g, since I'm sure the volume rises on the triplet 01:19:135 (4,5,6) instead of (3), so I think it's more reasonable to make a jump to the triplet instead
  8. 02:15:933 (3,4,5) Make a proper triangle? I think (5) doesn't need to be stacked. Inststead, it's better to stack 02:16:944 (2) to the new position of (5)
  9. 02:24:191 (1,2,1) Lean it to each other, and it's better to curve the 1/2 slider a bit to make a better flow
  10. 02:35:315 (1,2) How about this? But well, I think you can do better than this
  11. 03:39:022 (1,2,1) Hm.. not sure about this, somehow it's quite tricky to play
  12. 04:06:831 (3) Curve it better so it can blanket with 04:07:505 (5)?
  13. 04:21:157 (1,2) lol somehow this antijump feels so sudden. Well, up to you if you wanna keep it
  14. 04:23:516 (4) Maybe ctrl+g


  1. 00:35:315 (1) Curve it a little?
  2. 00:39:866 (2,3) I think it's better if these not be stacked since the vocal in this part is rising gradually
  3. 01:00:259 (1,2,3,4) Just wondering why you even need 3 anchor here, I think 2 are enough
  4. 01:12:394 (3) I prefer make the rhythm similar with 02:23:517 (3,4,5) sounds nicer to me
  5. 01:34:641 (1,3) You sure don't want to make these symmetrical?
  6. 01:43:236 (3) Two anchor is enough
  7. 01:43:236 (2) ^
  8. 01:54:191 (2,3) Maybe ctrl+g, it will make an interesting flow, here's an illustration, maybe you can adjust it a little later
  9. 03:35:988 (3,4) Two anchor is enough
  10. 04:20:146 (2,3) ^
  11. 04:21:831 (3) I'm sure this section has the same rhythm with 04:22:505 so why it's being a 1/1 slider while the other's being a 1/2 slider?


  1. 00:09:698 (2) Somehow the slidertick here sound a little noisy, silence it?
  2. 00:51:495 (1) Nazi, move the slider tail 1 grid upward
  3. 01:05:989 (2) Two anchor is enough
  4. 02:09:697 (1) I think it's better to use soft slidertick-3 instead, the recent slidertick sounds noisy
  5. 02:31:944 (2) Two anchor is enough
  6. 02:32:618 (1,1) Well, somehow the rhythm emptiness here doesn't sound good, see 01:21:158 for reference
  7. 03:11:719 (1) Two anchor
  8. 03:23:180 (3) ^
  9. 03:35:651 (2) ^
  10. 03:44:415 (2) Two anchor or curve it more like the next (2)
this is a good map, so it's better to rise the priority a little~
have my star o/
Topic Starter

El SolarBeam wrote:

my mod as promised~
sorry I can't mod hitsound since I'm suck at it :(


[list]Nice map as usual Laurier, so maybe I'll just have to throw up a little suggestion XD
[*]Um.. I'm not sure for the source written in japanese (or is it a new rule?), personally I prefer the english source since not many people can read japanese. If you consider this, you could put the japanese source in tags field instead


[*]01:02:028 (4,5) Is it intentional not to put these straight with (3)?
[*]01:18:798 (3) Try to ctrl+g, since I'm sure the volume rises on the triplet 01:19:135 (4,5,6) instead of (3), so I think it's more reasonable to make a jump to the triplet instead
[*]04:06:831 (3) Curve it better so it can blanket with 04:07:505 (5)?



[*]00:51:495 (1) Nazi, move the slider tail 1 grid upward

this is a good map, so it's better to rise the priority a little~
have my star o/
fixed that's things.
I'll mod your map tonight
01:26:045 (5) - スライダーのスピードを1.0に変えたほうがいいと思います。
02:01:270 (6,7,8,9) - オーバーマップだと思います。
02:34:809 (2,3,4,5) - オーバーマップだと思います。
03:15:427 (6,7,8,9) - オーバーマップだと思います。
04:19:471 (5,6,7,8) - オーバーマップだと思います。
04:20:483 (3) - ライダーのスピードを0.75に変えたほうがいいと思います。

Hi,Laurier,Forum PM req.

  1. Red words: Should be fix it.
  2. Blue words : I recommended suggestion.
  3. Black words : In my personal opinion.


Insane diff's widescreen no select,add it.


03:37:337 (4) - Forget add finish in slider end? (Look this 02:22:843 (1) is the same rhythm,but you add finish this here.)
(Feel 01:11:045 (2) this should add finish,too?)

04:07:674 (1) - Feel can add finish in slider head.


00:46:270 (1) - Forgot add whistle? (Nm diff have added.)
01:11:382 (4) - Forgot add finish? (Ins diff have added.)
01:22:506 (1) - Feel can add finish this here.(Feel seems can stack (2) slider,add hit sense.)
03:34:977 (3) - Move a bit : 03:37:674 (3) - Add finish (As the same with Easy diff)
03:38:348 (2) - (212|272),good pattern and better flow : 03:46:438 (1) - Stack crooked off.


02:16:944 (2) - Not stack?
03:25:203 (1) - Forgot add finish? (Hard diff have added.)
03:56:887 (1) - Remove clap,add whistle? (Because Hard diff add whistle at this here.)
04:22:168 (4) - (132|180)? (Blanket)

Good map.(Especially ins diff),so I shoot a star~ :)

1.If you have any mod above problems, you can PM or in-game to me.
2.Hope to you ranked.
3.Hope my mod is useful to you.
Topic Starter
いい譜面です! まぁ...ローリエさんの譜面にはちょっと見えませんね...

01:12:731 (1,2) - いつから1/4sliderを使い始めたのでしょう>.>
素晴らしい感じですけど 以前の譜面にはこんなもの 見たことありませんから、今度初めて出るのがちょっと妙な感じ
この前はローリエさんが絶対1/4slider使わないと判断しました0 0

また1/3noteが出るのも驚きましたΣ(゚д゚lll) これもこの前出たことの少ない配置ですね

これからローリエさんの譜面にもっと面白い配置が出るのを期待します >.<
Topic Starter

sammy711 wrote:

いい譜面です! まぁ...ローリエさんの譜面にはちょっと見えませんね...

01:12:731 (1,2) - いつから1/4sliderを使い始めたのでしょう>.>
素晴らしい感じですけど 以前の譜面にはこんなもの 見たことありませんから、今度初めて出るのがちょっと妙な感じ
この前はローリエさんが絶対1/4slider使わないと判断しました0 0

また1/3noteが出るのも驚きましたΣ(゚д゚lll) これもこの前出たことの少ない配置ですね

これからローリエさんの譜面にもっと面白い配置が出るのを期待します >.<

m4m lol


00:44:079 (2) - What about putting a clap in the end instead of whistle? I think it can emphasize the drum in the song better. If you do it, apply this in every diff
01:50:483 (3,1) - I think something like this flows and looks better
03:07:675 (1,2,1) - I dont' like how it looks... The blanked between 03:07:675 (1,2) - is bad to my eyes, maybe you can fix it
04:01:438 (3,1) - Improve this blanket


00:48:967 (1,2,3,4) - I think this kind of pattern is too hard for an Hard diff, especially for the 3,4 doublet...
00:50:146 (1,2) - (nazi) - Imporve the blanket
02:13:068 (3) - Be careful! This is 1/3, not 1/4 :!:
03:19:135 (2,3) - Okay, what's the problem here? the slider is 1/3, not 1/4 and the whole stream starts here: 03:19:135 (2) - So, I suggest to replace this 03:19:135 (2,3) - With an unique 1/3 slider


01:24:528 (1,2,3) - Stack these elements properly
01:28:405 (2,3,4,1) - I think this pattern is supposed to be symmetrical... So, 4 and 2 have different shapes, you should make them the same
02:13:068 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - As I said in Hard, this is 1/3


Good map, take a star


00:32:281 (2) - I think this would be better if it was a single circle instead of a 1/2 slider since this part of the song is still slow so I think a 1/1 rhythm would be more appropriate

01:06:663 (1,2) - These notes are a bit too far up screen so it may be hard to view them. try (112,84) for 01:06:663 (1) - and (188,52) for 01:07:169 (2) -

01:50:483 (3) - This kind of overlaps with 01:48:124 (1) - because it hasnt really disappeared off screen yet, so try to make this a single circle instead to avoid the overlap

02:28:910 (2) - Add a note here because the strong rhythm point feels broken if there's a gap here

02:43:910 (2) - Try to make this end on white tick at 02:44:753


00:38:854 (4) - Add clap at the end of slider

01:37:843 (2) - NC this to make them a different color, the notes will be easier to read

02:14:922 (4) - The patten would flow better if this was stacked on the tail of 02:15:090 (1) - at (339,138)

02:16:439 (1) - A bit too off screen, make the head at (168,40)

04:24:865 (3) - Would look better if this last note was at (256,52) to make the last note a lot easier to spot


00:51:495 (1) - Pattern would look nicer if this was stacked on top of 00:51:832 (3) - and leave 00:51:663 (2) - at same position

02:13:068 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) This is a 1/3 stream, so take note of the timing selection

04:18:797 (2,3) - Are they unstacked intentionally?

Insane is really good so not many errors I could spot

Hope I helped and its a really nice song. Love it
Topic Starter
almost fixed !!
Some suggestions.


00:49:135 (2, 3, 4) - Overlap (3, 4) in (2)

01:11:888 (1) - Remove NC

01:24:528 (4) - Add NC

01:25:540 (1) - Remove NC

02:02:618 (4) - Move to x:344 y:252

02:10:371 (3, 4) - Use this rhythm o3o

02:56:551 (5) - Change this slider by a simple note and add a new one on 02:56:888, something like this


01:01:607 (3, 4, 5) - Overlap (4, 5) in (3)

I guess I'll continue later, but it will be difficult since this map is awesome. :3
Red - Unrankable
Blue - Highly recommended to fix
Black - Suggestion


Add Sho Watanabe to the tags since he's composed this song.
If you are able to, find a 192kbps mp3 for better quality. If you cannot find one, then tell me and I'll send you one if I'll find it in my PC.
03:57:561 - I think kiai should end when the violin ends, so keep this part still kiai and end it on 03:58:235, also it's mostly better when kiai ends on downbeat.
02:35:315 - Same about this, kiai should end on 02:40:708 I don't think it's sensible to turn kiai of when the refrain continues in music


00:34:641 (2) - In my opinion, it's better on 369;297 because it makes more natural flow with previous slider.
01:46:776 (1) - Move this slider on 312;91 for symmetry (previous slider is exactly in the center)
01:54:191 (1,2,1,2,3) - It is too confusing for Normal difficulty. Too many stacks might make a player to miss, so probably try something simplier like remaking first notes like this?Coordinates: 01:54:191 (1) - 0;51 01:54:528 (2) - 65;110
02:05:652 (1,1) - Make a better blanket. Just to look visually better, nothing important.
02:40:877 (1) - I think it's too short spinner for a normal diff so it might end even before player realizes he should be spinning now. Maybe start it a little earlier, or end later. Better make it same as hard diff
03:39:359 (1) - 399;234, same reason as 01:46:776 (1), symmetry.


AR -1 for better gap between all diffs
01:45:090 (4,5,1) - This totally deserves to be linear stream. You've started linearly, but then it came to normal stream, that's in my opinion weird. Try this?Also I don't think you should follow DS in stream when you are changing slider velocity, it makes the streams inconsistent.
04:24:865 (3) - Listen to this with 25% speed. This note is a bit out in my opinion. You can hear the hitsound first and then the sound in music, it's imo not 1/4 note.


Nothing to mention.

Quite awesome beatmap, mentioned only thinks I really didn't like for a reason. It doesn't need any critical changes.
Good luck~

Btw. Wanted M4M, but you closed when I started modding. If you want, mod it back, it has only 60 secs and 2 diffs, so I hope you could forgive me.

03:37:674 (1) - out of screen

You should be fix :(
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From my queue~

  1. 検索機能としては今のtagでも十分ですが、tags suggetionとして一応これも:
    Puella Magi
  2. combo colourの1と2は見分けにくいような・・・
  1. 00:02:956 (3) - end at 00:03:630 低速なので出だしだけは1/1rhythmがありがたい
  2. 01:22:675 (1) - delete and add a note at 01:23:180- rhythm取りが難しいので(下手でごめん・・・)
  3. 01:56:214 (1) - move to x:137 y:258 (stack corretly)
  4. 02:36:326 (2) - move to x:296 y:29 (^)
  1. 00:20:484 (5) - NC
  2. 01:35:821- add a note
  3. 01:42:731 (1) - x:34 y:320 (stack corretly)
  4. 02:38:517 (2) - x:276 y:146 (^)
  5. 02:40:371 (4) - Ctrl+G. 次のspinnerまでの間隔が短いのでendが中央に近いとやりやすいです
  6. 03:08:686 (5) - x:426 y:203 (stack corretly)
  7. 03:21:495 (2) - x:308 y:112 (^)
  8. 03:33:966 (1) - x:184 y:199 (^)
  9. 03:35:314 (1) - x:184 y:199 (^)
  10. 03:42:898- remove clap?
  1. 01:21:495 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - star-pattern どうでしょう?

  2. 01:24:528 (1,2,3) - 意図的にずらしてます?
  3. 03:24:866 (6) - x:255 y:140 (stack corretly)
  4. 03:24:697 (5) - x:184 y:31 (^) (これは離れているのでどうでもよいかも)
  5. 04:07:337 (4) - x:142 y:257 (^)
  6. 04:23:179 (3,4) - どっちかCtrl+G
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter
Modding because I'm bored, eh :)


You really need breaks in your diffs, all of them !
4min30 without break is very long and very exhausting.

I highly recommend you to add them at least :
- Between 01:31:944 and 01:45:259
- Between 02:42:731 and 02:50:821


02:24:360 (2) - I know it's supposed to be an Insane, but isn't this jump a bit too much compared to the rest ? The spacing is around x3,89 o.o

Well, except that, I have nothing more to add, it's already an excellent map ! :D
hi for m4m
really beautiful BG ヾ(´・ω・`)ノ


* 00:19:810 (5) - i personally prefer clap there, not finish
and if you followed this, try to put clap on the tail of this 2 sliders(00:21:158 (3,4) - ) , 00:21:832 (1) - and put clap on each white line and red line of these notes (00:22:169 (3,4,5,6) - )
sorry i suppose it is hard to understand @ @ so i give a code ↓

* 00:33:124 (3,4,5,6,7) - add clap on notes and slider's head

* 00:39:023 (7) - add clap on slider's tail

* 00:43:405 (1) - this suppose to be clap not finish

* 00:51:495 (1,2) - in my opion this two notes have no reason to do like this. just stack

* 01:12:394 (5,6,7,8,1,2) - this is kind hard for me, i like this one more

* 01:16:270 (3) - ctrl +g, make it more jumpy ;3

* 01:22:506 (1,2) - switch this 2 notes are better and then move 3 to x88 y364

* 01:42:731 well i recommend you to use 10% volume there. and 20% 01:43:068 and 30% 01:43:405 and 40% 01:43:742

* 01:55:203 (3) - remove this slider but add note on red line

* 02:23:854 (5,6,7,8,1,2) - same with previous one but streams starts from bottom to top

* 02:31:270 (1) - add finish?

* 02:34:135 (2) - ^

* 02:39:360 (1) - change finish to clap and also add clap on the tail


* 01:04:135 (2) - move to x116 y132 and 01:04:472 (3) - stack with the slider

* 01:06:832 (2) - stack with tail of the previous sl;ider and 01:07:169 (3) - move to x436 y192

* 01:07:169 (3,4,5) - i prefer slider there

sorry i tried but really hard to find problems on your hard and normal
so what i can do is to shoot a star ~( >﹏<)ノ☆

good luck
Topic Starter
M4M,from #modreqs

  1. tagに"opening""movie"を追加
  1. 00:02:282 (2) - NC
  2. 01:05:989 (2) - 真ん中の点の削除?
  3. 01:10:034 (1) - 真ん中の点が中心から少しずれてます
  4. 01:11:045 (2) - 終尾にfinish
  5. 02:22:843 (1) - finish
  6. 02:38:012 (1) - 中心をx:288 y:224辺りでもいいと思います
  7. 03:06:326 (1) - ここのslidertickをCustom4に
  8. 03:36:325 (1) - clap
  9. 03:37:337 (4) - 終尾にfinish
  10. 04:14:078 (1) - 中心をx:120 y:300辺りでもいいと思います
  1. 01:11:382 (4) - finish
  2. 02:22:169 (2) - clap
  3. 02:22:506 (3) - ^
  4. 02:22:843 (1) - finish
  5. 02:28:068 (3) - ここのslidertickをCustom4に
  6. 03:23:854 (1) - finish
  7. 03:36:662 (1) - 終尾にclap
  8. 03:37:674 (3) - finish
  1. 00:11:720 (3) - clap
  2. 01:10:708 (2) - ^
  3. 02:22:169 (2) - ^
  4. 04:14:584 (3) - ^
nice mapです!
Good Luck
Here is 192kbps mp3, you should replace it since you have only 128kbps what is lowest rankable quality, while 192kbps highest rankable. (no need to change offset, because it starts on the same position as original bpm)

However, your current timing is wrong. Your first red point is on 00:00:597. It is wrong, because downbeat isl moved on 00:03:294 etc., what is wrong, because you can hear that nothing what could be downbeat is not here. Real downbeats are: 00:01:608, 00:04:305, you can also here these are louder than other places and there is emphasized bell sound, which is on every downbeat. It means real offset should be -1088. However, if you think negative offset is bad, just make another red line on 00:01:608, but negative offset is correct here. It should be fixed, because there is low amount of red points, others are okay, this is only one that is wrong, and also it afflicts taiko, osu!mania and nightcore mode.

If you won't fix this, please, make me a favour and give me a reason that is not: "I think it's okay." If you don't understand me, ask me about it, I can explain more.

No kd for this post.
I love the map and song, but please do use the higher quality MP3 above as it helps significantly and the low quality track used currently really limits the beautiful music!
M4M Sorry for late <3
Just Suggestions.

00:16:439 (1,2) - I think they are too near and I feel that is 1/8 when I was playing. How to move 00:16:439 (1) - to x:24 y:244 ?
00:29:248 (3) - Make it a little curving is better in flow.
00:29:922 (1) - ^
00:30:933 (4) - Don't stack
00:53:517 (1,2) - Ctrl+G
01:00:933 (1,2) - Closer is more fit to the music here
01:12:057 (3,4) - Ctrl+G and if you do this, 01:12:057 (3) - move to the head of 01:11:382 (1) -
01:11:382 (1) - Ctrl+G and if you do this, 01:36:663 (4) - should be Ctrl+G, too.
01:40:708 (3,4) - how to Exchange their positions?
01:55:540 - add a Inherited point here making SV 0.5x and end at 01:56:130 - . Make the rhythm here like this:
(The rhythm between 01:55:540 (4) - and 01:55:877 (5) - is 1/4) Or you can not do that, just seems better IMO. :D
If you do this, 01:55:540 (4) - should be NC.
02:13:068 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - I think they are should not be stack because it is 1/6 and I can hardly get that when I play it first time.
02:58:910 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - ^
03:02:281 (1) - Ctrl+G and if you do this, 03:02:618 (2) - stack with 03:01:944 (4) -

That's all.
I can't find any wrong in other diffs. :D
Nice song. Nice mappest.
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

Here is 192kbps mp3, you should replace it since you have only 128kbps what is lowest rankable quality, while 192kbps highest rankable. (no need to change offset, because it starts on the same position as original bpm)

However, your current timing is wrong. Your first red point is on 00:00:597. It is wrong, because downbeat isl moved on 00:03:294 etc., what is wrong, because you can hear that nothing what could be downbeat is not here. Real downbeats are: 00:01:608, 00:04:305, you can also here these are louder than other places and there is emphasized bell sound, which is on every downbeat. It means real offset should be -1088. However, if you think negative offset is bad, just make another red line on 00:01:608, but negative offset is correct here. It should be fixed, because there is low amount of red points, others are okay, this is only one that is wrong, and also it afflicts taiko, osu!mania and nightcore mode.

If you won't fix this, please, make me a favour and give me a reason that is not: "I think it's okay." If you don't understand me, ask me about it, I can explain more.

No kd for this post.
thanks you Wafu. I use your mp3 and fixed metronome problem
Okay, have a star as a prove I liked the beatmap and it is ready for rank in my opinion. :3
Topic Starter
thanks a lot !
Kamio Misuzu
May I have a Look?//

Black:just suggestions
Blue:I think it's better


01:25:708 (1) - finish at 01:26:382 -
02:17:113 (2,1) - start at 02:16:944 -
03:20:652 (2) - finish at 03:20:989 -
03:42:730 (2) - start at 03:42:561 -


00:27:141 (5) - delete
00:41:719 (4) - move to 370/246 and 00:41:888 -
00:51:158 (4) - delete
01:26:045 (3,1) - 3 finish at 01:26:214 - and 1 start at 01:26:382 -


01:22:506 (1,2) - ctrl+g
01:39:360 (3,4) - ctrl+g
01:50:821 (1) - ^
02:01:354 (7,8,9) - delete
02:34:472 (4,2,3) - delete
02:37:675 (4,5) - 02:38:012 (1,3) - 02:38:349 (3,4) - ctrl+g
03:00:680 (8) - delete

I like your mapping style~star~good luck
Topic Starter
Silver Crow
Claris <3

hi~come for the m4m ;)

01:02:197 - here also have sound, try to ad something?
02:12:225 - 02:12:899 - ^ make the slider more longer?Or change the SV?
02:13:068 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - i would say i always got 100 50 here..(im noob ;w;), but i thought here can use the stream like 04:04:415 (2,3,4,5,6,1) -
some blank, more easy to read
02:13:068 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
02:58:910 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - ^
03:19:135 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
01:25:034 (2,3) - not cover ;3!?
02:12:225 - 02:12:899 - make the slider more longer?Or change the SV?

thats all, Luv the map <3
00:33:967 (1) -
00:51:495 (1,2) - change to slider or stack
03:52:168 (4,5) - ^
01:14:753 (2) - found you stack too many, just don't afraid that overlaping with a note few secs ago
01:25:034 (2,3) - stack
02:22:843 (1,4) -

00:54:191 (1,2,3) - use same distance

00:25:877 (1) - change to a cricle
01:39:697 (2) - there's some slider just like this one that you put the slider end on the long white line(which is a big big beat) try consider put object head on the long white line.
03:57:561 (3) - put down a little bit , distance is little big with next note

woo, great map :) . i think you can go to find BAT to have a ook on your map.
Topic Starter
No break sugoi :)
That source is huuuuuge. That is all.
Add a new red line at offset 264907 178.00 BPM. That last note is 1/8 off.

OD +1 should be safe. I like this better with smaller circles, but it might be a bit dangerous since it's the easiest of the set.
Overall a nice map though.

AR 8 OD 5? :/ Especially after the Normal that had AR 4 OD 2, this is a big step up. should set this to AR 7, OD 6. It's still a huge gap, but I got tentative okay's on the spread if this happens.
01:26:045 (3,1,2) - Whoa, the spacing here is pretty ambiguous. I'd keep the spacing the same amongst these three.
02:42:057 - Can you make this volume transition smoother? It's quite noticeable right now and sounds strange.
02:54:866 (3,1) - You should add finishes on these too

00:51:495 (1,2) - This was kind of strange to encounter as a stack.
01:01:607 (3,4,5) - These are snapped incorrectly. They should be ending on 1/3 snap. Was weird hit hit 1/4 with that 1/3 line going under the slider.
01:03:124 (3,4,5) - This triple feels kind of random. There aren't any other triples until 01:19:135 (4,5,6) - and even that one is in a completely different place. If you used them a little more consistently it would feel better as a translation of the song itself instead of the pattern which seems to be the case here. I won't point any others out, but it is weird to come across them. Same thing happens at 02:10:371 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - . You got 02:13:068 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - at least, and keeping them in a stack would be fine if you had all the other 1/6 parts in the correct snap since it won't be nearly as much of a surprise.
01:25:034 (2,3) - Move down and right two grids to adjust for stacking
03:19:809 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Could you maybe accent the vocals with hitsounds here? Switching from the 1/3 rhythm to the 1/2 rhythm while the 1/3 piano part is still going is really confusing. Having the hitsounds there to change what the player is listening to should help ease this transition.
Hi! Just stopping by to say that I loved the map, Laurier so pro as usual =w=
One thing I wanted to point out is that I don't think the 1/6 circles in Insane should be stacked. I'm talking about 02:13:068 (3,4,5,6,7,8) and 02:58:910 (1,2,3,4,5,6). The rhythms are really hard to get the first time, and those are the only spots where the rhythm is 1/6. I think it'd be better to make them repeating sliders or something D:
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

That source is huuuuuge. That is all.
Add a new red line at offset 264907 178.00 BPM. That last note is 1/8 off. ok!

OD +1 should be safe. I like this better with smaller circles, but it might be a bit dangerous since it's the easiest of the set. ok!
Overall a nice map though.

AR 8 OD 5? :/ Especially after the Normal that had AR 4 OD 2, this is a big step up. should set this to AR 7, OD 6. It's still a huge gap, but I got tentative okay's on the spread if this happens. ok!
01:26:045 (3,1,2) - Whoa, the spacing here is pretty ambiguous. I'd keep the spacing the same amongst these three. changed
02:42:057 - Can you make this volume transition smoother? It's quite noticeable right now and sounds strange. ok
02:54:866 (3,1) - You should add finishes on these too added

00:51:495 (1,2) - This was kind of strange to encounter as a stack. make a parfect stack
01:01:607 (3,4,5) - These are snapped incorrectly. They should be ending on 1/3 snap. Was weird hit hit 1/4 with that 1/3 line going under the slider. changed
01:03:124 (3,4,5) - This triple feels kind of random. There aren't any other triples until 01:19:135 (4,5,6) - and even that one is in a completely different place. If you used them a little more consistently it would feel better as a translation of the song itself instead of the pattern which seems to be the case here. I won't point any others out, but it is weird to come across them. Same thing happens at 02:10:371 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - . You got 02:13:068 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - at least, and keeping them in a stack would be fine if you had all the other 1/6 parts in the correct snap since it won't be nearly as much of a surprise.
01:25:034 (2,3) - Move down and right two grids to adjust for stacking ok
03:19:809 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Could you maybe accent the vocals with hitsounds here? Switching from the 1/3 rhythm to the 1/2 rhythm while the 1/3 piano part is still going is really confusing. Having the hitsounds there to change what the player is listening to should help ease this transition. changed hit sounds
I changed 1/3 patterns and I keep triples. I like this tripls ><
thanks for mod!!
Clarified a few more things in IRC. We're good to go now! Rebubbled!
How about if you use this BG Without the letterbox looks better, imo.

00:51:495 (1,2) - This kinda threw me off, because everything is so jumpy, never thought this was 1/2 notes. Would be awesome if you separate it more, just like the rest. Example:
01:22:506 (1,2) - This part keeps throwing me off, If you Ctrl+G these two, I think will feel better while playing, so is the same these stacks you did on the rest of the map, that where awesome: 00:43:573 (2,3) - 00:58:405 (2,3) - 00:59:753 (2,1) -01:06:832 (3,4) -01:27:057 (2,3) - ,etc. (If you do this, you should remove 01:23:012 (3) - and stack the next slider (01:23:180 -) under 01:22:675 (2) - and fix spacing)
03:56:887 (1,2) - Same as above

00:49:388 (3,4) - These would be easier to read if you do this: (this way is easier to tell are 1/4 notes)
01:12:057 (2,3,1)- Can you make spacing between 2 and 3, shorter than spacing between 3 and 1?
03:19:135 (2) - Why dont you here, add another slider like this 03:19:472 (3) - , feels kinda empty
04:21:831 (3) - how about a 1/2 slider with a repeat here, instead of this 1/1
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