
Whats the best way to get PP and a higher rank

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hi I just started osu and wondering how to get a higher rank what's the best strategy I heard go for pp maps this the best way ? also when i ss some maps i only get 4 pp why is that even with some mods
Literally just play the game
Literally just play the game
yes there are pp farm maps but the goal is not just to play for fc's and SS's (unless you want to I guess), the goal is to keep pushing yourself so you can play harder pp farm maps
play a lot, dont worry for pp yet, just play
Duck o-o
play every diff of this forever and u rank up like mad

Wattzyn wrote:

hi I just started osu and wondering how to get a higher rank what's the best strategy I heard go for pp maps this the best way ? also when i ss some maps i only get 4 pp why is that even with some mods
FIrstly, don't even worry about that right now. You've literally just started, so pp gains will come quite easily at the start. Sure, it may not be much, but you shouldn't be looking for 20pp gains every single time right now.

Your primary focus should be on learning how the game works and some of the very fundamental skills of playing: Reading the approach circles to know when to tap, learning to tap to the rhythm, playing long and short maps to test your stamina, etc. That involves primarily sticking to what would be considered your "comfort zone" of play, and a little bit above that. Some players interpret the bounds of that differently, but generally speaking your "comfort zone" is the star rating (or SR) where you can consistently do well on a map, at about a 95% accuracy range and usually FC (or full combo). If you can consistently SS the maps in that SR, that usually means it's well below your comfort zone and you need to move up in SR (the exception to this is if you're an SS player like me, but I can talk about the difference later); conversely, if you're finding it difficult to even reach the notes, much less hit them, then it's likely way above your comfort zone and you need to lower the SR to match.

Judging by your top plays (which is often the most noticeable and efficient, albeit not always the most effective, means of judging a player's skill), you have plenty of SS ranks on very low 1* maps (which are usually labeled [Easy] or [Beginner] if the mapper/s don't have custom names), S and A ranks on mid to high 1* maps, and mostly C or D ranks on anything harder. That means your comfort zone is likely in the mid 1* range, about 1.5 to 1.7. I would suggest you stick to playing songs at that range more often than not, and incorporate 1.8-2* maps in sometimes to test your skill. Of course, there's nothing saying you can't play harder maps, such as [Hard] or [Insane], but seeing as you barely get by on [Hard] maps I would avoid using them for improvement, merely as a test to see what you can do. YOu're just not going to learn things the right way if play stuff that's way about your skill level. After all, weightlifters don't start benching 300lbs on their first day; they start with 50-75lbs depending on their weight and such, and work their way up to 300lbs.

also when i ss some maps i only get 4 pp why is that even with some mods
That's merely a reflection of how easy it is in the pp system. The easiest of the easy songs, those below 1* (or really, 1.1* or less) are not going to give much pp, if any, even if you use all four pp-boosting mods. You'd need to play harder stuff to get more pp out of them.

That being said, while it's fun to mess around with mods when you start out, I would highly recommend that you play without until you've gotten more playtime and experience under your belt. They are fun to use, don't get me wrong, but as I said at the start you're looking to build your fundamental skills first, while still having fun. It may not seem like a big deal right now as the base values for some of the metrics (AR, OD, CS, etc.) are very low at the 1* range, but learning how to play with them can be a crutch later on where you only know how to play with those mods and can't play without, which means harder maps will be more difficult for your to reach, or simply be unplayable regardless.

I'm not saying it's bad to experiment; if you find a mod combo you really like I am in no way saying you shouldn't try to make it your main playstyle later on. I'm merely saying that I think your basic improvement comes first.

On that note, I would also recommend you try to find people online who are at your rank or thereabouts (basically anyone who's a 7-digit) to chat with and try to have fun with. THere are also multiplayer lobbies and tournaments in the client, or challenges that you might find here in the forums. For instance, I'm running a challenge right now for other players (link is in my signature), and I intend to run another one in February. There aren't necessarily a lot of 7-digits who post regularly on the forums, so it may be hard to get you competition at your skill range, but it never hurts to sign up and give them a shot. I'd be more than happy to see you compete.

Dementedduck wrote:

play every diff of this forever and u rank up like mad
Duck's daily favorite beatmap post
You're still new to the game, so keep playing medium to high 1* maps, I guess. Then keep pushing to low 2 stars, and so on.

THETM wrote:

You're still new to the game, so keep playing medium to high 1* maps, I guess. Then keep pushing to low 2 stars, and so on.
You could probably go immediately to 2 stars once you understand the basics.
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