Hello. Long time ago, I made a stream layout for osu! by making a neat little scrolling background animation using one of osu!'s triangle backgrounds. I don't remember exactly where I took it, but it was somewhere from the website.
Video preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hup55kvcgQg
The following two images are required:
The scrolling background (a static 138KB image): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gabrielwoj/misc/main/stream_layouts/osu_stream_layout/elements/bg.png
The border: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gabrielwoj/misc/main/stream_layouts/osu_stream_layout/elements/border.png
In order to achieve the effect seen on the video, make sure to do the following on OBS Studio (might be able to be done with other programs, but this tutorial is for OBS Studio):
1- Right click on "Scenes" empty box and create one for "osu!";
2- On the "Sources" empty box, go to "Add" and go to "Game Capture":
a) On "Mode", select "Capture specific window";
b) Window: "[osu!.exe]: osu!";
c) Window Match Priority: "Match title, otherwise find window of same executable";
d) You can also disable "Capture Cursor", as the one in-game show just fine (I did forget to disable this option on my video, though);
e) Press "OK".
3- Right-click on "Game Capture", go to "Transform" and "Edit Transform":
a) On the Size section, make sure it's like this:
"Size: [1824.0000]↨ [998.0000]↨"
b) Press "Close".
4- Right-click on "Game Capture" once again, and go to "Transform" then "Center to screen".
5- Right-click on the "Sources" box, and Add an Image.
6- Select the "border.png" image, and press "OK".
7- Now right-click on the image you just added (I recommend renaming to "Border", you can do that by simply clicking on it from the Sources panel, and pressing F2), and once again, go to "Transform" then "Center to screen".
8- Right-click on the "Sources" box, and Add yet another Image.
9- Select "bg.png", and press "OK".
10- Rename it to something like "Background", and right-click on it, then go to "Filters".
a) Right-click on the "Effect Filters" area, and go to "Add" then "Scroll";
b) Keep the Horizontal Speed value as "0.00", and change the Vertical Speed to "10.00", or a number to your liking;
c) Enable "Limit Height", and set it to "1080";
d) Enable "Loop".
11- Right-click on "Background" once again, and go to "Transform" then "Center to screen".
After everything is done, make sure the Sources are in this order, so the gameplay footage will show properly:

Additionally, you can add a black square image source to go above "osu! Background" and below "osu! Capture", so there's no "transparent gap" when osu! hasn't been open yet on your stream:
12- Right-click on the "Sources" box, and Add another image;
13- Select "black_square.png" image, and press "OK". You can download the "black_square.png" image here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gabrielwoj/misc/main/stream_layouts/osu_stream_layout/elements/black_square.png
14- Rename to something like "Black Square", right-click it, go to "Transform", and click "Center to Screen".
If you use the "Black Square" image element, the order of the Sources should be like this:

And there you go. Credit is not needed, only if you want to, as I didn't made the triangle background, that was taken from somewhere on the official website. The border, and the tutorial, though, that's on me.
Hope you enjoy it! Feel free to add other elements if you want to, like your Twitch/Youtube name and such.
Edit: If you wish to make the background a little darker, you can do the following on OBS Studio:
15- Right-click on "Background" and go to "Filters".
a) Right-click on the "Effect Filters" area, and go to "Add" then "Color Correction";
b) Adjust the "Opacity" slider to your liking. "1.0000" is 100% opaque, where "0.0000" is completely invisible. For example, you can set to "0.9000" so the background is only 90% opaque;
c) As long there's nothing behind the Background layer, this can be used to reduce the brightness of the scrolling background without having to edit the actual "bg.png" via an image manipulation program, as the default "background", or lack of there of, is black on OBS Studio.
If you wish to make the triangles from the background "fall" instead, simply put the "Vertical Speed" value as a negative, like "-10.00".
Video preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hup55kvcgQg
The following two images are required:
The scrolling background (a static 138KB image): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gabrielwoj/misc/main/stream_layouts/osu_stream_layout/elements/bg.png
The border: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gabrielwoj/misc/main/stream_layouts/osu_stream_layout/elements/border.png
In order to achieve the effect seen on the video, make sure to do the following on OBS Studio (might be able to be done with other programs, but this tutorial is for OBS Studio):
1- Right click on "Scenes" empty box and create one for "osu!";
2- On the "Sources" empty box, go to "Add" and go to "Game Capture":
a) On "Mode", select "Capture specific window";
b) Window: "[osu!.exe]: osu!";
c) Window Match Priority: "Match title, otherwise find window of same executable";
d) You can also disable "Capture Cursor", as the one in-game show just fine (I did forget to disable this option on my video, though);
e) Press "OK".
3- Right-click on "Game Capture", go to "Transform" and "Edit Transform":
a) On the Size section, make sure it's like this:
"Size: [1824.0000]↨ [998.0000]↨"
b) Press "Close".
4- Right-click on "Game Capture" once again, and go to "Transform" then "Center to screen".
5- Right-click on the "Sources" box, and Add an Image.
6- Select the "border.png" image, and press "OK".
7- Now right-click on the image you just added (I recommend renaming to "Border", you can do that by simply clicking on it from the Sources panel, and pressing F2), and once again, go to "Transform" then "Center to screen".
8- Right-click on the "Sources" box, and Add yet another Image.
9- Select "bg.png", and press "OK".
10- Rename it to something like "Background", and right-click on it, then go to "Filters".
a) Right-click on the "Effect Filters" area, and go to "Add" then "Scroll";
b) Keep the Horizontal Speed value as "0.00", and change the Vertical Speed to "10.00", or a number to your liking;
c) Enable "Limit Height", and set it to "1080";
d) Enable "Loop".
11- Right-click on "Background" once again, and go to "Transform" then "Center to screen".
After everything is done, make sure the Sources are in this order, so the gameplay footage will show properly:
Additionally, you can add a black square image source to go above "osu! Background" and below "osu! Capture", so there's no "transparent gap" when osu! hasn't been open yet on your stream:
12- Right-click on the "Sources" box, and Add another image;
13- Select "black_square.png" image, and press "OK". You can download the "black_square.png" image here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gabrielwoj/misc/main/stream_layouts/osu_stream_layout/elements/black_square.png
14- Rename to something like "Black Square", right-click it, go to "Transform", and click "Center to Screen".
If you use the "Black Square" image element, the order of the Sources should be like this:
And there you go. Credit is not needed, only if you want to, as I didn't made the triangle background, that was taken from somewhere on the official website. The border, and the tutorial, though, that's on me.
Hope you enjoy it! Feel free to add other elements if you want to, like your Twitch/Youtube name and such.
Edit: If you wish to make the background a little darker, you can do the following on OBS Studio:
15- Right-click on "Background" and go to "Filters".
a) Right-click on the "Effect Filters" area, and go to "Add" then "Color Correction";
b) Adjust the "Opacity" slider to your liking. "1.0000" is 100% opaque, where "0.0000" is completely invisible. For example, you can set to "0.9000" so the background is only 90% opaque;
c) As long there's nothing behind the Background layer, this can be used to reduce the brightness of the scrolling background without having to edit the actual "bg.png" via an image manipulation program, as the default "background", or lack of there of, is black on OBS Studio.
If you wish to make the triangles from the background "fall" instead, simply put the "Vertical Speed" value as a negative, like "-10.00".