
Avril Lavigne - Hello Heartache

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Montag, 2. März 2015 at 17:37:49

Artist: Avril Lavigne
Title: Hello Heartache
Tags: ramona hodges david softrock pop rock Zero__wind
BPM: 87
Filesize: 7100kb
Play Time: 03:44
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2,44 stars, 473 notes)
  2. Normal (1,65 stars, 298 notes)
  3. Zero's Insane (3,27 stars, 573 notes)
Download: Avril Lavigne - Hello Heartache
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Insane by Zero__wind. Thanks a lot for the awesome diff! ;w;

goodbye my friend, hello heartache. ♥

Please, finish this awesome song!
Topic Starter

Abrruzzi wrote:

Please, finish this awesome song!
working on it..! but it takes me aaaaages. :c

Squirrel wrote:

Abrruzzi wrote:

Please, finish this awesome song!
working on it..! but it takes me aaaaages. :c
But at least you are doing it! :D
come on plz?
Topic Starter

Zero__wind wrote:

come on plz?
working on it. just doesn't turn out the way I want it to be. '^'

updated with hitsounds, tho. |:

done now, gonna look for some mods. 'w'
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh~~ here is bad mod


00:46:547 (4) - delete clap please More awkward.
00:51:719 (2) - ^
00:54:478 (2) - ^
01:17:926 - add note and finish add please
01:52:754 (4) - delete clap please More awkward.
01:57:926 (2) - ^
02:00:685 (2) - ^
02:03:789 - ^
02:12:409 - not clap? add clap please


00:27:582 - clap?
00:28:961 (2) - ctrl + g
01:29:995 (1) - Delete NC and 01:29:651 (9) - Add NC
01:31:030 (3) - ctrl + g
01:43:099 (2) - ^
03:11:719 - add clap

good map!
Topic Starter
HabiHolic's mod

HabiHolic wrote:

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh~~ here is bad mod


00:46:547 (4) - delete clap please More awkward. done
00:51:719 (2) - ^ done
00:54:478 (2) - ^ done
01:17:926 - add note and finish add please ok
01:52:754 (4) - delete clap please More awkward.
01:57:926 (2) - ^
02:00:685 (2) - ^
02:03:789 - ^
02:12:409 - not clap? add clap please
all done. :3


00:27:582 - clap? added
00:28:961 (2) - ctrl + g ok
01:29:995 (1) - Delete NC and 01:29:651 (9) - Add NC done
01:31:030 (3) - ctrl + g ok
01:43:099 (2) - ^ done
03:11:719 - add clapok

good map! thanks. :3

thanks for your mod. <3
gonna do mine as soon as possible! >w<

updated. ♥
Hey there o/ From #modreqs


Since this is a NH spread, you need to make sure that your normal diff can still be played by beginners. For instance, beginners have trouble reading overlapping hit objects, so you might want to consider checking all these and fixing them.

You should try to keep your breaks consistant across all diffs. So map the breaks in normal or add breaks in hard.

Your maps have no tags, so you really should consider adding some, and make sure that the tags are consistent across every difficulty. If you decide to add a guest diff later on, then add the guest mapper's name to tags as well.


00:33:788 (3) - You should get rid of this overlap because when it's a whole beat away on a slow song like this, it can get pretty boring, and a beginner might hit the note too early. You could move this to a place such as x:484 y:212

00:36:547 (1,2,3,4) - Flow here isn't great because you make a right angled triangle pattern then you have to hastily change direction for the slider. I would recommend changing the pattern to something like this:

00:44:823 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Beginners have a hard time reading patterns where notes are on top of slidertracks, and they look ugly overall, and it's not good how the end of 00:48:271 (1) - overlaps with the start of 00:46:892 (5) - . Try this pattern instead:

and then move the next few notes so that it:
  1. is spaced fine
  2. is that 00:46:892 (5) - and 00:48:271 (1) - are not touching
00:55:513 (5,1,2) - Similar kind of thing as my last suggestion - not as bad as my last suggestion, but still bad for a normal.Move 00:55:513 (5,2) - away from each other so their ends do not touch in any way since as I have previously stated, can be confusing for beginners.

01:03:444 (4) - Move this slider so it does not make contact with 01:02:753 (2) - or 01:02:064 (1) - , these kinds of overlap look ugly and are confusing for beginner.

01:04:823 (1,3) - The overlap these two notes make is actually fine because the player does not have to click or drag anything beneath a sliderend. However, you should perfect this by moving the end of 01:06:203 (3) - to x:195 y:196.

01:20:340 (2,3) - Make it so 01:20:340 (2) - does not overlap with the slidertrail of 01:20:685 (3) - since it can be hard to read, it looks ugly, and is not very appealing to beginners.

01:25:858 (2,3) - ^

01:31:719 (3,1) - In my opinion, I think it would look better if the sliderend of 01:31:719 (3) - was blanketed with 01:33:099 (1) - better by moving 01:33:099 (1) - to x:264 y:228, like this:

If you decide to do this, remember to move the next few notes to avoid spacing issues.

01:34:133 (2,3) - Do not make 01:34:133 (2) - overlap with the slidertrail of 01:34:478 (3) - since as I've mentioned before, it can be unappealing to beginners, ugly looking, and hard to read.

01:38:616 (6,7) - Get rid of the stack since beat long stacks are bad due to various reasons that I've stated before in this mod; it's boring waiting, and newbies might hit the note too early. Consider moving 01:39:995 (7) - to a place like x:204 y:76 for a blanket.

The area here seems like you just copy and pasted part of the map, because I am seeing the same errors and patterns :/ It can be quite boring for players, so I would consider remapping this section.

01:51:030 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Another hard to read pattern in this map, I've told you how to deal with this before in my mod post, so do what I suggested there to fix this. (Hint, it's at the 2nd linked image.)

02:01:720 (5,1,2) - Change this so 02:01:720 (5,2) - are not overlapping eachother because it is confusing and it looks ugly imo

02:08:271 (1,4) - Yet again, fix these overlapping slidertrails.You probably know why you should by now.

02:12:410 (3) - Move this sliderend to x:317 y:188 so it overlaps with the sliderend of 02:11:030 (1) - properly.

02:35:168 (1,3) - Since these two sliders are straight, this pattern can look rather bland and unappealing, as well as not flowing as well as it should. Try this instead:

This will result in enhanced visuals and flow. Just remember to move the next few notes to avoid issues with spacing.

02:40:340 (4,5) - Throughout the entire song you decide to not include any 1/6 until now, this is not good consistency and you should fix this.

02:44:133 (3) - Move the start of this slider to x:23 y:165 so it perfectly stacks with the end of 02:42:064 (6) - which results in enhanced visuals.

02:48:616 (4,5,6) - This pattern is not as unreadable as the other patterns similar to this because 02:49:651 (6) - is quite long, which helps the brain distinguish the end of the slider, so this isn't as important to fix as these other patterns. But I'd still recommend fixing.

02:51:375 (1,2) - Same as what I've mentioned before at 02:40:340 (4,5) - remove 1/6 for consistency.

02:57:927 (2,5) - Again, fix this overlap for ease of reading and visuals.

03:02:065 (3) - You could blanket this as well! So it goes over 03:01:720 (2) - and is like a shorter version 03:00:685 (1) - , doing this will result in better visuals.

03:03:444 (1,4) - An overlap like this can be very confusing for beginners so I'd seriously consider removing this like most other overlaps I've suggested.

If you choose not to fix the suggestion I posted, then move 03:04:823 (4) - to x41 y:207 so it perfectly overlaps with the end of 03:03:444 (1) -

03:35:513 (5) - Ok, this note goes under both the slider end and the slider start of 03:33:444 (2) - seriously I would consider moving this note to somewhere clean -.- This is extremely unreadable and is like, the worst part about the map, sadly ._.

03:35:857 (6) - Move this slider end to x:262 y:224 so it perfectly stacks on top of the sliderend of 03:37:237 (2) -


00:13:099 (4) - This slider is stacked with the triplet of 00:11:719 (1,2,3) - , but it is a beat apart instead of 1/2 making it easy for it to be hit early and generally feels uncomfortable, so you should fix this.

00:13:788 (5,2) - Think you can change the way that 00:14:824 (2) - overlaps with the sliderend of 00:13:788 (5) - ? This looks ugly imo and becomes difficult to read.

00:16:893 (8,1) - You can get rid of this 1/2 double and do something more creative with your 5 notes, such as adding a star pattern.

00:22:754 (1) - This hitcircle overlaps with the start of 00:21:375 (5) - which looks ugly imo and becomes difficult to read, so consider fixing this.

00:26:892 (5,6) - You generally shouldn't stack notes behind repeats because it is extremely hard to read and feels uncomfortable.

If you choose to deny my suggestion above then at least move 00:27:926 (6) - to x:286 y:64 so it perfectly stacks with the end of 00:26:892 (5) -

00:30:685 (4) - Another stack issue, this time move it to x:411 y:192 so it perfectly stacks with the start of 00:28:961 (2) -

00:36:892 (2,4) - Third stack issue in a row now - move the slider end of 00:37:926 (4) - to x:276 y:121 for a perfect stack with 00:36:892 (2) - or vice versa.

01:02:064 (1) - You should move this slider so that players are not just waiting for the next note to come with this long, 1 beat long stack.

If you choose to deny my suggestion above, then move the start of 01:02:064 (1) - to x:245 y:122 for a perfect stack with the slider end of 01:01:030 (6) - .

01:06:547 (8) - Please move this note so it is not touching 01:05:857 (7) - in any way, shape, or form since this looks bad and is hard to read.

01:06:892 (1,2) - Again, get rid of slow double so players aren't waiting.

01:08:041 (4) - You really should get rid of the whistle here because it sounds bad and just doesn't fit. It would sound much better with a normal hitsound, trust me.

01:08:616 (5) - ^

01:11:375 (4,5) - Get rid of this overlap, 01:11:375 (4) - overlaps the slidertrail and end which looks bad and is hard to read.

01:12:409 (1,2) - Remove this double because as I've mentioned many times before, it will leave players waiting, which isn't very good.

01:28:616 (8) - lol, this note really isn't placed in a good position right now, so you can either:
  1. Move the note to x:447 y:192 for the perfect stack
  2. Move this along with 01:29:651 (1) - to somewhere far away so it doesn't touch 01:27:926 (6) -
01:28:616 (8,1) - Again we have a long 1 beat long blanket which is bad because it leaves people waiting for the next note, and they could also hit it too early.

01:33:099 (6,8) - These two notes don't stack very well, so consider moving 01:34:133 (8) - to x403 y:234 to perfect the stack on the slider end.

01:40:340 (9) - Make it so this circle doesn't touch the start of 01:39:306 (7) - in any way.

01:45:168 (5) - You should ctrl+g this to improve flow by a lot.

01:56:547 (9) - Move this hitcircle up to x:59 y:133 so it perfectly stacks with the start of 01:54:823 (4) -

01:57:237 (1,3) - Make it so these two notes don't overlap each other since it can be confusing to read.

02:24:133 (1) - You should really consider moving this somewhere else so that it is not touching 02:23:444 (9) - since at it's current condition, it can be quite difficult to read and hit.

02:37:582 (6) - You should really consider moving this somewhere else so that it is not touching 02:36:892 (5) - since at it's current condition, it can be quite difficult to read and hit.

02:43:099 (6) - You should really consider moving this somewhere else so that it is not touching 02:42:409 (5) - since at it's current condition, it can be quite difficult to read and hit.

02:48:616 (3) - You should blanket this slider with the end of 02:47:237 (2) - for better visuals.

02:55:513 (5) - You really should curve this slider like 02:54:823 (4) - so that the pattern is symmetrical and that the sliders are consistent, resulting in better gameplay and visuals.

03:22:064 (6) - You really should move this so it blankets the end of 03:22:754 (7) - which results in better visuals.

03:24:823 (1) - You really should move this slider to x:418 y:267 so it is part of the stack there, this results in much better visuals and gameplay.

03:27:582 (6,7) - You really can improve the way these sliders blanket each other. Try moving 03:27:582 (6) - to x:142 y:204

03:37:926 (3) - You should move the start of this to x:389 y162 so it perfectly stacks with the sliderend of 03:36:547 (1) - making it look nicer.

03:39:306 (1) - Consider moving this a bit further to avoid spacing issue and the fact that players might hit the note too early, as well as looking ugly.

Well, I guess that's it from me, and I hope you found this mod useful. Good luck on rank~
From my modding queue~
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhvril lavigne


  1. 00:46:202 (3,5) - I don't think this overlap looks very good (when the hitcircle overlaps both the head and tail of a slider), try arranging it a different way. Below is one suggestion regarding the placement of 00:45:513 (2,3,4,5,1) -
  2. 00:52:409 (4,5) - this object placement can be made to look better. I think there are two things you can do here:
    1. Move 00:52:754 (5) - to the left
    2. Making this look nice is a bit tricky since you have three hitcircles in a row 00:51:719 (2,3,4) - , maybe you can turn 00:52:064 (3,4) - into one slider. It works out fine because it matches the vocal, and now that you have two sliders in a row you might be able to find a way to make it look good.
    This also applies to 01:58:271 (3,4,5) -
  3. 00:54:823 (3,4) - consider turning this into one slider as well. I think it's more fun to play that way and matches the vocal, and also because three hit circles in a row might feel a bit boring to some people. You can try using repeat sliders as well if that works too.
    This also applies to 02:01:030 (3,4) -
  4. 00:56:547 (2) - if there is a way to place the objects before/after this nicely, you can consider changing this into a repeat slider. I feel that this matches the vocal more since the singer alternates between two pitches during the duration of the slider.
  5. 00:57:582 (3) - to make it more interesting, consider ctrl+g on this slider. The flow becomes a bit better as well. This also applies to 02:03:789 (3) - and 03:09:996 (3) -
  6. 01:02:064 (1,2,4) - I think there are too many overlaps here, consider a different pattern. Below is one suggestion.
    This also applies to 02:08:271 (1,2,4) -
  7. 01:04:823 (1,3) - ends aren't perfectly stacked but I don't know if you want to change this or not. If you move stuff around then make sure 01:05:858 (2,3) - is still blanketed nicely.
  8. 01:06:203 (3,1) - this is pretty unexpected in my opinion since the time between the two objects is really small. I think it will be fine if you shorten 01:06:203 (3) - to 01:06:547 - (on the red tick). Alternatively, you can have 01:06:203 (3) - end on where 01:06:892 (1) - is (make sure you delete 01:06:892 (1) - though).
  9. 01:12:064 (2) - same reasons as above, you can either make this just a hit circle or extend it so that it ends on where 01:12:409 (1) - is (make sure you delete 01:12:409 (1) - though). Both of the changes above also apply to 03:18:617 (3,1) - , 03:24:478 (7,1) -
  10. 01:13:444 (3,5) - to make it look nicer you can try to avoid this overlap. Moving it to around x 176 y 264 should be good as you get around the same space between each slider (01:13:444 (3,4,5) - )
    Of course if you make this change, you will have to re-position the objects that come after.
  11. 01:16:892 (2,3,4) - I feel that having a repeat slider instead of three hit circles matches the music better. You can hear the electronic beeping sound in the background and the pitch increases where you have these hit circles. However since you have hitcircles before and after this but the electronic beeping sound is the regular pitch, it makes sense to make this part stand out, which is why I feel a repeat slider suits this section.
  12. 01:52:409 (3,5) - as mentioned before, I don't think it looks nice when a hitcircle overlaps both the slider head and tail. Try to rearrange the objects, below is one suggestion.
  13. 02:39:306 (3,5) - perhaps it will look better without this overlap, moving 02:40:340 (4,5) - down a bit should fix it.
  14. 03:02:065 (3) - for better flow, consider ctrl+g and moving it down a bit

  15. 01:08:041 (4) - slider is off, I suggest using 1/4 beat snap divisor for this one.

  16. 01:20:685 (1,2) - maybe the flow will be better like this:
  17. 01:28:961 - this is just something extra, but maybe you could add a repeat slider here to match the beat in the background. I think it's more fun this way, but you might choose to only follow the vocal.

  18. 02:50:685 (6) - to match the stuttering vocal, you can add one repeat on to this slider.
  19. 01:58:271 (2,3) - ctrl + g to switch positions (while the whole thing is highlighted), this way the slider accurately matches the vocal. Same with
    03:13:099 (4,5) -, 03:14:478 (1,2) - , 03:35:168 (4,5,6) -

Looks like people want this ranked, so work hard and have fun mapping!
Oh, I forgot to mention before but your background image file size is huge, I think it was around 1.35 MB. I've reduced the file size to around 200 KB by saving as jpg without any noticeable reduction in image quality. Having a 1.35 MB background image just bloats the mapset and it will take people longer to download.
Here you go, you can save the image and set it as the new background
no kds
Topic Starter

Fluttershy03 wrote:

Hey there o/ From #modreqs


Since this is a NH spread, you need to make sure that your normal diff can still be played by beginners. For instance, beginners have trouble reading overlapping hit objects, so you might want to consider checking all these and fixing them. I'll check the diff for them. but I had a friend (who's not playin osu) testplay it and he was fine with the overlaps. plus most of them are intentional, but I'll see. :3

You should try to keep your breaks consistant across all diffs. So map the breaks in normal or add breaks in hard. need breaks in Normal.. ;w; and I wanted to do a breakless Hard cause it's reaaaally Easy anyway, but I'll think about it.

Your maps have no tags, so you really should consider adding some, and make sure that the tags are consistent across every difficulty. If you decide to add a guest diff later on, then add the guest mapper's name to tags as well. I'll do that once I can think of some. orz cause unfortunately the album this song is from is self-titled, sooo meh. ><


00:33:788 (3) - You should get rid of this overlap because when it's a whole beat away on a slow song like this, it can get pretty boring, and a beginner might hit the note too early. You could move this to a place such as x:484 y:212 moved

00:36:547 (1,2,3,4) - Flow here isn't great because you make a right angled triangle pattern then you have to hastily change direction for the slider. I would recommend changing the pattern to something like this:


00:44:823 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Beginners have a hard time reading patterns where notes are on top of slidertracks, and they look ugly overall, and it's not good how the end of 00:48:271 (1) - overlaps with the start of 00:46:892 (5) - . Try this pattern instead:

and then move the next few notes so that it:
  1. is spaced fine
  2. is that 00:46:892 (5) - and 00:48:271 (1) - are not touching
dun think it's ugly.. buuut rearranged the part a bit. c:

00:55:513 (5,1,2) - Similar kind of thing as my last suggestion - not as bad as my last suggestion, but still bad for a normal.Move 00:55:513 (5,2) - away from each other so their ends do not touch in any way since as I have previously stated, can be confusing for beginners. Nah, I'll keep this. it's okay for Normal. :3

01:03:444 (4) - Move this slider so it does not make contact with 01:02:753 (2) - or 01:02:064 (1) - , these kinds of overlap look ugly and are confusing for beginner. I like them. ;n; keepin it

01:04:823 (1,3) - The overlap these two notes make is actually fine because the player does not have to click or drag anything beneath a sliderend. However, you should perfect this by moving the end of 01:06:203 (3) - to x:195 y:196. fixed

01:20:340 (2,3) - Make it so 01:20:340 (2) - does not overlap with the slidertrail of 01:20:685 (3) - since it can be hard to read, it looks ugly, and is not very appealing to beginners. same as above ><

01:25:858 (2,3) - ^ same as above

01:31:719 (3,1) - In my opinion, I think it would look better if the sliderend of 01:31:719 (3) - was blanketed with 01:33:099 (1) - better by moving
01:33:099 (1) - to x:264 y:228, like this:

If you decide to do this, remember to move the next few notes to avoid spacing issues. fixed in a different way

01:34:133 (2,3) - Do not make 01:34:133 (2) - overlap with the slidertrail of 01:34:478 (3) - since as I've mentioned before, it can be unappealing to beginners, ugly looking, and hard to read. overlaps differnetly now and I like it, so keeping it <:

01:38:616 (6,7) - Get rid of the stack since beat long stacks are bad due to various reasons that I've stated before in this mod; it's boring waiting, and newbies might hit the note too early. Consider moving 01:39:995 (7) - to a place like x:204 y:76 for a blanket. fixed

The area here seems like you just copy and pasted part of the map, because I am seeing the same errors and patterns :/ It can be quite boring for players, so I would consider remapping this section. was'nt copypasted, buuut the same pattern, yah. changed!

01:51:030 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Another hard to read pattern in this map, I've told you how to deal with this before in my mod post, so do what I suggested there to fix this. (Hint, it's at the 2nd linked image.) fixed differentely than the first time, variety.. yay! \^__^/

02:01:720 (5,1,2) - Change this so 02:01:720 (5,2) - are not overlapping eachother because it is confusing and it looks ugly imo same as above

02:08:271 (1,4) - Yet again, fix these overlapping slidertrails.You probably know why you should by now. I still like them, sorry. x:

02:12:410 (3) - Move this sliderend to x:317 y:188 so it overlaps with the sliderend of 02:11:030 (1) - properly.fixed

02:35:168 (1,3) - Since these two sliders are straight, this pattern can look rather bland and unappealing, as well as not flowing as well as it should. Try this instead:

This will result in enhanced visuals and flow. Just remember to move the next few notes to avoid issues with spacing. ok

02:40:340 (4,5) - Throughout the entire song you decide to not include any 1/6 until now, this is not good consistency and you should fix this. done

02:44:133 (3) - Move the start of this slider to x:23 y:165 so it perfectly stacks with the end of 02:42:064 (6) - which results in enhanced visuals. fixed

02:48:616 (4,5,6) - This pattern is not as unreadable as the other patterns similar to this because 02:49:651 (6) - is quite long, which helps the brain distinguish the end of the slider, so this isn't as important to fix as these other patterns. But I'd still recommend fixing. nope, keepin it. ><

02:51:375 (1,2) - Same as what I've mentioned before at 02:40:340 (4,5) - remove 1/6 for consistency. ok

02:57:927 (2,5) - Again, fix this overlap for ease of reading and visuals. is readable imo x:

03:02:065 (3) - You could blanket this as well! So it goes over 03:01:720 (2) - and is like a shorter version 03:00:685 (1) - , doing this will result in better visuals. wanted to keep angularity cause of the following, but changed, might change the other as well. >o<

03:03:444 (1,4) - An overlap like this can be very confusing for beginners so I'd seriously consider removing this like most other overlaps I've suggested. nah, is fine as it is

If you choose not to fix the suggestion I posted, then move 03:04:823 (4) - to x41 y:207 so it perfectly overlaps with the end of 03:03:444 (1) - done

03:35:513 (5) - Ok, this note goes under both the slider end and the slider start of 03:33:444 (2) - seriously I would consider moving this note to somewhere clean -.- This is extremely unreadable and is like, the worst part about the map, sadly ._. was totally intentional, cause it doesn't look that unreadable. (like I said, had someon test this..) but I fixed it for now.

03:35:857 (6) - Move this slider end to x:262 y:224 so it perfectly stacks on top of the sliderend of 03:37:237 (2) - not needed anymore. :c xD


00:13:099 (4) - This slider is stacked with the triplet of 00:11:719 (1,2,3) - , but it is a beat apart instead of 1/2 making it easy for it to be hit early and generally feels uncomfortable, so you should fix this. feels fine, imo

00:13:788 (5,2) - Think you can change the way that 00:14:824 (2) - overlaps with the sliderend of 00:13:788 (5) - ? This looks ugly imo and becomes difficult to read. is intentional. :3 might have noticed in Normal, but I LOVE these overlaps. :b

00:16:893 (8,1) - You can get rid of this 1/2 double and do something more creative with your 5 notes, such as adding a star pattern. I use this pattern with four circles more often so I wanna keep it consistent. no change

00:22:754 (1) - This hitcircle overlaps with the start of 00:21:375 (5) - which looks ugly imo and becomes difficult to read, so consider fixing this. oh, yeah. It was stacked with 5 at some point.. but I fixed sth with it and moved it, so now this happened. damn. xD changed to sth different

00:26:892 (5,6) - You generally shouldn't stack notes behind repeats because it is extremely hard to read and feels uncomfortable. I think it's fine. >: (but I fixed DS, how'd that get messed up..)

If you choose to deny my suggestion above then at least move 00:27:926 (6) - to x:286 y:64 so it perfectly stacks with the end of 00:26:892 (5) - did it differnt, still overlaps, but that's okay

00:30:685 (4) - Another stack issue, this time move it to x:411 y:192 so it perfectly stacks with the start of 00:28:961 (2) - Idk how this happens all the time. orz fixed

00:36:892 (2,4) - Third stack issue in a row now - move the slider end of 00:37:926 (4) - to x:276 y:121 for a perfect stack with 00:36:892 (2) - or vice versa. fixed

01:02:064 (1) - You should move this slider so that players are not just waiting for the next note to come with this long, 1 beat long stack. I want them to wait, is intentional. >3

If you choose to deny my suggestion above, then move the start of 01:02:064 (1) - to x:245 y:122 for a perfect stack with the slider end of 01:01:030 (6) - . done

01:06:547 (8) - Please move this note so it is not touching 01:05:857 (7) - in any way, shape, or form since this looks bad and is hard to read. looks fine to me. |:

01:06:892 (1,2) - Again, get rid of slow double so players aren't waiting. but that's what I want. ><

01:08:041 (4) - You really should get rid of the whistle here because it sounds bad and just doesn't fit. It would sound much better with a normal hitsound, trust me. ok, changed (I suck with hitsounds, haha. xD)

01:08:616 (5) - ^

01:11:375 (4,5) - Get rid of this overlap, 01:11:375 (4) - overlaps the slidertrail and end which looks bad and is hard to read. intentional, but it doesn't look as the others, so I'll think of sth to fix it. but keepin it so long. xD

01:12:409 (1,2) - Remove this double because as I've mentioned many times before, it will leave players waiting, which isn't very good. same as above x;

01:28:616 (8) - lol, this note really isn't placed in a good position right now, so you can either:
  1. Move the note to x:447 y:192 for the perfect stack
  2. Move this along with 01:29:651 (1) - to somewhere far away so it doesn't touch 01:27:926 (6) -
moved, stacks with 5 now

01:28:616 (8,1) - Again we have a long 1 beat long blanket which is bad because it leaves people waiting for the next note, and they could also hit it too early. same as above, moved this along with prev object

01:33:099 (6,8) - These two notes don't stack very well, so consider moving 01:34:133 (8) - to x403 y:234 to perfect the stack on the slider end. fixed

01:40:340 (9) - Make it so this circle doesn't touch the start of 01:39:306 (7) - in any way. .. ok >:

01:45:168 (5) - You should ctrl+g this to improve flow by a lot. wanted to keep similar style as the part before, but fixed. >:

01:56:547 (9) - Move this hitcircle up to x:59 y:133 so it perfectly stacks with the start of 01:54:823 (4) - fixed

01:57:237 (1,3) - Make it so these two notes don't overlap each other since it can be confusing to read. ok

02:24:133 (1) - You should really consider moving this somewhere else so that it is not touching 02:23:444 (9) - since at it's current condition, it can be quite difficult to read and hit. intentional, I think it's fine for a Hard diff. :3

02:37:582 (6) - You should really consider moving this somewhere else so that it is not touching 02:36:892 (5) - since at it's current condition, it can be quite difficult to read and hit. ^

02:43:099 (6) - You should really consider moving this somewhere else so that it is not touching 02:42:409 (5) - since at it's current condition, it can be quite difficult to read and hit. ^

02:48:616 (3) - You should blanket this slider with the end of 02:47:237 (2) - for better visuals. hmh, okay. ;n;

02:55:513 (5) - You really should curve this slider like 02:54:823 (4) - so that the pattern is symmetrical and that the sliders are consistent, resulting in better gameplay and visuals. fixed

03:22:064 (6) - You really should move this so it blankets the end of 03:22:754 (7) - which results in better visuals. changed differnetly

03:24:823 (1) - You really should move this slider to x:418 y:267 so it is part of the stack there, this results in much better visuals and gameplay. fixed with above

03:27:582 (6,7) - You really can improve the way these sliders blanket each other. Try moving 03:27:582 (6) - to x:142 y:204 nah, 6 blankets the start of 3 atm. :3 but I'll work on 7.

03:37:926 (3) - You should move the start of this to x:389 y162 so it perfectly stacks with the sliderend of 03:36:547 (1) - making it look nicer. fixed

03:39:306 (1) - Consider moving this a bit further to avoid spacing issue and the fact that players might hit the note too early, as well as looking ugly. intentional :3

Well, I guess that's it from me, and I hope you found this mod useful. Good luck on rank~
thanks for the detailed mod, was really helpful! <3
gonna look at pkmnyab's mod later, I'm tireddd. >w<
Topic Starter

pkmnyab wrote:

From my modding queue~
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhvril lavigne


  1. 00:46:202 (3,5) - I don't think this overlap looks very good (when the hitcircle overlaps both the head and tail of a slider), try arranging it a different way. Below is one suggestion regarding the placement of 00:45:513 (2,3,4,5,1) -
    changed, but differentely
  2. 00:52:409 (4,5) - this object placement can be made to look better. I think there are two things you can do here: I like the polygon-like pattern better here, keeping it. x:
    1. Move 00:52:754 (5) - to the left
    2. Making this look nice is a bit tricky since you have three hitcircles in a row 00:51:719 (2,3,4) - , maybe you can turn 00:52:064 (3,4) - into one slider. It works out fine because it matches the vocal, and now that you have two sliders in a row you might be able to find a way to make it look good.
    This also applies to 01:58:271 (3,4,5) - same as above, tho ><
  3. 00:54:823 (3,4) - consider turning this into one slider as well. I think it's more fun to play that way and matches the vocal, and also because three hit circles in a row might feel a bit boring to some people. You can try using repeat sliders as well if that works too.
    This also applies to 02:01:030 (3,4) - changed this, cause I used diff pattern before here, but I've gotta work on that, doesn't look good atm.
  4. 00:56:547 (2) - if there is a way to place the objects before/after this nicely, you can consider changing this into a repeat slider. I feel that this matches the vocal more since the singer alternates between two pitches during the duration of the slider. I'll think about it. there are so many reverse sliders already, I don't want to overuse them.. D:
  5. 00:57:582 (3) - to make it more interesting, consider ctrl+g on this slider. The flow becomes a bit better as well. This also applies to 02:03:789 (3) - and 03:09:996 (3) - that way I'd have to place it directly below/... prev object tho, to keep DS consistent, and this looks bad imo
  6. 01:02:064 (1,2,4) - I think there are too many overlaps here, consider a different pattern. Below is one suggestion.
    This also applies to 02:08:271 (1,2,4) - since you're the second to suggest a change, changed. ;_;
  7. 01:04:823 (1,3) - ends aren't perfectly stacked but I don't know if you want to change this or not. If you move stuff around then make sure 01:05:858 (2,3) - is still blanketed nicely. fixed
  8. 01:06:203 (3,1) - this is pretty unexpected in my opinion since the time between the two objects is really small. I think it will be fine if you shorten 01:06:203 (3) - to 01:06:547 - (on the red tick). Alternatively, you can have 01:06:203 (3) - end on where 01:06:892 (1) - is (make sure you delete 01:06:892 (1) - though). changed
  9. 01:12:064 (2) - same reasons as above, you can either make this just a hit circle or extend it so that it ends on where 01:12:409 (1) - is (make sure you delete 01:12:409 (1) - though). Both of the changes above also apply to 03:18:617 (3,1) - , 03:24:478 (7,1) - changed
  10. 01:13:444 (3,5) - to make it look nicer you can try to avoid this overlap. Moving it to around x 176 y 264 should be good as you get around the same space between each slider (01:13:444 (3,4,5) - )
    Of course if you make this change, you will have to re-position the objects that come after. done
  11. 01:16:892 (2,3,4) - I feel that having a repeat slider instead of three hit circles matches the music better. You can hear the electronic beeping sound in the background and the pitch increases where you have these hit circles. However since you have hitcircles before and after this but the electronic beeping sound is the regular pitch, it makes sense to make this part stand out, which is why I feel a repeat slider suits this section. nice idea!
  12. 01:52:409 (3,5) - as mentioned before, I don't think it looks nice when a hitcircle overlaps both the slider head and tail. Try to rearrange the objects, below is one suggestion.
    changed up, but totally different, still overlaps, but that's fine with me. >o<
  13. 02:39:306 (3,5) - perhaps it will look better without this overlap, moving 02:40:340 (4,5) - down a bit should fix it. fixed I guess. o.o (I don't see them overlapping. D: )
  14. 03:02:065 (3) - for better flow, consider ctrl+g and moving it down a bit

  15. 01:08:041 (4) - slider is off, I suggest using 1/4 beat snap divisor for this one.
    changed differentely
  16. 01:20:685 (1,2) - maybe the flow will be better like this:
    break of flow is intentional here :3
  17. 01:28:961 - this is just something extra, but maybe you could add a repeat slider here to match the beat in the background. I think it's more fun this way, but you might choose to only follow the vocal.
    I'll think about it. ;u; (cause I like the gap xD)
  18. 02:50:685 (6) - to match the stuttering vocal, you can add one repeat on to this slider. keep it as it is
  19. 01:58:271 (2,3) - ctrl + g to switch positions (while the whole thing is highlighted), this way the slider accurately matches the vocal. Same with
    03:13:099 (4,5) -, 03:14:478 (1,2) - , 03:35:168 (4,5,6) -

Looks like people want this ranked, so work hard and have fun mapping! I have loaaads of fun. *-*

Oh, I forgot to mention before but your background image file size is huge, I think it was around 1.35 MB. I've reduced the file size to around 200 KB by saving as jpg without any noticeable reduction in image quality. Having a 1.35 MB background image just bloats the mapset and it will take people longer to download.
Here you go, you can save the image and set it as the new background
no kds
Thanks for mod and star. <33 (and jpg background, I have that bad trait to save everything as a png.. xD)

updated. :3

I love this hard map with some DT. Except I'm bothered a lot by how the notes don't stack at all. Changing it to 5 would be awesome in my noob opinion.

02:21:719 (6) - Move to x:112 y:168 so that it matches the way you put the note 02:24:823 (2)
Topic Starter

PinkHusky wrote:


I love this hard map with some DT. Except I'm bothered a lot by how the notes don't stack at all. Changing it to 5 would be awesome in my noob opinion.
haha, I guess not stacking.. or rather stacking at weird parts is my style. xD but I don't get what you mean with 'changing to 5'? ;w; what should I change to 5?

02:21:719 (6) - Move to x:112 y:168 so that it matches the way you put the note 02:24:823 (2)
I think you meant 112|186.. so fixed. :3
thanks. :3 & updated.
Hoy!~ Nice map! really solid! such solidity! like rock!!

  1. You should add kiai time! herehere ! from {00:44:823 to 01:06:892} & {01:51:030 to 02:13:099} & {02:57:237 to 03:19:306}
  2. tags!
  1. sorry about the short mod for normal :X there isnt really big standout problems with this diff. the things i dont like are personal preference kind of things and id rather not go into that. the main problem with this is gonna be hitsounds. im not so great with them but.. here are a few to help :)
  2. 00:44:823 (1) - remove clap add finish :!:
  3. 00:55:513 (4) - add finish at slider tail
  4. 01:51:030 (1) - remov clap add finish
  5. 02:01:720 (5) - add finish at slider tail!!
  6. 02:57:237 (1) - remove clap add finish :lol:
  7. 03:07:927 (5) - + finish @ tail :?
  1. hp drain is HEELLLA high for a hard! you should set it to around 6! yeah probably 6
  2. 00:22:754 (1,2,3,4) - you may want to turn these into a pattern of some sort like what you did at 00:19:995 (1,2,3,4)! it'll probably look nicer and ahve consistency! to hold your sort of formation you almost have there, one possible solution is putting hitcircle 2 at (220, 284) and hitcircle 3 at (308,216)! any sort of formation works though~
  3. 00:44:823 (1) - oh balls.. okay. everything mentioned in the normal! applies to hard too! just put the finishes at where the timestamp is! (only if you go through with the suggestion ~)
  4. 01:11:375 (4,5) - considering the pattern just before this, it might be misleading to put them at the same distance as them >.< maybe move 5 farther way?
  5. 01:29:651 (1,2) - music doesnt indicate such a huuuuUUUuge jump! shiould have no jump imo. :idea: :idea: :idea: i suggest that, to preserve as much of the original design as much as possible, you flip! horizontally! everything from 01:29:995 (2) to the spinner at 01:40:685 (1)! then all you have to do is rotate this 01:30:340 (3) a bit so that it's placed to the right of the middle hitcircle so it doesnt overlap with the other hitcircle.. & maybe flip vertically so it has good rotational flow and youve got an effective fix! that is, only if you want to make the fix ofc~
  6. 02:18:616 (1,2) - suggestion! move this away a bit so that theres a jump between these 2 thingies (what do they call them?...) 02:19:306 (2,3). this is so that people dont get confused with how 1&2 are slower than 2&3 in terms of timing. its not anything new since you did it nicely over here! 02:13:099 (1,2,3)
  7. 03:38:616 (5,1) - separate or stack so that its not the same as the previous pattern imo~
Oh jeez i am getting super bored from all these mods >.< hope this is legible considering all the unnecessary things i put in here :!:
More importantly, i hope it helped!

Good luck!~~~~~@!@! :D
Topic Starter

Kihhou wrote:

Hoy!~ Nice map! really solid! such solidity! like rock!!

  1. You should add kiai time! herehere ! from {00:44:823 to 01:06:892} & {01:51:030 to 02:13:099} & {02:57:237 to 03:19:306} oh lol. I forgot about Kiai Time completely. orz THANKS!
  2. tags! I can't seem to find matching tags. IF ANYONE HAS SUGGESTION FOR TAGS PLS TELL ME ._.
  1. sorry about the short mod for normal :X there isnt really big standout problems with this diff. the things i dont like are personal preference kind of things and id rather not go into that. the main problem with this is gonna be hitsounds. im not so great with them but.. here are a few to help :)
  2. 00:44:823 (1) - remove clap add finish :!: ok
  3. 00:55:513 (4) - add finish at slider tail ^
  4. 01:51:030 (1) - remov clap add finish ^
  5. 02:01:720 (5) - add finish at slider tail!! ^
  6. 02:57:237 (1) - remove clap add finish :lol: ^
  7. 03:07:927 (5) - + finish @ tail :? ^
  1. hp drain is HEELLLA high for a hard! you should set it to around 6! yeah probably 6 ooh, right. forgot to change that back while testing sth. O-O
  2. 00:22:754 (1,2,3,4) - you may want to turn these into a pattern of some sort like what you did at 00:19:995 (1,2,3,4)! it'll probably look nicer and ahve consistency! to hold your sort of formation you almost have there, one possible solution is putting hitcircle 2 at (220, 284) and hitcircle 3 at (308,216)! any sort of formation works though~ prefer mine >:
  3. 00:44:823 (1) - oh balls.. okay. everything mentioned in the normal! applies to hard too! just put the finishes at where the timestamp is! (only if you go through with the suggestion ~) okay, I'll add them. xD
  4. 01:11:375 (4,5) - considering the pattern just before this, it might be misleading to put them at the same distance as them >.< maybe move 5 farther way? forgot to ctrl+g, then it matches.. >< thanks
  5. 01:29:651 (1,2) - music doesnt indicate such a huuuuUUUuge jump! shiould have no jump imo. :idea: :idea: :idea: i suggest that, to preserve as much of the original design as much as possible, you flip! horizontally! everything from 01:29:995 (2) to the spinner at 01:40:685 (1)! then all you have to do is rotate this 01:30:340 (3) a bit so that it's placed to the right of the middle hitcircle so it doesnt overlap with the other hitcircle.. & maybe flip vertically so it has good rotational flow and youve got an effective fix! that is, only if you want to make the fix ofc~ I wanna keep the jump for now, so I decreaseed the distance, but didn't flip. I will tho, if more people suggest it. :3
  6. 02:18:616 (1,2) - suggestion! move this away a bit so that theres a jump between these 2 thingies (what do they call them?...) 02:19:306 (2,3). this is so that people dont get confused with how 1&2 are slower than 2&3 in terms of timing. its not anything new since you did it nicely over here! 02:13:099 (1,2,3) fixed!
  7. 03:38:616 (5,1) - separate or stack so that its not the same as the previous pattern imo~ wanted it to be the same. keeping it for now. >:
Oh jeez i am getting super bored from all these mods >.< hope this is legible considering all the unnecessary things i put in here :!:
More importantly, i hope it helped!

Good luck!~~~~~@!@! :D
thank you. helped a lot. <3
Mod Request~


00:15:513 (1,2) So eine Slidercombi ist zu schwer für Anfänger, mach 1 am besten zum circle ^^
00:24:133 (1) Da kannste ruhig etwas mit der Sliderform spielen :D Ist ja so schön lang der Slider
00:26:892 (1) ^
00:32:064 (1,2) Auch zu schwer~
01:10:340 (1) Auch etwas trocken die Form, aber mmmm nja :D
01:38:271 (5,6) zu schwer~
02:16:547 (1) Dieser Slider möchte formiert werden~
02:22:064 (1) Dieser auch!
02:27:582 (1) ^
02:33:099 (1) ^
03:06:202 (1,2,3,4,5) Die Stelle ist etwas irritierend, weil alles irgendwie auf nem Haufen ist, versuchs übersichtlicher zu machen


00:23:444 (3,4) Objekte sind zu weit auseinander, ist etwas verwirrend, auch wenns ne Harddiff ist ^^
00:32:064 (2,3,4,5,6,7) Verwirrende Stelle, versuch die Objekte mal klar zu sortieren :3
00:50:340 (5,6) Solche bösen Jumps wären was für eine Insane-Diff, aber hier solltest du sie weglassen ^^
00:51:719 (3,4,5,6,7) Verwirrend
01:29:651 (1,2) Böser Jump!

Allgemein wird geraten, in Hard-Diffs wie in Normal und Easy noch ein einheitliches Spacing zu haben, nur kann man hier etwas mehr "Kreativität und Schwierigkeit" einbauen. Deine Map ist an vielen Stellen sehr unübersichtlich, das würde jemand, der sich keine Insanes zutraut, nicht schaffen, oben waren nur einige Beispiele. Also guck am besten selbst noch einmal drüber und mach sie was übersichtlich :D

Wenn du noch "kreativer" sein willst, musst du ne Insane oder Extra-Diff machen ;)

02:46:202 (1,2) Gesangsmapping ist so eine Sache, wenn man sowas macht, dann sollte es auch jemand spielen können, der das Lied nicht kennt ^^

Hoffe ich konnte dir etwas helfen :D

Grüße, Julini~
Topic Starter

Julini wrote:

Mod Request~


00:15:513 (1,2) So eine Slidercombi ist zu schwer für Anfänger, mach 1 am besten zum circle ^^ okay
00:24:133 (1) Da kannste ruhig etwas mit der Sliderform spielen :D Ist ja so schön lang der Slider hab ihn so, damit er zu 00:22:754 (3) - passt. :3
00:26:892 (1) ^ is blanketed mit 00:26:202 (3) -
00:32:064 (1,2) Auch zu schwer~ durch Circle ersetzt
01:10:340 (1) Auch etwas trocken die Form, aber mmmm nja :D is gewollt so, weil blanket. ><
01:38:271 (5,6) zu schwer~ geändert
02:16:547 (1) Dieser Slider möchte formiert werden~ die sind alle absichtlich so. D: (außer ich hab dich falsch verstanden.. o.o)
02:22:064 (1) Dieser auch!
02:27:582 (1) ^
02:33:099 (1) ^
03:06:202 (1,2,3,4,5) Die Stelle ist etwas irritierend, weil alles irgendwie auf nem Haufen ist, versuchs übersichtlicher zu machen hoffe, es is jetzt besser. ;w;


00:23:444 (3,4) Objekte sind zu weit auseinander, ist etwas verwirrend, auch wenns ne Harddiff ist ^^ is eig gewollt so, zieht sich ja durch die Diff.. also hab ich den alten Kreis erstma wieder drin, vllt is das nich ganz so verwirrend.
00:32:064 (2,3,4,5,6,7) Verwirrende Stelle, versuch die Objekte mal klar zu sortieren :3 find polygon pattern eig sehr deutlich, auch wenn Jumps drin sind. >: lass ich erstmal so
00:50:340 (5,6) Solche bösen Jumps wären was für eine Insane-Diff, aber hier solltest du sie weglassen ^^ okay
00:51:719 (3,4,5,6,7) Verwirrend durchaus so gewollt. :3 find's hier auch okay für ne Hard diff
01:29:651 (1,2) Böser Jump! hab ich rausgenommen :3

Allgemein wird geraten, in Hard-Diffs wie in Normal und Easy noch ein einheitliches Spacing zu haben, nur kann man hier etwas mehr "Kreativität und Schwierigkeit" einbauen. Deine Map ist an vielen Stellen sehr unübersichtlich, das würde jemand, der sich keine Insanes zutraut, nicht schaffen, oben waren nur einige Beispiele. Also guck am besten selbst noch einmal drüber und mach sie was übersichtlich :D
Ich werd nochma durchgucken, find das aber eigentlich recht okay so. |:
Das Spacing ist an den meisten Stellen (nicht an allen, klar) eingehalten und hier und da hab ich die Objekte nur umgedreht. Und ich denk, dass erfahrenere Spieler das nach spätestens 30 Sekunden Spielzeit sofort verstehen und auch lesen können, deswegen werd ich die Jumps wohl eher nich rausnehmen, sorry. >:

Wenn du noch "kreativer" sein willst, musst du ne Insane oder Extra-Diff machen ;) dafür wär's aber wieder viel zu einfach. ._.

02:46:202 (1,2) Gesangsmapping ist so eine Sache, wenn man sowas macht, dann sollte es auch jemand spielen können, der das Lied nicht kennt ^^
lass ich erstmal so. ><

Hoffe ich konnte dir etwas helfen :D

Grüße, Julini~
Danke, war hilfreich. <3
for M4M :
General :
- add Avril Lavigne (2013) as source. The album title is "Avril Lavigne"
- Avril Ramona / Hodges, David as co-writter of the song
- uncheck letterbox in every diff during the break coz you don't use SB
- be consistent with widescreen support in every diff

Notes : don't give me kudosu, yet. I'll continue in two days. Please wait ;)
edit :
Avril Ramona / Hodges, David ( yes add 'em to tag)

01:34:478 (3) - how about blanket with 01:34:133 (2) - so, IMO it can be curved a bit
02:08:960 (2) - blanket with 02:08:271 (1) -

00:33:788 (7) - how about move it to x=152, y=316. So a pentagon shows up ^v^
01:18:961 (3) - remove clap here

I can't find much. I'm so sorry. Good luck >w<
Topic Starter

tennyecho wrote:

for M4M :
General :
- add Avril Lavigne (2013) as source. The album title is "Avril Lavigne"
- Avril Ramona / Hodges, David as co-writter of the song
- uncheck letterbox in every diff during the break coz you don't use SB
- be consistent with widescreen support in every diff

Notes : don't give me kudosu, yet. I'll continue in two days. Please wait ;)
Ok, I'll wait with kd. ;o;
added source, unchecked letterboxes and disabled widescreen support. but where do u want me to put Avril Ramona / Hodges, David? in tags?
HI Squirrel ><~
My English is poor and this is my first time to mod in English,ask me if you don't understand what i said ;w;

the first kiai time should end in 01:17:926 - ,and the last kiai time should end in 03:41:030 -
umm,you add so many claps,i think you should decrease some of them.
just add claps on 2nd and 4th white line,and remove other extra claps.
00:26:892 (5,6) - bad overlap imo
00:33:788 (7) - delete this circle instead of a 1/2 slider?
01:06:892 (1) - add finish
01:20:685 - I don't think this one need to follow the vocal , just use a 1/2 slider is better.
01:28:961 - feel empty here,why not use a 1/3 reverse slider?
01:29:651 (1) - add finish
01:35:513 (4,5,6) - 4 is too close to (56) , increase distance wth them
02:16:547 (9) - NC to remind people there is a slow slider
02:46:202 (1,2) - these sliders don't fit the music imo , maybe you should remap this part ;-;
02:56:892 (7) - add finish on slider tail
03:19:306 (1) - add finish
03:22:064 (6,7) - make them have the same curve
03:30:685 (2) - don't fit the music imo ;w;

This diff is pretty nice!Ican't say much in this diff, just take notice of some bad overlap
like as 01:09:651 (5,1) - 01:19:306 (1,2,3) - 01:34:133 (2,3) - ......

that's all,sorry for my poor mod QAQ
Good luck with getting this map ranked c:
Topic Starter

lightr wrote:

HI Squirrel ><~ Hi! :3
My English is poor and this is my first time to mod in English,ask me if you don't understand what i said ;w;

the first kiai time should end in 01:17:926 - ,and the last kiai time should end in 03:41:030 - don't want to use too much kiai time ><
umm,you add so many claps,i think you should decrease some of them. I'll do that once I figure out which ones..! @@
just add claps on 2nd and 4th white line,and remove other extra claps.
00:26:892 (5,6) - bad overlap imo changed
00:33:788 (7) - delete this circle instead of a 1/2 slider? done
01:06:892 (1) - add finish okay
01:20:685 - I don't think this one need to follow the vocal , just use a 1/2 slider is better. okay
01:28:961 - feel empty here,why not use a 1/3 reverse slider? following the vocals here .o. keep it for now
01:29:651 (1) - add finish done
01:35:513 (4,5,6) - 4 is too close to (56) , increase distance wth them it's not too close, I think, just keeping DS consistent here >:
02:16:547 (9) - NC to remind people there is a slow slider okay
02:46:202 (1,2) - these sliders don't fit the music imo , maybe you should remap this part ;-;
I'll think of something and change it once I know how! ><
02:56:892 (7) - add finish on slider tail okay
03:19:306 (1) - add finish ^
03:22:064 (6,7) - make them have the same curve tried, hope it fits better now
03:30:685 (2) - don't fit the music imo ;w; changed

This diff is pretty nice!Ican't say much in this diff, just take notice of some bad overlap
like as 01:09:651 (5,1) - 01:19:306 (1,2,3) - 01:34:133 (2,3) - ...... I like overlaps. >< corrected the one at 1:19 tho

that's all,sorry for my poor mod QAQ
Good luck with getting this map ranked c:

thank you. <33 I'll answer in detail later, gotta head to school now. orz
And I understand everything, you did great! OwO


tennyecho wrote:

for M4M :
General :
- add Avril Lavigne (2013) as source. The album title is "Avril Lavigne"
- Avril Ramona / Hodges, David as co-writter of the song
- uncheck letterbox in every diff during the break coz you don't use SB
- be consistent with widescreen support in every diff

Notes : don't give me kudosu, yet. I'll continue in two days. Please wait ;)
edit :
Avril Ramona / Hodges, David ( yes add 'em to tag)

01:34:478 (3) - how about blanket with 01:34:133 (2) - so, IMO it can be curved a bit changed
02:08:960 (2) - blanket with 02:08:271 (1) - keep this, cause it'd overlap with 02:09:651 (4) - and ppl kept mentioning that, so.. xD

00:33:788 (7) - how about move it to x=152, y=316. So a pentagon shows up ^v^ nice idea!
01:18:961 (3) - remove clap here okay

I can't find much. I'm so sorry. Good luck >w< helped still, tho. so thanks. <3
updated again.
Umm.. I'm sorry. there's a mistake in my mod
The source field here should be blank. The source field is only filled with anime, film, game, series, etc which popularize the song.
Don't give this post a kudosu. Thanks.
Topic Starter

tennyecho wrote:

Umm.. I'm sorry. there's a mistake in my mod
The source field here should be blank. The source field is only filled with anime, film, game, series, etc which popularize the song.
Don't give this post a kudosu. Thanks.
Ooh, okay. I'll delete that with the next update, then!
And thank you for star. <3

Hey, mod via PM o̿ ̭ o̿

Uhh oh, it's country/guitar music. I'm not very good at modding these types of sings :?


00:08:961 - 00:11:719 would be pretty neat here if you added a drum finish, so it can correspond well with the 'swoosh' sort of sound heard here, and ending firmly at 00:11:719.

00:13:099 (1) - Forget to add a clap on the tail.

01:38:616 (6) - NC

02:07:582 (4) - Add finish.

02:16:547 (1,1) - CTRL + G, which ever one you prefer. Even in this slow-down part of the music, you should try to have the objects flow differently (I was going to suggest you do it for 02:16:547 (1,1) - , but then it would also affect the spacing for 02:35:168 (1) - too).

02:40:685 (5) - NC
02:49:306 (5) - ^

02:53:099 (3) - Forgot to add the clap on the tail.
02:54:133 (4) - ^

03:22:064 (5) - NC
03:39:306 (4) - ^


00:18:501 - Add a note at 00:18:501, so it hits the lyrics "was".

00:19:306 (6) - Consider moving it to 00:19:191 instead, so it hits exactly on the "worth" lyrics. Then add a hit circle at 00:19:651. In songs like these, the vocals are the strongest notes of the music itself, and beats are heard more weaker (which is why I'm not a big fan of modding these maps :lol: ).

00:27:811 - Add a note here. If you listen closely, you can hear a double beat here on 00:27:811 and 00:27:926.
00:28:156 ^ same suggestion as above, and a note here. Or another option is to make a 1/2 slider here from 00:27:926 - 00:28:156 like this:

00:30:915 - Add a note, there's also a double beat heard here.

00:33:329 - 00:33:674
Try this rhythm?
So it follows the beats that are actually loud and strong here.

01:20:685 (6) - NC

01:28:616 (8) - The empty space after this note sounds kinda awkward and empty, because you can still make objects here to follow the 'thud' beats heard here. So from 01:28:501 - 01:29:421, try using this rhythm?

01:29:995 (2,3) - This jump appears out of nowhere, and it's too wide. Please fix.

01:44:133 (4) - Please shrink it's tail to 01:44:478,so that it won't skip the strong beat heard here at 01:44:478. Then add a note at 01:44:823.

01:59:995 (5) - NC
02:21:719 (6) - ^
02:32:409 (6) - ^

02:50:685 (6,1) - Is an inconsistent spacing effect. Don't use this effect here, because it will only trick players to thinking that the DS with the next slider 02:51:719 (1,2) - will also be 1 full beat apart (when really, they're only 1/6 beats apart).

02:57:237 - Kai time is suppose to start here.

Wow, amazing O_O This mapset is probably one of the best works I've ever seen you make, haha! Awesome job :)

Good luck!
Topic Starter

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Hey, mod via PM o̿ ̭ o̿ hey °w°

Uhh oh, it's country/guitar music. I'm not very good at modding these types of sings :?


00:08:961 - 00:11:719 would be pretty neat here if you added a drum finish, so it can correspond well with the 'swoosh' sort of sound heard here, and ending firmly at 00:11:719. added a circle at 11:719 for now, not sure about starting at 8:xxx but I'll think about it!

00:13:099 (1) - Forget to add a clap on the tail. ooh, right. added

01:38:616 (6) - NC okay

02:07:582 (4) - Add finish. okay

02:16:547 (1,1) - CTRL + G, which ever one you prefer. Even in this slow-down part of the music, you should try to have the objects flow differently (I was going to suggest you do it for 02:16:547 (1,1) - , but then it would also affect the spacing for 02:35:168 (1) - too). reversed first two

02:40:685 (5) - NC done
02:49:306 (5) - ^ done

02:53:099 (3) - Forgot to add the clap on the tail. added
02:54:133 (4) - ^ ^

03:22:064 (5) - NC done
03:39:306 (4) - ^ done


00:18:501 - Add a note at 00:18:501, so it hits the lyrics "was". nice idea!

00:19:306 (6) - Consider moving it to 00:19:191 instead, so it hits exactly on the "worth" lyrics. Then add a hit circle at 00:19:651. In songs like these, the vocals are the strongest notes of the music itself, and beats are heard more weaker (which is why I'm not a big fan of modding these maps :lol: ).
prefer is as it is atm, might change it in the future tho '-'

00:27:811 - Add a note here. If you listen closely, you can hear a double beat here on 00:27:811 and 00:27:926. okay
00:28:156 ^ same suggestion as above, and a note here. Or another option is to make a 1/2 slider here from 00:27:926 - 00:28:156 like this:

added another circle :3

00:30:915 - Add a note, there's also a double beat heard here. done

00:33:329 - 00:33:674
Try this rhythm?
So it follows the beats that are actually loud and strong here.
did, have to figure out hoe to place them better tho '^'

01:20:685 (6) - NC okay

01:28:616 (8) - The empty space after this note sounds kinda awkward and empty, because you can still make objects here to follow the 'thud' beats heard here. So from 01:28:501 - 01:29:421, try using this rhythm?

I want to concentrate on the vocals here, but since ppl keep mentioning it I might fix it in the future >:

01:29:995 (2,3) - This jump appears out of nowhere, and it's too wide. Please fix. fixed

01:44:133 (4) - Please shrink it's tail to 01:44:478,so that it won't skip the strong beat heard here at 01:44:478. Then add a note at 01:44:823. done

01:59:995 (5) - NC
02:21:719 (6) - ^
02:32:409 (6) - ^ all done

02:50:685 (6,1) - Is an inconsistent spacing effect. Don't use this effect here, because it will only trick players to thinking that the DS with the next slider 02:51:719 (1,2) - will also be 1 full beat apart (when really, they're only 1/6 beats apart).

02:57:237 - Kai time is suppose to start here. oh, right. fixed!

Wow, amazing O_O This mapset is probably one of the best works I've ever seen you make, haha! Awesome job :)
thank youu. 'w'

Good luck!
Thanks for your mod. <3
I'll reply in detail later, after I've fixed everything!

Nice Beatmap. Usually I Only Listen To Metal Or Hardrock, But Your Beatmap Make Me Listen To This Soft-Song. Be Proud About This.
Mby You Add An Harder Diff. But It's Not Necessary.
Topic Starter

Luna123512 wrote:

Nice Beatmap. Usually I Only Listen To Metal Or Hardrock, But Your Beatmap Make Me Listen To This Soft-Song. Be Proud About This.
Mby You Add An Harder Diff. But It's Not Necessary.
Thank you, really happy to hear that. ;w;
I'm still thinking about adding an Insane, but I don't know yet, sorry. :c
Hello, from my queue~

00:11:719 (1,2,3) - maybe spread it?
00:18:501 - add note here like other patterns before?
00:32:294 - ^
00:33:788 (9) - seriously? this is unreadable
00:48:961 (2) - slider's end stacked with 00:48:271 (1) - tail, make it separate futher from (1)
01:04:823 (5) - NC here
01:53:789 (1) - remove NC here and add NC on 01:54:478 (3) - because you add NC in start of lyric
01:59:651 - add note here
02:05:168 (5) - add NC here, imo combo is too long
02:11:030 (6) - ^
02:19:651 (3,4,5) - make it like this the slider flow better like this
02:25:168 (3) - remove clap on slider's start
02:27:582 (7) - NC here, you add nc at humming part
02:46:202 (1,2) - these sliders sounds weird, split them to follow phrase or drum
02:48:616 (3) - NC here
02:51:719 (1,2) - same as 02:46:202 (1,2) -
02:54:133 (3) - NC here
02:54:133 (3,4,5,6,7) - just a suggestion, imo 1/2 notes here looks plain so consider to follow drum here and don't just use slider, use some notes.
02:57:237 - also highly recommended to start kiai with new note, so consider to make (7) slider shorter
02:57:237 - 03:19:306 - imo most plain kiai in whole section, almost no 1/6 notes. because it's the last kiai, maybe consider to make it harder or at least same difficulty as other kiai section?
03:17:237 (6) - nc here

comment: pretty good, but some 1/6 notes not follow music well. there're some part that follow lyric, but there're some other that I not understand what it is follow. and there're much slider ended at big white tick. it follow lyric, but there're gap that could be filled because white tick is start of new beat in music. also check NC consistency, if you follow lyric, just continue your NC like that in whole diff.

since there's so much overlap here, I guess AR (Approach Rate) 5 is ok for readability
01:15:168 (5) - remove whistle at slider's tail
02:42:064 (2) - remove clap at slider's tail
02:51:719 (1,2,3,4) - er... not really like this flow. put 4 somewhere else and change its shape?

comment: those overlaps... some looks good but some not :? also those stack ruin flow sometimes like 02:01:720 (5,1,2) - I prefer to unstack slider (2) from slider (5)'s tail

that's all, hope it'll help. if there's any question, just ask me ;)
Topic Starter

shikyu wrote:

Hello, from my queue~ Hi! :3

00:11:719 (1,2,3) - maybe spread it? ppl don't seem to like it. u.u changed
00:18:501 - add note here like other patterns before? there is a note there o:
00:32:294 - ^ added, not sure about this tho .o.
00:33:788 (9) - seriously? this is unreadable didn't testplay after I changed that, orz. should have, changed
00:48:961 (2) - slider's end stacked with 00:48:271 (1) - tail, make it separate futher from (1) changed
01:04:823 (5) - NC here done
01:53:789 (1) - remove NC here and add NC on 01:54:478 (3) - because you add NC in start of lyric moved NC a bit differently to match better w pattern
01:59:651 - add note here okay
02:05:168 (5) - add NC here, imo combo is too long done
02:11:030 (6) - ^ done
02:19:651 (3,4,5) - make it like this the slider flow better like this ^
02:25:168 (3) - remove clap on slider's start whops, ^
02:27:582 (7) - NC here, you add nc at humming part hmh, okay for now, but 3-combo looks weird atm >n<
02:46:202 (1,2) - these sliders sounds weird, split them to follow phrase or drum changed
02:48:616 (3) - NC here okay
02:51:719 (1,2) - same as 02:46:202 (1,2) - ^
02:54:133 (3) - NC here ^
02:54:133 (3,4,5,6,7) - just a suggestion, imo 1/2 notes here looks plain so consider to follow drum here and don't just use slider, use some notes. prefer it as it is atm, cause I'm using it as a prelude to the refrain
02:57:237 - also highly recommended to start kiai with new note, so consider to make (7) slider shorter changed
02:57:237 - 03:19:306 - imo most plain kiai in whole section, almost no 1/6 notes. because it's the last kiai, maybe consider to make it harder or at least same difficulty as other kiai section? nothing changed as of now, but I'll try to find something to change ;w;
03:17:237 (6) - nc here okay

comment: pretty good, but some 1/6 notes not follow music well. there're some part that follow lyric, but there're some other that I not understand what it is follow. and there're much slider ended at big white tick. it follow lyric, but there're gap that could be filled because white tick is start of new beat in music. also check NC consistency, if you follow lyric, just continue your NC like that in whole diff. gotta do that later on :3

since there's so much overlap here, I guess AR (Approach Rate) 5 is ok for readability okay. owo
01:15:168 (5) - remove whistle at slider's tail whops.. x: done
02:42:064 (2) - remove clap at slider's tail okay
02:51:719 (1,2,3,4) - er... not really like this flow. put 4 somewhere else and change its shape? changed pattern. c:

comment: those overlaps... some looks good but some not :? also those stack ruin flow sometimes like 02:01:720 (5,1,2) - I prefer to unstack slider (2) from slider (5)'s tail I'm intentionally using the stack like this, cause she changes her pitch slightly :3

that's all, hope it'll help. if there's any question, just ask me ;)
Thanks for your mod! :3
Hi. I am really happy to see someone maps English songs.

  1. Are you sure about the blue colour? It looks a bit strange on this BG, consider replacing it with someone more suitable?
  2. Remove Avril from tags, it's already mentioned as the part of Artist's name. There's is absolutely no need to mention it twice!
  3. Try to find another BG? She doesn't look depressed enough on this BG + it looks like this BG is related to another album, if I'm not mistaken.
  1. Use AR4 and OD/HP3. They will make your patterns more readable and they also work better because of low BPM. Moreover, this is the easiest diff, so settings should be a bit friendlier for beginners!
  2. 00:21:375 (1,3) - please, try toconsider avoiding such patterns or making an Easy diff. This stack/overlap is unplayable for the easiest diff of the mapset. The way how tails overlap may stress poor beginners and this is too much for the easiest diff, imo.
    Note: 02:11:030 (1,3) - the same here. :(
  3. 00:32:064 (1,2,3) - your flow is quite interesting, but here, the transition between (1) and (2) feels a bit forced. Why don't you try to improve it? Check an example and see if you like my pattern more! Example!
  4. 00:34:478 (1) - isn't this spinner is too short? Yes, it is playable and rankable, but this diff is the easiest, so it may be a problem. Try to make the spinner longer, so beginners will be able to read and spin it properly or just replace it with a slider. Either way is fine, though I'd prefer the second one.
    Note: 01:40:685 (1) - the same goes for this spinner. Try to apply this suggestion for all similar patterns if it is possible! :)
  5. 00:55:513 (4,1,2) - I am very unsure about the stack here. It may be a trouble for some beginners so try to avoid it or ask some beginners for their opinions!
    Note: I aim to make the diff playable for beginners because this is the easiest diff of the mapset. If you make an [Easy] - feel free to ignore this and some others suggestions!
  6. 01:10:340 (1) - well, this slider is not bad, but I think we can make it better if we try to vocals here! Try to end (1) at 01:11:030 - and strat an 1/1 slider at 01:11:030. You'll have to remove 01:12:064 (2) - tho.
    Note: there're two ways to map it. This or this if you don't want to ignore the claps.
    Note2: 03:22:754 (2) - the same here! Don't make beginners cry, try to make the easiest diff more playable for them.
  7. 01:25:858 (2,3) - beginners may accidentally hit (3)'s tail just because it is so close. I like the way how you organise your flow, but it should be playable for beginners since it's the easiest diff!
    Note: 02:51:719 (1,3) - the same happens here. Try to avoid such patterns when it is possible. I really enjoy the diff, but this slider confused me a bit at first. :(
    Note: 01:33:099 (1,3) - isn't this cruel? :( I'd try to make the diff easier!
  8. 02:02:409 (1,2) - nice usage of copypasta. I am not a fan of copypasting, but as long as it works fine and not overused I'm okay with it.
  9. 02:13:788 - try dragging the break here? Making it synchonized with vocals would be good! Same applies for 02:18:616 - 02:24:133 - 02:29:651 -
  10. 02:55:168 (1,1) - too soon after the spinner. Players will not have enough time to recover after the spinner and probably will miss the circle. Try to remove the circle and finish the spinner at 02:57:237 - it doesn't sound bad, try it!
  11. 03:40:685 (3,1) - your mapset has no Taiko/o!m specific diffs, therefore players will play your diff in their modes. Having 1/6 pattern in the easiest diff and even in Normal is quite weird, so I'd recommend you to keep your patterns playable for all modes!

    The diff was not bad at all. In fact, I liked your flow and patterns, but it seems a bit too complicated for the easiest diff and there're a few minor mistakes.
  1. 00:18:272 (4,5,6) - as a player I don't think such stacks are really enjoyable to play. I'd prefer to see them unstacked in order to improve playability of the diff! Intuitively playable patterns are the best.
  2. 00:32:639 - missed circle there, huh? I feel like you can place one here and it'll work with the music pretty good. Try it in action and see if you like it or not!
  3. 00:46:202 (3,4,5) - awesome pattern! I really like the way how it looks and plays for some reason. ♥
  4. 01:11:719 (5,1) - the transition here feels unnatural and it flows strange, imo. Why don't you try to move (5)'s tail in order to make the pattern prettier! :)
  5. 01:28:961 - feels kinda empty there . You could map to the vocals here. Example! It works with the drums and helps you to keep rhythm consistent!
  6. 02:07:926 and 02:10:685 - I've started to fall in love with the map and here. you suddenly ignore music! After lots of 1/2 beats players will expect these 1/2s to be mapped and that's why you should consider mapping them! Also, mapping them will help you to be more consistent!
  7. 02:21:030 (5,1) - to be honest, I really did not like the jump here. Maybe it is just me or the jump in this slow part is awkward and confusing. Song goes slower and slower, so I'd rather use consistent spacing or anti-jump here!

    Great diff! Nice usage of 1/6 beats,impressing flow!
I would try to work on the Normal a bit more to make the mapset playable even for beginners. Apart from this you did a good map!


Best of luck!
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

Hi. I am really happy to see someone maps English songs.
Hi. \:D/ I prefer eng songs, cause I feel like I can map better to a song I understand. xD .. x:

  1. Are you sure about the blue colour? It looks a bit strange on this BG, consider replacing it with someone more suitable?
    yah, I'm still trying to find a better bg, so I just left it as I had it before. but I'll change it with the background.
  2. Remove Avril from tags, it's already mentioned as the part of Artist's name. There's is absolutely no need to mention it twice!
    Oh, right. fixed
  3. Try to find another BG? She doesn't look depressed enough on this BG + it looks like this BG is related to another album, if I'm not mistaken.
    it's from the previous album, I think. and yes, trying to find one! >w<
  1. Use AR4 and OD/HP3. They will make your patterns more readable and they also work better because of low BPM. Moreover, this is the easiest diff, so settings should be a bit friendlier for beginners!
  2. 00:21:375 (1,3) - please, try toconsider avoiding such patterns or making an Easy diff. This stack/overlap is unplayable for the easiest diff of the mapset. The way how tails overlap may stress poor beginners and this is too much for the easiest diff, imo.
    guess there's no helping it, fixed
    Note: 02:11:030 (1,3) - the same here. :( ^
  3. 00:32:064 (1,2,3) - your flow is quite interesting, but here, the transition between (1) and (2) feels a bit forced. Why don't you try to improve it? Check an example and see if you like my pattern more! Example!
    definitely feels better, changed
  4. 00:34:478 (1) - isn't this spinner is too short? Yes, it is playable and rankable, but this diff is the easiest, so it may be a problem. Try to make the spinner longer, so beginners will be able to read and spin it properly or just replace it with a slider. Either way is fine, though I'd prefer the second one.
    replaced with slider for now, gonna change it a bit later on I think. not happy with the flow, atm
    Note: 01:40:685 (1) - the same goes for this spinner. Try to apply this suggestion for all similar patterns if it is possible! :) ^
  5. 00:55:513 (4,1,2) - I am very unsure about the stack here. It may be a trouble for some beginners so try to avoid it or ask some beginners for their opinions! I'm forcing some friends of mine who usually don't play osu to tesplay regularly.. xb
    there was no problem with those stacks til now. .o.

    Note: I aim to make the diff playable for beginners because this is the easiest diff of the mapset. If you make an [Easy] - feel free to ignore this and some others suggestions! roger that, I don't think I'll add an Easy, tho. I tried and failed several times.x :
  6. 01:10:340 (1) - well, this slider is not bad, but I think we can make it better if we try to vocals here! Try to end (1) at 01:11:030 - and strat an 1/1 slider at 01:11:030. You'll have to remove 01:12:064 (2) - tho.
    changed, not happy with how it turned out tho, gonna change it up a bit more later on
    Note: there're two ways to map it. This or this if you don't want to ignore the claps.
    Note2: 03:22:754 (2) - the same here! Don't make beginners cry, try to make the easiest diff more playable for them. changed, kept the stack tho
  7. 01:25:858 (2,3) - beginners may accidentally hit (3)'s tail just because it is so close. I like the way how you organise your flow, but it should be playable for beginners since it's the easiest diff!
    I think this is fine for beginners. I know 3's tail is close, but the number is more eye-catching than a blank circle, imo. kept it for now, might change it when more people mention this.
    Note: 02:51:719 (1,3) - the same happens here. Try to avoid such patterns when it is possible. I really enjoy the diff, but this slider confused me a bit at first. :( changed here, cause I get how this is even more confusing adding 02:54:133 (4) - to it..
    Note: 01:33:099 (1,3) - isn't this cruel? :( I'd try to make the diff easier! naah. but changed anyway along with surrounding patterns
  8. 02:02:409 (1,2) - nice usage of copypasta. I am not a fan of copypasting, but as long as it works fine and not overused I'm okay with it. :c
  9. 02:13:788 - try dragging the break here? Making it synchonized with vocals would be good! Same applies for 02:18:616 - 02:24:133 - 02:29:651 -
    just wanted to ask how I can drag a break, but accicentally figured that out myself. done!
  10. 02:55:168 (1,1) - too soon after the spinner. Players will not have enough time to recover after the spinner and probably will miss the circle. Try to remove the circle and finish the spinner at 02:57:237 - it doesn't sound bad, try it!
    want to keep consistency between choruses, so I replaced the spinner with sliders instead. owo
  11. 03:40:685 (3,1) - your mapset has no Taiko/o!m specific diffs, therefore players will play your diff in their modes. Having 1/6 pattern in the easiest diff and even in Normal is quite weird, so I'd recommend you to keep your patterns playable for all modes!
    oh, I didn't know that. o-o fixed

    The diff was not bad at all. In fact, I liked your flow and patterns, but it seems a bit too complicated for the easiest diff and there're a few minor mistakes.
  1. 00:18:272 (4,5,6) - as a player I don't think such stacks are really enjoyable to play. I'd prefer to see them unstacked in order to improve playability of the diff! Intuitively playable patterns are the best.
    unstacked 4, but kept 5+6 stacked
  2. 00:32:639 - missed circle there, huh? I feel like you can place one here and it'll work with the music pretty good. Try it in action and see if you like it or not!
    oh, right. added
  3. 00:46:202 (3,4,5) - awesome pattern! I really like the way how it looks and plays for some reason. ♥
    thanks. ;w;
  4. 01:11:719 (5,1) - the transition here feels unnatural and it flows strange, imo. Why don't you try to move (5)'s tail in order to make the pattern prettier! :)
    tried to change it, not sure if this works better tho
  5. 01:28:961 - feels kinda empty there . You could map to the vocals here. Example! It works with the drums and helps you to keep rhythm consistent!
    u_u since people keep mentioning this - added.
  6. 02:07:926 and 02:10:685 - I've started to fall in love with the map and here. you suddenly ignore music! After lots of 1/2 beats players will expect these 1/2s to be mapped and that's why you should consider mapping them! Also, mapping them will help you to be more consistent!
  7. 02:21:030 (5,1) - to be honest, I really did not like the jump here. Maybe it is just me or the jump in this slow part is awkward and confusing. Song goes slower and slower, so I'd rather use consistent spacing or anti-jump here!
    stacked 'em!

    Great diff! Nice usage of 1/6 beats,impressing flow!
I would try to work on the Normal a bit more to make the mapset playable even for beginners. Apart from this you did a good map!


Best of luck!
Thank you.I'll reply in detail once I've fixed the map! :3
no reply = fix (but I think I replied to everything. .o.)

- added softrock to tags

00:19:651 (2) - In order to keep flow going, I would probably move this circle to 304x 168y

01:09:651 (5,1) - I would probably move 5 somewhere else to avoid the overlap, as the overlap is pretty ugly.

01:52:409 (3,5) - ^^, only with 3

02:46:202 (1,2,3) - The diagonal "line" here isn't perfectly spaced between the head of 1, 2, and the head of 3. I would evenl space them out so the diagonal line doesn't curve a bit from 2 to 3

02:55:168 (1,1) - Since the spinner has little time for an average/below average Normal player to recover, I would remove the circle and extend the spinner to where the circle was timewise.


I can't really mod this right now due to the heavy inconsistent spacing in the diff. At times it's on average 1.2-1.3x, sometimes its 1.4x, quite a bit its 2.4x, etc. I'm not saying you have to follow DS all the time and be exactly 1.4x, but at least make a general range to keep the map consistenly spaced, maybe like from 1.3x to 1.4x range of spacing.
Topic Starter

xVirtualNinjax wrote:


00:19:651 (2) - In order to keep flow going, I would probably move this circle to 304x 168y
moved, a bit differently tho

01:09:651 (5,1) - I would probably move 5 somewhere else to avoid the overlap, as the overlap is pretty ugly.
changed this part with previous mod, so it doesn't overlap anymore. :3

01:52:409 (3,5) - ^^, only with 3 I like these overlaps, keepin it for now. :3

02:46:202 (1,2,3) - The diagonal "line" here isn't perfectly spaced between the head of 1, 2, and the head of 3. I would evenl space them out so the diagonal line doesn't curve a bit from 2 to 3
should be better now. owo

02:55:168 (1,1) - Since the spinner has little time for an average/below average Normal player to recover, I would remove the circle and extend the spinner to where the circle was timewise.
replaced spinner instead

I can't really mod this right now due to the heavy inconsistent spacing in the diff. At times it's on average 1.2-1.3x, sometimes its 1.4x, quite a bit its 2.4x, etc. I'm not saying you have to follow DS all the time and be exactly 1.4x, but at least make a general range to keep the map consistenly spaced, maybe like from 1.3x to 1.4x range of spacing.
oh, the original spacing is 1.4. for zig-zag jumps I switched objects around, which results in inconsistent spacing. (otherwise it wouldn't be jumps, haha.. xb)
I'm going to keep them, tho. I think these patterns are quite 'easy' to read cause of low bpm. plus, I use them consistently, which makes them predictable (imo).
Thanks for mod!

updated again.
from #modreqs

  1. Add tags "Pop", "Rock".
  2. I would recommend unifying breaks on both difficulties. Having no break for nearly 4 minutes on a two difficulty set is probably not a good idea.
  3. 03:41:375 - 03:43:444 - These points are inconsistent with Hard.
  4. I would suggest increasing all inherited timing points' volume by 10%.
  5. Honestly speaking, I think this custom softhit-finish does more damage than good. The default would suit much better in pretty much every situation I saw it used.
  1. 00:34:478 (1) - Add clap.
  2. 00:39:995 (1) - Add clap.
  3. 01:28:961 (1) - Make it normal hitsound set?
  4. 01:36:547 - Add clap.
  5. 01:40:340 (9) - Delete this note. There is nothing here in the song. Would also match with 01:45:857 -
  6. 01:40:685 (1) - Add clap.
  7. 01:46:202 (1) - Normal hitsound set would sound good here.
  8. 02:35:168 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Could you make it clear and more attractive?
  9. 03:29:995 (8,1) - Spacing is too confusing. Please move (1) further away.
  10. 03:38:961 (6,1) - Spacing is too confusing. Please move (1) further away.
  1. AR-1
  2. 00:31:719 (4) - Remove whistle sounds better.
  3. 00:39:995 (1) - Add clap.
  4. 01:46:202 (1) - Add clap on both ends?
  5. 02:33:099 (1) - ^
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Kiiwa wrote:

from #modreqs

  1. Add tags "Pop", "Rock". added, thanks!
  2. I would recommend unifying breaks on both difficulties. Having no break for nearly 4 minutes on a two difficulty set is probably not a good idea.
    I'll think about it, but I think it works well in Hard without any breaks.
  3. 03:41:375 - 03:43:444 - These points are inconsistent with Hard. fixed
  4. I would suggest increasing all inherited timing points' volume by 10%. okay
  5. Honestly speaking, I think this custom softhit-finish does more damage than good. The default would suit much better in pretty much every situation I saw it used.
removed custom for now, might change it to something else at some other time, tho.
  1. 00:34:478 (1) - Add clap. okay
  2. 00:39:995 (1) - Add clap. ^
  3. 01:28:961 (1) - Make it normal hitsound set? nice idea!
  4. 01:36:547 - Add clap. okay
  5. 01:40:340 (9) - Delete this note. There is nothing here in the song. Would also match with 01:45:857 - you're right. o-o' fixed
  6. 01:40:685 (1) - Add clap. okay
  7. 01:46:202 (1) - Normal hitsound set would sound good here.
  8. 02:35:168 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Could you make it clear and more attractive? hmh, tried. not sure if it's better tho.
  9. 03:29:995 (8,1) - Spacing is too confusing. Please move (1) further away. fixed
  10. 03:38:961 (6,1) - Spacing is too confusing. Please move (1) further away.
  1. AR-1 nah, I think 4 is low enough for Normal diff (even if it's the easiest)
  2. 00:31:719 (4) - Remove whistle sounds better. whops, fixed
  3. 00:39:995 (1) - Add clap. okay
  4. 01:46:202 (1) - Add clap on both ends? ^
  5. 02:33:099 (1) - ^ okay
Good luck~
Thanks!I'll reply in detail when I'm done fixing everything. :3
sounds definitely better now! owo

Hello from #ModReqs :) I'm far from expert, so take what I write with a grain of salt.

01:13:444 (3) - This sounds a bit off considering the previous two beats in this combo. I'd suggest either removing the repeat from the slider
or (maybe better) adding another beat on top of #2 so that it's more consistent with the other beats in the combo:

01:29:995 (1) - In my opinion, starts too early. Even though there's a bit of a "skip" in the song, I'd personally just keep the other half of it:

03:22:754 (2) - The length of this slider is inconsistent with the previous ones. A player playing on Normal would expect this to follow suit of the previous sliders. I'd split it up into a half-length slider and a beat like this:

03:33:444 (2) - Same as previous, it really sticks out from the other sliders surrounding it.

* A break. While it's a slow song, you really need to sacrifice 10 seconds somewhere and give people time to readjust their aim, which does get quite wonky if you're tense for over three minutes, especially for newer players.
* Background on sliders is not consistent with combo color (mostly noticeable with green combos)

00:32:294 (4,5,6,7) - Putting aside the fact that I passionately hate these kinds of beats, I think they don't really follow the pattern of the song and are like a fist in the eye of the entire map. I'd recommend replacing them with two sliders

01:11:719 (5) - Make this the beginning of the new combo? Makes a bit more sense to me.

Otherwise, I like this map and I'm looking forward to playing this once it's ranked. Most of these are minor concerns :)
Topic Starter

simplyparanoid wrote:

Hello from #ModReqs :) I'm far from expert, so take what I write with a grain of salt.

01:13:444 (3) - This sounds a bit off considering the previous two beats in this combo. I'd suggest either removing the repeat from the slider
or (maybe better) adding another beat on top of #2 so that it's more consistent with the other beats in the combo:
changed differently

01:29:995 (1) - In my opinion, starts too early. Even though there's a bit of a "skip" in the song, I'd personally just keep the other half of it:
does sound more weird to me if it's blank, I'll think about it

03:22:754 (2) - The length of this slider is inconsistent with the previous ones. A player playing on Normal would expect this to follow suit of the previous sliders. I'd split it up into a half-length slider and a beat like this:
I'd rather keep it as it is, cause it fits with the vocals and the beat

03:33:444 (2) - Same as previous, it really sticks out from the other sliders surrounding it.
I'll think about it, but keepin it for now, cause it makes 03:34:823 (3,4,5) - a lot easier to read

* A break. While it's a slow song, you really need to sacrifice 10 seconds somewhere and give people time to readjust their aim, which does get quite wonky if you're tense for over three minutes, especially for newer players.
since people keep requesting it, I removed some spinners. |:
* Background on sliders is not consistent with combo color (mostly noticeable with green combos)
of yourse it's not, I wanted all of them to be white. some patterns are easier to read that way.

00:32:294 (4,5,6,7) - Putting aside the fact that I passionately hate these kinds of beats, I think they don't really follow the pattern of the song and are like a fist in the eye of the entire map. I'd recommend replacing them with two sliders
it's the same double beats as everywhere else in the song. o.o

01:11:719 (5) - Make this the beginning of the new combo? Makes a bit more sense to me.
nah, I prefer NC on the long white tick here

Otherwise, I like this map and I'm looking forward to playing this once it's ranked. Most of these are minor concerns :)
hopefully I'm able to get this ranked, haha. xD
Thanks a lot! I think you did great for a beginner modder! :3
Hey~ After a first look, wow. I'm new at this, and I've got to mod an 1/6. On top of that, it looks good. Gonna try my hardest~

1- 01:56:892 (4) - Maybe add a circle here? If you decide to, then angle slider 01:55:858 (3) a bit better.
2- 02:08:271 (1) - You can move this slider a bit to the right, which allows you to blanket 2 with it with a bit of moving around. The 02:08:960 (2,3) - will be pretty much similar if you do.
3- 02:36:547 (3) - This might look better upside down, because you're still going for another note. It'll make it like a ladder (don't know if it was clear, you'll understand if you try it.
4- 03:08:961 (2) - You should cut this in half, keep the first part and add a circle where it was supposed to finish. It sounds better imo.
It looks SO GOOD :O

1- 02:42:064 (4) - move it just a little bit up, and have it blanket

I literally feel like **** at mapping after looking at this. It's good. Really good. Wow. This is one of the worst mods I've ever done, which weren't many, but let's hope others go better :\

Sorry for such a terrible M4M, good luck with this~
Topic Starter

Yuzu- wrote:

Hey~ After a first look, wow. I'm new at this, and I've got to mod an 1/6. On top of that, it looks good. Gonna try my hardest~
hi :3

1- 01:56:892 (4) - Maybe add a circle here? If you decide to, then angle slider 01:55:858 (3) a bit better.
it goes unexpectedly well here.. done
2- 02:08:271 (1) - You can move this slider a bit to the right, which allows you to blanket 2 with it with a bit of moving around. The 02:08:960 (2,3) - will be pretty much similar if you do. nice idea!
3- 02:36:547 (3) - This might look better upside down, because you're still going for another note. It'll make it like a ladder (don't know if it was clear, you'll understand if you try it.
I think I understood it right.. at least I changed it up. xD
4- 03:08:961 (2) - You should cut this in half, keep the first part and add a circle where it was supposed to finish. It sounds better imo. you're right, done!
It looks SO GOOD :O

1- 02:42:064 (4) - move it just a little bit up, and have it blanket okay

I literally feel like **** at mapping after looking at this. It's good. Really good. Wow. This is one of the worst mods I've ever done, which weren't many, but let's hope others go better :\
nah, you're mod was totally fine. o_o you made great suggestions! and I've only seen one of your diffs, but I think your mapping is nice. :3 we just have totally different mapping styles. xD

Sorry for such a terrible M4M, good luck with this~
Thanks. <3

Hi!!! It's me again o/
Your mod request has been heard! :lol: I'm also up for a M4M if you like :P

I really like this map, it is well done and it shows great promise. There are only few things I could pick with it, just a few suggestions really, but I guess I'm being picky again xD

02:37:582 - This break feels a little bit out of place because the music keeps building here, so it kinda feels like there needs to be a couple sliders or something low-key and easy to replace the break. Perhaps something like this:
Doing that twice should cover the first break nicely, but move the second pair of sliders so they don't completely overlap of course.

02:43:444 - Same as above, try something like this maybe:,

02:48:271 - Same again

That is all I could really find amongst the awesomeness of this map, and that's likely just me being picky again :lol: Hope the mod was useful :)
Topic Starter

ninja-hands wrote:

Hi!!! It's me again o/
Your mod request has been heard! :lol: I'm also up for a M4M if you like :P

I really like this map, it is well done and it shows great promise. There are only few things I could pick with it, just a few suggestions really, but I guess I'm being picky again xD

02:37:582 - This break feels a little bit out of place because the music keeps building here, so it kinda feels like there needs to be a couple sliders or something low-key and easy to replace the break. Perhaps something like this:
Doing that twice should cover the first break nicely, but move the second pair of sliders so they don't completely overlap of course.

02:43:444 - Same as above, try something like this maybe:,

02:48:271 - Same again

That is all I could really find amongst the awesomeness of this map, and that's likely just me being picky again :lol: Hope the mod was useful :)
Thanks! <3
I moved the break to another part and now I'll fill those tree gaps ~ they really didn't fit there. |:

and thank you for star. QwQ <3
From #modreqs~

now keep in mind that i barley have any experience with these kinds of mapsets, so the stuff i say may be useless :(
but anyways, here we go~


00:57:582 (3) - You should change this slider into either 1 or 2 normal circles, I feel like having a slider there feels wrong, imo it feels better to click on a clap instead of letting a slider end do it for you, but thats just my opinion really :P

02:16:547 (1,1,1,1) - I really don't get the point of these sliders and breaks, you should try mapping the whole section instead, and i dont think it will increase the difficulty of the map really :P

i dont have alot of problems with this diff, great job!


02:13:099 (1,1) - you should consider mapping the break here.

02:35:168 (1,2,3) - put some more space between these notes.

i dont have alot of problems here either. amazing job on this!

yeah, if you think this is useless its probably because it is, i barley have any experience with these kinds of mapsets, thats all for me! cya~
Topic Starter

SnickarN wrote:

From #modreqs~
hi there. :3

now keep in mind that i barley have any experience with these kinds of mapsets, so the stuff i say may be useless :(
but anyways, here we go~
no mod is useless, never ever. o:


00:57:582 (3) - You should change this slider into either 1 or 2 normal circles, I feel like having a slider there feels wrong, imo it feels better to click on a clap instead of letting a slider end do it for you, but thats just my opinion really :P
replaced with 2 circles and adjusted the following objects

02:16:547 (1,1,1,1) - I really don't get the point of these sliders and breaks, you should try mapping the whole section instead, and i dont think it will increase the difficulty of the map really :P
haha, I'd love to map them, really. but as several people pointed out it's better to have breaks in a 3minute+ song. :c

i dont have alot of problems with this diff, great job!


02:13:099 (1,1) - you should consider mapping the break here.
the diff was breakless when I mapped it, but it works better with a break in the end.

02:35:168 (1,2,3) - put some more space between these notes.
I kept the DS consistent here, so I just placed them differently to make them better visible.

i dont have alot of problems here either. amazing job on this!

yeah, if you think this is useless its probably because it is, i barley have any experience with these kinds of mapsets, thats all for me! cya~
Thanks for your mod! o/
and it wasn't useless, I appreciate any opinion I can get. :3
Hello. :3 I haven't known Avril has such a nice song. : o And after all I saw you're looking for a mod when you helped me. Maybe I could do something for you this time? Sadly I am not good at modding and my mods are not high quality or so helpful, but still - maybe there's something what would be helpful? XDDDD


This is difficulty would be really neat if not some overlaps. I'm not sure if you know what it is, but I'll try to do my best and explain by a picture:

I know the song is really slow, but I guess you could increase your AR to 5. Some of the issues would be solved just by it. :3

00:14:478 (3,2) - An overlap. People told me many times overlaps like this are unrankable. D:
00:17:237 (3) - Maybe NC?
00:32:064 (1,2) - I think NC is a good thing, but IMO it doesn't fit at (1). I think it will be better at (2).
00:34:478 (5) - I'm not sure if it something like a half-overlap. :o I'm not really sure, but maybe you could move some objects to make it more neat. :o
01:52:409 (3,5) - But it IS an overlap. :< Highly recommended to change it. D:
02:01:720 (5,2) - ^ As above.
02:37:926 (1,3) - And again.
02:42:064 (2,3) - And again.
02:48:616 (4,2) - And again
02:57:927 (2,5) - And again...
03:03:444 (1,2,3,4,5) - One big overlap. ;_;
03:06:202 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^As above
03:09:996 (4,2) - Not sure about this, but it isn't as important thing to change as the things above.
03:13:789 (4,1) - Again not sure about this part. But as above - not as important as the rest.
03:17:237 (1,3) - I advice to change it - really bad overlap.
03:19:306 (1,2) - You know, I guess you could make a slider instead of these two circles or move them because they are at the same position what doesn't really look nice here. But this only Bluddy's suggestion. XD
03:21:375 (4,2) - An unrankable overlap.
03:30:340 (1,3) - These two circles are messing the composition and the beauty of this moment. ;__; Highly recommended to change it because It's an overlap too.
03:33:444 (2,4) - Heve comes an overlap again. XD

I know you want to use always DS as it's possible, but sometimes it is just impossible to use it everytime we touch want. Especially when it begins to make overlaps which are unrankable. AlexaBM told me about unrankable overlaps (Thanks God there are people who have fresh ranked maps and are more helpful than BATs). But I see you make really nice Normals. :< Bluddy's jealous because he can't do it as you can do it. =.= #Insane #Bleeding


It's a really cool difficulty. I don't see anything to change, just some suggestions. :3

00:39:995 (1) - maybe make two following circles or one short slider at the same time and move your spinner for 1/6? I wish you know what I mean XD But it's just a suggestion. :3
01:44:133 (5) - Maybe add an circle at the top of the slider before it starts? Just like at 01:32:984 (5,6) ?
01:46:202 (1) - The same thing like about the spinner in 00:39:995
02:24:823 (2,3) - That anti-jump doesn't really fit here. Please, change it if you can because it ruins the beauty of this beautiful difficulty <3
03:19:995 (2) - A missing clap hitsound. XD
03:22:064 (6) - Maybe NC?

Really cool mapset! <3 Good luck squeeing Squirrel! :D

LVU Bluddy) o3o
Topic Starter

Krfawy wrote:

Hello. :3 I haven't known Avril has such a nice song. : o And after all I saw you're looking for a mod when you helped me. Maybe I could do something for you this time? Sadly I am not good at modding and my mods are not high quality or so helpful, but still - maybe there's something what would be helpful? XDDDD
Oooh, thank you, sweetie. <3 really happy here. ;w;


This is difficulty would be really neat if not some overlaps. I'm not sure if you know what it is, but I'll try to do my best and explain by a picture:

I know the song is really slow, but I guess you could increase your AR to 5. Some of the issues would be solved just by it. :3
I know.. unfortunately it might be too hard for beginner players then. but I'll think about changing it. s:

00:14:478 (3,2) - An overlap. People told me many times overlaps like this are unrankable. D:
it's actually commonly used. o.o well, not that commonly, but it's allowed!
00:17:237 (3) - Maybe NC? okay
00:32:064 (1,2) - I think NC is a good thing, but IMO it doesn't fit at (1). I think it will be better at (2). oh, you're right!
00:34:478 (5) - I'm not sure if it something like a half-overlap. :o I'm not really sure, but maybe you could move some objects to make it more neat. :o
I'll keep it for now, as it's not bothersome, but I'll see what I can do later on! (I'm lazy atm. ;-; ..)
01:52:409 (3,5) - But it IS an overlap. :< Highly recommended to change it. D:
yeah, it is. but imo this is fine for a Normal diff. plus, it's really easy to read, cause of white slider tracks. keeping it for now!
02:01:720 (5,2) - ^ As above. no change here, it's readable
02:37:926 (1,3) - And again.^
02:42:064 (2,3) - And again.^
02:48:616 (4,2) - And again^
02:57:927 (2,5) - And again... changed this up a bit cause I get how this is more confusing than the others.
03:03:444 (1,2,3,4,5) - One big overlap. ;_; figured something out that works waaay better, thanks!
03:06:202 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^As above changed this too
03:09:996 (4,2) - Not sure about this, but it isn't as important thing to change as the things above. this is fine as it is, imo :3
03:13:789 (4,1) - Again not sure about this part. But as above - not as important as the rest. uhm. but they don't overlap? ;-;
03:17:237 (1,3) - I advice to change it - really bad overlap.I liked it, but changed. >:
03:19:306 (1,2) - You know, I guess you could make a slider instead of these two circles or move them because they are at the same position what doesn't really look nice here. But this only Bluddy's suggestion. XD naah, I think it looks nice. and I wanna keep the rhythm consistent between choruses.
03:21:375 (4,2) - An unrankable overlap.It's not unrankable iirc. it's not even hard to read, especially since it's a different combo colour
03:30:340 (1,3) - These two circles are messing the composition and the beauty of this moment. ;__; Highly recommended to change it because It's an overlap too.I like this, too. |: I'll think about moving 1 to the left if more people mention this
03:33:444 (2,4) - Heve comes an overlap again. XD that's totally intentional tho. >:

I know you want to use always DS as it's possible, but sometimes it is just impossible to use it everytime we touch want. Especially when it begins to make overlaps which are unrankable. AlexaBM told me about unrankable overlaps (Thanks God there are people who have fresh ranked maps and are more helpful than BATs). But I see you make really nice Normals. :< Bluddy's jealous because he can't do it as you can do it. =.= #Insane #Bleeding
haha, you make nice Normals, too! You just have a totally different style than me, so they look different. :3 (which is good, variety rules!)
I'll ask around if those overlaps really are unrankable, cause I can't find an issue with playing them. And I definitely keep my DS 100% consistent in this diff. I'd rather remap the whole map instead of not using it. XD


It's a really cool difficulty. I don't see anything to change, just some suggestions. :3

00:39:995 (1) - maybe make two following circles or one short slider at the same time and move your spinner for 1/6? I wish you know what I mean XD But it's just a suggestion. :3 I don't know if I did what you meant, but I changed it..! xD
01:44:133 (5) - Maybe add an circle at the top of the slider before it starts? Just like at 01:32:984 (5,6) ? I'm just following the double beats, so I won't add another object here. ;-;
01:46:202 (1) - The same thing like about the spinner in 00:39:995 changed
02:24:823 (2,3) - That anti-jump doesn't really fit here. Please, change it if you can because it ruins the beauty of this beautiful difficulty <3
oh right. it matched with the previous pattern before I added the break.. now that they're gone I should change this, too.. -sobs-
03:19:995 (2) - A missing clap hitsound. XD oh damn. fixed xD
03:22:064 (6) - Maybe NC? keeping this, cause I'm sticking to the vocals here.

Really cool mapset! <3 Good luck squeeing Squirrel! :D

LVU Bluddy) o3o
Thanksa ton!! <33

Heyo from #modreq

oh how I love Avril <3, Anyways, really not much too add since its done really well already and I'm new but here goes. Only two small suggestions and its for your normal difficulty

why not add notes at 00:12:064 and 00:12:409
02:16:547 and the next 2 I think you could make them back and forth (not sure what they're actually called)

Love Avril and love the song choice. Curious as to why you cut her face off from the picture :( She is so gorgeous!

Anyways I hope this gets ranked soon. Good Luck! :)
Topic Starter

Soggypancake wrote:

Heyo from #modreq
yay, finally someone reads it! Hi! -hugs- <3

oh how I love Avril <3, Anyways, really not much too add since its done really well already and I'm new but here goes. Only two small suggestions and its for your normal difficulty

why not add notes at 00:12:064 and 00:12:409 alright, added them!
02:16:547 and the next 2 I think you could make them back and forth (not sure what they're actually called)
Ooh, I think you're talking about a reverse? I'll think about that, didn't change it yet tho, cause I'm following the vocals and a reverse doesn't fit them there. .o. but I might change it later on!

Love Avril and love the song choice. Curious as to why you cut her face off from the picture :( She is so gorgeous!
yeah, she is. :3 but she was smiling on the picture and as -Bakari- stated already, this is a more dperessing song and well. happy face doesn't match here. :c

Anyways I hope this gets ranked soon. Good Luck! :)
that's what I am hoping for! >w<
Thank you! :3
hi hi hi ~
here's mod from my queue

Check letterbox during break since it has a break
00:24:133 (1) - add whistle on tail like you did on slider at 00:15:857 (2)
00:39:995 (1) - imo i think adding whistle here is more fits instead of clap
01:07:582 (2) - unstack this note. seems hard to read. or NC this instead if you want to keep it
01:13:099 (2) - same as above
01:28:616 (2) - not gonna make it curve? can be blanketed well with 01:29:995 (1) maybe
01:53:099 (5) - i've seen so much overlap but this... seems to be worst orz. try to find another pattern
02:16:547 - you can lower the volume since the sounds become calm here. try 30%, it works well
02:39:306 (3) - same as 01:53:099 (5). quite hard to read
03:12:754 (3) - this tail almost overlap with HP bar. better to rotate this
03:19:995 (2) - same as 01:07:582 (2)
03:25:513 (2) - ^

00:28:156 (1,2) - swap NC to follow your stanza
00:30:915 (1,2) - ^
00:33:788 (4) - should NC this instead 00:33:099 (1)
00:39:995 (8) - NC this?
00:40:110 (1) - same as normal. adding whistle here fits more than clap
01:46:202 (8) - NC this?

i love this 1/6 beats. i don't see any problem to fix :3

good luck :)
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