
star2.png -the 'trail' falling from the cursor during breaks

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Hi, didn't know where to ask for it, so I decided to go to the skinning section, if I picked the wrong one, then sorry :)
I'm looking for the star2.png file (its the 'trail' falling from your cursor during song breaks) which would match with my current cursor (similar color etc.)
I tried to look for it by myself, but I found nothing :C . I'd rather like it to be small one, that wouldn't cover up the cursor. I know it doesn't make any difference in Gameplay, but i had one in my previous skin and i liked it.
Cursor that I use: (It's not my own cursor, as far as I remember it's from Beatrice skin, from the 'Top OSU! players of 2012' video)

If you could give me the star2.png that would not be too big for this cursor to make everything look cool, I would be really thankful :) .

P.S. Sorry for my bad english :D .
[ Zan ]
If you had one in your previous skin that you liked, why not copy that one and paste it into your current skin's folder?
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[ Zan ] wrote:

If you had one in your previous skin that you liked, why not copy that one and paste it into your current skin's folder?
Because I'd like one that matches with my new cursor colour, my previous cursor was smaller and it was grey so it looked good.
I tried to copy this file from the previous skin, but tbh it was looking so awful, so i thought that you can help me, because there are many skinners that are good at thier job.
Eizan Arizawa
if you want ask something about skinning please ask here next time
[ Zan ]

Give this a try if you want.
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I tried it, thanks, but its too small, I tried also like 5-6 other star2 files, from other skins that i've got. I found this looking really good, except one thing... the colour, and i don't know how to change it, i mean i want it to be more dark, more like dark-blue than pink-blue (it looks like this in game). If it wouldn't be a problem for you, could you recolor it for me? I don't know how to do it, because all the skins that i've got are mixed from 3-4 skins or just downloaded from somewhere, they're not mine, so i don't know how to even change a color (paint is not working, it only changes colour of one pixel or smth). You can call me noob, if you want but i really don't know how to do it :D .

Made it dark-blue
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Shikeu wrote:

Made it dark-blue
Thanks man, that's what I was asking for, it looks great in-game. :)

Eizan Arizawa wrote:

if you want ask something about skinning please ask here next time
^This. You should create a new thread only if you have a skin to post.
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