
How do you approach a map you want to FC?

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Always on the first try I get most of the map perfectly and break combo somewhere late in the song.
Then I retry but with every try I just get worse and worse till I give up because I realize that I will continue getting worse, not to mention it makes me rage.
How do you play maps that you want to FC? Do you give it a few tries every day and then move on or do you spam it till you manage to FC it?
Spam retry or somehow doing it 1st try

HeyImNik wrote:

Always on the first try I get most of the map perfectly and break combo somewhere late in the song.

Give it a few tries every day and then move on
it's normal. nerves and pression can make your gameplay very frustrating and make each try worst in results and gameplay.

3 keys:

1.- Breath deep when feeling nervous, don't recommend to pause but it's also an option.

2.- As you suggested, give it a few tries every day and then move on. But with few tries i'm not refering to retrying each time that you fail. It spawns bad habits (i am one of the biggest examples, almost every time that i fail i quit and stop playing the map). Play the full map instead, it can make it better. Now, there's another thing which is not that much talked, which is

3.- Practice diffs.
Go to the map.

See the section(s) which complicate you the most.

Go to said section(s) on the map editor. Hold left click in the timeline and start going backwards a little time, then press Z. It will take you to the start of the map and since you had left click pressed, it will select all the items before the section of interest.

Press ctrl+x, which will delete all the selected items
Da don! Now you have a diff that begins in the section that makes you trouble. You can retry spam if you want since it's just for an especifical section, it will not spawn any bad habits unless you do an excesive amount of retries.

Press "file", then "save as a new difficulty". Profit
give a good few runs of the map then come back to it another day if i don't fc

Tedward765 wrote:

give a good few runs of the map then come back to it another day if i don't fc
Do this if you don't wanna get tilted and retrying the map multiple times without success.
Jason X
I try songs a max of 3-5 times in a row, if I can't make it then I'll come back to it after a few days.
don't forget to use Ez/Ht in sections that you simply can't understand!
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