
Rate the mapping technique - Round 1: 'back and forth' beats

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Rate on a scale of 1 to 5 (Read post before answering)

5 - Love them!
1 - Hate them!
Total votes: 315
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rated 4 beacause i personally rather like an alternative version of that tech,on wich circles appears farther and farther during the combo.

Ex: MAKI - I~jan! Yuujou (hard) by nharox at 1:50:246
I gave 'back and forth' a 4/5. They're nice, but I hate them in streams. I'm still trying to get better and 180 degree direction changes in streams XP

My favorite usage of this, though, is when there's a pattern like: Left, middle, top, middle, right, middle, bottom, middle in a + pattern. Those are always cool~
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These are a fun pattern when used right.
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strager wrote:

EDIT: OP, please allow votes to be changed. Thanks!
Voted 2.

I like it when it's used appropriately, but I hate it when it's spammed or put in randomly. Also anyone who uses it with 1/4s of 120+ BPM is a jerk. I can't move my mouse like that. XP

Really fun when it's a slider end, a beat to the side, then the next one under the slider end. Ex. Hirari. People keep on getting confused by that kind of trick. <3

P.S. I don't consider what Derek described "back and forth" beats. I consider them in a different category: "back to the center". It's a variation, but it plays much differently, differently enough for me to consider it a different thing. Example of this is Biggest Dreamer's Normal, you should see it around the start of the chorus IIRC.

I do use this occasionally, BTW. Mainly where it feels right. On the occasions where I do use it, it's usually only like once in that entire map.
*Points at kanbu*

Ekaru wrote:

P.S. I don't consider what Derek described "back and forth" beats. I consider them in a different category: "back to the center". It's a variation, but it plays much differently, differently enough for me to consider it a different thing. Example of this is Biggest Dreamer's Normal, you should see it around the start of the chorus IIRC.
To make a full "+" four back-forths have to be used.

I think it's well qualified as being the same technique.

strager wrote:

I think it's well qualified as being the same technique.
You don't really go back and forth, though. You keep on returning to the center. That's why it's said it's a variation. It's taking that technique and using it in a creative way. Hence, "Back to the center" instead of "Back and forth".

Ekaru wrote:

It's taking that technique and using it in a creative way.
So I guess we agree it's the same technique?
It's tough to vote on small techniques like this.

So I'll vote on potential.

steams should never pull multiple 180 turns btw.
I rated 4. I don't use it too much, but I like it.

1. Emm... kiou2's sliders?
3. Boozehound [Kiou2's Normal] or any kiou2's map.

strager wrote:

Ekaru wrote:

It's taking that technique and using it in a creative way.
So I guess we agree it's the same technique?
I never said it was a different technique, I said it was a variation. I consider back and forth going back and forth and back and forth, while "back to the center" is where you keep on going back to the center, but the hit circle other than the center is in a different spot each time.

One is boring when it goes on for more than a beat or two, one isn't. It's a different usage and it's different enough for me to count it as something different.


1. Half-backing
2. Two hit circles are one beat apart. Another hit circle a half-beat after the second circle is situated between those two.
3. <-- Hard uses this a lot.

While we're on this, why not suggest something similar to it, but quite different?
Etna's are well known and would be a nice candidate for community rating.
Another thing is slider jumps like this...

from my March Handyman map on hard.

basically it's a jump but with sliders in a cool way, some of the famous chinese mappers did this I think.

EDIT: James did this in his difficulty for Cirno's Perfect Math Class but a little more extreme as it jumped around the whole screen.
So in the ending everyone will use the highest rated mapping technique?

Ontopic, I thought I was on the first page: As LH, They are fun when used right. I won't vote fot this one.
Back and Forth beats: I only like them as 1/2 notes. 1/4 notes are an annoyance, and sometimes these things aren't fun on Hidden. I gave it a 3.

Don't have any other Mapping Techs to suggest, just use the ones before~
I hate those things. They are rarely done well, hard and not fun to play and usually look stupid anyway due to stacking. But I didn't rate a 1 in the rare case that those things are REALLY done well and that they aren't super fast.

Gave a 2.
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Changed the title from day 1 to round 1. I'll probably put up the next one within 1-2 days. Daily would probably be rushing it a bit, imo.
Excellent if short and placed together.

Doing a poll on etnas would be a waste of time. It'd just be a lot of 5's and a few 1's.

Ivalset wrote:

Excellent if short and placed together.
This. I personally find more than 3 at a time to be unintuitive and ugly.
I think it was really well placed here in Boozehound [Nuts]

'Back and Forth', eh... I prefer calling them 'return stacks'.

I hated them at first, but I noticed that they can actually be seen... somehow. It's not newb friendly, that's for sure.

strager wrote:

Etna's are well known and would be a nice candidate for community rating.
Etna sliders for life.
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I don't use them very much, so I'm sort of neutral on my usage.
there is nothing I can say that can't be said, I do like them when they are used correctly. not when forced upon ones failure, but supporting the rhythm of the map. *3*
I always called them rebeats.

They're cool, but not with massive spacing.
Stacking messes up this usually original pattern. Certain maps tend to overuse it though :/
i dont mind them unless the timing between notes changes. I HATE THAT :evil: 4/5
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I love thiss <3
they're okay, but with fast songs... :x

Very nice if they fit the song. 4'd.

(this technically isn't necroposting but whatever, I'm amazed I haven't posted here yet)
It's a good technique... 4/5
It's fine, but as long as they're not too repetitive or used at random in the music (....which sadly they are, in many maps that I've come across). I personally wouldn't really use them.

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