Before you read anything regarding my IDEA to reform the ranking system I want you to read the following disclaimers:
1. This post is an IDEA and just that (for now) it will 100% have its flaws and that is the main reason why I am posting this. I want to know if anything like this is possible and where the flaws are, so that we at some point maybe have a functioning idea to replace the current system.
2. I am NOT writing this because I want my maps to be ranked so dont even try to claim that. My maps arent rankable I know that and I havent tried ranking anything and wont try till I think my maps reach the needed quality, so dont try to give me the "Oh you just mad your maps suck and cant get ranked" card...
3. My english should be readable (I hope)
With those disclaimers out of the way let me tell you why I (and probably many more) think our current nomination and ranking system is flawed and to be frank just bad and biased. The recent incident with wafer and his minions map just put the cherry on top. I dont want to use this to discredit wafer or anybody else but his recent minion map thing (beatmapsets/1713016#osu/3500253) is an easy example to show what I mean. His map is probably (my opinion), at least in quality and honestly also in creativity, the worst map yet, that has been considered for ranking or actually has been ranked. A map consisting of 16 objects (I believe it was qualified with 16 objects) with this "song" or what you want to call it would have never been even close to a ranked map if send by randomosuuser727. This map only got this far because of the name attached to the map and most likely (this is just a speculation with no evidence) because of this cool thing they call "nominate for nominate". If anybody without a bn title or significant name in the mapping community would have sent this map to any bn as a request to get it ranked that person or mapper would probably have been laughed at and just hit with a straight up "No". This is the reasonable answer anybody with common sense would give you when you ask them to rank it. Now somehow this 16 object map was qualified at some point and now it seems like its about to be requalified at some point in the future. Ranking something with this little effort put into the map or even this little "song or beat" in a literal BEATmap is just a straight kick in the face for anybody who ever tried ranking a map. I could go on and explain why I am so displeased with the ranking system but the main reason for this post is not my displeasure with the current system but my idea for a new system.
So back to my idea:
Each BN gets their own link to a certain website (which needs to be created) on which users that want to rank their beatmap can submit it with the goal of getting the beatmap ranked via the help of the BN. The requested BN still has the control over what maps he wants to rank or if he is closed for requests etc. The normal ranking criteria like hypes still apply. The only thing that this website changes from the current way of submitting maps is that it changes the beatmaps creator to an anonymous user and the modding process via the discussion tab will be moved to this website assuring the anonymity of the beatmap creator. A rule will be added to the existing ruleset stating: "Anonymity during the nomination process is required." Therefore basically removing the subjectiveness of BN's to say stuff like "Ah this guy can nominate my map later if I nominate his now" or "Ah this guy already has 10 ranked maps lets rank this one". There will be complete anonymity in the ranking process and breaking this anonymity rule will result in the BN not being able to nominate this mappers maps for a set amount of time. By adding this rule (+ the website) it is possible to create ways for new mappers to get ranked maps while already "established" mappers still have the same chances because the this nomination process would be judged by the actual state of the submitted map. This way a map will be judged by the fact if its good or not. It's a rather simple way to get the current state of our ranking system towards a system based on the actual quality of your map and not just the name of the beatmap creator.
This is just a little idea I had while bored. I would love to hear about problems that might occured if implemented or just feedback in general. And again this is not meant to discredit or attack anyone, so if you feel attack then idk.
1. This post is an IDEA and just that (for now) it will 100% have its flaws and that is the main reason why I am posting this. I want to know if anything like this is possible and where the flaws are, so that we at some point maybe have a functioning idea to replace the current system.
2. I am NOT writing this because I want my maps to be ranked so dont even try to claim that. My maps arent rankable I know that and I havent tried ranking anything and wont try till I think my maps reach the needed quality, so dont try to give me the "Oh you just mad your maps suck and cant get ranked" card...
3. My english should be readable (I hope)
With those disclaimers out of the way let me tell you why I (and probably many more) think our current nomination and ranking system is flawed and to be frank just bad and biased. The recent incident with wafer and his minions map just put the cherry on top. I dont want to use this to discredit wafer or anybody else but his recent minion map thing (beatmapsets/1713016#osu/3500253) is an easy example to show what I mean. His map is probably (my opinion), at least in quality and honestly also in creativity, the worst map yet, that has been considered for ranking or actually has been ranked. A map consisting of 16 objects (I believe it was qualified with 16 objects) with this "song" or what you want to call it would have never been even close to a ranked map if send by randomosuuser727. This map only got this far because of the name attached to the map and most likely (this is just a speculation with no evidence) because of this cool thing they call "nominate for nominate". If anybody without a bn title or significant name in the mapping community would have sent this map to any bn as a request to get it ranked that person or mapper would probably have been laughed at and just hit with a straight up "No". This is the reasonable answer anybody with common sense would give you when you ask them to rank it. Now somehow this 16 object map was qualified at some point and now it seems like its about to be requalified at some point in the future. Ranking something with this little effort put into the map or even this little "song or beat" in a literal BEATmap is just a straight kick in the face for anybody who ever tried ranking a map. I could go on and explain why I am so displeased with the ranking system but the main reason for this post is not my displeasure with the current system but my idea for a new system.
So back to my idea:
Each BN gets their own link to a certain website (which needs to be created) on which users that want to rank their beatmap can submit it with the goal of getting the beatmap ranked via the help of the BN. The requested BN still has the control over what maps he wants to rank or if he is closed for requests etc. The normal ranking criteria like hypes still apply. The only thing that this website changes from the current way of submitting maps is that it changes the beatmaps creator to an anonymous user and the modding process via the discussion tab will be moved to this website assuring the anonymity of the beatmap creator. A rule will be added to the existing ruleset stating: "Anonymity during the nomination process is required." Therefore basically removing the subjectiveness of BN's to say stuff like "Ah this guy can nominate my map later if I nominate his now" or "Ah this guy already has 10 ranked maps lets rank this one". There will be complete anonymity in the ranking process and breaking this anonymity rule will result in the BN not being able to nominate this mappers maps for a set amount of time. By adding this rule (+ the website) it is possible to create ways for new mappers to get ranked maps while already "established" mappers still have the same chances because the this nomination process would be judged by the actual state of the submitted map. This way a map will be judged by the fact if its good or not. It's a rather simple way to get the current state of our ranking system towards a system based on the actual quality of your map and not just the name of the beatmap creator.
This is just a little idea I had while bored. I would love to hear about problems that might occured if implemented or just feedback in general. And again this is not meant to discredit or attack anyone, so if you feel attack then idk.