Voting ends at 2nd January 2023 00:00 UTC+8
<start:[Your osu! Username]>
<1:[Player 1]>
reason (optional)
<2:[Player 2]>
reason (optional)
<3:[Player 3]>
reason (optional)
<4:[Player 4]>
reason (optional)
<5:[Player 5]>
reason (optional)
<6:[Player 6]>
reason (optional)
<7:[Player 7]>
reason (optional)
<8:[Player 8]>
reason (optional)
<9:[Player 9]>
reason (optional)
<10:[Player 10]>
reason (optional)
⁍ Should there be any Honourable Mentions you wish to state kindly type it below the format.
⁍ You do not require to use '_' for spacing, just type the username as it is
⁍ DO NOT PUT THE BRACKETS AROUND PLAYER NAMES IN YOUR VOTES! ('[' & ']'), if you are not sure how the format goes please refer to the Example Vote below.
Example Vote:
<1:Ajitani Hifumi>
<2:Natsume Iroha>
<3:Takanashi Hoshino>
<4:Shimoe Koharu>
<5:Shirasu Azusa>
<6:Kuda Izuna>
<7:Misono Mika>
<8:Amami Nodoka>
<9:Tsukiyuki Miyako>
<10:Hayase Yuuka>
Honorable Mentions: Sophie Neuenmuller & Gotou Hitori (from hit anime title K-On!)
<1:[Player 1]>
reason (optional)
<2:[Player 2]>
reason (optional)
<3:[Player 3]>
reason (optional)
<4:[Player 4]>
reason (optional)
<5:[Player 5]>
reason (optional)
<6:[Player 6]>
reason (optional)
<7:[Player 7]>
reason (optional)
<8:[Player 8]>
reason (optional)
<9:[Player 9]>
reason (optional)
<10:[Player 10]>
reason (optional)
⁍ You do not require to use '_' for spacing, just type the username as it is
⁍ DO NOT PUT THE BRACKETS AROUND PLAYER NAMES IN YOUR VOTES! ('[' & ']'), if you are not sure how the format goes please refer to the Example Vote below.
Example Vote:
<1:Ajitani Hifumi>
<2:Natsume Iroha>
<3:Takanashi Hoshino>
<4:Shimoe Koharu>
<5:Shirasu Azusa>
<6:Kuda Izuna>
<7:Misono Mika>
<8:Amami Nodoka>
<9:Tsukiyuki Miyako>
<10:Hayase Yuuka>
Honorable Mentions: Sophie Neuenmuller & Gotou Hitori (from hit anime title K-On!)
⁍ You are only allowed to vote for Players that fulfill the following criteria:
⁍ Please do not vote for players who are inactive throughout the entirety of 2022.
⁍ Please only vote based on player's performance made during 2022. What happens during the previous years stays there.
⁍ Troll Voting (voting disregarding player skill/voting inactive players) will be completely voided
We reserve the rights to veto any votes should they not abide with the rules stated above. Should there be any rule changes, a server-wide notification will be sent to the osu! Malaysia Discord Server. For more inquiries contact lous#3765 on discord.
- Possesses the Malaysian Flag in their profile
- Have atleast 7023pp by the end of voting period. This is the pp of the top 200th player countrywide (as of 6/12/2022).
- Your osu! account is created before 1/11/2022
- Your list contains EXACTLY 10 players, no more, no less. If you wish to extend your list please do it in an Honourable Mentions section.
- Your list doesn't contain yourself in it
⁍ Please do not vote for players who are inactive throughout the entirety of 2022.
⁍ Please only vote based on player's performance made during 2022. What happens during the previous years stays there.
⁍ Troll Voting (voting disregarding player skill/voting inactive players) will be completely voided
- If you think your list contains a relatively controversial/unpopular placement of players, it is advised that you write a few sentences explaining why you voted this way.
- Editing your reply after deadline will disqualify your vote.
⁍ Players are given points from 1st - 10th accordingly like this: 10p 9p 8p 7p 6p 5p 4p 3p 2p 1p.
⁍ One point from the most & least popular voted placements are removed from every player.
⁍ One point from the most & least popular voted placements are removed from every player.
- ex: If Bocchi gets 1-5-2-5-3-1-9-10-10-7-6, one each of the 1 point and 10 point votes are removed, leaving 5-2-5-3-1-9-10-7-6.
- This is to enhance accuracy of the results and to discourage "boosting" votes.
| View a Player's Plays here! |
| Previous Top 10 osu!std Malaysian Players |
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