
🇲🇾 2022 | Top 10 osu!std Malaysian Players [VOTING CLOSED]

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Welcome to the annual Top 10 Malaysian Players Voting!
Voting ends at 2nd January 2023 00:00 UTC+8

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⁍ Should there be any Honourable Mentions you wish to state kindly type it below the format.
⁍ You do not require to use '_' for spacing, just type the username as it is
⁍ DO NOT PUT THE BRACKETS AROUND PLAYER NAMES IN YOUR VOTES! ('[' & ']'), if you are not sure how the format goes please refer to the Example Vote below.

Example Vote:
<1:Ajitani Hifumi>
<2:Natsume Iroha>
<3:Takanashi Hoshino>
<4:Shimoe Koharu>
<5:Shirasu Azusa>
<6:Kuda Izuna>
<7:Misono Mika>
<8:Amami Nodoka>
<9:Tsukiyuki Miyako>
<10:Hayase Yuuka>

Honorable Mentions: Sophie Neuenmuller & Gotou Hitori (from hit anime title K-On!)

⁍ You are only allowed to vote for Players that fulfill the following criteria:
  1. Possesses the Malaysian Flag in their profile
  2. Have atleast 7023pp by the end of voting period. This is the pp of the top 200th player countrywide (as of 6/12/2022).
⁍ Your vote will only be valid if you fulfill the following criteria:
  1. Your osu! account is created before 1/11/2022
  2. Your list contains EXACTLY 10 players, no more, no less. If you wish to extend your list please do it in an Honourable Mentions section.
  3. Your list doesn't contain yourself in it
You are allowed to vote regardless of what country you are at.
⁍ Please do not vote for players who are inactive throughout the entirety of 2022.
⁍ Please only vote based on player's performance made during 2022. What happens during the previous years stays there.

Troll Voting (voting disregarding player skill/voting inactive players) will be completely voided
  1. If you think your list contains a relatively controversial/unpopular placement of players, it is advised that you write a few sentences explaining why you voted this way.
⁍ You can change your votes throughout the voting phase by editing your initial reply
  1. Editing your reply after deadline will disqualify your vote.
We reserve the rights to veto any votes should they not abide with the rules stated above. Should there be any rule changes, a server-wide notification will be sent to the osu! Malaysia Discord Server. For more inquiries contact lous#3765 on discord.

⁍ Players are given points from 1st - 10th accordingly like this: 10p 9p 8p 7p 6p 5p 4p 3p 2p 1p.
⁍ One point from the most & least popular voted placements are removed from every player.
  1. ex: If Bocchi gets 1-5-2-5-3-1-9-10-10-7-6, one each of the 1 point and 10 point votes are removed, leaving 5-2-5-3-1-9-10-7-6.
  2. This is to enhance accuracy of the results and to discourage "boosting" votes.
⁍ Points are totalled up following this, and the Player with the most points will earn the top spot.

🌴 Host / Video Producer 🌴

🌴Technician 🌴
Amatsuka Uto, Kokoro Amamiya

🌴Discord Ping Slave 🌴
<1:Rampax> OMT champ and insane performance on OBAM 🏆
<2:wuhua> Dominant OMT performance throughout OMT. HD flow plays
<3:TSM BOWLDEMONL9> all the 1k pps
<4:Zeph2003> Very g00d improvement on speed throughout the year
<5:Banner> yea this guy
<6:LouisZpro> d*ranker
<8:Chiyuu> idk still thinking about this guy but he is here
<9:Ariaversary> the new haruchi
<10:riwoto> speed I guess

Happy new year !
<2:wuhua> still a beast with all the scores early year, shat out bunch of 800pps and all the hard stream maps with HD, #2 in omt and poof
<3:Rampax> winner omt, owc carry, yomi yori fc candidate
<4:Ariaversary> everything that i want on nomod is him and consistently grinded this year
<5:riwoto> Take apart all the melodies, And deconstruct what's inside of me, You're all I wanna see before I go
<6:seabee> he did very cool stuffs before going inactive just like wuhua
<7:Lunasa> from a nobody to a guy with 2 600pp in a year and joining owc team. went pretty far in obam with gsblank as well. he got his first 500, 600pp in a year, TWO 600pp LOL!
<8:Banner> shxt
<9:keiha> crazy high ar player and shit like shinzou o sasageyo and walk my way
<10:LouisZpro> lous

Honorable mentions: haruchi, cloud_chaser02, Zeph2003, Agagak, Inugami Korone, Auxuelus, AsianEnd, DaNoobSlayaar
Anwar Ibrahim

Honorable mentions: Lunasa, Chibi Maruko, Addam, Inugami Korone, AsianEnd, haruchi, Agagak, Tokino Sora, iraozm
[MY] Ril
<1:wuhua> GOAT
<2:Rampax> OMT
<3:riwoto> aim
<4:LouisZpro> top10osustdmalaysianplayershost
<5:keiha> speed
<6:Ariaversary> clip
<9:haruchi> work

Honourable mentions: ShaneLiang - tm player
, Lunasa - improve
, Banner - visage
, Snowy5441 - my favourite badged player
, DuoX -
, Chibi Maruko - player
, AsianEnd - g
, milo Penguin - world no.1 discord light mode user
, Jolene -
(seven twenty)seventh
Makise Kurisu
<start:Tokino Sora>
<9:Houshou Marine>

Honorable mentions:
ZeMing fastest improvement this year!









Kinda active but not grinding hard

Honorable Mentions: xsrsbsns
milo Penguin
<start:milo Penguin>
<2:TSM BOWLDEMONL9>speed destroyer
<3:Wuhua>hidden destroyer
<4:Zeph2003>Cada vez que compartes esto un chileno. muere
<6:LouisZPro>Louis Chow
<7:Chiyuu>neko arc
<8:haruchi>logs on sets score leaves for 6months

Honorable mentions :
Chibi Maruko
Lee Keiha
notaweeb - old women
Mr image -

<7:Chibi Maruko>

Honorables: Mano Aloe, Jolene, Auxuelus

maybe changes next time idk too many dt top plays might need to check below top100-50s too for the *hidden* supposedly 5digits
<start:SaltTea- >
<1:Rampax> the GIGACHAD
<2:wuhua> the GOAT
<3:Ariaversary> top tier nomod player
<4:cloud_chaser02> best worm player
<5:Chiyuu> the MVP of Malaysia's tourney scene, Maharun's boyfriend
<6:TSM BOWLDEMONL9> based dt only speed top player
<7:Haruchi> set a score, *leaves*, best raw speed player
<8:seabee> the prodigy aka permazoomer
<9:Chibi Maruko> based nomod player
<10:ShaneLiang> the CAPTAIN

Honourable Mention:
Tzero - Malaysian KingLing
_Rel_ - Malaysian idke
riwoto + Snowy5441 + AsianEnd = WindowLife, the permazoomers
Kynexiz - Malaysian Skill, the coach
Iraozm - Malaysian Wilchq, HD Score farmer
not_aweeb - Malaysian WillCookie, Trollface enjoyer
domiyyyy - (he wants clout)
Topic Starter
<1:TSM BOWLDEMONL9> Sometimes pp is a good metric of skill, and this is one of the cases where it completely overwhelms every other subskills.
<2:Rampax> major standout in every local tournament available this year, alongside setting some insanely good mechanics scores everywhere.
<3:wuhua> quality over quantity. Some scores are completely irreplicable by anyone else despite the sparse amount of them.
<4:Zeph2003> cada vez que compartes esto un chileno. muere
<5:riwoto> great standout in the midst of an extremely competitive skillset (speed tapping + aim)
<6:Banner> extremely versatile & high skill ceiling player, be more motivated!
<7:Chiyuu> extremely versatile & motivated player, hope to see your skill ceiling expand further!
<8:Ariaversary> good standout in the midst of an extremely competitive skillset (general aim mechanics)
<9:Ecoelementt> easily 2022's most overlooked player, watch out for him next year.
<10:cloud_chaser02> 2nd case of quality over quantity. Extremely high octane consistency/aim scores strewn throughout this year.

Honorable Mentions (it was a close tie for 10th for every single one of them)
keiha: great standout in the midst of a relatively niche skillset (dt alt)
MyScoreSucks: really varied scores set throughout this year, keep going scory!
DuoX: how the hell can i place you when all your scores are either trolled or deranked
Nanafushi: also one of 2022's overlooked players, extremely good HD player

I judge placements based on versatility > skill depth > scores set > presence, in that order of priority (versatility being the most important). It may not be objective, but I will stand by my list choices.
Hachune Miku
<start:Hachune Miku>

The 1st place for most people is probably between Shimon and Rampax, which depends on which one values more: pp or tournament play. Personally, the latter is valued more, and Rampax has excelled in several tournaments such as OMT, OBAM and OWC for him to be in the first spot.
Malaysia's most known speed demon. Not much that needs to be said. (edit: not much to be said except that I thoroughly dislike this name change)
Not just maintaining his skills and getting runner-up in OMT, he also grinded hard in the early half of the year to return to the Top 100 with several outstanding scores in between, one notable one for me being the HDHR FC on Sky of Twilight. Even though he had become somewhat less active presumably due to studies, he is still, and always will be one of the players of all time in Malaysia.
Probably one of the most active top players in Malaysia in both pp farming and tournament play. Some achievements include getting his first 600pp play, 2nd in overall match-cost in OWC Qualifiers, and almost defeating ShaneLiang in a fairy-tale-like comeback in OMT Finals. I really hope to see him keep grinding and carry Malaysia in OWC 2023.
Most notable feat of him being OMT 3rd place, proving his versatility and ability to match the top tournament players in the country. Also showed that he can farm (if he wants to, for OWC). Hope to see him again next year in more tournaments.
After his unban in last December, he consistently pushed out impressive scores through the year of 2022. Most known for his stream ability while also grinding out aim scores. Since his tournament ban ends this month, I'm honestly really looking forward to how he does in tournament play.
Probably the most versatile player for all the skillsets in general, you do not want to go against this guy in a tournament. Besides hosting an extremely based tournament called OBAM, his sheer dedication to also grind for impossible-looking scores, such as Pudding Funfair EZ FC, earns him a spot on this list. P/S: oh yeah he also got 3rd in owc tryouts please come back next year man i really wanna see you there
His speed and tournament play is still honestly up there in the Malaysian scene. He would probably be higher if he actually played on Bancho.
Rising speed player that has grown in the skillset after his initial "5 digit btw" incident. Not sure if he would venture to other skillsets eventually, but honestly, keeping his already impressive feat in speed will still be something I'm looking forward to see.
Man went ahead and got some of the most groundbreaking plays in Malaysia, and as everyone looked forward to what he was going to do for the rest of the year, he... disappeared. Even though his scores ran away from everyone's minds faster than how the girlfriend I never had ran away from me, take a moment to remember and you'll know why he at least deserves some credit on this list.

Honorables: MyScoreSucks, iraozm, Lunasa, Chibi Maruko

I hope next year keeps bringing more and more!
<2:Rampax> chill
<4:riwoto> sped
<5:LouisZpro> z
<6:Chiyuu> chiyui
<7:keiha> kh
<8:ShaneLiang> y
<9:Ariaversary> league of legends
<10:haruchi> speed inspo

Mahiru Shiina
<start:Mahiru Shiina>
<1:TSM BOWLDEMONL9> speed goes brrrrrr
<2:Rampax> Tourney destroyer
<3:Chiyuu> cat cam streamer. besides that pretty active in settings scores, tourneys and good performance throughout.
<4:wuhua>unique scores and also tourney performance even if they're slightly inactive for the rest of the year.
<5:banner> overwatch player
<6:ariaversary> unban buff abuser
<7:haruchi> did some cool speed/stamina scores tho inactive for the rest of the year
<8:LouisZpro> based scores
<9:riwoto> unban buff abuser 2
<10:cloud_chaser02> pretty sick consistency plays (and fails :sob:) but also inactive for the rest of the year.

Honorable mentions
- keiha
- lunasa
- zeph2003

Honorable Mentions:
Hachune Miku
Chibi Maruko
<1:Rampax> OMT winner
<2:TSM BOWLDEMONL9> Insane speed player and 1k pp scores
<3:wuhua> Consistently good and 2nd place in OMT
<4:haruchi> Really good stream/speed scores early in the year
<5:Zeph2003> Great DT and HD speed player
<6:LouisZpro> What can't he play
<7:Banner> Banner
<8:Chiyuu> Good tournament player overall
<9:riwoto> shredding
<10:Ariaversary> NM god

Honorable mentions:
Inugami Korone
Tokino Sora
Houshou Marine
<start:Houshou Marine>

<1:TSM BOWLDEMONL9> well yea
<2:wuhua> I like his plays
<3:rampax> best tournament player in Malaysia
<4:cloud_chaser02> he is just good
<5:haruchi> his top 5 plays are all this year its good
<6:louiszpro> yea
<7:zeph2003> yea
<8:duox> yea
<9:riwoto> need for speed
<10:seabee> I like his plays

<9:Hachune Miku>
<10:Inugami Korone>

Honorable Mentions

Tokino Sora
Its not Marvin
<start:Its not Marvin>
for 2 years in a row my top 3 have been consistent, wuhua shane rampax, this year however, i cant cope anymore, it is really undisputed at this point that shimon is the best player that malaysia has ever seen. Judging him obviously by the massive pp plays that he has done. Since he isnt a fan of tourneys i dont think its fair to judge his small sample size of tourney runs
HE HAS DONE IT, HE WON OMT2022!!!!!! the race car really did it, it was a blast watching him play, also best player in the owc team lmao kappalul
the prev goat, unfortunately inactive after going on a rampage earlier this year
za new gen captain, really improved a lot this year. Has potential to go further, hopefully his cat doesnt hold him back :tf:
cant ignore, the sudden (and obvious) rise in pp after his "omg i m 5 digit farming 600 haha" phase
i honestly did not pay attention to him until he suddenly like no.4 seed omt2022, then proceeds to get top 3 in omt, what
hit da clips slayyy
inactive, joins omt, gets top 4, goes inactive again, SeemsGood
when ur motivation to play the game is at an all time high for the first 3 months of the year and go inactive, u get cc02
if he plays on bancho would be higher honestly

honourable mentions:

its not marvin (invest fr ONG ONG!!!!)

overall am happy to see new faces popping up the leaderboards hope everyone joins omt2023!!!


Finally got his deserved first badge from winning OMT2022. Also put up a great performance for owc but sadly couldn't bring the team to qualify, also set some insane scores (burn this moment +hr and hachigatsu, bou, tsukiakari +hr just to name a few)

Crazy early year solo performance with scores such as frozen +hdhr, euphoria s rank and his freedom dive scores (also choked fdfd +hdhr Sadge). Respectable 2nd place for OMT. Would've loved to see more from the Malaysian hidden god

Living proof that you can be insane at this game with limited hardware. Insane speed scores such as vertex delta 300BPM(!!!) fc and sad spring [akitoshi's expert] dt fc. So much potential to be discovered from this guy if he got a mechanical keyboard.

3rd place in OMT. Capable of setting many more high-tier scores if he wanted to.

Insane nomod consistency and flow aim with scores like painters choke and juvenile fc. Also clip farmer.

Set shinbatsu s rank and glorius crown but sadly is mostly inactive throughout the year

Average 10k

Because maybe pt.2 choke was enough to propel him into this list. Mostly inactive this year.

Great improvement this year. High-tier nomod consistency and tourney performance.


Honorable mentions:
-Chibi Maruko
<10:Chibi Maruko>
Charging Time
<start:Charging Time>
After thinking hard between tournament presence + performance / sheer solo play dominance, I decided that the latter should still come out strong in the case for shimon. This is because he's a cut above the rest (that cut being a 4k pp differential between him and the 2nd best player in terms of pp in the country rankings). You may argue that not being able to see him perform in tournaments can take away some glamour off his name, but the truth still remains that he's the best player our scene has managed to produce thus far, dethroning wuhua is no small feat considering the years of dominance he had and all things considered, it's kind of a breath of fresh air to have a new king. That and also his plays are just downright insane + fun to watch, I bet most of us felt some form of motivation (directly/indirectly) to improve at the game after looking at his plays. The new blood has come in and he has certainly been coming in hot since last year.

The debate between Rampax vs wuhua this year for me seems just a tiny bit clear than previous years. Well yes the big elephant in the room being the absolute banger of an OMT finals both of them have brought for us. Aside from some impressive scores throughout the year, the thing that cemented Rampax as a surefire #2 this year is that he kinda ran the gauntlet in OMT this year, going on a nearly 3 hour marathon from lower bracket finals to the grand finals and THEN to a bracket reset to win it all. You literally can't make this shit up, it's not even "luck" anymore at this point. He managed to hold his ground when he played against his arch nemesis that he never could beat for the past few years and full combo several maps along the way. It is an amazing turn of events and a wonderful way for him to wrap up his 2022. Personally, I feel very happy for him. To me he's always been the "2nd best player" in the osu! Malaysian scene for so long, almost always living in wuhua's shadow, but this year he finally made his statement and added an interesting footnote to the rivalry between him and wuhua.

Although his plays got somewhat overshadowed by shimon + he lost to a rampaging Rampax(get it? :tf:) in OMT Grand Finals this year, he's still one of the best in the local scene even after all these years. Academics might have affected his osu! career, but damn does he still put up some very very impressive scores that only a select few can hope to replicate. Although it's not exactly a good way to rank players like this, but his placing below Rampax is solely based on that OMT grand finals. Don't get me wrong, it is also for that exact reason that he's #3. Think about it, after so many years + academics propping up in his life, you'd think he'd fallen off. If that's the case, how come is he able to dominate through the winners bracket in OMT like he always did in the previous iterations?

Another year of osu has passed and he's still a force to be reckoned with in not just the local tournament scene, but international scene as well. He might not be farming on Bancho all that much as expected but he definitely still sets some insane scores regardless. The tournament resume alone makes him worthy of being in the list as with the previous years. Say what you want about his attitude, you can not deny the fact that he does carry his weight(and sometimes others) in tournaments. A bona fide tournament player through and through.

I decided to put Chiyuu as a #5 in this list. Reasons being he's a quite versatile player both in solo play and in tournaments, you can always rely on him to put up a good score on it. He might have fallen just a tiny bit short against ShaneLiang in OMT this year, but he's still the one player in the upper echelon of the scene to actively play and even lead in certain big tournaments such as 4WC. Things might not have turned out well for him in the matter of tournament performance/placings this year but he's definitely got it in him to get the job done under the right circumstances.

One of the new entries to appear in the list this year. His consistent plays and performances have landed him around the middle of the list. What makes him stand out from the rest is the fact that he managed to beat ShaneLiang(well yes he was kind of sick at that point but still) and secure himself a top 3 spot in OMT. Now that is no small feat and he certainly did show some notable flashes of brilliance throughout the year.

Just like other people above the list, he's one of the most versatile players in the Malaysian scene. He can set a global EZ #1 score on a map and still hang around the best in other skillsets like speed. The dream of any tournament player, a great asset to have in a team and certainly a great player as well! Hopefully he'll still be able to keep going next year Prayge.

Still one of the best speed players in the Malaysian scene aside from the speed demon king himself otherwise known as shimon.

Wow would you look at that, another new entry! Very versatile player with some insane plays especially on marathon stream maps like Painters of the Tempest. If I were to describe him with one player, he really does feel like a reincarnation of cloud_chaser02 as both of their skillsets are eerily similar + the scores they set. Love watching him hit some downright insane spaced streams in a consistent manner, I hope he'll expand his expertise into tournaments next year if he's down for it! :3c

"5 digit btw" glad that he can finally put that narrative to rest and you know what? He's doing quite well for himself this year. Setting some insane DT scores as he previously flaunted, at least he proved that he could walk the talk, and I respect that. Looking forward to see what he has in store for 2023!


Honorable Mentions:
<ShaneLiang> Wasn't exactly active this year but his performance in OMT alone makes him worthy of at least an honorable mention. You don't get there by defeating random nobodies after all.
<cloud_chaser02> Still one of the best players in the scene when it comes to those stream-consistency maps
<Lunasa> Pretty impressive DT scores could have went deeper in some tournaments if he didn't oversleep but that's a different topic
<DaNoobSlayaar> Still remains one of the most versatile speed players in the scene
<Inugami Korone> HR dog god goes woof woof
<keiha> Impressive DT scores
<Addam> zooooooooooooooooooom
<Chibi Maruko> Insane singletap ability + another HR/aim legend as well
<Tzero> Versatile player as he always somehow manage to set some plays with like unmatched accuracy, absolutely insane of a player and can certainly pull his weight in tournaments as well
<iraozm> One of the upcoming talents in the scene, always put out great HD and DT scores

Final Thoughts:
Damn I really went a little too ham with my honorable mentions LOL apologies if it skews the results in any way, I have had quite a hard time deciding the placings after 3rd so yeah the list might be slightly inconsistent but I hope it'll help in the grand scheme of things! As others have stated, I'm glad to see new faces popping up in the scene! Our international tournament reputation might not have been exactly great this year, but I hope these newcomers (as well as others not mentioned in the list) can strive towards that goal next year, it is time for the new generation to take over and show that they can be just as good if not better than the previous generation of players~
<start:[TSM L9 DOMO[AH]]>
My teammate

Respect player rampax

Yayy goo wuhua

Hopefully hes not a chaser....

My love


My love


Im a big fan,.,


One of the few players too have ever pushed Malaysia's skillcap to the highest it's ever been in the history of osu! He's set too many inhuman scores for me to list out LOL, most notably setting the first ever 1000 pp for Malaysia, and having 5 of them in total currently is just crazy on its own. Its just surreal to think that he can grind to global rank 2 if he really put his time into it. Overall, I can't wait to see what else he will pull off next year.

Set some insane scores this year such as Stargazer HDDT FC, burn this moment into the retina of my eyes HR FC, and Hachigatsu Bou Tsukiakari HR FC. He also performed really well on tournaments this year, Getting 1st on OMT (osu! Malaysia Tournament) winning against the long standing former OMT champion wuhua and getting 2nd on o!BAM2 (osu! Battle Archive Malaysia 2).

One of my favourite players and inspiration to me since the first day I joined osu! Even though he only played in the early part of this year, he still managed to set 70 out of his 100 top plays during that time period, most notably scores such as his HD FC on Kyouki Ranbu, the first HDHR FC on Sky of Twilight, His 2xsb run on Euphoria with HD and finally his first 900 pp score, a HDHR FC on Frozen.

he shreds through speed and aim maps even with his simple hardware of laptop and a tablet, he even taps with laptop keys! He's a role model to those that don't have enough money to upgrade their hardware, proving that you can set good plays with just the minimum.

Top tier Nomod and Hardrock prowess paired with his Hidden capability makes him a cut above most players. He has also recently gotten into polishing his DoubleTime skills, further cementing himself as one of the few all rounded players in Malaysia. Looking forward to him next year!

Very solid aim and tapping mechanics with good consistency, being able to set dt scores such as horrible kids top diff HDDT FC, a 5 miss on Seni's Song Compilation and a 4 miss on at the very end of Painters make him a very formidable player no matter if its doubletime or nomod skillsets.

Very high skillcap ceiling, having the ability to be able to excel in any kinds of skillset or mechanic makes him superior in terms of being all rounded. Going up against him in tournaments is a nightmare for any opponents.

His speed ceiling is absurdly high, being able to set high acc scores despite the immensely high bpm.

His finger control and alting skills are among the best in the country I would say, scores such as his global #1 score on Walk This Way +HDDT, a 1xsb run on Shinzou o Sasageyo +HDDT, an S rank on Jingo Jungle +HDDT and of course his 2 miss on Idol +HDDT.

<10:Chibi Maruko>
Deserves more recognition from others, his Nomod and Hardrock aim are a cut above others, being able to set plays on long maps such as a 1 miss on Ringing Bloom, an S rank on Einherjar, a 6 miss on Monstrata's Quaver and a 4 miss on Brave Climber with Hardrock.


Honorable mentions
- haruchi (he just doesn't rust, setting scores such as Glorious Crown FD Nomod FC (744pp) and Worms of Soul Nomod FC (637pp)
- cloudchaser_02 (still my favourite stream player to this day)
- Addam (his speed cap is already so high but he's still somehow breaking through it, getting better and better at it, watch out for him next year!)
- LouisZpro (I look up to all the plays he sets, no matter if it's reading, rhythm, alt, or fingercontrol based, every one of his scores are so cracked)
- MyScoreSucks (my favourite mouse player, his aim control and tech skills are freaking insane)
- Snowy5441 (fced both slowmotion this year, 1 being his current top play and his first 600pp!)
- Lunasa (really good speed and consistency player, setting 600's on Attakain Dakara +HDDT and Unmei no Dark Side +HDDT)
- iraozm (really solid all rounder, His HDHR FC on Hades second top diff and his 4x100 HD run on top diff are my favourite scores from him)
- DanoobSlayaar (Very good doubletime player, often outaccs most players on speed maps and consistency maps)
Sagisawa Arisu
<1:TSM BOWLDEMONL9> speed idol
<2:Rampax> insane performance on tournament , have some insane score this year too
<3:wuhua> HD
<4:cloud_chaser02> nm2
<5:Ariaversary> consistency
<6:Chiyuu> RAWWWWWWW (my coach)
<7:riwoto> speed
<8:LouisZpro> I have no idea how to describe this guy
<9:Zeph2003> good tournament player
<10:Banner> he brok his tablet


Honorable Mentions:
- iraozm (nice h*dden hardcock)
- Auxuelus (eroge top play)
- Tzero (my favourite ping slave)
- Agagak (he is in my blacklist now)
- milo Penguin (my admire speed player last year that make me impove)
- Duox (ranking up the wrong way)
- Lunasa (Improve)
Mashima Himeko
He pro

He pro


<4:Milo Penguin>
I like milo

He pro

The real pro


I like this guy

AMQ god


<1:shimon> laju gila ksi besar lagi pp ko tu
<2:wuhua> tiba2 comeback budu gila
<3:Zeph2003> janganlah ko main tu private server sini ko datang bancho
<4:riwoto> astaga macam si simon sama addam dulu
<5:Chiyuu> minum lagi tu milk pepsi kena kau kancho
<6:Banner> kenapa ko ndak main lagi banyak tournament buduu
<7:Chibi Maruko> gila ni orang aku ingat dia aim sjak mantap
<8:cloud_chaser02> ntah la mana suda dia ni
<9:haruchi> sia rindu dia tapi dia ndak rindu sia
<10:LouisZpro> suka pelik2 ni orang tontolou

Sabahan rejoice.

Gotta be honest its a little hard this year for me to vote but i try my best, all my votes are based on what ive seen myself from leaderboards and tournaments matcher but have not dug deeper am apology if it doesnt make sense UUUEEEE

Honourable mentions:
Chibi Maruko

Laphii eroje enjoyer, Lunasa, doggo, Chibi Maruko, addam, riwoto, shaneliang, DuoX

Honorable mentions: MyScoreSucks, Addam, Haruchi, iraozm, Maopo, GodKnows
Honestly when I was playing during 2020, Malaysia wasn't that well known until wuhua showed them. Shimon, who has dethroned wuhua from #1, was the first ever for me, and other malaysian to see someone pull such skill to an extended amount until there is it, first 1kpp Malaysia on United (L.A.O.S Remix) [Eternity]. It was such a hype for me and others malaysian players. Shredding speed so hard he would be the first Malaysian to reached top 10 global. To me and others, shimon is still a player who keep pushing boundaries of speed, setting Yami no Mahou Shoujo [Extra] First DT FC with good acc. Would love to see him grind more in the next year if he want.

OMT22 Champion. Beside that, he has solid hardrock and DT skillsets that can match some other top players. He performed really well on tournament such us o!BAM2, reaching 2nd and some score such as Kuusou Mesorogiwi [Prophecy] 1x miss. Overall good player.

Beast on tournament, and one of the consistency tourney player on Malaysia. Able to play many widely type of map with hidden and set a good scores too. Wuhua's also an inspiration for me to push harder for tournament during 2020-21. He also good with alt/slider map then put it with HR/DT, proceed to fc them easily like Dohna Dohna no Uta (Game Ver.) [Ijiyan!]. He really is, a GOAT during his prime.

COOL STREAMER I LOVE HIM. Joke aside, ever since Hippo Cup 5, I tried to comfort him since we got comeback'd from 4-1 to 4-5. Since then, when he streams on twitch, I watch. I really love his personality personally because he's fun to watch.
Content aside, He's really good versatile player, with his specialty NoMod and Hardrock, and his stream flow aim, he could demolished many stream map such as Night of Winterlight, his first 600pp score. With Fire and Sword [HOMAM] with hardrock, Louder than Steel [Nino] and many more. Also a good tournament consistency player although he sometime got lower qual seed :tf:. Pilk is love, pilk is life. Amiin.

One of the first few player I consult. Good overall players in both personality and skill-wise for tournament. Also an EZ player that some scores are just too good.

Cool stream players ngl. Relatable Blue Zenith choke in the end. His Painters choke was so sad but really good run. He could go much further even with mouse.

bro get on bancho. Anyway he's really really good with hidden. Most of his scores were offline or private but overall, His skill are godly.

Eroge topplay banger ong frfr. Really good bumpy-jumpy DT player. Could go much higher if he can play Hidden :tf:.

<9:Chibi Maruko>
Yall been sleeping on this guy :yawn: :yawn:. Jokes aside, really good aimer

Bro is a jumper and Alt-player

Honourable Mentions:
inugami korone

i will not elaborate on my vote

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