
Teaching my sister. (and other stuff) Halp ._.

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My sister saw me playing osu!, asked me to teach her. Ok, no problem.
First day, she only played on the touchpad(she doesn't use a mouse). Second day, she tried mouse again, instantly got better scores.
Now the trouble:
She keeps trying to play 3-4 stars musics(shouldn't have downloaded musics i know she likes...), failing times and times in a row, ends with an D score every game...

So, maybe it's good that she doesn't give up, but she's trying too hard, and trying to "put the bulls in front of the wagon"(an saying around here).
Any tips on making her at least get better accuracy before playing on normal, or is this normal...

PS:An part of this is because i normally don't go along so well with her... Like, sleeping in the same room but only talking if needed.
She's outgoing, so its more on my side. I even consider my cousin more of a sister than her, so I'm trying to change this. It's ridiculous to not go along with your sister :o :x :cry: :| :o :x :cry: :| :o :x :cry: :|

PS2:She's playing on my computer, she has another account. Any chance of me being caught as using multi-accounts? Why someone would do that? If it's forbidden there's someway to abuse it!? I can only think of escaping a ban, but for me that's somenthing else...
Just have her explore the game naturally. Everyone has their own way of getting better of osu!.

@ PS: I hope you can get along with your sister in the long-term, that really sucks.
@ PS2: As long as you're truly siblings, then you should be fine.
i would say show her the ClariS maps those were the ones i was shown when i first started OSU or find some songs that she might like and kinda explain that the 3 and 4 stars will have to wait a little untill she gets the other stuff down. Fairy Tail Daisy x or w.e is a nice song to start with. she probably saw how awesome the 3 and 4 star maps are but if she enjoys playing them theres nothing wrong she will just have to kinda learn from square 3 instead of 1 like easy maps
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She studies on mornings, and i on afternoons, so we only "talk" on night. Maybe i could try to install osu! on her netbook*(are small notebooks called this outta there? atom processors and the like?), but then she would play alone... Playing together is good, way more fun '-'
And yes she is my true sister, and no, I'm not trying anything like oreimo lololololol. Just tought this would be a perfect chance to change how things are going.
*also not sure it would even work... it can't run an gba emulator, then a 120fps game... lawl

Will look 'em, maybe finding easier maps which she like will do the trick too.

See ya :)
I had tons of trouble with even 3 star maps for a long time, until I found out that I was handicapped by my equipments and settings (more details in my userpage for those who are bored interested). So other than finding her easier maps to play with, you might wanna do some reading in the Gameplay & Ranking forums about what mouse settings are more suitable etc.
I started out doing 4Star normal maps and getting D too. But luckily I also had some easy maps to do(Watched some nice amount of popular anime ftw?). If she is only using Mouse to play I suggest that she switch to Keyboard+Mouse play. Things got MUCH easier for me(for easy maps) when I switched to keyboard.

If it doesn't work out you can always try the Easy diff of the songs that are/were popular(Bad apple etc)
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