
I hate streams I don't get better

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Wise Monster
I do remember that I practiced a lot

and muscle memory does not stay and I do not gain stamina

try various ways

Do you think it's genetic?

how some improve quickly on stream.
and one has a hard time or it is more genetics prevents you from improving


if now I realize that I will always be bad in the stream and it was the only thing I could not improve on

Do you recommend doing something to improve?
its genetic
play more lol
im bad at improving streams and I still play them, wanna know why? cause I like playing stream maps.

if you think you are bad at improving on streams then a solution to improving for you is to "play more stream maps until you get gud"

or at least that's how I did it.

Aizuuya wrote:

its genetic

dPeace wrote:

play more lol
The duality of osu!
Just keep playing stream maps lol it's that simple

XdreamawayX wrote:

Aizuuya wrote:

its genetic

dPeace wrote:

play more lol
The duality of osu!
If you play more you will eventually get better, but the rate at which you do get better from playing is determined by genetics.

For example, mine when it comes to stream ability is incredibly slow because of genetics. My hands just aren't fast even though I have like 70% of my hours into streams. OP probably has the same issue of improving so slowly to the point it seems you should be able to do something else to improve other than just playing, but alas, there isn't. Just gotta keep grinding even if other people can get to your level within less than half your hours.

Still pisses me off any time I see some bozo who joined like 1 year ago with like 300 hours and is better than me at streams and speed.
dung eater
play more and care a lot, put in effort, put in effort to learn how.

you don't get to blame genetics untill you have put in effort and know how you put in effort was optimal and only limited by unrecoivable hereditary factors (pretty much never, unless you have some genetic disorders).

idk that-s the kind of dreamland i live in, believe what you want.
start slowly from the bpm that you know for sure you can manage, and then work your way up to higher bpm -- keep practicing and putting the efforts and you will get there!
Health is more important than genetics imo. Most people have decent enough genetics to get to at least 4 digit if they put the hours in. Most people can get a six pack and build a large amount of muscle to look better than 99% of people without too much effort. However most dont have the knowlege to get there.
p r a c t i c e

And by practice, I don't mean play stream maps you obviously can't play or play useless stream practice maps that go in a square, I mean play realistic stream maps that you can at least pass and then work your way up and try to pass more challenging stream maps. When you practice streaming you also have to practice the flow aim that comes with it.

But with that being said, if you don't have the motivation or drive to actually become better and increase your skill you'll just end up like me, decaying and becoming stagnant. Because why spend countless hours playing stream maps when some jump map will give the same or more PP and is half the length or shorter?
Shred the fuck out of this game, play offline if u have to incase playing farm is too enticing. Play maps that are hard to play and go from there

this applies to any skillset really
you could try learning EZ, that might be fun
Topic Starter
Wise Monster

Simon12 wrote:

you could try learning EZ, that might be fun
If you dont play streams you won't get better

bathbombman wrote:

If you dont play streams you won't get better
Yeah this is basically it. Just play more stream maps to get better at it.
just do bursts first it's gonna be easier
skill issue genetics issue you suck

maybe just dont be racist and god or smth you believe will allow you to stream well

kujubuo wrote:

skill issue genetics issue you suck

maybe just dont be racist and god or smth you believe will allow you to stream well
That's kinda funny

-Remi wrote:

kujubuo wrote:

skill issue genetics issue you suck

maybe just dont be racist and god or smth you believe will allow you to stream well
That's kinda funny
Lmao mods had to make his reason for silence specific
Topic Starter
Wise Monster

kujubuo wrote:

skill issue genetics issue you suck

maybe just dont be racist and god or smth you believe will allow you to stream well
yes thanks for reminding me absolutely irrelevant to the topic
and thanks for ruining the thread

although it is clear that some dedicate themselves to everything except helping.

enter a publication with the mere fact

to create controversy and being totally irrelevant to the topic intentionally posting that.

they already judged me at the time
and sanctioned

So for what purpose do you do it?

totally irrelevant like so stop doing it

That would count as a personal attack under the forum rules.

I do not defend myself, just be more reasonable to the publication

Wise Monster wrote:

kujubuo wrote:

skill issue genetics issue you suck

maybe just dont be racist and god or smth you believe will allow you to stream well
yes thanks for reminding me absolutely irrelevant to the topic
and thanks for ruining the thread

although it is clear that some dedicate themselves to everything except helping.

enter a publication with the mere fact

to create controversy and being totally irrelevant to the topic intentionally posting that.

they already judged me at the time
and sanctioned

So for what purpose do you do it?

totally irrelevant like so stop doing it

That would count as a personal attack under the forum rules.

I do not defend myself, just be more reasonable to the publication
As much as I agree with you, you don't really come off as some sort of badass with this poem

Just ignore it and move along, it's not too big of a deal. A single person cannot 'ruin' a thread; that requires the effort of either several people, or the poster himself. Judging from the way you responded, you've done exactly that.

Back on Topic:

There are two key components to dissect streaming into:
BPM (tapping), and Aim.

The aim component is something that comes naturally, you don't really need to train that specifically, but it's still very important.

To build tapping, just start off playing practice stream maps around 170BPM, and gradually go up. You don't have to play those constantly, just practice it here and there, during your daily sessions.
Stamina is gained through similar means, the more you play, the better your muscle memory and overall stamina will be.
You can use longer stream maps as a benchmark for your progress.

Try these maps:

beatmapsets/1414107#osu/2921706 <-- very short, but fun
beatmapsets/993306#osu/2077354 <-- " "
Topic Starter
Wise Monster
There is precisely something called controversy and the change of subject has already ruined the atmosphere.

and that person with little intelligence does not understand that I have already been judged and punished.

even though according to him he should be judged for life and be exhibited before everyone.

and it was clearly a personal attack 0 related to the post
that should not even exist here due to its null relationship with the topic

it doesn't matter anymore thanks to those who lent their advice and help

Wise Monster wrote:

There is precisely something called controversy and the change of subject has already ruined the atmosphere.
bro ur literally racist that's enough to "ruin the atmosphere" 😭😭😭
play low bpm stream maps (140 BPM or lower) is the exact solution. And don't play deathstreams.
Topic Starter
Wise Monster

THETM wrote:

play low bpm stream maps (140 BPM or lower) is the exact solution. And don't play deathstreams.

ok thanks

Wise Monster wrote:

There is precisely something called controversy and the change of subject has already ruined the atmosphere.

and that person with little intelligence does not understand that I have already been judged and punished.

even though according to him he should be judged for life and be exhibited before everyone.

and it was clearly a personal attack 0 related to the post
that should not even exist here due to its null relationship with the topic

it doesn't matter anymore thanks to those who lent their advice and help
The atmosphere has only changed negatively for you.

This thread only became controversial after you wrote your poem nagging about it, if you played along like everyone else did, this thread would have been fine. Don't blame others for your own mistake.

Nobody actually hates you for being racist in #spanish, it's just a funny screenshot that kujubuo presented for the laughs.

If you really think it's a rule breaking, personal attack, you should ask a GMT to check it out.

I do agree with you on the absence of relevance part, however.
Duck o-o
My racism ruined the atmosphere nyooooooo ;-;;-;
Topic Starter
Wise Monster

Dementedduck wrote:

My racism ruined the atmosphere nyooooooo ;-;;-;
yes, how smart you realized
Duck o-o

Wise Monster wrote:

Dementedduck wrote:

My racism ruined the atmosphere nyooooooo ;-;;-;
yes, how smart you realized
bro im gonna get racist if u take that tone with me, ill have u know im the ceo of racism

Dementedduck wrote:

Wise Monster wrote:

Dementedduck wrote:

My racism ruined the atmosphere nyooooooo ;-;;-;
yes, how smart you realized
bro im gonna get racist if u take that tone with me, ill have u know im the ceo of racism
thats me but ok
It's not genetics, I'm pretty sure about that. I think most people just don't know how to practice or don't put enough effort into it.

At least Stamina/Speed should be very grindable with squarestream maps. And low bpm deathstreams are super beneficial to practice, too. Just make an extremely conscious effort to high acc and try to be as close to the centre of the acc metre as possible. You'll be surprised how much more stamina you drain when you try that and how much more efficient your training will be as a result. If you can high acc something, you're ready to move up.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking "this is too slow, this is boring", or "I keep overstreaming, this is too slow, so I'll just play faster bpms". That's dodging the issue. Get the fingercontrol, it's worth it.

Edit: Even less people know how to warm up, so you likely can't even estimate your stamina, cause you don't even know what it truly is, yet..

-Remi wrote:

Dementedduck wrote:

Wise Monster wrote:

Dementedduck wrote:

My racism ruined the atmosphere nyooooooo ;-;;-;
yes, how smart you realized
bro im gonna get racist if u take that tone with me, ill have u know im the ceo of racism
thats me but ok
The british and the aussies are two sides of the same coin
Topic Starter
Wise Monster

Kyomaku wrote:

It's not genetics, I'm pretty sure about that. I think most people just don't know how to practice or don't put enough effort into it.

At least Stamina/Speed should be very grindable with squarestream maps. And low bpm deathstreams are super beneficial to practice, too. Just make an extremely conscious effort to high acc and try to be as close to the centre of the acc metre as possible. You'll be surprised how much more stamina you drain when you try that and how much more efficient your training will be as a result. If you can high acc something, you're ready to move up.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking "this is too slow, this is boring", or "I keep overstreaming, this is too slow, so I'll just play faster bpms". That's dodging the issue. Get the fingercontrol, it's worth it.

Edit: Even less people know how to warm up, so you likely can't even estimate your stamina, cause you don't even know what it truly is, yet..
That might make sense I'll take the slower and more boring path I think that should give results if I do it correctly from the bottom

and thank you all for your advice and help

Wise Monster wrote:

I do remember that I practiced a lot

and muscle memory does not stay and I do not gain stamina

try various ways

Do you think it's genetic?

how some improve quickly on stream.
and one has a hard time or it is more genetics prevents you from improving


if now I realize that I will always be bad in the stream and it was the only thing I could not improve on

Do you recommend doing something to improve?

watch the video linked above. Yeah so if you started learning to stream with a bad mindset like say you feel fear when the stream is approaching so you tense up everytime a stream appears you are obviously going to fail the stream or hit it inaccurately. I have the exact same problem and its really really difficult to break past that mental wall. However I do believe with enough diligence and practice and perhaps reprogramming your mind to not tense up when you see a stream.

Also yea genetics play a significant role in your ability to learn and master streams. Some people just don't naturally have the dexterity and hand eye coordination to be able to accurately hit very difficult streams. I am one of those people actually, after 5-6 years of osu! I still can't even do 180bpm streams consistent whatsoever. Theres a reason that people are impressed by the abilities of Whitecat, bunnylikemoney, and Rektygon its because what these players can do is extremely difficult and requires a shit ton of practice for the avg person even people with good genetics have to work hard at streams to master them, and therefore impressive. You will not learn how to stream in a week, a few weeks or even a month, its gonna take months of tireless practice to even master the basics especially if you got unlucky with genetics. It might be wise to make your goals more realistic like fc some burst or short stream maps and then try to gradually move up from there. ALso having a bad mindset like this (I also have a shit mindset look at my profile lol), cannot help you with improving. A negative mental attitude will almost certainly stiffle any improvement you might otherwise by practicing effectively.

Good luck!
Happy Satoko
If you try all of the common advice and still struggle, it's probably genetic. I had to spend 10x the time as other people to improve at streams at all, and if I stopped practicing them or took too long of a break, my skill would reset and I'd have to start all over again. And even with all of the effort I'd put in, I was still slow. I don't think it would have been impossible to get faster, but this game just isn't worth the time and effort for me anymore. If you love the game, then the practice is worth it, and you can improve, but be realistic.
Topic Starter
Wise Monster
Now I have fun with other games.

osu is still there sometimes I play it a couple of times a month for some reason.

I could go back but I prefer to play other games that entertain me more, everything dies over time for me osu it stopped being fun, I was obsessed enough with him in his time, If I want to waste my time osu is not the choice This question is from 2 years ago xd
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