
eufonius - wonder

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I'm first!


It's eufonius beatmap. <3

Nice song and nice map.

Star it.
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kiioukiou<--\(^o^)/thx for your modding on IRC
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azuki<--ヽ(⌒~⌒)ノthx for your modding on IRC
Nice song, a few suggestions ^^

01:22:29 (7,8,9,10) - I wouldn't try to confuse players like this in a relaxing difficulty. Well... it's not really that confusing, but since its a relaxing diff maybe just stack 7.8 on top of each other as well at 9, 10.
01:25:04 (3,4) - This kind of breaks the pace stack on top like this. I'd space 4 further away from 3 rather than on top. It doesn't feel as awkward.

02:50:29 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I'd map these just as single jumps, the doubles do go to well with the lyrics.

I like this song ^^
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yeah i love this song~
Oh what happened to your Yukkuri avatar D:

  1. 00:23:29 (2) - Suggestion: Add a clap to the reverse arrow of the slider, but take away the clap at 00:24:04 (3).
  2. 00:36:29 (3) - Add a finish at the start of this slider.
  3. 01:00:29 (1) thru 01:07:04 (4) - Suggestion: This sounds great with the custom Normal hit sound. Imo, it would sound better if it went all the way throughout the song with the custom Normal sounds starting at 01:08:79 (3) and ending somewhere at 01:30:29 (7).
  1. 00:51:29 (3) - This note is kind of cut off from the bottom ;_;
  2. 02:42:04 (3) - ^ ;_;
  3. 03:00:29 (1,2,3) - Suggestion: Maybe add the soft whistles here like in Relaxing?
Custom hitsounds used in Relaxing but not in Challenging? D: Oh wellz, it's fine~ :3

Great job!!
Awesome map n_n
Combo mod:
00:17:29 (1,3) - I kind of want to add the new combo to 3 instead of 1 since the pause in the lyrics happens in the middle of 00:17:54 (2)
01:57:29 (7,1) - add the new combo to 7 instead of 1? (same reasoning as 00:17:29 (1,3))

Combo mod:
00:29:29 (1) - remove new combo because it doesn't sound like it fits, I think 00:29:79 (3) is a better candidtate to put a new combo on.

Nice map. Star.
nice work gdeath!
very nice map... i loved the jumps °¬°

Star ;)
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00:07:04 (4) - Whistle on reversepoint.
00:13:79 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:18:04 (1) - ^
02:20:04 (5) - New combo.
03:01:045 (x) - Add a note with whistle here.


00:34:29 (1,2,3,4) - These jumps are so out of place, remove them.
00:44:29 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
00:50:79 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
00:52:29 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
00:59:79 (1,2) - NO, remove.
01:00:29 (1,2,3,4,5) - These jumps are so out of place, remove them.
01:15:79 (1,2) - NO, remove.
01:23:54 (1,2,3) - ^
01:44:04 (1,2,3) - ^
01:48:04 (1,2,3) - ^
01:52:29 (1,2,3,4) - Unintuitive, change/remove..
02:00:04 (10,1) - From 10 to 1 is too big jump, change it by putting (1) on (2)'s place and then (2) on (1)'s place.
02:02:29 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5) - Remove these jumps.
02:10:29 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
02:17:79 (1,2) - Unintuitive, change/remove..
02:33:79 (1,2) - No.

I only noticed the bad jumps now, try to stop adding too many 1/2 jumps in your maps.

The rest of the map is fun and I like the song.
Starred *
00:18:045 (1) , remove new combo
00:32:045 (3) , new combo and 把这slider分成三拍,来回那种(i'm so sorry for my poor english :<)
01:31:545 (8) , in the end of this slider , how about change no volume ?
03:00:295 (5,6,7) , remove them

00:52:045 , why dont add a circle here?
01:18:045 (1) , remove new combo
01:26:045 (1) , ^
02:58:170 (2) , remove it
03:00:045 , add a circle here
03:00:295 (1,2,3) , remove them

it's just some suggestion for you , hope you will understand :D

and Starred
mod on IRC
nice map
star and another kudosu star for you!
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jamesleao wrote:

00:18:045 (1) , remove new combo
00:32:045 (3) , new combo and 把这slider分成三拍,来回那种(i'm so sorry for my poor english :<)
01:31:545 (8) , in the end of this slider , how about change no volume ?
03:00:295 (5,6,7) , remove them

00:52:045 , why dont add a circle here?
01:18:045 (1) , remove new combo
01:26:045 (1) , ^
02:58:170 (2) , remove it
03:00:045 , add a circle here
03:00:295 (1,2,3) , remove them

it's just some suggestion for you , hope you will understand :D

and Starred
thanks for your modding~

Breeze wrote:

mod on IRC
nice map
star and another kudosu star for you!
thanks for your modding and KDS.breeze~>A<
Yea ! My turn to mod ! I hope you don't mind me speaking english ? (typing is much faster for me )

Anyway, let's start. Note : I mod by test-playing them.

General Mod :
1. eufonius or Euphonius ?
2. Source and tag ? Or this map doesn't have one ? XD
3. Why your osb file is wonder while other osu file is Wonder ? I don't know what is this, XD, so better ask someone who knows. XD


Note : Let me say sorry first for the following nazi and stupid mod, but for this kind of slow map that emphasize on beauty and smoothness, I think these are necessary. You may skip this if you don't like nazi mod. XD

Play mod :
Yes, this is very good. Nice and smooth to play. No problem in spacing, design or whatsoever. HOWEVER, there are some parts of it looks ugly, mainly the minor spacing problem... Let me point out some examples for you...

00:10:04 (5) -
00:10:79 (8) -
00:12:79 (2,3) -
00:14:79 (9) -
00:16:04 (1,2,3) -
00:17:54 (6) -

These are still ok... Sorry to be Nazi, but the following parts are really intolerable (to me at least XD)
00:48:04 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -
00:53:29 (1,2,3) -
01:44:54 (3) -
01:48:54 (3) -
02:11:29 (1,2,3) -
02:25:04 (9) -
02:30:29 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
02:32:79 (8,9) -
02:38:29 (1,2,3) -
02:48:04 (1,2,3,4,5) -
02:52:29 (1,2,3) -
02:52:29 (1,2,3) - This one must fix !

Actually there are A LOT of minor inconsistent spacing ugly-ness. If you want your map to be perfect and beautiful looking, I suggest you nazi your own map for 1 time and fix those minor spacing inconsistencies.

Beauty NAZI Mod :
01:38:04 (4) - Please make this slider end more beautiful.
01:56:54 (6) - Not parallel. Ugly.
02:20:29 (2) - ^
02:47:29 (5) - Arrange this properly

02:37:29 (4) - not curve enough. XD

Other than that, I must praise you for this difficulty. It is one of the most smooth normal map that I encounter. Good job.


Nothing wrong with the difficulty. So, here goes beauty nazi mod. All are just suggestions though, feel free to ignore me.
00:14:79 (5,6,7,8) - Too left ? Because scoreboard will obscure this. Not recommended to put here though. XD
00:52:29 (1,2,3) - This jump and this jump 00:53:29 (1,2,3) is un-even in distance. Please make them have the same jump distance.
00:54:29 (1,2,3) - Why 1 & 2 is longer than 2 & 3 ? Uneven jump is ugly.
01:01:04 (4) - Are you trying to make a hexagon ? If so, suggest you re-positioning this to make the shape more beautiful.
01:48:04 (1,2,3) - Jump is too small compared to 01:44:04 (1,2,3) -
02:03:79 (3) - Uneven jump and triangle compared to 02:02:79 (3) -
02:04:29 (1,2,3,4) - Ugly shape and jump.
02:11:92 (4,5) - Why this is different from 02:10:92 (4,5) ?
02:39:67 (5,6) - Ugly, not parallel with 02:40:04 (1)

I didn't finish test-playing this difficulty because I died too much on the constant jump. XD

Comment : The challenging difficulty is challenging lol. If you fix some beauty nazi stuff, this map could be very PRETTY and wonderful. XD

Nice map, style and song ! Star ! Good job gdeath ! I really like the Relaxing.

Nazi-ed by :
Offset: 6 293? It sounds better for me then.
Resnap all notes on all difficulties.
  1. 00:09:79 (4) - Too nazi but, stack it manually on (3)s end,
  2. 00:24:04 (3) - Too nazi but, stack it manually on (2)s end.
  1. Fine.
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Your map is lovely. Really nicely done.


  • · Just perfect.

  • · 00:52:295 (1,2) - This doesn't have the same distance as 00:53:295(1,2) and (1,2,3,4,5) then.
    · 00:59:295 (6) - How 'bout a clap there?
    · 02:58:295 - Maybe add a note there? If so, rearrange (4) or put new combo in it.
[General stuff]

It's flawless!

Here a star.
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alvisto<<---pretty nice mod!fixed some parts^^

SteRRuM<<---i think my offset is no problem.thanks for your modding^^

Lissette<<---00:49:29 - i need add whistle here.if i fix it as your favouite,no note is here and i can not add hitsound in this i dont fix it.really thanks for your modding^^

nullPointLOL<<---nice mod!all fixed^^
Good map~ I was fine with all of it.

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Mystearica wrote:

Good map~ I was fine with all of it.
thank you,tears :)
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v2b wrote:

00:51:29 (3) - offscreen
02:42:04 (3) - ^
all fixed.thanks for your modding~v2b>O<
I like soft soft song >A<

you add toooooooo much extra claps i suggest remove all claps
because you already use the custom sound in those parts which claps fit
before 00:35 claps don`t fit (only soft whistles fit)
00:42:29 (1,2,3) - soft-whistle or finish
01:07:54 (1,2,3) - clap clap clap XD
01:32:29 (1,2,3,4) - XD
try to remove all claps anyway
usually too many hitsounds don`t sound better

I think you should follow Relaxing`s hitsounds
Relaxing`s hitsounds are much better
00:37:04 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - This part is good normalhit+clap fit
Normal whistle wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (don`t use it in this song plz)

It`s up to you anyway

01:36:29 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - omg Mystearica mapped this i guess wwwwww
star~ :)
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Alace wrote:

I like soft soft song >A<

you add toooooooo much extra claps i suggest remove all claps
because you already use the custom sound in those parts which claps fit
before 00:35 claps don`t fit (only soft whistles fit)
00:42:29 (1,2,3) - soft-whistle or finish
01:07:54 (1,2,3) - clap clap clap XD
01:32:29 (1,2,3,4) - XD
try to remove all claps anyway
usually too many hitsounds don`t sound better

I think you should follow Relaxing`s hitsounds
Relaxing`s hitsounds are much better
00:37:04 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - This part is good normalhit+clap fit
Normal whistle wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (don`t use it in this song plz)

It`s up to you anyway

01:36:29 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - omg Mystearica mapped this i guess wwwwww
Alace sensei>A<
so pro.all fixed.i think it sounds much better than before\(^o^)/

satosid <<---thank for your star ^^
Though [Relaxing] difficulty has 4.5 stars, but IMO it isn't that hard since notes are equally placed, star kious sometimes anyway.

Awesome work, Bubbled.
Cyril Scarlet
Fun rankable map!
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