
Twitch Intergration

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +943
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Hmm. I have recently seen that Mojang implemented streaming in Minecraft. Usually when I stream Minecraft I drop a lot of frames but that never happened. I was thinking, could osu! have that feature. Or would that not be allowed???? I think it is a good idea, just depends if it could happen.
- Marco -
would be great...
We already kinda have one.
He means that game would set up itself a broadcast, and stream over to twitch.
I only support this then if twitch chat would be visible in-game.

Mara wrote:

I only support this then if twitch chat would be visible in-game.
Chatting on osulive and #osu? Yes pls :>

Mara wrote:

I only support this then if twitch chat would be visible in-game.
That would only bring even more aids in osu chats _Dd Ddad
Topic Starter
Yeah twitch chat would be good also, but that could take some work to do. It would be easier to just broadcast right from osu! itself without a client like OBS or Xsplit

Mara wrote:

I only support this then if twitch chat would be visible in-game.
By this I think you mean that you could monitor your twitch chat in game with something like a #stream channel? If so, then yes this would be an amazing idea, it'd make it a lot easier to monitor and reply to chat with this. I also know for definite that the twitch chat works with IRC clients and so I can only assume that it'd be possible to integrate into the game.

EDIT: Also Thor, surely integrating this chat would be easier than the game setting up a stream for the user? Software like OBS are not hard to use, and there are even countless guides out there to help one set up their stream on these software, so it'd just be a waste of time and resources to implement it within Osu! itself.
Wander Away

Mara wrote:

I only support this then if twitch chat would be visible in-game.
Although I don't think that we'll need this too much since...well I personally (sorry for the crowd out there) open up twitch dashboard every time I stream. Or at least try to :c
OBS has stopped working on my new Windows 8.1 computer
Since osu! already uses the IRC protocol for the in-game chat, it shouldn't be that hard to implement Twitch chat into the game.
I actually want this feature to be implemented, with or without the actual livestreaming capability.

Soarezi wrote:

Mara wrote:

I only support this then if twitch chat would be visible in-game.
That would only bring even more aids in osu chats _Dd Ddad
Just combine #spectator and twitch chat into one. Then make it so that you can use it with both osu and twitch client.
Never used #minecraft but i heard it works that way. Would be nice

Mara wrote:

I only support this then if twitch chat would be visible in-game.
I think a #streamchat would be a great idea
I've thought about doing this for quite some time. It's on my "would-love-to-do" list :P.
- Marco -
please peppy do this
Topic Starter
Peppy, please do it. I would love for you to do it too :3 <3
Î want it too(and I want give you a star but It's bugging )
I was thinking about this today as well, seeing twitch integration a lot lately in games (Path of Exile, Minecraft, and some other indie titles) I play in full screen and I only have one monitor so it's more of a hassle (first world problems) to have the chat in the background and everything when I stream. so having a chat ingratiation would be awesome
I thought about this when I was playing Minecraft and I think it would be an amazing feature. I think it would help promote the game as well assuming that more people stream. Also the #streamchat thing would be a great thing to implement as well. :)
First out i would like to say, i would love to be able to view the twitch chat ingame and for this you have my support! :)

However i am not interested in streaming implemented into the game as i dont see how it will provide as many options as streaming software do without a significant amount of effort put into developing it. (alas im not a programmer so i might just be throwing guesses here but.. Since there are software developed for streaming i dont see why effort should be put into competing with them or try to substitute them)

This streaming implemented into games or consoles.. It's everywhere and im not against your idea specifically, im just not a fan in general ;(

It already takes some effort to set up a stream properly in terms of audio video and bitrate settings, options for secondary audio and video sources and perhaps overlays.. I think at least these options should be available. If people really want to stream please put enough effort into it, or if you wont, just send people your replays or ask them to spectate.

Sorry if i came off harsh, and i hope it is not against any forum rule. (bringing up my own opinions in someone elses thread)
I might just be a grumpy streamer who won't appreciate the competition ^^
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iaceo wrote:

First out i would like to say, i would love to be able to view the twitch chat ingame and for this you have my support! :)

However i am not interested in streaming implemented into the game as i dont see how it will provide as many options as streaming software do without a significant amount of effort put into developing it. (alas im not a programmer so i might just be throwing guesses here but.. Since there are software developed for streaming i dont see why effort should be put into competing with them or try to substitute them)

This streaming implemented into games or consoles.. It's everywhere and im not against your idea specifically, im just not a fan in general ;(

It already takes some effort to set up a stream properly in terms of audio video and bitrate settings, options for secondary audio and video sources and perhaps overlays.. I think at least these options should be available. If people really want to stream please put enough effort into it, or if you wont, just send people your replays or ask them to spectate.

Sorry if i came off harsh, and i hope it is not against any forum rule. (bringing up my own opinions in someone elses thread)
I might just be a grumpy streamer who won't appreciate the competition ^^
Minecraft was clever, and enabled people who had PC's not capable of streaming able to stream without a frame drop. That is why I requested that.
- Marco -

Thor wrote:

enabled people who had PC's not capable of streaming able to stream without a frame drop. That is why I requested that.
I agree

marcostudios wrote:

Thor wrote:

enabled people who had PC's not capable of streaming able to stream without a frame drop. That is why I requested that.
I agree
I SURE AM LOOKING FORWARD TO SEE EVEN MORE CANCEROUS STREAMS. the pc requirement pretty much filters out the most of the kids that dont have a fucking clue what they're up to/retards. so having this would in no way improve anything, and as iaceo was mentioning, it would be better to just have a chat implemented. now, those are my two cents as a blessed person from a medium wealth family, obviously there would be pros to this. i mean ofcourse we MUST be missing out on good streamers because of having the mean pc requirements that streaming takes. this could potentionally be something to look forward to. tho i would think we'd need some improvements to the live streaming page as this would make lots of lots of more streamers that want to try it out. as in improvements id like to see filters, such as ranks/viewers/quality. /rant.
Topic Starter

Nyari wrote:

I SURE AM LOOKING FORWARD TO SEE EVEN MORE CANCEROUS STREAMS. the pc requirement pretty much filters out the most of the kids that dont have a fucking clue what they're up to/retards. so having this would in no way improve anything, and as iaceo was mentioning, it would be better to just have a chat implemented. now, those are my two cents as a blessed person from a medium wealth family, obviously there would be pros to this. i mean ofcourse we MUST be missing out on good streamers because of having the mean pc requirements that streaming takes. this could potentionally be something to look forward to. tho i would think we'd need some improvements to the live streaming page as this would make lots of lots of more streamers that want to try it out. as in improvements id like to see filters, such as ranks/viewers/quality. /rant.
I don't think you are understanding, what I am trying to get at. This would allow people WITHOUT the necessary requirements to be able to partake in streaming. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT CAN'T STREAM THAT WOULD LOVE THIS FEATURE!!!
Uh, guys, calm down kay? Not everyone with bad computer = kid.

I know some pros in osu! who don't have good enough PC to stream, this would help them out a bit.

Thor wrote:

Nyari wrote:

I SURE AM LOOKING FORWARD TO SEE EVEN MORE CANCEROUS STREAMS. the pc requirement pretty much filters out the most of the kids that dont have a fucking clue what they're up to/retards. so having this would in no way improve anything, and as iaceo was mentioning, it would be better to just have a chat implemented. now, those are my two cents as a blessed person from a medium wealth family, obviously there would be pros to this. i mean ofcourse we MUST be missing out on good streamers because of having the mean pc requirements that streaming takes. this could potentionally be something to look forward to. tho i would think we'd need some improvements to the live streaming page as this would make lots of lots of more streamers that want to try it out. as in improvements id like to see filters, such as ranks/viewers/quality. /rant.
I don't think you are understanding, what I am trying to get at. This would allow people WITHOUT the necessary requirements to be able to partake in streaming. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT CAN'T STREAM THAT WOULD LOVE THIS FEATURE!!!
learn how to read the whole post before you comment on it.
Nyari I think you need to sort out your attitude here, you seem to think that what you call "cancerous streams" are for definite bad streams when in reality you are just stating your opinion. I understand that you're trying to make sure that bad streams don't start appearing if this feature gets implemented, but it's far too harsh to not even give them a chance. If the stream is bad, then it won't get watched and that will be the end of it, if it is good then the streamer will gain popularity and followers so your fear of a sudden influx of "retards" is misplaced.

Nyari wrote:

learn how to read the whole post before you comment on it.
EDIT: On another note, I'm sure Thor is perfectly capable of reading and has chosen to emphasise what he believes this feature can bring to Osu!, so don't speak down on people like that.
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Tekklorn wrote:

EDIT: On another note, I'm sure Thor is perfectly capable of reading and has chosen to emphasise what he believes this feature can bring to Osu!, so don't speak down on people like that.
See Tekklorn, it is people like you who we need to speak up more on osu! Thank you

Tekklorn wrote:

Nyari wrote:

learn how to read the whole post before you comment on it.
EDIT: On another note, I'm sure Thor is perfectly capable of reading and has chosen to emphasise what he believes this feature can bring to Osu!, so don't speak down on people like that.
please excuse me that i say something cause i know of a fact that he didn't read my whole post. I am aware that he didn't cause if he did, he wouldn't have responded like that.

Thor wrote:

Tekklorn wrote:

EDIT: On another note, I'm sure Thor is perfectly capable of reading and has chosen to emphasise what he believes this feature can bring to Osu!, so don't speak down on people like that.
See Tekklorn, it is people like you who we need to speak up more on osu! Thank you
i laughed the fuck out of this, cause he's doing the exact same thing as i am, but in a way it suits you.
Topic Starter
I know but it is making you understand the point also. Witch means he aided in this.

Thor wrote:

I know but it is making you understand the point also. Witch means he aided in this.
I'm pretty sure i understood the point from the beginning
Oh drama.. :9
I had a little look at what settings the built in Minecraft streaming offers (found an image, see spoilerbox)


I can't make complete sense of those settings.. bits per pixel and compression? don't they both represent the video quality? Usually you lower the resolution rather than pixel quality (bpp).

pixels per second = Width x Height x Frames per second

Then, divide the bitrate of your video by the pixels per second to get the bits per pixel (bpp):

Bits per pixel (bpp) = video bitrate / pixels per second
So he must be streaming at around 720p since he gives it 3500 bandwidth, if he did calculate what bandwidth would be required..
(1280x720x25x0.150 = 3456000 (bits/second) And this all took me more effort than it should to figure out.. and I'm still not certain if bandwidth is displaying bits or bytes) Yes i posted math, come at me bro
So far I've found it harder to figure out what is going on and would likely turn to trial and error for every setting myself (like he probably has.. 25fps and that quality ^^)
I do hope those are the preset settings.. That aside !

From the looks of it its still your computer doing the encoding/compression/whatever so I don't see why this would use up less resources than having a software developed for the purpose do it.. If actually running a second program for the purpose is what you're worried about i cant say OBS uses up much memory while its idle..

Increase in load for actually working should be the same as with minecraft.. (if not less, it's probably better developed; alas i cannot verify this)
So the only upside (i can see) with streaming support is making it easier to access?

I can't resist... If this ingame streaming enables streaming for people who usually could not stream minecraft (because of computer limitations), it's because you can't tell your stream is at 240p quality, partially due to the settings and.. Would any one notice?? Just look at the graphics............

Still would like twitch chat ingame though o/ support
- Marco -
there should be an auto setting in there...
I would actually love this feature. I would be streaming and so would people who use twitch/youtube.
It could possibly bring osu! even more traffic than it's getting now due to all the popularity on Twitch/

Kuchibiiru wrote:

I would actually love this feature. I would be streaming and so would people who use twitch/youtube.
It could possibly bring osu! even more traffic than it's getting now due to all the popularity on Twitch/
Coffee Hero
No thanks
I support.... Nyari's opinion on this suggestion.
To be most honest, I don't find this necessary. There are already programs which allow you to overlay Twitch chat over your game. Also, customization is grand with OBS and XSplit.
Sounds like a realy nice idea!

[ m a h o u ]
Great Idea!! :)
Shirai Kuroko
This would be really useful i think,I would give you my votes but i don't have any :(
I support it, if it will be only for "Osu Supporter"
because it's a really good idea but i think it's too expensive for free players or something, i don't know...
I Give Up
^ most streamers if not all are supporters anyway.

I'd even just settle for twitch chat integration. Both twitch and osu! use IRC protocol so this seems doable. In fact, this feature is already semi-complete as mods are able to join #spectate via IRC, while sadly regular players like me can only do this for public channels. If we could be allowed to join #spectate via IRC I could just use a copy/pasta bot to copy chat from twitch and paste it to #spectate. But a fully integrated twitch chat support is more preferable and user friendly to streamers.

This feature has my vote although peppy is already interested lol.
I've tried streaming osu before, my cheap 2006 ASUS laptop doesn't seem to like it when I try to stream.

However, I can stream minecraft with ease since Twitch is integrated, and minecraft is almost certainly more taxing on my laptop than osu is, so if there was Twitch integration it'd be nice...

EDIT: to be more clear, I don't own another computer, my laptop is the only thing I have, so this isn't me saying I'd like to stream on my laptop as well as my computer, I only have this piece of shit. Half the reason I started playing osu was because it was very easy to run, and since integrating Twitch takes no effort in most games, it'd only make people like me have easier access to streaming.
I support twitch/youtube chat integration in the osu client.

As for streaming the game through the client? I'm against it 100%.

I'm a streamer who plays Osu quite frequently. Xsplit is a paid streaming service but OBS is completely free. Streaming through the client would not only make the client size larger, but would also make your playing experience bad if you don't have the hardware and internet to back it up. As Osu is a free game, I imagine the majority of people who play it don't have a lot of money to throw around to play games. Perhaps a lot of you may play league of legends, which is also a free to play game. I'm not implying Osu is an inferior good, but merely showcasing that the majority of players don't have the hardware to support their computer doing a lot of things at once.
Having the required bitrate is also a factor. If you're living in 2018 with DSL internet, clearly you don't have the capacity to stream a game. If you're playing on a laptop with a weak or old CPU, not only are you literally destroying your hardware at a faster rate by trying to stream it due to the increased heat but you will also experience lag in the game AND in your stream. It's not some magical process.

On the streaming side of things, yes, I have watched some Osu streams. I've watched people with a couple hundred viewers, and also no viewers. Not all, but the majority of low view count streams include issues where there's no face/hand cam, (im shy xdd uwu) no microphone, a really quiet voice, or extremely limited interaction with the chat. Now, how are all of these things going to be implemented into the client? They're not.
I can tell you this: you might enjoy streaming for what it is, but no one is going to care about what you have to show on your stream unless you have something to offer. Would you watch an attractive naked streamer? Most people would. Would you watch a funny streamer? Most people would. Would you watch a near-pro level streamer? Most people would. What does your stream have to offer? None of these things. No one is going to care about your stream if you're naked but your camera is off, your mic is muted because the key presses are too loud or you're shy, and 99% of people don't care that your score got you ranked 11,000th out of 26,000 other people. Twitch is about interacting with your audience and I believe that just isn't possible with an in-client stream.

By having low quality streams with the factors listed above, not only does that make the game look bad, but a casual twitch viewer (who may not even play) won't want to watch a stream from a game that looks like it's barely functional. This will lead to the general consensus that the game is bad, poorly optimized and for an incredibly small niche of people.

TL;DR Your laptop is trash, don't even bother streaming the game. If you try, you will make all the other streams look bad.
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