
Kano - Irony

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年5月27日 at 18:35:44

Artist: Kano
Title: Irony
Tags: vocaloid scop Bilibili Douga
BPM: 180
Filesize: 21646kb
Play Time: 04:32
Difficulties Available:
  1. Banana's Hard (3.12 stars, 534 notes)
  2. Hard (2.73 stars, 394 notes)
  3. Normal (1.41 stars, 222 notes)
  4. one7th's insane (3.81 stars, 609 notes)
Download: Kano - Irony
Download: Kano - Irony (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Strongly suggest to play with video!

MAD(video)'s author: Caaaaarrot
( )
BG:pixiv ID=39164142
( ... d=39164142 )
my 1st beatmap
Hope you could enjoy Kano's sweet voice!
2013-11-25 13:54:04 fixed rhythm
2013-12-1 10:57:47 Thanks to Lust's mod!
2013-12-1 11:13:01 Started to work SB
2013-12-3 10:17:07 Updated the video with a smaller size
2013-12-3 22:52:13 Thanks for one7th's mod and GD!
2013-12-4 11:27:22 Delete my insane :( and combine it into hard
2013-12-7 0:08:43 Thanks for Banana's mod and GD!
2013-12-31 0:28:43 Thanks for KH's GD and back for pending since my final examnation :)
2014-2-9 19:17:54 Back for pending
2014-2-9 19:56:42 Changed GD's names
2014-3-28 13:49:34 Thanks for Kibbleru's mod!
2014-4-8 17:25:03 normal remap
2014-6-2 02:40:32 Ready for rank :) (hope)
2015-4-29 12:19:02 fix :(
3.我喜欢这首歌~ :D
01:08:431 - 1,2,3移至x:136 y:104
01:56:431 - 建议只折返一次
00:49:431 - 这里没有物件很空荡
00:52:098 - ^
03:00:431 - 加个note
03:01:098 - 这种方式最好不要用
很不错的图 :)
Topic Starter

TatsumiAlicekawa wrote:

1.Tags栏加上作曲者scop 修改ed
2.sliders的滑动音效用无声文件替代 将会在做SB的时候修改
3.我喜欢这首歌~ :D
01:08:431 - 1,2,3移至x:136 y:104 修改ed
01:56:431 - 建议只折返一次 后面的歌词要比之前长所以多折返一次=。=没有修改
00:49:431 - 这里没有物件很空荡 00:52:098 - 这里也没有note的,故意的啦
00:52:098 - ^
03:00:431 - 加个note 修改ed
03:01:098 - 这种方式最好不要用 修改ed(其实我自己也不喜欢
很不错的图 :)
thanks for your mod !
and I'll mod your map soon
from my queue. You asked me to mod insane, but honestly you need to fix your normal before anything else.

Please find a video with smaller size.

[Normal]Why have the beatsnap on 1/3? all your notes land 1/1s anyways

Major things I have noticed is your spacing. It is very poor and inconsistent in this difficulty. For a newer mapper mapping a normal, I suggest you use DS (distance snap) always and do not force notes in locations that do not need them to be. For example:
  1. 00:27:098 (1,2) - use DS here, make a blanket with 00:27:098 (1) (slider wraps around the note)
  2. 00:29:765 (1,2,3) - here spacing needs to be adjusted. maybe try something like this
  3. 00:32:431 (1,2,3,4) - again do not force these to be here, it will only confuse the player. even spacing is a requirement
  4. 00:37:765 (1,2,3) - ^ change the pattern so that every piece has equal spacing
  5. 00:47:098 (1) - this spinner does not belong here and is too long
  6. 00:44:431 (3,4) - ugly overlap and is avoidable
  7. 00:43:098 (1,2) - ^
  8. 01:03:098 (6) - NC here, try to follow the downbeat (the long white ticks) when coloring your combos
  9. 00:44:431 (3) - Out of order but same for here
  10. 01:04:431 (1,2) - check spacing
  11. 01:07:765 (5,1) - ^
  12. 01:08:431 (1,2,3,1) - weird overlap again (also try and not stack notes on easier difficulties like this)
  13. 01:09:765 (1,2,1,2) - this this this do NOT do this. it may seem good on paper but in play it wont work as well as you think. and why have 01:09:765 (1,2) going in opposite directions but not have 01:12:431 (1,2) doing the same? it only ruins the flow. if anything ctrl+g on 01:13:765 (2)
  14. 01:17:765 (1,2,3,4,5) - awkward, i would change this. straight flow is very weird and you have straight flow all over your map. reminds me of older maps xD
  15. 01:20:431 (1,2,3) - again spacing, do not force always use DS. you have uneven spacing for 1,2,3 and then use the actual spacing for 01:21:765 (3,4), what is the point in doing so? none other than to confuse the player
  16. 01:23:098 (1,2,3,4) - again
  17. 01:27:098 (2,3) - unrankable
  18. 01:28:431 (3,4,5,6) - why the long jump? makes no sense with the music and in normal does not fit
  19. 01:36:431 (1,2,3,4) - you know by now what is wrong
  20. For all of your long sliders, try using green lines to slower the slide speed.
  21. 01:44:431 (3,4,5) - mmm
  22. 01:50:431 (3,4,5,6) - bad flow. in your patterns try and make it so players can smoothly move their cursor along and not have to abruptly change their direction
  23. 01:55:098 (1,2,3) - so now you decide to use correct spacing, keep all the sliders like these
  24. 02:01:765 (9,10,11) - stacks that are unnecessary
  25. 03:24:431 (3) - I should also take the time to point out normal players are not going to be expecting more than one turn in a repeat slider. change all the repeat sliders with more than one turn is my suggestion
  26. 03:27:765 (4) - snap the kiai time on to this note, do not want kiai time going on in to the break
  27. 02:10:765 (1) - same with this, snap kiai on the the end of the spinner
  28. 03:27:765 - this will also give me a chance to point out how obnoxiously long this break is. map it out some more!
okay im done with that, by now you should be able to look through your map and see the problems with it. there are many so I highly suggest you look hard and apply distance snap to everything. Now lets fix these combo colors

  • NC=New combo
  1. 01:07:098 (3) - NC
  2. 01:11:098 (2) - ^
  3. 01:13:765 (2) - ^
  4. 01:16:431 (2) - ^
  5. 01:19:098 (4) - ^
  6. 01:27:098 (2) - ^
  7. 01:28:431 (1) - ^
  8. 01:29:765 (1) - ^
  9. 01:35:098 (2) - ^
  10. 01:37:765 (3) - ^
  11. 01:43:098 (2) - ^
  12. 01:44:431 (1) - ^
  13. 01:45:765 (3) - ^
  14. 01:46:431 (1) - Remove NC
  15. 01:47:098 (1) - NC here
  16. 01:47:765 (1) - Remove NC
  17. 01:48:431 (4) - NC
  18. 01:49:098 (1) - Remove NC
  19. 01:49:765 (1) - NC
  20. 01:51:098 (3) - Remove NC
  21. 01:59:098 (4) - NC
  22. 02:00:431 (4) - ^
  23. 02:01:765 (6) - NC
  24. 02:09:765 (3) - ^
  25. 02:25:765 (3) - ^
  26. 02:28:431 (3) - ^
  27. 02:31:098 (3) - ^
  28. 02:33:765 (3) - ^
  29. 02:44:431 (3) - ^
  30. 02:59:098 (3) - ^
  31. 03:01:098 (1) - Remove NC
  32. 03:01:765 (1) - NC
  33. 03:02:431 (1) - Remove NC
  34. 03:03:098 (3) - NC
  35. 03:15:098 (4) - ^
  36. 03:16:431 (6) - ^
  37. 03:21:765 (5) - ^
  38. 03:52:431 (2) - ^
  39. 03:56:431 (3) - ^
  40. 04:07:098 (3) - ^
  41. 04:09:765 (3) - ^
Since you did also ask me to look at insane, there are some parts that do need work. Mostly your combo colors, your patterns (blankets need to be prettier, flow needs to be better), and your rhythms. Look at other (ranked) insanes to see how they work!

ive done a lot already. apply what you have learned here to your other difficulties. if you need any help feel free to pm me
Topic Starter
Firstly I am feeling really grateful for your help:) as you see, I'm a newbie mapper and really week in mapping(also in playing). For you are willing to take time to correct low-level mistakes about me down, I can only express my respect to you again :3
Also it's available for you to ask me for modding your map(if you don't think my opinion is useless) at any time(or shoot a star) and that's all could I do to express my gratitude:)

Meanwhile,I fixed almost all of the problems your mentioned :)I have fixed the combo problems and DS not only in normal but also in hard and insane:)

Lust wrote:

from my queue. You asked me to mod insane, but honestly you need to fix your normal before anything else.

Please find a video with smaller size. Of course I will

[Normal]Why have the beatsnap on 1/3? all your notes land 1/1s anyways

Major things I have noticed is your spacing. It is very poor and inconsistent in this difficulty. For a newer mapper mapping a normal, I suggest you use DS (distance snap) always and do not force notes in locations that do not need them to be. For example:
  1. 00:27:098 (1,2) - use DS here, make a blanket with 00:27:098 (1) (slider wraps around the note)
  2. 00:29:765 (1,2,3) - here spacing needs to be adjusted. maybe try something like this
  3. 00:32:431 (1,2,3,4) - again do not force these to be here, it will only confuse the player. even spacing is a requirement
  4. 00:37:765 (1,2,3) - ^ change the pattern so that every piece has equal spacing
  5. 00:47:098 (1) - this spinner does not belong here and is too long
  6. 00:44:431 (3,4) - ugly overlap and is avoidable
  7. 00:43:098 (1,2) - ^
  8. 01:03:098 (6) - NC here, try to follow the downbeat (the long white ticks) when coloring your combos
  9. 00:44:431 (3) - Out of order but same for here
  10. 01:04:431 (1,2) - check spacing
  11. 01:07:765 (5,1) - ^
  12. 01:08:431 (1,2,3,1) - weird overlap again (also try and not stack notes on easier difficulties like this)
  13. 01:09:765 (1,2,1,2) - this this this do NOT do this. it may seem good on paper but in play it wont work as well as you think. and why have 01:09:765 (1,2) going in opposite directions but not have 01:12:431 (1,2) doing the same? it only ruins the flow. if anything ctrl+g on 01:13:765 (2)
  14. 01:17:765 (1,2,3,4,5) - awkward, i would change this. straight flow is very weird and you have straight flow all over your map. reminds me of older maps xD
  15. 01:20:431 (1,2,3) - again spacing, do not force always use DS. you have uneven spacing for 1,2,3 and then use the actual spacing for 01:21:765 (3,4), what is the point in doing so? none other than to confuse the player
  16. 01:23:098 (1,2,3,4) - again
  17. 01:27:098 (2,3) - unrankable
  18. 01:28:431 (3,4,5,6) - why the long jump? makes no sense with the music and in normal does not fit
  19. 01:36:431 (1,2,3,4) - you know by now what is wrong
  20. For all of your long sliders, try using green lines to slower the slide speed.
  21. 01:44:431 (3,4,5) - mmm
  22. 01:50:431 (3,4,5,6) - bad flow. in your patterns try and make it so players can smoothly move their cursor along and not have to abruptly change their direction
  23. 01:55:098 (1,2,3) - so now you decide to use correct spacing, keep all the sliders like these
  24. 02:01:765 (9,10,11) - stacks that are unnecessary
  25. 03:24:431 (3) - I should also take the time to point out normal players are not going to be expecting more than one turn in a repeat slider. change all the repeat sliders with more than one turn is my suggestion
  26. 03:27:765 (4) - snap the kiai time on to this note, do not want kiai time going on in to the break
  27. 02:10:765 (1) - same with this, snap kiai on the the end of the spinner
  28. 03:27:765 - this will also give me a chance to point out how obnoxiously long this break is. map it out some more!
okay im done with that, by now you should be able to look through your map and see the problems with it. there are many so I highly suggest you look hard and apply distance snap to everything. Now lets fix these combo colors

  • NC=New combo
  1. 01:07:098 (3) - NC
  2. 01:11:098 (2) - ^
  3. 01:13:765 (2) - ^
  4. 01:16:431 (2) - ^
  5. 01:19:098 (4) - ^
  6. 01:27:098 (2) - ^
  7. 01:28:431 (1) - ^
  8. 01:29:765 (1) - ^
  9. 01:35:098 (2) - ^
  10. 01:37:765 (3) - ^
  11. 01:43:098 (2) - ^
  12. 01:44:431 (1) - ^
  13. 01:45:765 (3) - ^
  14. 01:46:431 (1) - Remove NC
  15. 01:47:098 (1) - NC here
  16. 01:47:765 (1) - Remove NC
  17. 01:48:431 (4) - NC
  18. 01:49:098 (1) - Remove NC
  19. 01:49:765 (1) - NC
  20. 01:51:098 (3) - Remove NC
  21. 01:59:098 (4) - NC
  22. 02:00:431 (4) - ^
  23. 02:01:765 (6) - NC
  24. 02:09:765 (3) - ^
  25. 02:25:765 (3) - ^
  26. 02:28:431 (3) - ^
  27. 02:31:098 (3) - ^
  28. 02:33:765 (3) - ^
  29. 02:44:431 (3) - ^
  30. 02:59:098 (3) - ^
  31. 03:01:098 (1) - Remove NC
  32. 03:01:765 (1) - NC
  33. 03:02:431 (1) - Remove NC
  34. 03:03:098 (3) - NC
  35. 03:15:098 (4) - ^
  36. 03:16:431 (6) - ^
  37. 03:21:765 (5) - ^
  38. 03:52:431 (2) - ^
  39. 03:56:431 (3) - ^
  40. 04:07:098 (3) - ^
  41. 04:09:765 (3) - ^
Since you did also ask me to look at insane, there are some parts that do need work. Mostly your combo colors, your patterns (blankets need to be prettier, flow needs to be better), and your rhythms. Look at other (ranked) insanes to see how they work!

ive done a lot already. apply what you have learned here to your other difficulties. if you need any help feel free to pm me
From my queue~
Thank you for M4M!

  1. File size is more than 24MB. it's unrankable
  2. Airtist: "鹿乃" Title: "アイロニ"
  1. For normal-diff, you should conform DS(Distance Spacing) as much as posibble
    I recommend to use Distance Snap consistently
  2. AR(Approach Rate)-1, OD(Overrall Difficulty)-1
  3. avoid the following points. all of them are difficult and confusing for normal
    overlap like 00:32:431 (1,2,3) - (apply for all diffs)
    many reverse like 00:59:098 (1) -
    exactly the same slider like 01:27:098 (2,3) - (apply for all diffs)
    too many 1/1beat like 03:20:431 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
    1/2 reverse slider like 04:01:765 (3) -
  4. 00:45:431 (4,5,6,7) - the following is better
  5. 00:47:098 (1) - end at 00:51:098
  6. 02:10:765 (1) - 02:11:098~02:13:765
  7. 03:57:431 (1,1) - too difficult. I recommend to end spinner at 03:59:765
  1. HD(HP Drain Rate)-1, OD-1
  2. I prefer to reduce SV(Slider Velocity) to 1.1~1.2x
  3. it is better not to use many reverse like 00:53:765 (1) - frequently
  4. increase DS of the star-pattern like 01:42:765 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  5. 00:46:431 (5) - move to 00:46:265
  6. 01:46:431 (1,2,3) - if you intend to stack correctly, it does well by removing Grid Snap
    at this case, move 01:47:098 (2,3) - to x:295 y:241
  7. 02:59:097 (1) - Object isn't snapped!
  8. 03:59:765 (1) - too large SV. it's not good, imo
  1. many notes are out of 1/3 rhythm. for example the following. please recheck
    00:26:681 (1) -
    01:36:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) -
    02:07:015 (4) -
    03:07:098 (1,2,3,4) -
  2. I prefer to reduce SV to 1.4~1.5x
  3. 00:46:320 (5) - move to 00:46:265 (this is 1/4 rhythm, imo)
  4. 00:46:765 (6) - NC
  5. 01:09:431 (1) - remove DS
  6. 01:20:209 (9) - delete
  7. 01:36:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - slider's ends are out of ryhthm
  8. 01:54:654 (8) - mistake clap?
  9. 02:00:654 (2) - move to 02:00:765- ? (if you intend to suit to vocal, 01:59:765 (1,3) - are out of rhythm )
  10. 02:05:098 (1,2,3,4) - I prefer this
  11. 02:21:098 (1) - 02:21:765~02:23:765
  12. 04:18:431 (1) - Object isn't snapped!
  13. 02:49:320 (3,4,5) - it is better to change into 1 slider
  14. 02:53:543 (9) - move to 02:53:654
  15. 03:14:431 (1,2,3,1) - out of rhythm. maybe this
  16. 03:18:209 (4) - move to 03:18:320
  17. 03:20:876 (4) - move to 03:20:987
  18. 03:21:543 (7,8,9) - if you intend to suit to vocal, change into the following
  19. 03:22:876 (3) - move to 03:22:987
  20. 04:05:543 (10) - move to 04:05:654
mainly basic indication
I'm not sure about 1/3 rhythm map. so please hear the opinions of many other modders
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter
Tks for your mod and I'll edit my reply to tell you what I changed and not :)

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~
Thank you for M4M!

  1. File size is more than 24MB. it's unrankable Fixed
  2. Airtist: "鹿乃" Title: "アイロニ"
Added into Tags cause I prefer using English title in order to search easier
  1. For normal-diff, you should conform DS(Distance Spacing) as much as posibble
    I recommend to use Distance Snap consistently
  2. AR(Approach Rate)-1, OD(Overrall Difficulty)-1
  3. avoid the following points. all of them are difficult and confusing for normal
    overlap like 00:32:431 (1,2,3) - (apply for all diffs)
    many reverse like 00:59:098 (1) -
    exactly the same slider like 01:27:098 (2,3) - (apply for all diffs)
    too many 1/1beat like 03:20:431 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
    1/2 reverse slider like 04:01:765 (3) -
  4. 00:45:431 (4,5,6,7) - the following is better
  5. 00:47:098 (1) - end at 00:51:098
  6. 02:10:765 (1) - 02:11:098~02:13:765
  7. 03:57:431 (1,1) - too difficult. I recommend to end spinner at 03:59:765
I remapped the normal almost with the advise given by you all :)

  1. HD(HP Drain Rate)-1, OD-1 FIxed
  2. I prefer to reduce SV(Slider Velocity) to 1.1~1.2x Ummm....I'll check it
  3. it is better not to use many reverse like 00:53:765 (1) - frequently FIxed
  4. increase DS of the star-pattern like 01:42:765 (1,2,3,4,5) - FIxed
  5. 00:46:431 (5) - move to 00:46:265 FIxed
  6. 01:46:431 (1,2,3) - if you intend to stack correctly, it does well by removing Grid Snap FIxed
    at this case, move 01:47:098 (2,3) - to x:295 y:241 FIxed
  7. 02:59:097 (1) - Object isn't snapped! FIxed
  8. 03:59:765 (1) - too large SV. it's not good, imo
Not Fixed :) I'll check it
  1. many notes are out of 1/3 rhythm. for example the following. please recheck
    00:26:681 (1) - FIxed
    01:36:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - FIxed
    02:07:015 (4) - FIxed
    03:07:098 (1,2,3,4) - FIxed
  2. I prefer to reduce SV to 1.4~1.5x
  3. 00:46:320 (5) - move to 00:46:265 (this is 1/4 rhythm, imo) FIxed
  4. 00:46:765 (6) - NC FIxed
  5. 01:09:431 (1) - remove DS FIxed
  6. 01:20:209 (9) - delete FIxed
  7. 01:36:098 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - slider's ends are out of ryhthm FIxed
  8. 01:54:654 (8) - mistake clap? FIxed
  9. 02:00:654 (2) - move to 02:00:765- ? (if you intend to suit to vocal, 01:59:765 (1,3) - are out of rhythm ) FIxed
  10. 02:05:098 (1,2,3,4) - I prefer this FIxed
  11. 02:21:098 (1) - 02:21:765~02:23:765 FIxed
  12. 04:18:431 (1) - Object isn't snapped! FIxed
  13. 02:49:320 (3,4,5) - it is better to change into 1 slider FIxed and reversed the 02:49:765 (1) -
  14. 02:53:543 (9) - move to 02:53:654 I moved to 02:53:598 (9) -
  15. 03:14:431 (1,2,3,1) - out of rhythm. maybe this
  16. 03:18:209 (4) - move to 03:18:320 FIxed
  17. 03:20:876 (4) - move to 03:20:987 FIxed
  18. 03:21:543 (7,8,9) - if you intend to suit to vocal, change into the following
  19. 03:22:876 (3) - move to 03:22:987 FIxed
  20. 04:05:543 (10) - move to 04:05:654 FIxed and changed the distance

mainly basic indication
I'm not sure about 1/3 rhythm map. so please hear the opinions of many other modders
~Good Luck~
Tks a lot to spend time on my basic problems :)
From my queue ~ M4M Request

00:26:654 (1) - Here is THIS patern =D :
00:29:209 (1) - ^
00:31:987 (1) - ^
00:37:320 (1) - ^
00:39:987 (1) - ^

00:32:431 (2,3,4,5) - Distance Snap
00:39:765 (3,1) - ^
01:14:098 (7,8) - Blanket
01:22:320 (1) - Place it at 01:22:431 and add a circle at 01:22:320
01:23:098 (2,3,4,5) - Use the 1/3 Snap
01:25:765 (2,3,4,5,1) - ^
01:36:098 - In this part, Distance Snap isn't adaptated as the x1.5
01:38:098 (10) - Bad Patern
01:51:987 (1,1,2,3,4,5;6,7,8) - ^
01:57:320 (8,9,10) - ^
02:01:431 (4) - ^
02:02:654 (1) - ^
02:04:265 (6) - ^
02:07:987 (5,6,7) - ^
02:09:598 (2,3) - Placed them on red tick with 1/4 or 1/2
02:12:320 (2) - Placed the end on the white tick
02:43:098 (1,2,3) - With 1/3
02:49:431 - If you follows the vocals, there is a beat here (normally)
02:50:765 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - With 1/3 and don't forget the Distance Snap

So don't forget to placed everything with 1/3 and also with the Distance Snap

That's all ~ Thanks ^w^
Topic Starter

Kenterz9 wrote:

From my queue ~ M4M Request

00:26:654 (1) - Here is THIS patern =D :
00:29:209 (1) - ^
00:31:987 (1) - ^
00:37:320 (1) - ^
00:39:987 (1) - ^ All fixed :)
00:32:431 (2,3,4,5) - Distance Snap fixed
00:39:765 (3,1) - ^ fixed
01:14:098 (7,8) - Blanket fixed
01:22:320 (1) - Place it at 01:22:431 and add a circle at 01:22:320 Sorry but keep :(
01:23:098 (2,3,4,5) - Use the 1/3 Snap Sorry but keep :(
01:25:765 (2,3,4,5,1) - ^ Sorry but keep :(
01:36:098 - In this part, Distance Snap isn't adaptated as the x1.5 I didn't caught your meaning :(
01:38:098 (10) - Bad Patern ^(Cause I didn't recognize your words....
01:51:987 (1,1,2,3,4,5;6,7,8) - ^
01:57:320 (8,9,10) - ^
02:01:431 (4) - ^
02:02:654 (1) - ^
02:04:265 (6) - ^
02:07:987 (5,6,7) - ^
02:09:598 (2,3) - Placed them on red tick with 1/4 or 1/2 Sorry but keep :(
02:12:320 (2) - Placed the end on the white tick Sorry but keep :(Cause following the vocals
02:43:098 (1,2,3) - With 1/3 fixed
02:49:431 - If you follows the vocals, there is a beat here (normally) Sorry but keep :(Cause difficult and not smooth,I'll consider with it in my later working
02:50:765 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - With 1/3 and don't forget the Distance Snap Sorry but keep :(

So don't forget to placed everything with 1/3 and also with the Distance Snap

That's all ~ Thanks ^w^
After all I tried to use 1/4 sliders to make the rhythm stronger and make sliders more gentle :)
And I well keep your advise if it really should be changed :)
The timing that you use is okay, for me. But my suggestion is that the offset should be: 3,090 (-2)
Topic Starter

sheela901 wrote:

The timing that you use is okay, for me. But my suggestion is that the offset should be: 3,090 (-2)
Tks a lot and I fixed it :)

Ouwai :3 From my M4M Queue!
Your mod : Your Mod

General? Na prablem :3 but stop using 1/3 please

  1. Don't try much stacks in this diff. Newbies will confusing to click the circle/slider.
  2. You don't use DS in this diff. Normal must have a DS. Newbies will confusing with the AR. and for new taiko player this is so easy.
  3. 00:29:098 (2,1) - The jump is bit long. Cuz newbies can't catch it -_-
  4. 00:44:431 (1) - u forgot place whistle in here (end slider)
  5. 01:05:765 (1) - it's NC spam
  6. 01:04:431 (1,1) - ugly slider then change into another slider.
  7. 01:09:765 (1) - place finish in the head slider
  8. 01:20:431 (1) - ^
  9. 01:22:431 (4) - wistel
  10. 01:52:431 (1) - add finish in head slider, imo with the kiai time
  11. 02:32:098 (2,1) - Jump bit long.
  12. 02:33:765 (1) - the slider looks different as before slider, Considering copy paste the before slider, then Remove nc in 02:33:765 (1)
  13. 02:35:098 (1) - Whistle
  14. 02:56:431 (1) - Finish in head slider
  15. 03:01:098 (5) - Add NC, and remove nc in 03:01:765 (1). Instead.
  16. 04:00:431 (1) - Finish in head slider
  17. 04:19:098 (1) - The spinner must end in 04:21:765
  1. The slider velocity is too fast.
  2. No hitsound any yet in some part? This is very easy for hard taiko player. it's unrankable.
  3. 00:53:431 (3,1) - the jump very long
  4. 00:56:098 (2,1) - ^ too
    Just that.
  1. 00:36:765 (1,1) - NC spam
  2. 01:32:431 (1) - Like this?
  3. 01:36:765 (4,7,10) - add nc here. This combo bit long.
  4. 01:38:098 (10) - make 1 reverse arrow again in this slider?
  5. 01:52:431 (1) - finish
  6. 01:54:431 (6,7,8) - don't stack in here
more is coming soon
Good Luck :3~
AR 7和8都很适合,不过个人喜欢给温柔的曲子配低AR

00:50:765 (1) - 左右对称的放置会更好看些。还有00:53:431 (1) 也是。后面的物件直到转圈之前也都可以用左右对称的pattern
01:32:098 (2) - 01:33:431 (2) - 都叠在滑条尾或者都离开它
01:36:098 (1,2,3) - 用(滑条-点)来代替,后面那几个也一样
02:40:431 (1,2,3,4) - 这样把节奏不均匀的点排在一条线有老图的感觉,折起来比较好看。相似的还有下面这条
00:41:764 (1,12) - 这一块全是点而且排列没有转折,也有类似的感觉,可以用滑条替换当中的一些点
02:23:431 (1) - 这一句被转盘带过感觉略可惜
02:45:765 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 一种在一群H+梗中混了个I+梗的感觉。如果没有这个梗我还想建议CS5的。。。
03:12:431 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 像五角星这种规则排列的梗最好做到时间上的DS,否则打起来会不舒服
03:51:931 (1) - 好像摆到1/2的线上了,这里应该是在1/3线上的。好像还有一些也是这样
04:20:098 (1) - 我好想拉个⑨啊>O<
Topic Starter
Thanks for your mod and GD

one7th wrote:

AR 7和8都很适合,不过个人喜欢给温柔的曲子配低AR

00:50:765 (1) - 左右对称的放置会更好看些。还有00:53:431 (1) 也是。后面的物件直到转圈之前也都可以用左右对称的pattern
01:32:098 (2) - 01:33:431 (2) - 都叠在滑条尾或者都离开它
01:36:098 (1,2,3) - 用(滑条-点)来代替,后面那几个也一样
02:40:431 (1,2,3,4) - 这样把节奏不均匀的点排在一条线有老图的感觉,折起来比较好看。相似的还有下面这条
00:41:764 (1,12) - 这一块全是点而且排列没有转折,也有类似的感觉,可以用滑条替换当中的一些点
02:23:431 (1) - 这一句被转盘带过感觉略可惜
02:45:765 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - 一种在一群H+梗中混了个I+梗的感觉。如果没有这个梗我还想建议CS5的。。。
03:12:431 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 像五角星这种规则排列的梗最好做到时间上的DS,否则打起来会不舒服
03:51:931 (1) - 好像摆到1/2的线上了,这里应该是在1/3线上的。好像还有一些也是这样
04:20:098 (1) - 我好想拉个⑨啊>O<
Topic Starter
Combined my insane and hard and tks for one7th's insane diff :)
back to wait for modding :)






00:58:765 (1) - 長轉盤換掉↓↓↓↓↓,實在拉不出來可以選擇放棄或者PM我

Topic Starter
and实际上我也很喜欢one7th's GD(因为打起来比原来的我的insane要好的多,不论是在节奏还是arrange方面)
and非常感谢your mod



如果可以的话希望可以得到PM MOD以及指点=。=谢谢

zengdaen wrote:







00:58:765 (1) - 長轉盤換掉↓↓↓↓↓,實在拉不出來可以選擇放棄或者PM我

From m4m req

This color means something you can either choose to fix or not to fix cause I prefer to do this.
This color means some suggestions.
And this color means some issue to fix I think.

问题感觉上比hard要小,但是如果要我来说的话似乎还得是remap一下比较好一点,质量还是不够,音轨问题仍然存在不过要好很多,然后间距尽量用distance snap,无论何处都保证不要跳,跳不是normal的做法。包括突然地间距减小也是一定不要的,除非有很明显的征兆。如果你remap完了的话可以找我来再mod遍,我会以最高优先级来看你的图。
还需要注意的一点是音效用法,最常见的是24clap,就是在两根长白线中间有三条短白线,从第一条长白线数起找第二根和第四根白线然后加clap是通常做法,然后finish一般是加13白线,你就记,24clap 13finish即可,不过我感觉还是得解决主要问题,hitsound是锦上添花的东西。
第三:中间有一个印象特别深的超快的滑条 03:59:765 (1) - 这个确确实实太突然了
第四:无意义堆梗问题:比如03:25:098 (1) - 其实我感觉这里与其用一个滑条带过还不如老老实实下节奏,vocal多适合跟啊。。关键的是这样的地方还挺多的。。

[one7th's baka]
00:38:320 - 是否考虑在这里加note以覆盖vocal呢?
01:18:987 - ^,而且二连打着还是很有意思的
01:27:987 - 倾向于这里加note
01:29:320 - ^
01:38:765 (9,10,11,12) - 全弄成二连是有条件并且会增加趣味的,不过难度也增加了,考虑一下吧
01:40:098 (1) - 这个spinner倾向于改成slider,因为头上有音又适合长滑条
01:58:987 (4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 我感觉之前你是在跟vocal的,然后这个地方就是第一组和第四组是重音在滑条头上,而中间两组重音在circle上,打击感分布不均有一种用梗带过的感觉,如果跟drum的话倒是有点感觉,但是我没听出来这里有很多drum。。慎重一下这里的节奏。
02:02:765 - 我感觉这样更贴vocal02:03:654 (5,6,7,8,9) - 五连实在是没有根据,跟的轨道应该是vocal
02:05:320 (1) - 见前边的图
02:06:765 - 少个note,虽然空一空也还可以不过这里还是加上
02:07:987 (1,2) - 还是不推荐这种节奏型,因为1的尾巴上正好是个长音
02:35:098 (1) - 啊。。这个滑条啊。。少了好多节奏,补齐了吧。。
03:10:321 (5,6,7,8,9) - 五连没有依据
03:12:432 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这里的连打也是没有依据的。。
03:13:098 (7,8,9) - 很松的节奏型,最起码7是可以打破然后往里塞一点节奏的
03:14:432 (10) - ^
后边那些五连我不挑了,03:17:320 (1,1) - 类似这样的地方我也不说了,因为前边已经说过
03:21:098 (4) - 这个应该减少1/3的感觉,因为这个音应该是要短一点的
04:18:431 (1) - spinner?这里不应该是挺好摆的节奏么。。Placement
00:31:765 (10,1) - 有一点confusing,间距的变化
00:32:431 (3,4) - blanket就是说的这个地方可以让滑条包着note,让note判定线在收缩的时候正好某一时刻和滑条侧面重合,这方面的问题我就不再检查了,有相当多的地方。00:33:765 (7,8) - 也是
00:32:431 (3,4) - 这里还有间距问题,不觉得这个4跳的有些突然么?
00:35:431 (4) - 这里突然增大的间距,这里还是用1.4以下的小间距还是很有味道的,跳大了反而会有一种比较突然的感觉。虽然说这里还是有比较充分的跳的理由的。而且你其他地方没出现那么大的间距
00:45:320 (7) - 注意flow问题,我感觉这里是不应该换flow的,让7从6的右边顺下来
00:52:765 (2,4) - 单独拿这个blanket说下,我感觉这里维持原状即可,不然改起来相当麻烦
01:09:431 (2,3,4,5) - 这几个间距差了一点,可以稍微统一下
01:14:098 (9) - 反blanket专业户,我觉得似是有意为之,不过为何呢。。
01:17:320 (4) - 跳比较突然
01:20:431 (6,7,8) - 间距好大,对比一下你后边的那些间距,然后还有就是这几个之间间距还是控制一下弄得相等比较好,(01:23:098 (2,3,4,5) - )
01:28:098 (1) - 又是一个跳比较突然的地方
01:35:098 (1) - 我觉得后边那个滑条跟他的间距得是这个滑条的速度为基准,不能突然一个间距拉开然后其实是一个连续的vocal
01:50:987 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) - 间距增加固然很有味道,不过我感觉其实跳的有点大,不过打起来倒也是有点high
01:53:765 (8,9) - 是个梗,不过有一种断开的感觉,还是考虑一下顺flow吧?其实改起来会有够麻烦的。。
01:55:431 (4) - 这里也不要叠摊开就好啦
01:57:431 (11) - 我就吐槽一下这锚点
02:01:765 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 串分几组没问题,个人意见是间距一定要一致,要不然会比较confusing。
02:12:654 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 这梗串之间距离略大啊。。
02:41:431 (1,2) - 不用stack,前边相似的地方你没用stack
02:48:431 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 注意串里面的每个note是不是等间距
02:55:098 (1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,4) - 统一每组串内部的间距,因为我感觉这一part里面串应该还是等价的,不如弄成跟前边那几个串一样的间距吧
03:12:432 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 串内部间距太小了看上去不展开
03:23:098 (3,4) - stack摊开
04:00:765 (6,7,8,9,10) - 注意串间距
That's my suggestions. Thanks for requesting.If you have any questions feel free to send pm to me.:) .
EDIT:(ノ·ω·)ノ︵ 加油! :)
嗯 from 百度Pending吧 自主自愿送渣mod

tag: Bilibili->Bilibili Douga

[one7th's baka]
作为I难度略简单了点...排列方面 虽然滑条速度选的挺合适 不过note之间的间距略小
00:46:654 - 这边开始转
00:48:431 - 节奏比较松的这一段做的不好 而且实际上这一部分也不好做..
01:15:098 (1,2) - 取缔 这歌除了前面有个吉他没有1/2节奏 说是自创倒是可以说 不过说出来感觉不太好..
01:22:098 (10) - stack下一个滑条尾巴(建议 后同
01:25:765 (4) - oh.-.
01:30:431 (10) - stack下一个滑条尾巴
01:36:431 (2) - 可跳 1.8ds什么的都是没问题的 滑条和圈之间的间距可以大 因为滑条判定松
02:01:765 (1) - 这个 间距容易读成1/3
02:02:431 (7) - 这边节奏没下好 试试这里滑条 下一个滑条尾巴没有对应的音 这里节奏得重弄
02:03:876 (7) - 删 奇数连打是1/4节奏下的东西 前面的那个作为过渡还说的过去 这个ng
02:06:987 - 吐槽节奏开始的到这里为止的节奏可能要重弄 没下好 嗯 可能是想弄出点新东西 但是效果不好建议老老实实弄
02:08:987 (5) - 这两个1/3不合适啊.-.
02:37:431 (2) - 个人是建议删
02:43:098 (2,3) - 这两个1/3不合适啊.-.
02:46:654 (2) - 额 滑条尾巴压长音 前面的1/3也是 不合适啊.-.
03:51:987 (1) - 前面一段似乎复制粘贴了于是懒b 这边建议拉长1/3
03:55:987 (6) - 这个时间点上的vocal是短音但是滑条给连在一起了 不合适
04:05:543 (3) - pu...节奏错了,右下角1/4速听一下
04:13:543 (3) - 如果是想弄出点新东西..好吧 效果不好

02:50:765 (1) - 取缔1/2
03:17:765 (1) - ^
03:51:987 (1) - ^,稍微唱快了 但是还是应该是1/3
03:59:765 (1) - .-.
04:00:431 (1) - 取缔
04:05:543 (10) - .-.取缔 取缔、取缔
虽然排列非常有问题以至于可能要大手术甚至re排列 不过多次折返滑条梗是我见过的用的比较好的了 还有02:33:765 (1,2,3) - 这样stack什么的梗 虽然简单但是用的很好 后面接若干次折返的1/1节奏滑条 现在的map似乎没人敢这么干 嘛 反正大概是这一段打消了我准备试完图跑的冲动..额
然后我把我交给wonders的gd挖了出来 改了offset和音效: 如果不嫌弃可以送过来当gd hard
嗯 wonders也希望你能加油(我们都是懒b不愿意找mod233
Topic Starter
很抱歉现在才回复你拉,小七的GD已经转达给mapper了╮(╯▽╰)╭ hard和insane我会在明天remap and 重新check 的 :)

azuretwinight wrote:

From m4m req

This color means something you can either choose to fix or not to fix cause I prefer to do this.
This color means some suggestions.
And this color means some issue to fix I think.

问题感觉上比hard要小,但是如果要我来说的话似乎还得是remap一下比较好一点,质量还是不够,音轨问题仍然存在不过要好很多,然后间距尽量用distance snap,无论何处都保证不要跳,跳不是normal的做法。包括突然地间距减小也是一定不要的,除非有很明显的征兆。如果你remap完了的话可以找我来再mod遍,我会以最高优先级来看你的图。
还需要注意的一点是音效用法,最常见的是24clap,就是在两根长白线中间有三条短白线,从第一条长白线数起找第二根和第四根白线然后加clap是通常做法,然后finish一般是加13白线,你就记,24clap 13finish即可,不过我感觉还是得解决主要问题,hitsound是锦上添花的东西。
第三:中间有一个印象特别深的超快的滑条 03:59:765 (1) - 这个确确实实太突然了
第四:无意义堆梗问题:比如03:25:098 (1) - 其实我感觉这里与其用一个滑条带过还不如老老实实下节奏,vocal多适合跟啊。。关键的是这样的地方还挺多的。。

[one7th's baka]
00:38:320 - 是否考虑在这里加note以覆盖vocal呢?
01:18:987 - ^,而且二连打着还是很有意思的
01:27:987 - 倾向于这里加note
01:29:320 - ^
01:38:765 (9,10,11,12) - 全弄成二连是有条件并且会增加趣味的,不过难度也增加了,考虑一下吧
01:40:098 (1) - 这个spinner倾向于改成slider,因为头上有音又适合长滑条
01:58:987 (4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 我感觉之前你是在跟vocal的,然后这个地方就是第一组和第四组是重音在滑条头上,而中间两组重音在circle上,打击感分布不均有一种用梗带过的感觉,如果跟drum的话倒是有点感觉,但是我没听出来这里有很多drum。。慎重一下这里的节奏。
02:02:765 - 我感觉这样更贴vocal02:03:654 (5,6,7,8,9) - 五连实在是没有根据,跟的轨道应该是vocal
02:05:320 (1) - 见前边的图
02:06:765 - 少个note,虽然空一空也还可以不过这里还是加上
02:07:987 (1,2) - 还是不推荐这种节奏型,因为1的尾巴上正好是个长音
02:35:098 (1) - 啊。。这个滑条啊。。少了好多节奏,补齐了吧。。
03:10:321 (5,6,7,8,9) - 五连没有依据
03:12:432 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这里的连打也是没有依据的。。
03:13:098 (7,8,9) - 很松的节奏型,最起码7是可以打破然后往里塞一点节奏的
03:14:432 (10) - ^
后边那些五连我不挑了,03:17:320 (1,1) - 类似这样的地方我也不说了,因为前边已经说过
03:21:098 (4) - 这个应该减少1/3的感觉,因为这个音应该是要短一点的
04:18:431 (1) - spinner?这里不应该是挺好摆的节奏么。。Placement
00:31:765 (10,1) - 有一点confusing,间距的变化
00:32:431 (3,4) - blanket就是说的这个地方可以让滑条包着note,让note判定线在收缩的时候正好某一时刻和滑条侧面重合,这方面的问题我就不再检查了,有相当多的地方。00:33:765 (7,8) - 也是
00:32:431 (3,4) - 这里还有间距问题,不觉得这个4跳的有些突然么?
00:35:431 (4) - 这里突然增大的间距,这里还是用1.4以下的小间距还是很有味道的,跳大了反而会有一种比较突然的感觉。虽然说这里还是有比较充分的跳的理由的。而且你其他地方没出现那么大的间距
00:45:320 (7) - 注意flow问题,我感觉这里是不应该换flow的,让7从6的右边顺下来
00:52:765 (2,4) - 单独拿这个blanket说下,我感觉这里维持原状即可,不然改起来相当麻烦
01:09:431 (2,3,4,5) - 这几个间距差了一点,可以稍微统一下
01:14:098 (9) - 反blanket专业户,我觉得似是有意为之,不过为何呢。。
01:17:320 (4) - 跳比较突然
01:20:431 (6,7,8) - 间距好大,对比一下你后边的那些间距,然后还有就是这几个之间间距还是控制一下弄得相等比较好,(01:23:098 (2,3,4,5) - )
01:28:098 (1) - 又是一个跳比较突然的地方
01:35:098 (1) - 我觉得后边那个滑条跟他的间距得是这个滑条的速度为基准,不能突然一个间距拉开然后其实是一个连续的vocal
01:50:987 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4) - 间距增加固然很有味道,不过我感觉其实跳的有点大,不过打起来倒也是有点high
01:53:765 (8,9) - 是个梗,不过有一种断开的感觉,还是考虑一下顺flow吧?其实改起来会有够麻烦的。。
01:55:431 (4) - 这里也不要叠摊开就好啦
01:57:431 (11) - 我就吐槽一下这锚点
02:01:765 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 串分几组没问题,个人意见是间距一定要一致,要不然会比较confusing。
02:12:654 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 这梗串之间距离略大啊。。
02:41:431 (1,2) - 不用stack,前边相似的地方你没用stack
02:48:431 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 注意串里面的每个note是不是等间距
02:55:098 (1,2,3,4,1,1,2,3,4) - 统一每组串内部的间距,因为我感觉这一part里面串应该还是等价的,不如弄成跟前边那几个串一样的间距吧
03:12:432 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 串内部间距太小了看上去不展开
03:23:098 (3,4) - stack摊开
04:00:765 (6,7,8,9,10) - 注意串间距
That's my suggestions. Thanks for requesting.If you have any questions feel free to send pm to me.:) .
EDIT:(ノ·ω·)ノ︵ 加油! :)
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