
New here, so hai.

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Do I have to do this?
Oh well..

Ohai everyone!

I'm Cye and yes, that's my real name aswell. It is actually pronounced as "Kai-ee", which I assume you guys didn't know. :P
Well, I just started playing this game, and I've like been playing a few songs which I like. I found this game through a friend, who suprisingly doesn't even play this game, yet knows alot about it.
Hmm.. Well, so far I can say, that the game is quite hard. I tried Normal or Hard once, and it was impossible. :3

So.. something about me.. Well, I'm from Sweden, and funny thing is that my name isn't Swedish, even if my parents are both from Sweden. Weird.
Apart from that, my interests is to watch Anime, and I'm a Gamer. I play lots of games, or I did.. But yeah..
Uhm.. I'm really shy actually, and not the funniest guy to talk to, as I usually make a fool out of myself without noticing it.

So, yeah, this is my introduction, and I hope I'll have a good time.
Take care, and thanks! :)

Cye wrote:

I'm Cye and yes, that's my real name aswell. It is actually pronounced as "Kai-ee", which I assume you guys didn't know. :P
That's interesting. Is it the Swedish pronounciation? At first, I was pronoucing it like "sea" haha
Don't worry about the game difficulty, it's always hard at the beginning but the skill curve goes up quite quickly. Soon you'll be able to pass Insane maps :P
Anyway, welcome to the forums!
trust in Saten to guide and lead your people \:D/

anyway, welcome to osu!. let me know if you need help with anything, or maybe just ask in the #help channel :)
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XPJ38: Thank you very much! :)
The name isn't Swedish, well, it shouldn't be. :P So, I don't think it's the Swedish pronounciation of my name nor that there is a Swedish pronouncaition either. People who tried to read my name, usually went by "Sai". :)

deadbeat: Not really sure who Saten is, but thanks! :D
Oooooooh a player from Sweden o.o Well hello there, and welcome to osu! ^^ *adds to friends* I would've also pronounced your name as "Sai" XD And don't worry about the hard diffs just yet. You are only just beginning to play so I'd rather you not rush into the harder diffs until later. I would be happy to help ya if that's ok ^^ See you around!
Sweden Players <3! So! Welcome the forums!
Enjoy yourself!
welcome :)
feel free to ask
hope you can enjoy this game and it's forum :D
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Zalaria: Thank you vert much! And yes please, I would love to get some help from you! Thank you! :)

[-Sophie-]: Oh why thank you! :)

Kurogamii: Thank you and I will! :)
Ohhai, welcome to the forums :3
Hope you'll enjoy your time der owo~~

and no matter what, all Ign's or names that start with C , I always end up reading them as C. so my pronunciation of your name is terrible~ yadda ;A;..
o 3 o ...

Cye wrote:

deadbeat: Not really sure who Saten is, but thanks! :D
Saten is a Global Moderator also from Sweden :p
Welcome to osu! Cye hope you enjoy your stay! Just keep practicing you'll get the hang of things eventually, feel free to add me as well I love making friends and i tend to make a fool of myself too so I won't judge you! If you have any questions don't be afraid to send me a message!
Refer to my signature to read the rules/welcome message!
Welcome to osu! Dude

Enjoy playing

deadbeat wrote:

Saten is a Global Moderator also from Sweden :p

yea.. xD
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